Simple anatomy.

A girl's ability to experience orgasm depends on the distance between the head of the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. Girls in whom the head of the clitoris and the vaginal pharynx are close to each other also experience clitoral stimulation.


July 3, 2022

Orgasm from a sex toy.

Cum in bed with a partner can be difficult. But you want an orgasm, and your hands always know how to bring it to a sweet ending. But this method loses spice over time. That's why it's worth trying new things ... both in bed with a man and with yourself. Not every woman has a clitoral vacuum toy in her sex arsenal, but it's definitely worth trying it on yourself. Just imagine... The air from the stimulator touches your clitoris and then you begin to feel a dizzying sucking effect. As if your tongue caresses you incredibly skillfully, it does not get tired and works so-and-so that the orgasm covers you with a frantic wave, forcing you to bend from euphoria, confusedly grabbing air with your hands.


July 3, 2022

Confidence in bed.

Confidence makes a girl good in bed, and believing she's the best in the room goes a long way. It is this confidence that will make her talk dirty and try new tricks.


July 3, 2022

Blackcurrant is a very useful berry.

It turns out that not only its fruits are incredibly useful, but also the leaves. The drink has a calming effect on the nervous system, stimulates the brain, helps to restore the body after a hard day. In the morning, you can also drink a decoction before work to recharge your batteries for the whole day. Currant leaf tea contains iron. 1. Grind fresh currant leaves and take them 3 tablespoons, pour 500 ml of boiling water. 2. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes and strain the broth. 3. Now bring to a boil, adding currant berries (2 tbsp is enough). 4. Then leave to infuse again and drink chilled.


July 3, 2022

Self-medication with aspirin is a very dangerous thing.

Aspirin reduces the ability of platelets to stick together and form clots. The use of this drug reduces the risk of blockage of blood vessels. It also helps the heart to work properly. But this is the case if a person suffers from cardiovascular pathology. There is a downside: the drug increases the risk of bleeding (including in the gastrointestinal tract). By the way, this is stated in the instructions. So let's not invent anything superfluous and drink something just like that for something.


July 3, 2022

Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach.

Discomfort in the stomach. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach is a serious test for a barely awakened organism. Taking the first hit, the stomach, as it should, releases hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the processing of liquid Reduces cortisol levels. Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can disrupt your circadian rhythm. Simply put, your body releases cortisol in the morning, which helps you feel alert and active. Removes important minerals. Promotes excretion of calcium, potassium and magnesium from the body Increases anxiety. Yes, people experience anxiety when they drink coffee on an empty stomach. The reason for this is simple: caffeine stimulates the fight-or-flight response. It will give you palpitations, sweating and anxiety.


July 3, 2022

Can diet help fight back inflammation?

Research from the American Academy of Dermatology proves that a low-glycemic-index diet can help reduce the frequency of new breakouts and speed up the healing of old ones. And this means that it is still better to refuse simple carbohydrates, sweets and sugar.


July 3, 2022

How to get rid of inflammation on the back?

The mechanism of inflammation on the back is the same as on the face, so the principles of care will be similar. Cosmetics should contain the same components that solve the problem of "black dots" or acne on the face. Among them are benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur. These components have an antibacterial effect, but do not overdry the skin, as alcohol does. Of course, there are certain nuances: since the inflammation is in a hard-to-reach place, it is necessary to select funds in the format of a shower gel or spray. If you do decide to use benzoyl peroxide cream, be sure to keep in mind that it leaves light stains on clothes.


July 3, 2022

Can mistakes in body skin care provoke inflammation?

Certainly yes. And the most common of them is the use of cosmetics with a dubious composition, which contains silicones and parabens. Girls with oily or combination skin should also avoid products with an oily consistency, including body butters. And definitely it is worth giving preference to natural fabrics in clothes - cotton and linen instead of polyester.


July 3, 2022

Why do back inflammations appear?

Wherever acne occurs on the face or body, it is caused by inflammation that occurs when sebum and dead epidermal cells clog hair follicles. But this does not mean at all that improper cleansing can be the only provoking factor. The reasons may be hormonal failures (as a rule, we are talking about an excess of testosterone, the culprit of polycystic ovaries and excessive hair growth), the constant wearing of non-breathable clothing, especially during exercise. All this leads to excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, which is difficult to cope with with the help of ordinary hygiene.


July 3, 2022

Inflammation on the back

And this type of inflammation is often more annoying because it appears on the face: with their soreness, they can be quite difficult to deal with, excluding the possibility of using a redness removal cream, for example. All the same inaccessibility can be the cause of the inflammation itself, since this area often lacks the necessary cleansing, exfoliation and moisturizing.


July 3, 2022

Forecast for July for Pisces.

It is better not to rush into decisions. The beginning of July can be challenging, especially for those who have big plans for this time. Difficulties may arise where you least expect them. Proven methods will turn out to be ineffective, you will have to experiment, make decisions on the go. You will succeed. The main thing is not to lose confidence in yourself. Over time, the influence of positive trends will increase. Mid-July will open up a lot of interesting opportunities, and intuition will tell you how best to use them. It is possible that you will have to make some important decisions regarding work. They will turn out to be true, even if you have only superficial information. Income can rise significantly. Concluded transactions will bring profit. The last days of July will please. This is a time when many things will work out well, and you will hardly have to make an effort to achieve success. You can schedule some family activities for this time. They will be great, everyone will remember for a long time and give a lot of vivid emotions.


