
On Neptune, the wind rises to 1770 km / h, so you understand, this is faster than the speed of sound.


June 20, 2022

Arctic ice is practically not decreasing in size.

Due to the polar night, the surface of the Arctic Ocean continuously cools 50-150 days a year. Winter in this region lasts about 6.5 months, and the summer is sunny but cold, so the Arctic ice practically does not decrease in size.


June 20, 2022

Obese esportsmen were more successful in long game tournaments.

Researchers have found out how obesity affects the success of esports athletes. Being overweight doesn't do them any good, but in long gaming tournaments it can be an advantage.


June 20, 2022

Live to the fullest! Enjoy life every day!

Do whatever you want with your life. write a book, get a tattoo, dye your hair a crazy color, confess your love at last. After all, someday only a dash between two dates will remain of you, and no one knows when this will happen. live each day to the fullest. just feel the taste of freedom.


June 20, 2022

When people let you go, let them go.

People will either love or hate you anyway. No matter how hard you try to please them, no matter how much you give second chances. If he/she loves you, he/she will show it. A person will not leave you or make you wait. And if someone does not like you the way you are, there will always be others who will gladly get to know you better. Know your worth and move on!


June 20, 2022

Benefits of divorce for women

There is time for yourself. A woman (especially if there are no children in a couple) no longer needs to stand at the stove every evening, iron her shirts and wash her socks. It becomes possible to live without looking back at someone else's opinion. Many divorced women understand perfectly what I'm talking about. Either the husband does not like the red lipstick that you bought yesterday on the way home from work, or the mother-in-law makes claims about the ideal borscht or the manner of raising children. Growing career prospects. Having divorced a man, a woman begins to look for new sources of income in order to provide herself and her children with the same level of comfort. She is not afraid to take on any job, actively manifests herself and achieves success in the professional field.


June 20, 2022

Give positive emotions.

If a husband is happy next to you, will he look at others? Working on emotional fulfillment in a relationship is important. The “wow-effect” gives the greatest charge: for example, from jointly overcome difficulties. You can simply create as many bright positive memories as possible: for example, from an actively spent vacation.


June 20, 2022

It's so typical of people...waiting for happiness.

I'll start start living my best life as soon as I will finish college! I'll get my dream job and everything will change! I'll meet a real man and he'll make me happy! We're always waiting for him or her to be better, more responsible, more purposeful and then we'll be HAPPY. But alas, not out partners or circumstances make us happy. If there is no feeling of inner harmony, our acceptance of ourselves, and understanding of our own wishes and goals, then nothing can make us happier. So if you want to be happy, start with yourself!


June 20, 2022

Criticism is the best motivation.

If you are motivated to BETTER yourself, the form in which you are criticized is not a problem. Get value out of any formulation, as long as it's worth it. Where and how criticism can be useful? If your are criticized by your colleague, an expert in the field you're talking about, listen carefully. Even if she or he expresses her/himself harshly, the content may be really important. Perhaps, arguing critically and constructively, he can show you the right direction, help you look at the question from another point of view or just share fresh thoughts and ideas. And that's exactly what you need right now!


June 20, 2022

Common ploy.

We are frequently pushed to take actions that are advantageous to the manipulators. A confident intonation and a commanding tone do everything for them. For example: "You can take my word for it, that's better." The best defense I can advise is not to remain silent to phrases like, "And who exactly would benefit?", "What do you mean by that phrase?"


June 20, 2022

The quality of sex does not depend on its duration at all!

Scientists called the "golden mean" - 10 minutes. Anything less is considered mundane and hastily. If it takes longer, it can get boring.


June 20, 2022

Sex instead of exercise.

Try replacing night and evening sex with early morning sex and your body will thank you. Morning sex is good for health, as muscle groups are involved, blood circulation improves, breathing becomes deeper and you feel cheerful.


June 20, 2022

It is necessary not to think, but to give the man what he wants.

Overwhelm him with caresses, fulfill whims, but not be intrusive in personal relationships (for example, “torment” him with calls, demanding attention to yourself). The strongest networks are invisible. It is with them that the skillful seductress braids the body, soul and brain of a man.


June 20, 2022

Sex must be of high quality.

It is known that over time, the former passion fades away, and in order for intimate life not to stop, partners should have sex often - at least 4 times a week. Frequent sex has a good effect on the psyche and overall satisfaction with life.


June 20, 2022

"Light as a feather"

Buy a large, beautiful feather from an adult store. Lie on your back, close your eyes and ask your man to stroke your entire body with a feather. At first it will be ticklish, but your task is to make this feeling go away. This will happen when you can completely relax. An excellent way of erotic meditation, which will allow you to focus on feelings here and now.


June 20, 2022

"Card deck"

Take a deck of cards and agree on the meaning of each suit. For example, let worms mean kissing, spades mean petting, clubs mean massage, diamonds mean oral sex. The number on the map is the number of seconds to implement this type of caress. Just draw cards randomly from the deck one by one and enjoy the game.


June 20, 2022

Hardening: benefit or harm?

Hardening is a procedure that improves health, positively affects the immune system and increases life expectancy. Scientists have found that the benefits of cold are precisely in those unpleasant sensations that it causes in humans. Ice water is a short-term stress for both the body and the psyche. Receiving information about this stress from the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland secretes certain hormones that activate the immune system, heal the heart and blood vessels. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, health status and age. You can not start hardening with extreme dousing with ice water or swimming in an ice hole, you need to prepare the body for this gradually, gradually lowering the temperature of the water or air and increasing the duration of the procedures.


June 19, 2022

The gut is the second brain.

The gut is sometimes called the “second brain,” and for good reason. Scientists have already proven that its microflora can affect the mood and memory of a person. The beauty and health of the whole organism depends on the proper functioning of the intestines. The good news is that the gut microbiota is not inherited – it can be “grown”, including with the help of probiotics, live microorganisms. But first you need to figure out what the microbiota is - experts talk about this.


June 19, 2022

Hormonal balance and green tea.

Green tea stimulates metabolism. Antioxidants increase the release of the neurochemical norepinephrine in the blood and promote its circulation better than any other caffeinated drink. More active (about three times) circulation of norepinephrine means effective fat burning. Tea contains antioxidants that boost the immune system. The antioxidants found in green tea travel throughout the body in search of free radicals. Not only do they eliminate them, but they can undo some of the damage they've already done. It has a relaxing effect on the body and at the same time improves brain function. Stimulates the production of alpha waves, which are usually activated during meditation. This effect neutralizes the jitters that many feel when consuming caffeinated beverages. Feel free to drink green tea to get rid of stressful tension.


June 19, 2022

When planning a trip to nature, use these tips and relax without annoying ticks!

1. Eucalyptus oil can be used alone or in combination with lemongrass oil to repel any insects. 2. Lemon This oil is said to be particularly effective in controlling ticks, fleas and even lice. 3. Mint This essential oil is toxic to insects and is an effective natural repellant. 4. Lavender The most amazing thing is that people love the scent of lavender, but ticks can't stand it. Moreover, this also applies to midges and mosquitoes. 5. Schisandra chinensis oil It has a bright citrus scent and is a natural flea and tick repellent.


June 19, 2022