Forecast for July for Leo.

The less attention you pay to the little things in early July, the more successful this period will be for you. Think about your most important goals: it will be easier not to be distracted by trifles. It is possible that you will have to return to some old cases. It may turn out that you missed something, did not complete what you were supposed to. You should not especially worry about this, because there is an opportunity to catch up. So don't hesitate and take action. The middle of the month is a busy and favorable time. It is suitable for strengthening business relationships, restoring old professional ties. It is possible that you will receive tempting offers from people you know well. Some Leos will find enviable entrepreneurial abilities. In the last days of the month, it will be possible to focus on family matters, and this will please you. Communication with loved ones will be especially inspiring. There will be a lot of interesting ideas that you want to implement as soon as possible. All quarrels and disagreements will be forgotten.


July 1, 2022

The most useful mushrooms.

Mushrooms are an extremely useful product. They contain a lot of protein, and according to this indicator, they are comparable to meat. And besides, they absorb harmful substances that are in the human body, and contribute to their removal. White mushrooms are a valuable source of proteins, enzymes and dietary fiber. Sulfur and polysaccharides in their composition can provide significant support in the fight against cancer, lecithin and hercedin alkaloid are very important for the health of the cardiovascular system. Aspen mushrooms. These mushrooms contain a lot of potassium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A and C, fiber, lecithin, enzymes and fatty acids. Mushrooms are a source of lecithin, organic acids, minerals and valuable proteins. Of the vitamins in champignons, there are tocopherol, vitamin D, nicotinic and folic acid. In terms of phosphorus content, champignons can compete with fish, and there are more B vitamins in these mushrooms than in fresh vegetables.


July 1, 2022

Banana mask

You will need: - Starch - 1 tablespoon, - Honey - 1 tablespoon, - Water - 50 ml., - Bananas - 1 piece. Mix starch with water, add banana, honey and mix until smooth. Apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


July 1, 2022

Effective healing agents based on pine needles.

For joint pain to heal joints: With these ailments, it is recommended to fill the mattress with pine needles (crushed) and sleep on it. After 2-3 weeks the pain will go away. Coniferous bath for general healing of the body: Coniferous baths must be taken for colds. To do this, you need to collect pine needles (preferably fresh) in a canvas bag and place it in a bath of hot water. It is not recommended to take such baths with a high body temperature.


July 1, 2022

What are the downsides of sheet masks?

The American online store of "clean" cosmetics Credo in June last year completely refused to sell cloth face masks, even if they have the most environmentally friendly composition that does not contain harmful preservatives. The reason is that petroleum products are used to make the fabric base. The mask is packaged in a foil bag, which is not subject to environmentally friendly disposal and reuse. In just a few months, the online store has reduced the amount of waste by 1360 kg - this is an impressive figure. If you buy a tube or jar with a mask, then you use it for at least 2-3 months, and the main problem with sheet masks is that they are only suitable for one-time use. But the Korean brand Innisfree produces masks from eucalyptus fibers impregnated with an organic compound.


July 1, 2022

Are there any downsides to sheet masks?

Recently, the scientific research portal Scientific Reports published the results of a study of sheet masks, conducted jointly by scientists and doctors. During the experiments, it was possible to find out that fabric masks should not be kept on the skin for more than 20 minutes, since they contain phenoxyethanol and methylparaben (these are preservatives that are used as preservatives in masks). Unfortunately, they remain on the surface of the skin along with useful components. It turned out that the level of their negative impact on the skin is doubled after 20 minutes of exposure to the skin. Contact of the epidermis with phenoxyethanol and methylparaben is fraught with allergic reactions and dermatitis. It is important that people with sensitive facial skin, which is already prone to reactive rashes and redness, be treated with extreme caution.


July 1, 2022

Fabric masks.

Sheet masks have long been a must-have in our makeup bag. But studies show that we should be more careful with their use - they can harm not only the skin, but also the environment. There are many benefits to using sheet masks. Chief among them is convenience: you don’t have to put your fingers in a jar or spread the product over your face with a brush. Plus, sheet masks play the role of a compress, facilitating the penetration of active ingredients into the deeper layers of the skin. But is it all good?


July 1, 2022

Why is it important to discuss intimate life?

