How to remove black dots at home?

All you need to cleanse your face is hydrophilic oil. A small amount of the product should be applied to the problem area and massage the skin for 5 minutes. Until the moment when there is a feeling of sand on the fingers. These will be black dots and sebaceous threads. Next, you need to wash it off. Ideally - foam for washing. And no!, hydrophilic oil cannot be replaced with sunflower oil.


July 4, 2022

Carpal tunnel syndrome.

This is not a new disease, but in the conditions of total computerization, carpal tunnel syndrome has become very young and spread. It manifests itself by squeezing the median nerve of the wrist, which entails pain, burning, numbness and tingling, weakness, deterioration of mobility up to the inability to clench a fist. When the disease has already overtaken you, it is forbidden to do anything yourself! Contact the experts. But in order not to bring yourself to such a state, I recommend doing gymnastics every day. If you do a lot of computer work, try ergonomic mice. It is not yet clear from research how they work, but I hear rave reviews from live users regularly.


July 4, 2022

What are "warts" and why do they appear?

Warts are small raised growths on the skin. They look like rounded grains with a dry, rough surface to the touch. These small growths manifest themselves as the human papillomavirus (HPV), which has penetrated the skin cells. Most often, warts occur on the hands, including fingers, knees, elbows, as well as the soles and toes. Simply because these areas are constantly injured. Are warts contagious? Yes. You can become infected with HPV both through direct contact and indirectly: through personal hygiene items and through infected surfaces.


July 4, 2022

Eye patches: fake or reality.

Patches can often be seen in the morning at instablogers. They look aesthetically pleasing, but what's the use of them? The principle of operation of the patches is similar to the work of a compress: due to the “cushion”, the active substances are absorbed longer, dry out more slowly and penetrate the skin better. Ideally, patches brighten, de-puff and moisturize the skin around the eyes. But they cannot be called a serious method of dealing with wrinkles or strong circles under the eyes.


July 4, 2022

Enemies of female energy.

The strength of a woman is in her energy and lightness. These things block this ease, forcing you to lose the most important resource: • Stress • Bad habits • Emotional dependency • Fear and anxiety • Suppressed emotions • Someone else's responsibility • Struggle and resistance • Unfinished business • Toxic men


July 4, 2022

How to decide on a divorce?

When should you get divorced? When all attempts to improve the situation were in vain, and you simply do not see any prospects. Make a plan of action: what and how you will do next. For example, if you have to move, you need to take care of a new place of residence in advance. Think about how to tell the children the bad news. Realize that divorce is not the end of the world, but the choice of a better life for you! Just compare: are you ready to suffer in an unhealthy relationship that destroys you? Or do you want to be a happy girl filled with positive energy?


July 4, 2022

Tolerance for shortcomings.

You do not idealize a man, you do not require him to get a star from the sky. You calmly accept your loved one for who he is. But the trouble with many spouses is that they are not ready to look for common ground. Only insults and manipulation are used: “You are such / such ...”. Unwillingness to put up with the shortcomings of another speaks of the immaturity of feelings.


July 4, 2022

Sexual attraction.

Sexual attraction does not disappear during pregnancy. In half of pregnant women, the desire to have sex increases three times, especially in the first trimester.


July 4, 2022

Do not do this during sex.

No need to practice self-improvement during sex. The man still has flowed your mascara or your hair has blossomed. On the contrary, some negligence may excite him even more. And too perfect girls who look like dolls, even during sex, are not particularly exciting.


July 4, 2022


To brush away a stapler, a sharpener, a wireless mouse and take possession of a partner right on your desktop - isn't that a dream?! If you have an entire office at your disposal (and not necessarily yours), then endless possibilities open up for the two of you. Today you are a harsh boss, and she is your subordinate in every sense. Tomorrow she is a languid boss, and you are a diligent and diligent employee. Roles, roles and more roles. The usual expressions “report on the table” and “today's award” will sparkle with bright colors and take on a new meaning.


July 4, 2022

There is no emancipation, there are problems in sex.

Often girls lack sensuality and emancipation! At the same time, the majority with a beautiful figure, well-groomed, beautiful and attractive. But what's the point when a girl can't open up completely! The easiest way to fix the situation: ▪️Give a subscription to a sexologist. ▪️Compliment every day. ▪️Take dancing, preferably hotter.


July 4, 2022

Sexy doctor.

