A light salad for a summer dinner.

Calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates per serving: 302/24/12/26 You will need: - lettuce leaves -cucumber 100 gr - corn 100 gr -tuna 50 gr - 1 boiled egg -tomato 100 gr For refueling: -35 gr sour cream 10% - a drop of mustard - a pinch of turmeric -salt/pepper to taste ⠀ Chop all the ingredients, season with sauce and mix. A simple salad is ready.


July 7, 2022

How to get rid of redness and tired eyes.

The main rule: the infusion of herbs for lotions and washing should be warm, at room temperature. 1. Black tea. 1 tsp pour 50 ml. boiling water. Leave for about 20 minutes. Take cotton pads, soak them in tea and put them on closed eyelids for 1-2 minutes, then change the cotton pads to new ones. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times. 2. Chamomile. 2 tsp chamomile flowers or 1-2 sachets, pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. Soak cotton pads in the infusion and apply to closed eyelids for 5 minutes. 3. Blue cornflower. 2-3 tbsp. l. blue cornflower flowers pour 1 cup boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash your face with cool water and apply eye cream. It is good to rinse the eyes with this infusion, and make lotions for the eyes for 10-20 minutes, it is good to combine with face masks. After any lotion, rinse your eyelids with cool water and apply eye cream.


July 7, 2022

What is useful bar for the body:

- Calories are burned - Core muscles are strengthened - Improves posture - Increases endurance - Trains the transverse abdominal muscle.


July 7, 2022

Homemade hand mask.

Ingredients: oatmeal, boiling water, sour cream, olive oil. Cooking: Pour oatmeal with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1 and let it brew. Add 1 tablespoon of sour cream and the same amount of olive oil, and then mix everything well. Place the oat mixture in plastic gloves and put them on your hands. Hold the mask for about 15-20 minutes and then rinse with warm water.


July 7, 2022

How to beat jetlag: step by step instructions.

If you are flying on vacation or a business trip to a different time zone, you will most likely experience jet lag. The syndrome occurs due to the rapid change of time zones, to which the body does not have time to adapt. Its most common symptoms are weakness, drowsiness and insomnia. How to beat jetlag: Sleep on the plane. Travel fatigue increases the likelihood of jet lag, so rest early. Give up coffee in favor of water. In flight, do not spur an overexcited nervous system, but prevent dehydration. Use sunlight. Upon arrival, take a walk during daylight hours for half an hour or an hour. This will reset the biological clock. Dine on pasta or rice. Slow carbohydrates calm the nervous system. Reboot the mechanism of falling asleep-waking up from the inside - with a safe drug Reslip. ½-1 tablet, taken 15-30 minutes before bedtime, reduces the time to fall asleep, improves the quality of sleep, but does not cause addiction or "withdrawal syndrome".


July 7, 2022

Ideas for surprises in the distance:

▫️Send him a tasty treat prepared by your own hands by courier. ▫️sex on video, phone. ▫️ while he is sleeping, write him compliments in the messenger. ▫️ video of your dance in lingerie. ▫️play with him the game "truth or dare" on the video. ▫️certificate for the realization of any of his fantasies with you.


July 7, 2022

Erogenous zones of a man.

In the area of ​​the testicles of a man there are as many as 7 erogenous zones. Stimulation should be done in these areas: ▫️right and left parts of the lower side of the scrotum ▫️also the left and right parts of the top ▫️left and right sides ▫️shovchik


July 7, 2022

About the female orgasm.

The study found that women who had regular orgasms consciously focused on the sensations of their bodies. According to a poll, 83.8% of women use a vibrator to stimulate the clitoris, not vaginally.


July 7, 2022

You just have to try it in sex! 5. Mutual masturbation.

Only for brave couples! Mutual masturbation will make your mind turn off completely, and give your body the opportunity to plunge into the world of pleasure. It is easy to try mutual masturbation, sitting opposite each other, within reach of intimate areas. For convenience, you can use a lubricant. Having tuned in to the right tone, you can achieve a simultaneous orgasm.


July 7, 2022

You just have to try it in sex! 4. Love in the bathroom.

Sex in the bathroom, in the shower or even in the jacuzzi - that's what everyone should definitely try. The palette of sensations and experiences of new experience brings partners together, opens up new levels of pleasure. Add a fragrant bubble bath or shower gel, a few candles and your favorite bottle of wine. Such water procedures will strengthen your physical and spiritual health.


July 7, 2022

You just have to try it in sex! 3. Buy something exclusively for sex.

There should be a thing in the arsenal, the purpose of which is to participate in intimate fun. Beautiful, frank lingerie can perform the only function - to seduce and excite. A favorite vibrating toy can be taken out for the purpose of "inviting" to sex fun.


July 7, 2022

You just have to try it in sex! 2. Have a sex weekend.

At least once in your life you should try non-stop sex. You can arrange relaxation at home, or you can go to the resort. For at least two days, you should be completely absorbed in each other - having sex, caressing each other, kissing and hugging. Turn off your phones, forget about restaurants and attractions, and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of intimate pleasure.


July 7, 2022

You just have to try it in sex! 1. Master at least three postures.

Variety is essential for a fulfilling sex life. Three poses, loved and mastered, must be in the arsenal of a person. And even better, when the number of poses tested is constantly growing. New positions are not only diversity in actions, but diversity in sensations.


July 7, 2022

The penis is swollen and reddened.

When the penis is really inflamed, it can be caused by balanitis, which is a general term for any inflammation of the penis. Balanitis can be caused by STIs, poor hygiene, and skin irritation. You should not start this, it is better to immediately consult a doctor: a specialist will help find the cause of the disease and give recommendations for treatment.


July 7, 2022

Itching in the penis.

Most likely, this is a fungal infection in the genital area. It is most commonly caused by sweating, rubbing, or using underwear made from synthetic fabrics. To avoid such a nuisance, it is better to take care of basic hygiene, and immediately after a shower, properly wipe all manhood.


July 7, 2022

His penis is curved and it gives the man pain.

Curvature of the male penis is Peyronie's disease, the causes of which are still not fully known. True, there is the most common version - the pathological healing of the tissues of the penis after an injury received during sex. Doctors warn that the greatest danger is the “woman on top” position or rough sex.


July 7, 2022

His eggs turn blue.

Naturally, in real life, his eggs don't turn blue like watercolors. But after long sex, when a man cannot finish, he may experience pain in the scrotum, which leads his dignity to a strange shade. Fortunately, this problem is very easy to solve: as soon as a man ejaculates, everything will return to normal.


July 7, 2022

Failure after a stormy party.

When a guy at a party pretends to be a camel, trying to get all the alcohol in himself (in case of a drought?), his further plans for sex can be overshadowed not only for him, but also for you. This is most likely because alcohol acts as a sedative, which dulls the senses, including those of the penis. So if you're planning on using it after the party, it's worth setting your alcohol limit early on.


July 7, 2022

Penis injury.

No, it cannot break in half (unless you do it on purpose), but getting a “dislocation” during sex is quite simple: the ligaments that connect the muscles of the penis to the pelvic bones break. When this happens, you can notice that the base of the penis is shifted to the pubic area. As a rule, such injuries are the result of violent sexual pleasures, when lovers and hot-hearted people use ring-shaped objects to prolong an erection. To prevent this from happening, it is better to try other methods, how to prolong pleasure and diversify intimate life.


July 7, 2022

Sexual problems that men are silent about.

Men do not like to talk about problems “below the belt”: his penis is sacred, he must always be ready for an attack. However, doctors say that some men may experience discomfort caused by diseases or injuries, but keep silent about it. Let's analyze the most common ones.


July 7, 2022