What foods can replace salt.

Excess salt is harmful to the body. No wonder WHO calls to reduce its consumption to 4-5 g per day (a teaspoon without a slide). Try to follow this advice. True, unsalted food seems to many to be too bland and not very tasty. is there an alternative? We tell you how to replace salt with benefits for the body.


June 21, 2022


Lace erotic lingerie and sexy fragrance will awaken the desire of even the busiest man. Representatives of the stronger sex - aesthetes, it is important for them to see the disturbing picture of a woman in front of them.


June 21, 2022

Watch out for alcohol before sex.

If you decide to drink on a date or before sex, then remember: Drink always in moderation. A maximum of two glasses of strong liquor or two or three glasses of wine. If you feel too much, drink strong black tea and give up sex until you feel better. For women, alcohol intoxication is not a big problem, unlike guys, who should be as careful as possible, because having too much alcohol, sex may not happen due to the banal lack of an erection. Secondly, your sensitivity will drop dramatically and you will not see a bright orgasm.


June 21, 2022


BDSM has a huge number of types, below is a list of the most common: Bondage. This type of BDSM includes various bindings, restriction of movement, and even cages where you can lock the subordinate. Flagellation. The view where the Submissive is spanked with whips and ropes. At the same time, body parts are fixed so that they cannot be removed.


June 21, 2022

The best lubricants

Extreme Glide - the lubricant comes with the addition of cosmetic silicone, so it maintains gliding for a very long time (which is what we need) Swiss Navy Silicone is not a budget lubricant but is made from the best quality silicone available on the market today. Anal Premium JO - gentle and velvety lubricant, non-sticky and long lasting JUJU ANAL - a lubricant that does not absorb into the skin and provides a perfect glide Shunga Toko Silicone is also not the most budget option, but it's just super long lasting!


June 21, 2022

Interesting fact.

Girls with extremely high external indicators are often worse in sex than "ordinary" girls. What is the rule here? The beauty thinks that her beautiful body is already enough for the maximum pleasure of a man. But “ordinary” girls want intimacy with a man more and therefore will try to make it happen again. That is, they will try to compensate for some flaws in their appearance with their involvement. Here's another reason for you to try to "lower the bar" requirements for girls!


June 21, 2022

A wonderful "hidden" compliment.

It can be used with a girl during a date if you are in some crowded place. Park, cafe, bar, club - it doesn't matter at all. The main thing is that there are a lot of people around. And then you can use the following phrase: “Look around, just be careful. See? All the men around look at us and envy me. They are jealous that I am talking to the most beautiful girl in this bar/restaurant/park/etc. Yes, a little vanilla. Therefore, such a phrase should be used in moments, so to speak, of a romantic intensity. That is, shortly before the kiss or at the climax of the date, if there have already been kisses.


June 21, 2022

Low self-esteem.

This is a real problem that hinders the lives of many women. An insecure girl needs constant approval from her lover. "Am I beautiful?", "Am I smart?"... These phrases slowly but surely squeeze all the juice out of a man. Understand, he does not want to be a comforter or a nanny. He wants to see an inspired woman next to him, radiating positivity and confidence!


June 21, 2022

Signs that a man will not leave his wife.

Remember 6 points by which you can determine that the partner does not think to connect his life with you. 1. He does not discuss joint plans. He doesn't plan anything with you even a week ahead. 2. He doesn't confess his love to you. Revelations of a drunken romantic do not count. It has nothing to do with love. 3. He plays the victim. He is always looking for excuses, just not to leave his family?! 4. He hides you from friends. Is his best friend aware of your affair? When a man hides a girl for a long time, it is unlikely that his intentions are serious. 5. He is not interested in your life. What do you get from him besides sex? He worries, surrounds with attention? 6. He plays for time. Phrases: “Let's wait”, “I need time” are just excuses.


June 21, 2022

Ready or not, here I come, you can't hide.

I'm sorry, guys, but I'm about to give away the greatest manipulation ever. Of course, this technique is used everywhere, but the best example is relationships. Perhaps everyone has come across the following situation: you have a match with someone, things start looking up, and then he or she suddenly disappears. And then a couple of days later, "Hey, how are you?" The "loss" technique. This way, the person stimulates the other's attention so the other will do everything in order not to lose again. Such a maneuver, by the way, is very common in business relationships.


June 21, 2022

How to control a crowd easily?

I'll give you a hint that can be easily applied to any group of people or even a family. Have you ever heard about the Abilene paradox? The bottom line is that a person counter to the preferences of many very rarely. That is, first you have to pitch an idea to the particular group. For example, at the beginning of the week, make a suggestion to go to the countryside. During the week, emphasize how good it is to be outdoors. Believe me, one of the members will agree with you. And the others will be just aware of your plans. The phenomenon of groupthink is that everyone counts not their own interests. And just so you know, in team building, this paradox is called the "Fake Success of Unanimous Team Decision Making." And here's what I'd like to add: No matter how much you want it, social factors always affect your INNER SELF.


