You need to leave the pathetic man.

A man is an object of strength and protection, a manifestation of care and love, not pity. • You will not be able to feel like a fragile woman next to him. • All the problems you will face will have to be solved by yourself. • Your relationship will only bring fatigue and disappointment. Usually such men try to be close to those women who have an innate sense of "motherhood". But a man is not a child.


June 24, 2022

6 ways to hurt his male ego (on purpose or not).

1. Point out his physical defects. Even if he is not perfect and does not seek to change, he does not want to hear about his shortcomings. 2. Doubt his salary. They are offended when a woman boasts that she earns more than him. If you earn less, then he may be offended that he earns little. 3. Fix it in front of other people. Most men want to believe that they know everything better than anyone. 4. Talk about other men. Any compliment or words of encouragement addressed to another man hurt his ego. 5. Talk positively about your ex. Any compliment to the former is a blow to the ego of the current. 6. Show dissatisfaction with him in bed. If a woman is not happy, this is a big blow for him.


June 24, 2022

Listening to yourself - why it's SO important.

People with low self-perception often find themselves in abusive situations. They can play the role of both the aggressor and the victim. It is difficult to say which is more horrible, though: to do it to someone else or to do it to yourself. Self-violence is also violence, isn't it? The best way to prevent it is to pay attention to your vulnerability and powerlessness as markers of own limits.


June 24, 2022

Do you believe in fairy tales?

There's one that most people believe in. It is that if you are bad and hence behave badly, you will either be punished or, what's worse, rejected. Fear of being rejected and punished is usually activated when you need to assert your limits, defend yourself, prioritize your needs, set your expectations and attitudes. Why is it so scary? Because at this point you are looking at the situation through the eyes of a frightened child, not as an adult. Who can punish the adult? Who can abandon him? Can anyone abandon a self-sufficient person who knows how to take care of her or himself and take responsibility for her/his own life? How is it possible to punish someone who knows how to set boundaries? That's right, no way.


June 24, 2022

Are you right- or left-handed?

Did you know that when people lie they involuntarily begin to move their hands, flip, touch something, etc?. Except that a left-handed person forgets to control the right hand and a right-handed person forgets to control the left hand. There are also ambidextrous, but there aren't many of them, to be honest.


June 24, 2022

The robot failed the tolerance test.

He was sexist and racist. American scientists pasted photographs of faces of people of different sexes and races on cubes, and then asked the robot to sort them and put them in a box. There were more than 60 tasks in total. For example, the robot needed to find a doctor, a criminal, a housewife, and so on. There were no clues in the photographs. It turned out that the robot is sexist and racist. For example, he considered black men to be criminals 10% more often than white men. The system also appointed Hispanics as cleaners 10% more often than Europeans. Doctors in the understanding of AI are men of any nationality, but not women. Experts fear that biased robots are already at work in factories and homes - it could be uncomfortable for people.


June 24, 2022

Electricity consumption is breaking records around the world.

Just last week, Texas reported an absolute record for electricity consumption. And today China announces a similar event. The country's premier even hinted at the reopening of coal-fired power plants to solve the problem.


June 24, 2022

Amazon offers those who wish to digitize the voice of deceased loved ones and embed it in an Alexa smart speaker.

According to the idea of the service, this is how you can remember your relatives and, for example, make sure that a grandmother reads a fairy tale to her grandson.


June 24, 2022

Caffeine makes you spend more money on shopping.

Drinking caffeinated drinks before and during shopping - coffee, tea, energy drinks, hot chocolate - makes people spend more money and buy products that bring pleasure: for example, home decor. American scientists came to such conclusions after five experiments involving almost 800 people. The researchers analyzed the receipts of customers who used caffeine before shopping and those who drank drinks without caffeine. This effect of caffeine is seen in those who drink less than two cups of coffee a day. In people who drink more, it weakens.


June 24, 2022

A "heated pool" appeared in the Pacific Ocean.

German scientists have said that there is a large "heated pool" in the northeast Pacific Ocean - an abnormally warm zone that appeared as a result of human activity, and not natural climatic changes. It provokes local sea heat waves. Because of this, animals die in the ocean and droughts occur on the coast. Over the past 20 years, 31 marine heat waves have been recorded in this region alone - in the period from 1982 to 1999 there were only nine. More than 100 million fish and half a million birds have died in the United States as a result. The number of sea lions, humpback whales and other animals has fallen.


June 24, 2022

5 warning signs that the guardian angel wants to tell you something. 1. Disembodied voices.

People often want to hear the voice of their angel who will tell them what to do and where to go. But more often this voice sounds like a loud whisper. And if you heard it, then this is a warning sign from your angel. He most often reports not about the good, but about what you want to avoid. Sometimes disembodied voices carry messages of love and gratitude. For example, nurses caring for the elderly or the dying often hear words of gratitude as if from thin air.


June 24, 2022

"He's lying - he doesn't remember himself": 6 signs of the zodiac that are more likely than others to deceive. Cancer.

The sensitive Moon endows its wards with some timidity and a heightened sense of danger. Often, Cancers are characterized by secrecy and coldness - this is just a way to protect their gentle inner world. Until you become “your person” for the representative of the sign, do not expect frankness. With the assertiveness of a curious interlocutor, Cancers can get rid of him with lies. Cancer Women are more inclined to this. And Cancer Men are more likely to prefer to close and not communicate with someone who would have to seriously lie.


