Caterpillars for the Disabled Invented in the USA

Engineers from Denver have developed FreedomTrax - a motorized caterpillar platform. It attaches to any wheelchair and allows people with disabilities to travel off-road and even on sand.


September 14, 2024

Dutch Startup Unveils 'Smart' Apartment Garden

A Dutch startup has unveiled a 'smart' garden for apartments that takes over 99% of plant care tasks. According to the developers, the owner only needs to change the water and fertilizers once a month, and the device does everything else: it turns on the lights when needed, adjusts the water and nutrient levels, manages the climate, etc. You can grow onions, lettuce, dill, parsley, and other greens, as well as flowers. The price is €1799.


September 14, 2024

New Toyota Prius drives 1700 km on a single tank

The new Toyota Prius traveled 1700 km on a single tank - the car is already being called an 'engineering marvel' and has been included in the Guinness Book of Records for the lowest fuel consumption. The Prius LE sped across the USA: from Los Angeles City Hall on the west coast to New York City Hall on the east coast - 5168.7 kilometers. During the journey, the car showed a record-low fuel consumption of 2.5 l/100 km.


September 14, 2024

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17-18

This eclipse reminds us: 'You reap what you sow'. This is not necessarily bad – if you radiate kindness, this day will bring deserved rewards. The sign of Pisces is associated with music, meditation, and mental health, making this eclipse an ideal time for creativity and self-care. It helps to let go of past pain and find inner harmony. Eclipse season is also a time for 'shadow' work, where hidden fears and emotions may surface. To free yourself from their influence, you need to move from the external to the internal, explore yourself and embrace change.


September 14, 2024

Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17-18

In relationships, eclipses can become a turning point. Emotions intensify, and hidden truths are revealed. The lunar eclipse in Pisces encourages vulnerability, opening the path to deep intimacy or, conversely, breaking off toxic connections. Singles may feel the urge to find true love. The most important thing during this period is to be aware of the energy you give to the world. Pisces is the sign of manifestations and karma: what you sow, you shall reap.


September 14, 2024

Horoscope for September 14

Capricorn: Events in the first half of the day will not go as planned. Consequently, you might be stressed. Take it easy on things you cannot influence. It's not the best time for shopping and meeting friends. Be cautious of possible injuries when working with electrical appliances. Aquarius: You are too emotional right now. It's better to focus on household chores – this will help clear your mind. To avoid getting tired, involve family members in the work. A loved one will please you with good news. Today's events may turn out to be significant, pay attention to any details. Pisces: A very calm day, you might even get bored. Engage in household chores with family members. In the process, find bonding topics for conversation. Try not to show your irritation to others. Someone you have liked for a long time may invite you on a date.


September 14, 2024

Horoscope for September 14th

Libra: To get rid of a pressing problem – let the situation go and the solution will come immediately. Spend some time alone to feel exactly how you want to act. After lunch, you can relax in good company. Meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises will be beneficial. Scorpio: Events unfold favorably for you, and you can easily achieve what you desire. Having done what is necessary, focus on planning for the future. It is an auspicious time for buying real estate and household items. Sagittarius: A good day, you will be satisfied with the work you have done. Expect a pleasant surprise from close people. Do not rush to make a decision related to changing jobs.


September 14, 2024

Horoscope for September 14

Cancer: Before moving forward, you need to analyze the experiences of the past few months. Consult with your loved ones when planning new goals. You will achieve the best results in your affairs by using unconventional methods. An unexpected encounter will bring you useful information. Leo: It is better to behave restrainedly and engage in routine work. You will have plenty of opportunities to demonstrate your power later. You might be invited to a cheerful celebration, be sure to go. Minor deceit is possible, be careful with financial transactions. Virgo: Dedicate this day to rest and communicate with your loved ones. It would be good to spend time outdoors. Running and brisk walking will be beneficial. Get enough sleep and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.


September 14, 2024

Horoscope for September 14

Aries: Today, the Universe expects good deeds from you. Show your generosity to those in need. You can help both close and unfamiliar people. It is better to postpone new tasks and projects for now. Be careful - someone will try to involve you in an adventure. Taurus: Communicate only with those whom you trust today. Do not make hasty decisions under someone's influence. Spend time with close ones. Gemini: Do not accept a tempting offer at first glance. Later, this may turn into big problems. Your mood will change today, which will negatively affect your communication with others.


