Greens for health.

Dill. It is believed that dill dilates blood vessels and reduces pressure. Dill leaves contain vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, P, as well as carotene, salts of iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Parsley. Parsley leaves contain vitamins - C E B beta-carotene. Of the minerals in parsley, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine and selenium predominate. Parsley has excellent beauty products, it whitens the skin and smoothes wrinkles. Green onion. It has a very high content of zinc, the lack of which can cause baldness and brittle nails. Green onions help strengthen the immune system, strengthen the cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Leaf salad. Salads improve blood composition, metabolism in the body, activate digestion, calm the nervous system, lower blood pressure and remove harmful cholesterol from the body. Celery. It is rich in carotene, vitamin C, calcium and phosphorus salts, magnesium, potassium, manganese, iron and zinc, celery helps to lose weight.


June 29, 2022

Heels like a baby.

We take glycerin. In the first case, it is possible with vinegar, in the second with ammonia. Pharmaceutical bottle with glycerin is not completely filled, so add vinegar to it, shake it. And if with ammonia, then they are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 (glycerin and alcohol). You can rub this mixture both in the morning and in the evening, at night on the heels, soles, fingers, and in a few days you will see an amazing result. Your heels will turn pink, your nails will acquire a beautiful and shiny color. You can also lubricate the elbows of the hands.


June 29, 2022

Benefits of gong meditation.

An experienced mentor can adjust the frequency of the gong, and the vibrations that he emits relax the muscles, the person finds himself in a trance. During the practice, many experience rebirth and note that there is a union between the mental and the physical. And the peak of unity with the Universe is reached when the master, with the help of a gong, switches to white noise, which allows you to catch absolute Zen. However, do not worry if you cannot “disconnect” from your thoughts and problems of the outside world. Perhaps it is at this moment that answers to all your questions will come to you.


June 29, 2022

How is gong meditation performed?

Gong meditation is done individually or in groups. Your task is to take a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax (it is not uncommon for practitioners to offer a blanket and pillow). At the very beginning, the gong plays softly, and as you go deeper into meditation, the volume of the sound increases. However, it does not exceed comfortable values, since the purpose of the practice is to bring the mind to a calm state. Do not worry if you have a feeling of fear or excitement - this means that the outer blocks are being destroyed, and you are starting the path to your inner Universe.


June 29, 2022

Gong meditation

For centuries, singing, tambourine or drumming has been used as a means of calming and coping with emotions. And in Eastern cultures, it was believed that the sound heals from physical and psychological ailments. Gong meditation has the same effect.


June 29, 2022

Remember that everything can be changed.

There are almost no situations that cannot be replayed in any way. Even if you make a decision that will change your life, you can change the consequences of it. For example, an apartment, if you don’t like it, you can sell it and then buy a new one. In the same way, you can change not only the place of residence, but also work and profession. Do not forget that one decision in any case is always followed by another. No matter how things turn out, you will continue to act based on new circumstances.


June 29, 2022

The question that puts almost every second man into a stupor

"Are you flirting with me???" Here, for some reason, a previously successful guy begins to defend himself against such accusations. “No, I just… and anyway… I don’t know why you thought that…” and stuff like that. But why are you giving back at all, huh? Aren't we allowed to flirt with a girl - it's against the law? After all, it is obvious that you pay attention to it not in vain and you want the dialogue to continue. The girl is just testing you with such a question. Unsure of himself and his man will retreat and her opinion of him will immediately fall. And the confident one will just say “yes, and I have plans to continue doing this” or something like that.


June 29, 2022

Rules of joint rest.

Whether you're heading out on a vacation with your family or flying to a resort with your boyfriend, there are a few things you can do to help your relationship. 1. Consider the interests of everyone. Try to jointly find a place to relax where it would be interesting for both of you. 2. Don't leave for a long time. If a man offers a joint vacation, and you have just started dating and do not yet live together, then it would be wiser to leave for a week, no more. Suddenly you do not like to share life? The impression of the vacation will be hopelessly spoiled. 3. Behave naturally. No need to be capricious and find fault with service, food and other trifles. Or you don’t have to pretend to be a caring mom, worried about whether a man has eaten or frozen in the sea, either - this will lead to the extinction of passion in a relationship.


June 29, 2022

Panic disorder theories.

Popular theories and hypotheses concerning the development of this disorder include: Catecholamine theory — based on the fact that panic attacks are associated with increased levels of catecholamines, namely adrenaline. It acts as a stimulant that causes vasoconstriction, rapid heart rate, and stimulation of the nervous system. Genetic hypothesis — people whose relatives had experienced panic attacks had a 10% risk of developing the disorder compared to 2.1% among people in the control group. Psychoanalytic theory — based on the assumption that anxiety and panic attacks are caused by a person's conflict with her/himself, with their needs. Behavioral theory — assumes that panic attacks are initially caused by external causes. For example, a fast heartbeat is provoked by the particular life-threatening situation. Subsequently, the reaction gets remembered and occurs even if there's no any threat.


