4 types of men with whom there will be problems.

1. Infantile man with low self-esteem He will not take responsibility, does not seek to help, protect. He needs to be helped, looked after. 2. Counter-addicted (fearful of intimacy) emotionally distant, successful and attractive He is afraid to fall into the "love network", but that is why he wants to win. Relations with such a man are filled with constant fear: “Something is wrong again?”, “Am I really not trying hard for him?”. 3. Narcissistic and charismatic, overly self-loving He exaggerates his abilities and achievements, he is convinced that everyone around him is envious. The narcissist has poor control over his emotions, is impulsive, touchy. 4. Cynic, aggressor, sadist and psychopath At the beginning of the relationship, he is "white and fluffy". But there are "bells": ironic remarks, swing "I love - indifferent." Lies, uses the "gaslighting" technique.


June 28, 2022

Keeping personal boundaries breeds trust.

Even the happiest and most exemplary spouses need to move away from each other in time. Men want to go to football, women want to go shopping with their girlfriends. This makes it possible to refresh emotions, “reset”, so as not to finally get stuck in a routine. But it happens that women practice active intrusion into the personal space of their man. And this is a sign of emotional dependence! Freedom is equally important for both partners. When you do not leave your spouse alone, control his every step, he thinks that you do not trust him. Hence conflicts and forced separation


June 28, 2022

The best defense against manipulation.

Our brain has a kind of initial setup that protects us from manipulations, and this barrier keeps us from getting manipulated in some cases. However, there's a number of much more cunning people who try to hack all these mechanisms. Let's take marketing and sales departments, for example. Everything in a regular store is used against the customer. Narrow passages, loud music, all of that push the defense settings and turn off the controls. And the final blow comes from the salesperson who forces you to make a quick decision. I advise avoiding immediate and impulsive decisions. And the greatest defense against negativity propagated by media is media education.


June 28, 2022

Passive Aggression.

A very common manipulation among those who try to hide their true aggression but express it in a passive manner instead. It may look like sarcasm, but sarcasm does not imply humiliating others. "The dinner was really delicious, but I see there is no salt in this house." And sometimes, people using passive aggression, don't even notice obvious harm. So my advice would be either not to react to such things at all, or to respond in the same manner. "Salt is only for welcome guests in this house."


June 28, 2022

Destructive thoughts that make us unhappy.

"I don't deserve to be happy! No one will ever love me! I won't be able to achieve anything! I can't do anything!" These thoughts destroy aspirations and opportunities. Instead of taking active action, you wallow in sadness about something that hasn't even happened yet. This makes your thoughts come true. Negative thoughts always have roots, that is the situation in which they originated and which triggers them. The brain tries to hide painful memories from us, so we "forget" them. But they don't go away completely, they are stored in deeper levels and sometimes remind us of themselves in the form of automatic thoughts. Our memory stores everything: guilt, resentment, pain, shame, disappointment, etc. To work through these situations is to release the old emotions and free ourselves from their painful influence. That's what makes us happy - FREEDOM. Freedom from stereotypes, from other people's influence, from negative emotions. The freedom to be yourself and to enjoy the life you've always wanted.


June 28, 2022

Rating of adventurous signs of the Zodiac, taking the maximum from life. 1st place - Sagittarius.

If you consider yourself a real adventurer and right now you are looking for the same crazy partner who is ready to travel around the globe with you, turn to astrology for help. Sagittarians are the most important travelers among all the signs of the zodiac. Curiosity and the desire to know all the beauty of this world allows them to rightfully be considered the best companions on any journey. They are open to everything new, they love to make their dreams come true, they never get bored and believe that you need to live to the fullest, without denying yourself anything.


June 28, 2022

5 warning signs your guardian angel wants to tell you something. 4. Delays or mechanical breakdowns.

Unexplained mechanical failures are one of the most common warning signs an angel uses to get your attention. Remarkably, when you are out of danger, the mechanical problem often magically disappears, or someone appears to help fix it. The angel uses delay tactics to delay you and get your attention. A bus or train that is late, canceled flights, sudden inclement weather can all be meaningful warnings to your angel.


June 28, 2022

What lies behind the cheerfulness of these 6 signs of the zodiac? Rampant fun with Aquarius.

Aquarians know how to captivate with an idea and lead people. This sign charges with positivity and activity, their humor may be a little inappropriate, but this is how they keep their spirits up. Aquarius is rarely in a balanced state: he is either happy and cheerful, or apathetic and gloomy. Behind the carefree fun of Aquarius, there is a desire to relax, get positive emotions and energy for further work and development of ideas.


June 28, 2022

Secret weaknesses of all signs of the zodiac. Scorpion.

