Larry Ellison on AI Surveillance Systems

Oracle founder and multi-billionaire Larry Ellison cheerfully claims that an extensive artificial intelligence-based surveillance system can guarantee the 'best behavior of citizens' and ensure control over disobedient populations. Autonomous drones could provide not only the escorting of offenders but also constant surveillance combined with other AI means for those whose behavior is or could potentially be threatening. By the way, Larry Ellison has surpassed Amazon owner Jeff Bezos to become the second richest person in the world with a fortune of $206.5 billion.


September 18, 2024

Bhutan has accumulated over $750 million in Bitcoin

The Kingdom of Bhutan has accumulated over $750 million in Bitcoins, analysts from Arkham have found. The country with a population of less than 1 million people has ranked 4th in terms of state crypto holdings. Unlike other countries, Bhutan's Bitcoins come not from asset confiscation but from mining.


September 18, 2024

China Surpasses USA in Growth of Ultra-Rich

China has surpassed the USA in the growth of the number of ultra-rich, according to analysts from Henley & Partners. The number of centimillionaires, i.e., individuals with assets over $100 million, has increased by 54% over the past ten years to 29,350 people, primarily Chinese and Americans. Relatively few centimillionaires are found in Britain, Germany, and France. One third of all the ultra-rich live in 50 key cities around the world, with the most in New York, the Bay Area (California), and Los Angeles.


September 18, 2024

Horoscope for September 18

Capricorn: On this day, you will be able to easily defend your interests, reach agreements, and acquire allies. Everything is going well in your personal life, and single representatives of the sign can expect to start new relationships. Aquarius: A challenging day. Everything will go awry: plans will fall through, agreements will be broken, unexpected difficulties will arise. Your task is not to give in to emotions, remain calm, and avoid making hasty decisions. Take a wait-and-see approach. Show composure. Pisces: You will make the best impression on those you have to interact with. Don’t miss the chance and schedule the most important meetings and significant negotiations for this day – you will effortlessly charm your interlocutor and achieve your goals.


September 18, 2024

Horoscope for September 18

Libra: It is better not to plan any tasks for the morning; spend this time in peace as the stars warn of a high risk of injury. The afternoon forecast is more favorable, and by the evening you will receive pleasant news. Scorpio: Today, no obstacles will stop you; you will have enough energy and perseverance to achieve your goals. It is possible that you will have the opportunity to gain unexpected profit or find a source of additional income. Sagittarius: The time has come to think about something significant, start a new project and not waste time on routine. If additional knowledge is required, do not postpone self-education; start today.


September 18, 2024

Horoscope for September 18

Cancer: The day will not be easy: an old conflict may resurface, and disagreements may arise in the family and at work. Try to smooth things over, and to distract yourself, go shopping – update your wardrobe and delight your loved ones with gifts. Leo: You are excited and sensitive, reacting sharply to everything. Try to pull yourself together and restore your peace of mind. Be especially tactful when dealing with loved ones, as a minor quarrel can start a long-lasting conflict. Virgo: Wednesday is suitable for completing tasks, analyzing, and working on mistakes. In personal life, especially for young representatives of the sign, difficulties may arise. The reason is your excessive demand and categorization.


September 18, 2024

Horoscope for September 18

Aries: Let minor troubles not spoil your mood, stay positive. Show tolerance in your relationships with others, do not demand too much and refrain from criticism. Taurus: Avoid interaction with others, your mood is not the best. To prevent melancholic thoughts, engage in tasks that require mental effort and high concentration. Gemini: On this day, you will succeed in everything you do - the stars are on your side. It is possible that you will have the opportunity to try something new, gain interesting experiences, and visit places you have never been before. Do not miss the chance to gain new impressions.


September 18, 2024

Calculators are now helping with exams

Calculators have learned to help during exams. Tech YouTuber ChromaLock has integrated ChatGPT into a graphing calculator to create the ultimate cheating tool. The gadget looks like an ordinary school device, but now it contains an all-knowing neural network that answers any question.


September 17, 2024

AI Begins Predicting Crimes

In South Korea, a system has been developed to recognize potential criminals. Dejaview, created by scientists at the ETRI institute, monitors people through surveillance cameras and predicts based on their behavior whether someone will break the law.


September 17, 2024

Estonian Slackliner Crosses Bosphorus on a Slackline

Estonian slackliner Jaan Roose was the first in the world to walk on a slackline across the Bosphorus Strait between Europe and Asia. The 1074-meter-long slackline was stretched between the 165-meter-high towers of the Martyrs' Bridge in Istanbul. It took the extreme sportsman 47 minutes to complete the crossing. Incidentally, just a couple of months ago, Jaan attempted to walk a 3.6-kilometer slackline in Italy, setting a new world record, but it was not counted due to a fall just before the finish.