June 24, 2022

The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 12th place - Cancer.

Those born under this sign are considered to be sensitive and cautious natures, but few people remember the ability of Cancers to use other people's experience and work in a team. They are not used to shouting about their talents, but in an emergency they are able to make the right decision and take responsibility for the entire team. Cancerians often associate themselves with their favorite characters and therefore prefer books with a happy ending - but not at the expense of truthfulness and emotional depth. They are completely immersed in each work and "live" it, regardless of the genre. People of this sign choose books as picky as friends, but at the same time they appreciate variety. They can find something of their own both among the recognized classics of the sentimental novel, and among the authors of modern intellectual prose, and even in “light literature”. The main thing is that the emotions of the characters are “real”, and their story resonates with the life experience of Cancer.


June 24, 2022

Secret weaknesses of all signs of the zodiac. Cancer.

Cancer's biggest weakness is that he doesn't say what he wants. When something bothers the representative of this water sign, he keeps it to himself and pretends that everything is in order. To cope with this weakness, Cancer must understand that his voice matters. This will make Cancer feel much better if he understands what he can say about his feelings and desires.


June 24, 2022


Capricorn♑️ The day is unlikely to be marked by some important events, but on the whole it will turn out well. It is suitable for new beginnings: you will quickly understand how to act. Old friends will be happy to help you. You can count on their support in any circumstances. Aquarius♒️ It is worth being careful in everything related to money. Take your time with transactions and purchases, double check any financial documents before putting your signature under them. The rest of the day will be favorable. It is well suited for business negotiations, meetings with people with whom you would like to cooperate. Pisces♓️ Try to be as friendly as possible with both old and new acquaintances. This is not the easiest day in terms of communication. It can be difficult to get along even with people you used to get along well with. It is important to avoid heated disputes, open conflicts.


June 24, 2022


Libra♎️ Focus on work: today you can make noticeable progress in it. You will be able to cope with a task that was beyond the power of others. Your success will not go unnoticed. If you behave correctly today, you will soon receive interesting offers. Charm will help many Libras in solving work issues. Scorpio♏️ The day will be rich and interesting. He is well suited to take the initiative in business. Today you will be listened to by those who were previously skeptical and simply ignored other people's opinions. Changes for the better in business relations are likely. It will become quite clear: you are respected and appreciated. Sagittarius♐️ Whatever happens at the beginning of the day, try to remain optimistic and in a good mood. Don't worry if things don't go according to plan, and the things you were planning to do will have to be postponed. It will soon become clear that everything that happens is for your benefit.


June 24, 2022


Cancer♋️ A restless day awaits you. It is hardly possible to act according to plan; it is much more likely that you will have to improvise and invent something on the go. Communication with loved ones will require patience and self-control. Even agreeing on some little things will be much more difficult than usual. Leo♌️ Do not be discouraged if something does not turn out the way you expected, you will not be able to quickly deal with some difficult matter. Persistence and optimism will help you achieve your goals and make a good impression on people whose opinion is important to you. Useful acquaintances, followed by interesting proposals, are not excluded. Virgo♍️ Before you take on any difficult cases, make sure that you can handle them on your own. Unfortunately, even people who have come to the rescue more than once will not be able to support you today, you will have to solve the most difficult issues alone.


June 24, 2022


Aries♈️ Do not worry about the difficulties that may arise in the morning. It will be more difficult to get along with others than usual, minor disagreements and disputes are not ruled out, which will prevent you from coping with your planned tasks on time. However, the influence of positive trends will increase rapidly, so the situation will soon change for the better. Taurus♉️ Be prepared for surprises. Today they can arise both in the business sphere and in the field of personal relationships. It will be very useful for you to be able to notice little things, to pay attention to what has eluded others. You will draw the right conclusions from your observations, you will not make even minor mistakes. Gemini♊️ Try not to lose your temper. It will not be easy in the morning, when things may not go according to plan, and it will be difficult for others to understand why you are doing this and not otherwise. Disagreements with old allies, good acquaintances are likely. It is important to prevent quarrels, try to smooth out important corners.


June 24, 2022

What is the main difference between droppers and oral medication?

1. With capsules, only 30% of the active substance reaches the cells, and with a dropper, 100%. 2. Droppers help when it is necessary to solve several health issues at the same time (for example, remove inflammation, normalize sleep, improve hair growth). 3. Combining different droppers in one course, we can get the desired effect in 6-7 droppers. 4. Droppers are a great option for people who feel unwell, but have no motivation to change something in their lives. In this case, droppers give a good start in the form of a boost of energy, reducing cravings for sweets and the desire to take care of your health already planned and without haste. 5. And the main difference between droppers is the achievement of the working concentration of the nutrient in the cell in order to obtain one or another result. We know that the effect of many vitamins is dose dependent. Drinking vitamin C and getting the effect of taking it are not the same thing. A number of studies show that only intravenous administration of vitamin C increases the efficiency of office workers for more than a day.


June 23, 2022

How does it work with IV therapy?

IV therapy involves the intravenous administration of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants necessary for the quality of the body's work. To replenish them through the intestines, it will take time (at least 2 months), patience (drink several supplements 3-4 times a day), a good condition of the intestinal mucosa so that all nutrients are absorbed. Through a dropper, we do not introduce them one by one, but drip them in optimal combinations, where each component enhances the action of the other. Due to this, the desired effect is achieved after the first drop.


June 23, 2022