Three types of families.

In a troubled family, everyone fights for their own solution, not because they think it's reasonable, but because they don't know how to give in. Partners blame each other, are afraid to give in and look weak. Therefore, in a problem family, decisions are made with difficulty. In a dominant family, decisions are made by one partner, and the second does not influence them. Usually it's a man. Women with a soft character who need support feel protected in such relationships. In a partner family, decisions are made jointly. Partners are able to give in, but also to protect their interests, too. They try to think and take care of each other, make balanced, adult decisions.


July 2, 2022

In Switzerland, they created eco-plastic from plant waste.

The heat-resistant and durable material is made from inedible parts of plants and is suitable for the production of food packaging, 3D printing filaments and fabric fibers. The new plastic is as strong as PET thanks to lignin, a biopolymer that makes up the stiff walls of plant cells. The material can be heated up to +100 °C, it does not pass oxygen and steam. Ecoplastic is recycled chemically or breaks down into sugars in the natural environment.


July 2, 2022

Wastewater has learned to turn into beer.

The NEWBrew drink appeared in Singapore - for it, water from the sewer is thoroughly cleaned using ultraviolet light and filters. According to those who tried it, the drink tastes no different from ordinary beer.


July 2, 2022

Artificial intelligence has learned to predict crimes a week in advance.

Scientists from Chicago have developed an algorithm that predicts with 90% accuracy where an attack or theft will occur in a week. Radius - 300 meters. AI has learned to predict crime by identifying patterns in time and place based on open data.


July 2, 2022

Scientists have found that chimpanzees can dig wells to find water

Experts conducted an experiment in which a female was placed in the company of male chimpanzees and the animals were left without water. So, the female began to dig a well, and the rest of the study participants soon followed her example.


July 2, 2022

Forecast for July for Sagittarius.

The beginning of July is an important and fruitful time, suitable for work and study, as well as any useful deeds. You will take everything you undertake seriously, so you will not make serious mistakes. You have to deal with complex and ambiguous situations. Attention to detail, accuracy, the ability to bring what has been started to the end at all costs will be very useful. Getting along with those around you in early July can be tricky, but relationships will quickly change for the better. Try to give your loved ones maximum attention: it will be especially important for them. If you behave correctly, many personal problems will be a thing of the past. The second half of the month will open up new opportunities for those who are ready for bold experiments and decisive action. Unusual acquaintances, meetings that you will remember for a long time are likely. Cash receipts, including from unexpected sources, are not ruled out. The last days of July are suitable for large purchases and serious transactions.


July 2, 2022

Forecast for July for Scorpio.

At the beginning of the month, you should focus on solving the most important issues. The first days of July promise many Scorpios significant success in business, professional victories. You will have the opportunity to strengthen your position, disarm old ill-wishers. Relations with colleagues and management will develop much better. Everyone will see what you are capable of. It is possible that soon you will receive unexpected and very tempting offers of cooperation. Mid-July will be a bit more difficult. This is a time of dangerous illusions, delusions, hasty judgments that may turn out to be wrong. You will not immediately understand who you can trust, and with whom it is better to be on your guard. Try to spend more time with loved ones: thanks to their support, you will feel much better. The last days of July are the time when you should be especially demanding of yourself. Self-discipline, a serious attitude to business, responsibility in everything will help to avoid difficulties and mistakes. Try not to say or do anything without thinking.


July 2, 2022

Forecast for July for Libra.

The beginning of July will be difficult, but interesting. You have a lot to learn, to understand non-standard situations, to decide how to proceed. At the same time, you should rely on your own experience and common sense; other people's advice is unlikely to be useful to you. It is especially important to ensure that all your documents are in perfect order. Be prepared for unexpected checks. Make sure that all transactions you enter into are impeccable. Every day you will feel much freer and more confident. It will become easier to get along with management and business partners. If there were any disagreements between you before, now you will be able to resolve everything. This will also affect personal relationships: they will develop harmoniously, there will be no reasons for disagreements and disputes. Time spent with loved ones will give you a lot of vivid emotions. For the second half of July, you can plan joint trips, family vacations.


July 2, 2022

Rating of adventurous signs of the Zodiac, taking the maximum from life. 5th place - Aries.

Aries are natural born leaders. Travel is a huge part of their lives. Their inherent energy and optimism allow them to find new acquaintances in any situation. They know how to achieve their goals and never let small difficulties ruin their ambitions. Aries are organized, responsible and always ready for any adventure.


July 2, 2022

Secret weaknesses of all signs of the zodiac. Pisces.

Pisces' biggest weakness is that they can be lazy sometimes. They enjoy lounging at home instead of being productive. Pisces' favorite hobby is lying on the couch. There's nothing wrong with wanting to spend your weekends curled up in bed, but over time, Pisces can forget about their other responsibilities. To overcome this weakness, Pisces needs to get up from time to time through strength and complete things.


July 2, 2022

Averting your eyes.

Remember, it is always difficult for a liar to look straight into the eyes. But when a person looks away, it's too obvious... something smells fishy. Therefore, when lying, people have unintentionally invented disguised gestures such as rubbing their eyelids, as if something itches. Naturally, I'm not saying that everyone who rubs their eyes is necessarily lying. But if the person is simultaneously answering questions, then I recommend taking a closer look.


July 2, 2022

To change is to LIVE.

