Continue to assert yourself in this skill:

▫️ Give yourself the right to act how you plaese. Act in your own interests. ▫️Practice saying "no" to strangers – consultants in stores, waiters, neighbors. ▫️Choose an acceptable form of refusal for yourself. Sharp, soft, playful or serious – there are many options. ▫️The fear of rejection is the fear that you will be judged. You very well might be, so what? It's just someone's opinion... Of course, there will be people who will not accept you and your "no", even your loved ones will not like it. But those to whom you are important, who want to be close, respect you, will stay close.


July 1, 2022

Learn to say no.

A person who finds it difficult to refuse others is a very USEFUL person. You can dump a lot of work on them. They will never refuse anything for their loved ones. They will always help out, assist and lend you money. What should you do? It's worth starting off with your first, very small "NO"!


July 1, 2022

Green eyes.

Green eyes, which occur in just 2 percent of the population, are more common among women than men, and among celebrities than the general population.


July 1, 2022

Mojo Visions has unveiled fully functioning augmented reality lenses.

The first full-fledged test was conducted by the head of the company - previous prototypes could not be inserted into the eyes. Thanks to the new oxygen saturation system, Mojo Lens can be worn like regular lenses, but they display different information and images in front of your eyes. The journalists have already tried the navigation system, the prompter program and the application for finding the ordered taxi. In the future, they plan to add a lens and a vision correction function to the lens. The company has not yet announced the approximate date of entry into the market, but is already conducting clinical trials. The cost of the device should be on par with flagship smartphones.


July 1, 2022

At MIT, they proposed to cool the Earth with the help of cosmic bubbles.

Engineers want to send a whole fleet of light bubbles to the Lagrange point, which will reflect solar radiation. And at the same time, to cool the Earth.


July 1, 2022

The Chilean was mistakenly paid 286 salaries, he received almost 165.4 million pesos, instead of the expected 500 thousand pesos.

The employee himself reported the error to the company. The financial department checked the information, found out that they overpaid the salary and asked to return the excess funds through the bank. The man promised to visit the bank branch the next morning. But he didn’t come the next day either, and after that he filed documents for dismissal - through a law firm and disappeared. In general, the company intends to sue, accusing the employee of misappropriation of funds. The management hopes that they will be able to return at least part of the peso.


July 1, 2022

Airplane hotel.

The futuristic jet hotel concept was created by Yemeni designer Hashim al-Ghaili. Sky Cruise is a cross between a cruise ship and a space station that runs on nuclear power and is controlled by AI. It will be in the air for years, and passengers, food and all necessary things will be transported to and from it using private jets that can land on the roof of the air cruiser. The air "Titanic" is designed for 5,000 people, everything is expensive and rich, and in addition to hotel rooms there will also be cinema halls, theaters and game rooms.


July 1, 2022

Forecast for July for Cancer.

The beginning of July can be quite hectic. Don't expect too much from the first days of the month. Be prepared for delays in business, unfortunate coincidences, some temporary difficulties. It is possible that at this time it will become known about problems that you did not know about before. For the sake of their solution, you will have to change plans, postpone some things for later. The impact of positive trends will increase over time. Already in mid-July, you will feel much more confident and free, you will understand how best to act, what to take on in the first place, and what to postpone. It will be possible to put things in order, to deal with some of the tasks that have accumulated lately. There will be an opportunity to pay more attention to loved ones, to see the people you missed. The last days of July will be the most favorable in terms of personal relationships. At this time, many Cancers are waiting for some pleasant surprises.


July 1, 2022

Forecast for July for Gemini.

It pays to take the initiative at work. July is a very successful month from a business point of view. If you are striving to achieve professional success, try not to waste time, show what you are capable of. You can take on difficult tasks: you will surely cope well with them, intuition and experience will help in this. More often than usual, you will have to act on your own, without expecting help and support from anyone. It won't bother you at all. The influence of positive trends in the sphere of finance will also be noticeable. July promises significant cash receipts, lucrative deals and purchases. The income of some Gemini will increase significantly if the representatives of the sign are not at a loss in a new situation, they are not afraid to take responsibility. In July, you should be especially patient with loved ones. Old disagreements may escalate, it is possible that some kind of mutual claims will appear, old grievances will be remembered. It is important to show in time that you are friendly, ready to make concessions, not at all interested in disputes.


July 1, 2022

Forecast for July for Taurus.

All the most serious and important things should be planned for the first half of July, because it is at this time that your undertakings may be lucky. Interesting opportunities will open up, you will try not to miss any of them. Although there will be more work until mid-July than you expected, you won't want to complain about it. Firstly, you have to solve very interesting tasks, and secondly, your work will be very well paid. Very likely useful contacts. Some Taurus will meet people for the first time that they have heard a lot about before. The second half of July, on the contrary, may bring some unrest, unfortunate coincidences, delays in business. At this time, you will not have to do at all what you would like. It is hardly possible to avoid tense moments in communication with colleagues and management. But you will find a way to smooth out all the sharp corners. At this time, the support of loved ones will be very important. It is thanks to her that you will cope with all the tests.


July 1, 2022

July Forecast for Aries.

You will have to work hard, but in general, July will be quite successful for you. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to solve several issues at once, and it will not always be clear which one is more important. There will be people nearby with whom you can consult, but you should not blindly follow all the prompts. It is up to you to make the final choice. The sooner you understand this, the easier it will be. All your actions in July will attract a lot of attention. Try not to make even minor mistakes, they can be costly. But the victories will not go unnoticed. It is thanks to them that people on whom much depends will be interested in you. The month will be favorable in terms of finances. Cash receipts from unexpected sources, profitable deals are likely. It is possible that a new source of income will appear. Some Aries will be offered exactly the job that they have long dreamed of.