1. Dressed in a short dressing gown, a nurse conducts an examination. 2. Since the medical worker performs her duties, she completely manages this game, dictating the following commands - “Patient, undress to your underpants and lie down on the couch, I need to examine you” or “Turn around, lower your pants, bend over.” A confident voice giving clear orders is incredibly exciting.


July 4, 2022

Fear of public speaking and how to deal with it.

Trembling hands, halting speech, parched throat — sounds familiar? Today we will analyze some simple and effective tips that will help you feel more confident in front of public. Come up with a detailed performance plan, it will help you to keep the structure (avoiding empty talk) and save time for the performance itself. Remember 2 simple numbers - 80 and 20. Women look more feminine if they use more facial expressions than gestures in their nonverbal communication. Men, on the contrary, should have more gestures. Observing this simple proportion, you will look more harmonious and confident, which means that the audience will like you more. In order to speak confidently and enunciate, it is important to learn how to breathe correctly. There is a special technique of breathing "diaphragm", it allows you to make your voice more voluminous, and less tired during long performances. Learn the main tips and tricks of world famous speakers.


July 4, 2022

Pity is the best control lever.

That's because our mental system is built that way. I've met very few people who can stay aloof from the other's grief. So people begin to unconsciously obey and try their best to help the other. But the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you can be caught and get dumped.


July 4, 2022

Be more silent.

Have you ever noticed that people who listen more are more trustworthy. That's because they have a great psychological advantage. And often people begin to talk more next to silent people and thus tell them everything that is necessary and not necessary. It is enough to throw out a couple of questions and look engaged to make anyone trust you. And let me tell you a secret, where there is trust, there is the possibility of suggestion.


July 4, 2022

An island of wet wipes has changed the course of the Thames.

The course of the Thames has changed slightly due to an artificial island made up of used wet wipes. It is the size of two tennis courts and in places reaches a meter thick. The UK authorities have repeatedly urged residents to give up wet wipes and even wanted to ban them. People wash this hygiene product down the drain, but it does not dissolve there and eventually accumulates in the Thames. Ecologists say that wet wipes harm not only the river itself, but the entire aquatic ecosystem, because they contain a lot of plastic. Wet wipes make up 90% of the solid fat deposits found in sewers.


July 4, 2022

Kate Bush broke three Guinness World Records with "Running Up That Hill".

The composition was released in 1985, and in 2022 experienced a new wave of popularity after being featured in the fourth season of Stranger Things. The Guinness World Records Committee confirmed that Bush has won the following titles: "Oldest Female Artist to Top the Chart", "Longest Time a Track Topped the Official UK Singles Chart" and "Longest Gap Between Topping the Chart".


July 4, 2022

Rating of adventurous signs of the Zodiac, taking the maximum from life. 7th place - Aquarius.

Aquarians love both simple tourist trips and traveling half the world in order to take part in the activities of a volunteer organization. They get great pleasure from exploring this world, gaining new knowledge and helping those who need it. However, since each such trip is incredibly energy-consuming for them, it is always associated with the need to rest and recover well after.


July 4, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Don't put off difficult things. It is worth taking them from the very morning: this time will be especially favorable, you will quickly cope with everything. Unexpected support may come from people you didn't get along with before. Later, it will be possible to focus on current tasks that require concentration and accuracy. Aquarius♒️ Act decisively; this is what will make you successful today. You can take on something complex and important. There will be no insurmountable obstacles on the way to the goal, you will quickly cope with all the minor problems. It will be easy to find helpers if needed. Pisces♓️ A good day for shopping and making deals. In everything related to money, you can rely on intuition: here its clues will be correct. Also, the day is suitable for working with documents, contacting government organizations. You will be successful in resolving complex legal issues


July 4, 2022


Libra♎️ Focus on what seems especially interesting: intuition will accurately tell you what you can succeed in, what to tackle first, and what to postpone. Business relations will change for the better, you will understand your colleagues better, and management will pay more attention to your ideas and suggestions. Scorpio♏️ Try to communicate more with different people: today it will be especially useful. You will receive important information in time, you will learn what others do not even know about. In the first half of the day, it will be possible to discuss working issues with people who will help in solving them. Sagittarius♐️ Don't be discouraged if something goes wrong in the morning. At this time, misunderstandings and minor difficulties can hardly be avoided, and unfortunate coincidences are also likely. But serious problems will not arise, all difficulties will soon remain in the past.


July 4, 2022