To change is to reflect the essence of your own existence: its changeability. Face your fears, and you will stop being afraid of life. Know how to let people go, and you will be loved. Believe that whatever you do is right, and you will no longer need anyone's faith — because you will succeed in EVERYTHING. There is no success and no failure. There is LIFE — and you are part of it.


July 2, 2022

The mirror technique.

People tend to trust those who look like them. The following logic works here: familiar means understandable, understandable means trustworthy. Look closely at the interlocutor, listen to his intonations, pay attention to the manner of speaking and gesticulating. This rule also applies to nonverbal communication. Your opponent jokes — joke in response, tells something confidentially — listen with participation, gestures — repeat his gestures. This also works with a large audience, just study your listeners as much as possible before the performance


July 2, 2022

In the US, robots have driven workers to alcoholism.

It turned out that American workers in automated production are less likely to be injured, but more likely to suffer from alcohol and drug abuse, as well as mental health problems. In regions where people work together with robots: - annual injuries decreased by 1.2 cases per 100 workers; - deaths from alcohol and drugs increased by 37.8 cases per 100,000 people; - suicides and mental problems have become a little more.


July 2, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Try to be serious about everything you undertake today: this is what will allow you to quickly achieve success. Attention to small details and order in everything will help to avoid tense moments and unpleasant surprises. Remember that the most important things require your attention, and it is better not to entrust them to anyone else. Aquarius♒️ The day will be busy, you will have time to do a lot of useful things for yourself and for others. It is possible that you will have to resolve issues that have arisen through no fault of yours. This is not to say that it will be easy, but you can do it quickly, there will be time for more interesting activities. Pisces♓️ The day will be successful for those who do not want to sit idle, ready to take on something difficult and important. Even if you take on something completely new, the first successes can be achieved quickly, and then there will be no insurmountable difficulties.


July 2, 2022


Libra♎️ Dating today will be especially easy to make, you will instantly find an approach to those whom you met for the first time. Mutual sympathy will flare up, perhaps the beginning of friendships or romantic relationships. The day will also come in order to spend time with loved ones: there will be many pleasant moments. Scorpio♏️ Do not waste time on trifles, do something really important. Today, there will hardly be problems that you could not cope with, but there will be a chance to bring to life an unusual, bold and very important idea for you. Your loved ones will be happy to help you. Thanks to their support, many things will be easier. Sagittarius♐️ Take your time: in any case, you will have time to do everything that you have planned, and even more. Circumstances will develop successfully, there will be no problems with the implementation of new ideas. It is worth listening to the advice of old acquaintances, they will help you quickly navigate in an unusual situation.


July 2, 2022


Cancer♋️ Do difficult things: there will be a chance to cope with what previously seemed almost impossible. The decisions you make today will be simple and effective. Thanks to them, you will disarm old ill-wishers and find new friends. Leo♌️ The day should not start with important things. Its first half is perfect for rest and recuperation, and the right time for decisive action will come later. It is not worth discussing important issues in the morning: it will be difficult to agree, and the likelihood of disagreement is high. Take your time; a little later everything will change for the better. Virgo♍️ Don't worry about the little things at the start of the day. At this time, it is hardly possible to avoid minor misunderstandings, unfortunate coincidences, some unfortunate incidents. But the situation will quickly change for the better, so do not lose heart and try to calmly do what you have in mind.


July 2, 2022


Aries♈️ Say what you think. Today it will only benefit you. People with whom you could not get along before will see you in a new light and want to make friends. Unusual acquaintances are not excluded. A dizzying romantic story can begin with him. Taurus♉️ If you have big plans for this day, it is worth taking on their implementation in the morning. At this time, many things will turn out perfectly, good luck will accompany new beginnings. It will be possible to avoid even minor problems, misunderstandings that could spoil your mood. Gemini♊️ Do something interesting and enjoyable, focus on things that require a creative approach. This will help distract you from unpleasant thoughts and memories that could spoil your mood. The day is hardly suitable for discussing important issues. There will be many disputes, it will not be possible to find a compromise right away.


July 2, 2022

For those who want to lose weight and not only.

The best choice to effectively lose weight and maintain the result is the use of natural remedies that activate digestion and metabolism. We offer you the best drinks for weight loss: Green tea. This tea has the ability to burn all the toxins that may be in the body, that is, it has anti-toxic and diuretic properties, so you will not only eliminate the bacteria that cause damage in the body, but also get rid of excess fat. It is recommended to drink a small cup of green tea 30 minutes before each meal, and also in the evening before going to bed. Lemon water. Lemon has strong properties that help detoxify the entire body. All you have to do is pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and when it reaches the boiling point, add a lemon cut in half with the peel on. Heat over low heat for 2-3 minutes, strain the liquid and drink warm on an empty stomach and at bedtime.


July 1, 2022

Forecast for July for Virgo.

A favorable month awaits you. It cannot be said that it will be completely cloudless, completely devoid of difficulties and trials, but nevertheless the stars will be on your side, and thanks to their support you will achieve a lot. It will not be difficult to cope with the usual work, and you will take on new things with great enthusiasm. Offers of cooperation, as well as acquaintances, which will be very useful for the development of your career, are not excluded. You will need the ability to get along with different people, quickly find an approach to them. The impact of positive trends in personal relationships will also be noticeable. If you have recently quarreled with someone close to you, in July you will be able to find a common language with them. Much will become clear, fears and anxieties will come to an end. You will understand your own feelings, and you will understand others much better.


July 1, 2022