If you imagine that you directly talk about your desires to each other, and do not hide them for years, then sex will immediately "gain" a more interesting turn. What can be discussed? Problems that are hidden far away in your subconscious. What do you like or dislike most about sex. Also suggest an alternative.


July 1, 2022

Foul language.

The more creative the dirty talk, the better. No rule says you should only talk dirty when you're having sex. Instead, you can sneak up on your partner from behind and whisper dirty thoughts and desires while they do the dishes.


July 1, 2022

New sensations.

Rub the vibrator in your hand to make it warm. 1. With slow, smooth movements, start caressing yourself on the clitoris and labia. 2. Take an ice cube and gently touch it to the clitoris, when you feel a cold tingle - remove it. Such a temperature contrast will extend the time of enjoyment and give new sensations.


July 1, 2022

Pose "Stairway to Paradise"

Advantages: It is convenient to hold on to the railing and you can not wait until you get to the bedroom. Technique: You sit on the step, and she sits on top of you. On the stairs, in principle, it is convenient to sit, and holding on to the railing, it is very convenient to move.


July 1, 2022

Sex on the floor.

Treacherous creaking bed? It's okay, sex on the floor is original and very exciting. Take a blanket and pillow and move to the floor Sex positions on the floor are traditional. But, you should not lean too much on your partner from above. Although, if you use a pillow, you can diversify the poses by placing it under the hips, knees and back.


July 1, 2022

Maybe in the ass?

One of the cherished male sexual fantasies is anal sex, what is the reason for such an active interest: Prohibition. A man gets more pleasure from what is forbidden. The opportunity to be first. Yes, men have an inherent desire to be better than their potential rivals in everything and to capture more and more new territories.


July 1, 2022

Additional masturbation.

20% of girls masturbate after sex with a partner, most often in the shower or before bed. The fact is that they remain unsatisfied after sex, but do not want to offend their partner.


July 1, 2022

Something more is needed.

It takes more than good old-fashioned penetration for a woman to reach orgasm. Of course, your penis is great and all, but only a quarter of girls usually cum during vaginal penetration. This means that you definitely need to know how to stimulate the clitoris in order to give your friend maximum pleasure.


July 1, 2022

Air New Zealand is the first airline in the world to install bunk beds on long-haul aircraft.

Passengers will be sold seats in traditional seats, but for an additional fee, you can buy 4-hour sessions in Skynest sleeping pods. Mattresses, sheets, USB charging and ventilation are provided inside. One passenger - one session, such conditions, as the airline expects high demand for this service. Skynest will appear on eight Boeing 787-9 Dreamliners by 2024. The price of the "nap on the plane" service is not yet known.


July 1, 2022

Girls' favorite pastime...

Do not reply to a message for a long time. Today we will not talk about how this affects the balance of significance, about the nature of this phenomenon and how this demonstrates the degree of her sympathy for a man. I want to tell you just one thing - you have the COMPLETE right to do exactly the same. Let him wait for the dumb, let him get nervous. Why let a girl taste your attention right away. We do not give ourselves away right away - we observe a certain mystery.


July 1, 2022

Thanks to the man.

A man, bringing something into the house (mammoth, money, prey) expects payment from all households. It is this component that is often lacking in the family. The man feels betrayed. He worked hard, brought home and threw his achievements, as if into a furnace or into an abyss. So what? Who will appreciate? Lover, of course! Just learn to say the word "THANK YOU" to your husband. It should come more from your soul than from your mouth. Fuck knows how it works, but men distinguish "thank you" from "thx". Teach the children to say this word to dad.


July 1, 2022

How to get out of a fight.

Stop blaming. Each accusation and presentation of claims only exacerbates the situation. Express dissatisfaction calmly, wanting not to injure, but to sort it out. Cool down. Do not need too much passion, on the contrary, give each other more air. There is no right in the situation. You must understand that everything you are in now, you created both. Speak kind words. No matter how hard it is, leave room for nice words. You can radically change the situation by saying words that you haven’t said for a long time, praising or thanking.


July 1, 2022

How to get the conversation back on track?

Suppose you need to discuss an important issue with someone. But you feel that the interlocutor is trying to "weasel out" from the topic you had in mind. How does one delicately get the conversation back on track? Lean back in your chair and take a break. As soon as you feel their undivided attention, tell him that you met directly to discuss another issue. Name it and tactfully but persistently ask the interlocutor to return to the discussion of the intended subject.


July 1, 2022