September 14, 2024

Take Care of Yourself

Take care of yourself. Don't look for problems within yourself, don't burden yourself. Just remember how special you are, what a miracle you are. This life. Yes, it's tough. But that's what makes it interesting. It has been given to you so that you can reveal all your talents that you already possess. You will move mountains. The entire world is at your feet. And this is not just a fiery speech calling for action, but the purest truth. Take care of yourself. Don't judge, don't criticize. In such moments, you forget that there is light within you. It doesn't matter what happens or has already happened. What matters is what's going on inside of you.


September 13, 2024

Befriend Yourself

Befriend yourself. Recognize your worth. Make peace with all your inner critics, accept all your 'imperfections', your past, and move forward, accepting all the gifts of this life, but already in harmony with yourself. You are all you have. There is enough love, light, happiness, and all blessings within you. They are already within you. Everything you need is love and happiness. But the truth is that everything is already within you, you yourself are the source of love and happiness.


September 13, 2024

Being a Cozy Person

One day, in the life of every person, there inevitably appear completely harmless, very sincere and open — cozy people. When you meet them, you just want to endlessly smile, and in general, a feeling of happiness quietly envelops you from head to toe. Meetings with such people pass too quickly because you start to lose track of time, the cups of tea drunk, and the change of discussion topics. You somehow suddenly realize that this person is already close and dear to you. It even becomes unimportant that a couple of weeks, days, or minutes have passed since you met. Simply in the company of such people, you somehow become better, warmer, and more harmonious yourself.


September 13, 2024

In Moments of Parting

In moments of parting, you want to hug this magical person very tightly, because only with them can you be yourself, only to them can you entrust everything that has been waiting for so long for a listener in your soul. You seem ready to follow them even into uncharted territories, conquer seas and oceans, wherever, just to feel that indescribable 'comfort'.


September 13, 2024

Be a warm-hearted person

One day you suddenly want to be the same. You want to radiate warmth and light, give joy to other people, and do good. Then you break away from your overly important tasks and prepare a delicious dinner for your parents who come home exhausted after work. Then you write to friends who haven't heard from you in a while, telling them that you miss them and wouldn't mind meeting in the coming days. Then you discover yourself from a completely new perspective. Being a cozy person is very pleasant, although probably incredibly difficult, as people in the modern world are used to receiving, too rarely giving something in return. But it's worth trying...


September 13, 2024

Apple will block iPhones if stolen parts are installed

With the release of iOS 18, it has become even more dangerous to send your smartphone for repair - if the 'donor' parts are found to be stolen, the smartphone will require the password of the Apple ID from which the parts were taken. iOS 18 will be released on September 16, and experts advise people with repaired iPhones not to rush to install the new OS.


September 13, 2024

'Constantine 2' Script is Ready

The producer admitted it scares him to read it. The creators are trying to get the most out of the film's adult rating - we're looking forward to an epic horror-action movie starring Keanu Reeves in the lead role.


September 13, 2024

Polish Cyclist David Godziek Sets Unusual Record

Polish cyclist David Godziek set an unusual record by becoming the first person to ride a freestyle course on a moving train. The rider, literally soaring above the train, performed eight jumps at a speed of 23 km/h, executing a double tailwhip, frontflip, and other risky elements. Godziek also holds more classic records: for example, in 2018 he became the first in the world to successfully complete a quadruple tailwhip.


September 13, 2024

Car with Person Inside Dropped from Giant Bungee

Nissan performed an unusual trick in Puteaux, France, which immediately made it into the Guinness Book of World Records. A stuntman was placed behind the wheel, and the car was lifted by a construction crane, then dropped from a height of 65 meters. This is now the world's 'highest car bungee jumping.'


September 13, 2024

Space Tourists Step Outside into Open Space for the First Time in History

Space tourists have ventured into open space for the first time in history. Billionaire Jared Isaacman was the first to leave the ship, and later SpaceX engineer Sarah Gillis will join him. At an altitude of over 700 km from Earth (almost twice as high as the ISS orbit), they will test new spacesuits with projection displays. They will spend a few more days in orbit, conducting various experiments, including studying the effects of space radiation on the human body, before splashdown off the coast of Florida on September 15.


September 13, 2024

Autonomous Shuttles in Guangzhou

A few years ago, autonomous shuttles seemed like science fiction, but today they are cruising around Guangzhou and preparing for launch in other Chinese cities. The fleet already includes over 50 WeRide shuttles, operating on 10 routes with intervals of 15-30 minutes. Some of them don't even have a safety driver, but there is an emergency stop button. The ride costs only ¥2.


September 13, 2024