June 29, 2022

Be grateful for any experience.

In hard times, being grateful for the lessons you've learned instead of feeling sorry for yourself is quite difficult, but it's the only way you can open up to new experiences and not repeat your mistakes. Grief attracts grief, denial prevents us from moving, but gratitude pulls us out of the negative emotional situation and shows new opportunities. It's a kind of release. Like a mantra - it works if you believe in it.


June 29, 2022

A few useful habits to help improve your quality of life.

1. Try not to eat at night and fall asleep with an empty stomach. Within 1-2 weeks you will begin to see bright, clear dreams and wake up every morning in a good mood feeling more inspired than usual. You will get up in the morning fresh and cheerful, without the desire to lie in bed half the day. 2. Refrain from drinking lemonades or any carbonated drinks bought at the store, and you will see how delicious plain water is and that you need much less to quench your thirst. 3. Every time you catch yourself craving for a cigarette — grab an apple / tangerine / orange / banana or drink a glass of water and after 2 weeks you will feel twice as strong, more resilient. 4. Walk and sit with a straight back for a week, and you will see how your memory will improve, and how much faster your mind will race when you brainstorm. 5. Try not looking at your TV or computer an hour or two before bedtime and you will begin to see your desires and creative impulses.


June 29, 2022

Skills worth developing.

• Live in the moment. Living in large cities, we are rarely “there”. Most of the time we don't keep track of what we're doing and it turns into a background activity. • Be honest with yourself. It is especially difficult to admit that you were wrong, but everyone makes mistakes, without exception. The worst thing you could do is not be aware of them and not learn any lessons.


June 29, 2022

The key ingredients for life have been found in samples of Martian soil

The samples collected and analyzed by the Curiosity rover contain organic carbon, a prerequisite for the organic molecules used by all life forms known to us.


June 29, 2022

In the Japanese city of Aomori, an auction of cherries this season was held

А box with 15 berries was sold for 600,000 yen ($4,500). The Juno Heart cherry variety has been specially designed to be used as an expensive gift. Berries must be at least 2.8 cm, have an ideal shape, color and sugar content - 20%.


June 29, 2022

General Motors is introducing AI into the vehicle inspection process.

The automaker is investing in Israeli startup UVeye, which makes car diagnostic systems that use sensors and artificial intelligence to quickly identify damaged vehicles. UVeye technology is like an X-ray screening scanner at an airport. The car passes through the scanner and within minutes service providers receive a detailed report of everything that is wrong with the car, down to tire pressure. GM says the UVeye technology will be available in 4,000 dealerships.


June 29, 2022

Pointer Bear Studio decided to please fans of the Overwatch game by creating figures of the heroine D.Va.

The figurine can be fully undressed. The line of limited figures includes 3 variations: regular for $520, "deluxe" with a naked body for $630 and "exclusive" with a new head, base and naked body for $700.


June 29, 2022

Scientists have found that the monkeypox virus evolves much faster than previously thought.

In the course of genetic analysis, it turned out that the mutation rate of the pathogen is 6-12 times higher. This may indicate that the virus creates new ways of infection.


June 29, 2022

China will launch a swarm of bee satellites to search for Earth 2.0.

The Celestial Empire has joined the search for exoplanets similar to the Earth. They will only do it in an original way - instead of sending a huge satellite into space, they will send a whole swarm of 30 cm babies. Combined together, they will show the same power with a cheaper process.


June 29, 2022

Rating of adventurous signs of the Zodiac, taking the maximum from life. 2nd place - Gemini.

Geminis are quite sociable and are not afraid to take responsibility for their own lives. They are ready to overcome any obstacles in order to feel completely happy. Openness and natural curiosity keep Geminis always on the move. They love meeting new people and making friends wherever they go.


June 29, 2022

5 warning signs your guardian angel wants to tell you something. 5. Sudden illnesses or ominous warnings from others.

There have been several messages from families of 9/11 victims saying that their loved ones woke up and felt unwell. Someone ignored the warning, and someone stayed at home and survived. The angel often uses other people to warn you of possible dangers; whether it's friends and family, or strangers, these messages are essential that makes you stop and listen. Someone talks you out of a certain route. Someone expresses misgivings about your new boyfriend or girlfriend. Take this as a sign, as a warning, to stop and reflect on the big picture.


June 29, 2022