June 21, 2022

Three steps ahead.

Thinking FORWARD is a great skill, not only in business matters. Think about any situation at least three steps ahead. It helps make the right decisions, avoiding unnecessary risks. How to develop this skill? CHESS. Has it ever interested you, why many great men spent their free time studying the chess battles of the great grandmasters? That's how they learned to think three steps ahead!


June 21, 2022

The girl watches porn for $20 an hour and calls her job the best in the world.

Rebecca Dixon beat 90,000 competitors to partner with ethical sex content site Bedbible. Her job is to watch porn and prepare statistical reports on industry trends. She is paid $20 an hour, nearly three times the US federal minimum wage. The first task for 22-year-old Rebecca was to analyze the 100 most popular videos on Pornhub. The girl needs to enter in the table the timing of each video, the poses presented in it, the number of orgasms the actors have, the language of their communication, and other data.


June 21, 2022

Created "sugar for weight loss."

Scientists have found a way to get the sweet protein brazzein, a harmless sugar substitute that can be an alternative to carbohydrate sugars. At the same time, it is 2,000 times sweeter than regular sugar, the researchers say. A new technology for the production of brazzein will help reduce the amount of “hidden sugar” in food and will make a significant contribution to the fight against obesity, scientists believe.


June 21, 2022

The Pentagon plans to use SpaceX for military purposes.

The idea of the military is the so-called "rapid response to deliver resources." That is, the Pentagon wants to buy a whole Starship fleet in order to use the ships as ground-to-air-to-ground trucks in which case. Rockets are much faster than airplanes and will be able to deliver any supplies anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes.


June 21, 2022

A goat named Simba from the Pakistani city of Karachi set a world record - her ears were recognized as the longest among relatives.

Each ear of Simba is 46 centimeters long - the animal can actually walk on them or wrap them up like a scarf. Simba is a Nubian goat, this breed has long ears designed to protect from the heat. In Karachi, for example, most of the summer the temperature does not fall below 30 degrees. But even by the standards of Nubian goats, Simba noticeably wins - she is best prepared for the heat.


June 21, 2022

Lenovo showed the laptop of the future. It works without a screen.

The Chinese company Lenovo has demonstrated its vision of portable computers of the future. A concept called MOZI has already received the Red Dot Design Award 2022. The laptop does not have an integrated display. Instead, a projector capable of forming an image is located at the top of the case. Another feature of the device is a retractable keyboard, hidden inside the case. It can be completely removed when watching videos or presentations, saving space on the table. Technical characteristics of the device are not given, because so far it exists only in the form of a concept development.


June 21, 2022

7 charismatic zodiac signs that conquer others with one smile. Sagittarius.

There is something about Sagittarius that shines through with charisma and strength. Maybe the whole point is that they are really passionate about new people, places and things. People love to feel like they're interested, and Sagittarius will make you feel like you're the most charming person in the room or on the planet. They are excellent speakers and gravitate towards black humor. Their bubbly, sunny and joyful nature is almost impossible to resist.


June 21, 2022

The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 9th place - Aries.

Impulsive Aries, like Libra, like to discuss what they read, but not for the love of discussion, but rather for the sake of effect. Behind their complex nature, it is almost impossible to discern an inquisitive mind, and yet they often have an outstanding intellect. For all their love of justice, Aries do not know halftones. Books, in their understanding, are divided into two categories: literary masterpieces and waste paper. The latter includes everything that the stellar stubborn people did not want to get a grasp of (yes, these are the very lovers of “flipping through”). The category of "masterpieces" most often includes works on military and philosophical topics, as well as adventure and historical novels. And, of course, Aries remember from childhood those stories in which the characters overcome difficulties, getting out of the most difficult situations, and good triumphs over evil. Convinced that they are always on the side of "good", they themselves love to win, but rarely talk about it out loud.


June 21, 2022

"He's lying - he doesn't remember himself": 6 signs of the zodiac that are more likely than others to deceive. Pisces.

Wards of Neptune, like no one else, succeed in filigree lies - sometimes they are so skillfully able to veil the truth that even the most notorious skeptic will not suspect a catch. Imagine how a fish escapes you into an algae grove, and even in troubled waters - the truth is hidden from those who want to get to the bottom of this sign, which is very difficult to get to. Pisces, by their nature, tend to embellish reality, because in their eyes it is boring, dangerous and painful. therefore, in order to at least somehow make their life more diverse, they deceive. Pisces men immediately “swim away” if they try to draw the truth out of them, especially when they basically don’t want to tell this truth (as well as admit it). Pisces women, lovers of dramatization, in this case may be offended by the distrust shown and completely close. But at the same time, they will never stop embellishing and dissembling.


June 21, 2022