July 3, 2022

Forecast for July for Aquarius.

Will need to hurry. It is the first days of July that will set the tone for the entire month. The more useful things you do at this time, the more interesting and pleasant things will happen in the near future. Travel will be good - both business and personal. It will be useful for you to change the situation, to visit new places. It is possible that you will be offered a new job that involves travel and requires the ability to get along with a wide variety of people. In mid-July, you will have to return to some old ideas, plans that have not been realized for a long time. Not everything will be easy, but you will persevere and achieve your goal. It is unlikely that anyone will need help, but if loved ones offer it, do not refuse. The last days of the month will be especially favorable in terms of personal relationships. It will be useful to pay attention to family matters. It is you who will be able to solve the problems that have recently seriously disturbed relatives.


July 3, 2022

Forecast for July for Capricorns.

July is good for serious business. You will find answers to a lot of important questions, you will be able to understand what used to seem very complicated and completely incomprehensible. Acquaintances - old and new - will certainly offer help in solving complex problems. Your intuition will tell you who you can trust. It is easy to make acquaintances, the beginning of friendships and romantic relationships is possible. You will have the opportunity to visit some interesting places, attend events where people gather who share your hobbies and views. There will be a chance to resolve some long-standing conflicts. Those who used to treat you badly will change their anger to mercy, and recent ill-wishers will want to make friends with you. July is a great time to make long-term plans. You can easily guess how events can develop, quickly understand what should be done in the first place, and what is better to postpone.


July 3, 2022

Rating of adventurous signs of the Zodiac, taking the maximum from life. 6th place - Leo.

Leos love to have a good time wherever they are. They never settle for less and always act as the main object of attention from others. Traveling allows them to deal with excessive criticality to the world and to themselves, as it helps to recharge their batteries and look at life from a completely different angle.


July 3, 2022


Capricorn♑️ A good day to think about some serious things, try to solve problems that have arisen before. You will surely find a way to correct old mistakes, to change for the better a situation that seemed almost hopeless. Your words and actions will pleasantly surprise others, make a strong impression on them. Aquarius♒️ Try not to spend a lot of time arguing and talking. The sooner you take on useful things, the less effort it will take to cope with them. In solving familiar problems, you hardly need help. But if you're planning to do something new, think about who you can turn to for support or advice. Pisces♓️ You should not be led by fleeting desires and whims, put off planned activities for the sake of entertainment, be frivolous where seriousness is important. This is a favorable day for useful activities, helping those who find themselves in a difficult situation, solving their own and other people's problems.


July 3, 2022


Libra♎️ Pay attention to any ideas you have today. They may seem strange, far from reality, but it will take a little time and it will become clear: the plan can and should be implemented. The day is good for studying, you will grasp a lot on the fly. Scorpio♏️ The day will be quite hectic, but it is unlikely to spoil your mood. The events that it will bring will be interesting and enjoyable. Some Scorpios will be glad that the planned things can be postponed for now and focus on something completely new. You will be lucky in many ways. Sagittarius♐️ Make the most of your first half of the day. If at this time you focus on some important things, you will achieve noticeable success, you will be satisfied with the fruits of your efforts. It is worth reminding yourself to old acquaintances: it will be useful to restore old ties. Interestingly, in informal conversations, quite serious and very tempting business proposals can sound.


July 3, 2022


Cancer♋️ Do not start the day with some difficult and tedious tasks. Most likely, you will need some time to gather your thoughts and tune in the right way. It is also better to postpone the discussion of important issues: the closer the evening, the easier it will be for you to find a common language with others. Leo♌️ It will not be easy to maintain composure at the beginning of the day. The emotional background at this time will be tense, and any trifle can unsettle you. But it will soon become clear that the problems that have arisen are not difficult to solve. The situation will begin to rapidly change for the better as soon as you tune in to an optimistic mood. Virgo♍️ The day will start with good news and pleasant events. A meeting is also possible, which will cheer you up, help you tune in to an optimistic mood. However, it is important to look at things realistically and objectively assess your capabilities. Remember: you can do a lot, but there are tasks that are difficult to handle alone.


July 3, 2022


Aries♈️ Seriously approach the solution of any issues, this will avoid mistakes and problems. Caution will be especially important when it comes to finances. Do not rush to spend money on fulfilling your fleeting desires, think twice before making any big purchases. Taurus♉️ Don't worry if something goes wrong at the start of the day. This time is unlikely to be completely cloudless, but it will not bring serious problems, and you will quickly cope with minor difficulties. Later, there will come a time of successful coincidences and good news, as well as ideas that you want to immediately implement. Gemini♊️ The start of the day is great for starting something new. You will instantly figure out how to act, do not make mistakes. People around are willing to help if needed. This period will be very favorable for communication. It will be possible to restore the connections that you once treasured, to establish relationships that were previously tense.


July 3, 2022

What keeps a man interested in you?

From time immemorial, any man was attracted to women who know how to be satisfied. Alas, not all ladies are in this state all the time. Some completely discourage male interest in their person from the very first minutes of their acquaintance. For example, they immediately dictate their demands or sit with a “sour” face. So the main conclusion is: Demonstrate a state of pleasure always. It doesn't matter if you are reading a book or riding in public transport. In your every phrase, in every action, you should read: "I live in abundance."


July 2, 2022