Scorpio's weakness is that he acts impulsively. His emotions are a roller coaster and he acts on what he feels. In order for a Scorpio to overcome this weakness, they must learn to let their feelings come and go without immediately affecting their decision making.


June 28, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Be careful and try not to rush anywhere. This is an auspicious day, but decisions made on the go are unlikely to be correct. Try to collect as much information as possible, evaluate different scenarios. It will be helpful to seek advice from people whose experience you trust. Aquarius♒️ Try to remain calm, no matter how the day unfolds. It is important not to worry about trifles, not to be nervous if something does not go according to plan. The impact of positive trends will increase over time. Many problems that arise in the morning will resolve themselves later. Pisces♓️ The stars will be on your side, and you should take advantage of this in order to succeed in an important matter. Do not waste time in vain, immediately take on what interests you most, and do not be distracted by trifles. There will certainly be those who want to help. You can rely on old acquaintances, but with new ones you should be on your guard.


June 28, 2022


Libra♎️ Try to avoid controversy. The day is definitely not the right time to prove your case to someone or try to convince people who disagree with you. Even getting along with those closest to you today will be harder than usual. Be careful with jokes - some may find them offensive. Scorpio♏️ It's time to get down to important things. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve the desired result immediately, but you will not give up on your goals, even if difficulties arise along the way. People from whom you did not expect anything of the kind may offer help. People who underestimated you before will realize how wrong they were. Sagittarius♐️ It's not worth rushing. A calm and auspicious day awaits you. The impact of positive trends will be especially noticeable in the business sector. You can do well with both familiar work and completely new ones. Many Sagittarians today will benefit from what they have learned before.


June 28, 2022


Cancer♋️ Intuition will surely tell you that it's time to take on new things. And will not be mistaken. Today, many of your undertakings will be lucky. You will quickly cope with what seemed very difficult before. Cancers who take on new things will understand what needs to be done in order to succeed. Leo♌️ Focus on solving complex issues. It will be useful to return to cases that could not be dealt with before. Most likely, today you will succeed. The impact of positive trends will be especially noticeable in the work. You will make noticeable progress, build relationships with colleagues and management. Virgo♍️ Share ideas and plans, without false modesty talk about what you managed to achieve. This day promises you pleasant acquaintances, meetings with people who will soon become your reliable allies. In addition, your plans may be of interest to influential people. It is possible that in the near future you will receive very tempting offers.


June 28, 2022


Aries♈️ Don't rush into important things. In the first half, it will hardly be possible to avoid fuss and confusion, tense moments and difficulties in communication are possible. It is worth focusing on solving familiar tasks; you can handle this on your own. Taurus♉️ Do you want a change for the better in your business? Remind yourself to people with whom you have previously collaborated. The day is great for reconnecting with old connections. Potentially interesting offers. Some Taurus will be able to take on those work projects that they consider especially promising and promising. Gemini♊️ Any important conversations today should be prepared especially seriously. It doesn’t matter if it’s about work or some personal matters. Do not count on your ability to improvise and quickly find the right words. Arguments that have been thought out in advance will sound much more convincing.


June 28, 2022

The intimate practice, when one person sits on the face of another, is called facesitting.

As a rule, a woman really turns out to be on top, but it happens in different ways. This practice can be part of an erotic game, it can include elements of domination, or it can only be about dominance - it's up to a particular couple to decide.


June 27, 2022

Quality comes with experience.

Sex gets better with practice, which cannot be replaced by cognitive information. Study not erotic clues in magazines and social networks, but the one with whom you are doing this.


June 27, 2022


What you need: any hat, pieces of paper, a pen or pencil. How to play: write your fantasies on pieces of paper (sex in a specific place, a new position or action), put it in a hat, mix it up, take it out in random order - and embody it! The game is especially suitable for those who are embarrassed to discuss fantasies out loud.


June 27, 2022

Interesting facts about Greenland.

In Greenland, some prisoners are allowed to keep the keys to their own cells, leave places of detention during the day to go to work/school, and even hunt wild birds and seals with guns.


June 27, 2022

Creepy music.

Strange, creepy horror movie music is performed, for the most part, on one unique instrument called a waterphone (translated as “voice of water”).


June 27, 2022

The Chinese spend half their lives in traffic jams.

Once in Beijing, the world's largest traffic jam was recorded, 100 km long, which lasted 10 days.


June 27, 2022

During the Victorian era, special brothel candles were sold in England.

They burned for exactly seven minutes - the duration of a standard session with a prostitute. The session began after the candle was lit, and when it went out, the client had to get dressed and leave.


June 27, 2022