September 17, 2024

Sexual Attraction Boot Camps are Gaining Popularity in China

Sexual attraction boot camps are becoming increasingly popular in China as they aim to rekindle passion in marriages. Women aged 35 to 55 are paying up to $500 to learn techniques for achieving orgasm, sensual dances, and playful stocking removal. All of this is intended to keep husbands from cheating. Instructors at these institutions describe themselves as experienced therapists in the field of intimate relationships and sex.


September 17, 2024

Dolphins Tease Pufferfish for Fun

Dolphins tease pufferfish for fun – they ram them with their noses, hold them in their mouths, and even throw them to each other. Scientists explain that this behavior is caused by the toxin contained in pufferfish. In large doses, it is lethal, but in small amounts, it causes a feeling of euphoria in dolphins.


September 17, 2024

Horoscope for September 17

Capricorn: You are energetic and confident, which will help you solve the most difficult tasks, successfully conduct business negotiations, and handle personal meetings. In the second half of the day, someone you haven't seen in a long time will remind you of themselves. Aquarius: Do not overestimate your strength; you have taken on too much. Set priorities and focus on what is most important right now. Do not ignore the recommendations of those who know the matter as well as you do. Pisces: In the flow of information that will come to you today, there may be very valuable information. Do not be lazy to ponder what you have learned. Also, pay attention to your surroundings; someone among these people may provide you with invaluable help.


September 17, 2024

Horoscope for September 17

Libra: The day is suitable for resting, communicating, trips, and travels; business trips will also be successful. Lonely representatives of the sign are predicted to have a promising acquaintance by the stars. Scorpio: It is impossible to please everyone, and today you can ignore the opinion of the majority. Act as you have decided, in time people will recognize your correctness. Take time for a leisurely walk; it will help you organize your thoughts. Sagittarius: Be collected and serious; in this case, you will be able to make a proper impression on the management or influential people with whom you have to communicate. With a skillful approach, you will gain their approval and support.


September 17, 2024

Horoscope for September 17

Cancer: The day is suitable for solving financial issues – investments, major purchases. Circumstances may arise that require you to travel to another city or region. Leo: It’s time to keep the promise you made, otherwise your reputation may suffer significantly. Someone around you will need your help and support, try to do your best. Virgo: You are too demanding of those around you, it’s time to slow down, otherwise your behavior will lead to a serious conflict. In financial matters, exercise special restraint today; do not spend money on trivialities.


September 17, 2024

Horoscope for September 17

Aries: It is better not to plan anything important as events may take an unexpected turn and you may not be able to accomplish what you planned. In the changed circumstances, it will be difficult to act alone; it is better to enlist the help of friends. Taurus: The desire to do everything may lead to a serious mistake being made in haste, causing significant damage to affairs. Do not rush and do not make hasty decisions; think through each step carefully. Gemini: Today, chaos and confusion reign in affairs, and you will have to work hard to bring order. The hustle and bustle will physically and morally exhaust you, and a pleasant purchase will lift your spirits; reward yourself for your efforts with a gift.


September 17, 2024

Singaporean Scientists Develop a Smart Mouthguard

Singaporean scientists have developed a smart mouthguard. With its help, devices can be controlled through the mouth. It reads tongue movements and transmits commands to devices. One can type text, receive calls, and control a wheelchair. The gadget is intended to help people with disabilities.


September 17, 2024

Oral Sex. Important Points.

The first thing that should be there is Enthusiasm. If you are not ready to fully immerse yourself in the process, it's better not to start and wait for the right mood so you don’t feel obligated. Position. Let the man sit up straight or stand – it will be easier for you. Most guys are visual, so the view might be important to them. Try to keep one hand, or better both, on his body, it will be very pleasant for him. Don’t forget to use your hands. Men are unlikely to feel the difference between hands and mouth during oral sex, so do what is most comfortable for you. Let your hands be an extension of your tongue.


September 16, 2024

Feelings You Must Forget

There are feelings that cause you discomfort and, moreover, can harm your life. They destroy your relationships, your inner comfort, confidence, and motivation. Feelings you must forget: 1. The feeling of belief in the ideal. There is nothing ideal in the world. It's impossible. Everything can be made even better. Without the absence of an unattainable ideal, there is no striving for perfection. Otherwise, it leads to degradation. 2. The feeling of loneliness. This feeling is unproductive, and consequently, it is laziness. Laziness is the absence of desire. Without desire, one can only be lonely. It's a paradoxical feeling.


September 16, 2024

Feelings That Hinder Our Lives

3. The feeling of importance. You are not important. What matters is how you can be useful to others. And vice versa. 4. The feeling that you owe someone something. You owe nothing to anyone since birth. Except to yourself. This is a fact. It cannot be disputed. 5. The feeling of waiting. Don't wait for anyone or anything if it hasn't already happened. Look for new ways, other opportunities. Have a different plan. Waiting is the lot of the lazy. 6. The feeling that someone owes you something. No one owes you anything. With this logic, you owe someone something. But you owe nothing to anyone.


September 16, 2024