July 1, 2022

Rating of adventurous signs of the Zodiac, taking the maximum from life. 4th place - Libra.

Libras love spending time in nature, whether it's a walk in the woods or camping in the mountains. They draw inspiration from every event in their lives, so they try to diversify it to the maximum. Libras love to meet new people and set themselves sometimes unattainable goals. No matter how hard they strive to maintain stability in their lives, their enterprising nature often gets the better of them, sometimes even making them forget about security.


July 1, 2022

Secret weaknesses of all signs of the zodiac. Aquarius.

The biggest weakness of Aquarius is that he sometimes ignores the people he loves. He doesn't do it on purpose, but tends to prioritize in favor of working on everything else in his life. To overcome this weakness, Aquarius must plan his schedule so that he is not overwhelmed with work alone. Aquarius needs to be sure to remind their loved ones that he cares.


July 1, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Don't worry if things don't go according to plan at the start of the day. This is indeed not the easiest time, but the influence of positive trends will increase rapidly, the situation will soon change for the better. It is better not to rush with transactions and purchases. Caution in financial matters will avoid mistakes. Aquarius♒️ Be persistent. Today you will have a chance to achieve long-term goals. It will be possible to cope with what has not worked out for a long time, as well as find an approach to people who are capable of much. Relationships that will start as business today will most likely take on an informal character over time. Pisces♓️ Be determined in a decisive way. Today, many things will turn out well if you do not waste time in vain, thinking too long on simple tasks. It is worth listening especially carefully to the prompts of intuition in the morning; this will avoid many unpleasant moments, not to make mistakes.


July 1, 2022


Libra♎️ The day will be favorable for communication. It will be easy for you to get along with both old acquaintances and those with whom you first met recently. It doesn't take much effort to get people who used to underestimate you to change their minds. They themselves will understand how wrong they were. Scorpio♏️ The day will not be easy, but there is no doubt that you will cope with all the challenges perfectly. There will be no barriers that you cannot overcome. In difficult moments, you can turn to old friends for support: they will quickly understand how to act. Sagittarius♐️ Do not hurry. It is unlikely that it will be possible to quickly achieve the goals set; Difficulties can arise even where you least expected them. Don't get discouraged if things don't go according to plan. You will need the ability to improvise, make decisions quickly, rely on intuition where there is no time for long reflections.


July 1, 2022


Cancer♋️ There will be a lot to do, but you will be able to avoid the fuss and confusion. Thanks to attention to small details, you will not make even minor mistakes. Many Cancers will have a chance to catch up earlier, to correct some old mistakes. You will not waste time on long conversations and empty arguments, you will prefer to prove your case not with words, but with deeds. Leo♌️ The day will be rich and inspiring. Successful coincidences are likely, unexpected events that will open up new opportunities for you. Many representatives of the sign will return to old ideas: today there will be an opportunity to bring them to life. You can solve financial issues, make small purchases. Virgo♍️ Be ready to do not only your own, but also other people's affairs, correct the mistakes made by other people. It is possible that you will have to change plans in order to come to someone's aid. Your support may also be needed by those who previously provided you with important services.


July 1, 2022


Aries♈️ Listen to the advice of friends and other loved ones. Those who know you well can point out some important details, suggest what you should focus on now and where you need to move on. Unexpected encounters are possible. It is possible that the people with whom you used to work will remind you of themselves, and this will make you very happy. Taurus♉️ Focus on the most important things. This day will be very fruitful, you will achieve success in many ways, solve difficult tasks. Unexpected discoveries are likely, important news from afar. In the first half of the day, tense conversations are possible, even disputes with people with whom relations have not been easy before. Keep your composure: this will be enough to avoid conflict. Gemini♊️ In the first half of the day it will not be easy to gather your thoughts. This is not the best time for important things: you may lose sight of something important, make annoying mistakes. It's good to have reliable assistants nearby. For support, you should turn to people who have known you for a long time, share your goals and outlook on life.


July 1, 2022

Are you sure that your knowledge about teeth is a reality and not a myth? Myth 6.

A brush is enough to brush your teeth. Wrong! To brush your teeth, a brush alone is not enough, no matter how beautiful it is. Add floss and mouthwash to your morning and evening routine. Floss, aka floss, will clean the most inaccessible places in the interdental spaces, and the rinse will do an excellent job with bacteria and unpleasant odors.


June 30, 2022

Are you sure that your knowledge about teeth is a reality and not a myth? Myth 5.

Healthy enamel is white enamel. Not true! Absolutely white teeth do not exist in nature. This is the machinations of marketers! The color of the teeth depends on the “dentin” (hard part of the tooth), which has a natural yellowish tint. And if you are the owner of teeth of this color, do not worry! This means that they are very strong! And to maintain oral health, use the innovative DentaBalance products. With regular use, DentaBalance will help prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, the development of caries, inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Do not mask problems, but eliminate the causes of their occurrence!


June 30, 2022

Are you sure that your knowledge about teeth is a reality and not a myth? Myth 4.

Milk is good for teeth. Not true! If you are under 8 years old, then dairy products can indeed help build calcium levels and other minerals during the development of molars under the gum. If you are already a little over n-tsat, your teeth have already formed, and milk is no help here.


June 30, 2022