- At least once invited me to rest with her. - I don't hang out with married people. - I'm your husband. - No exceptions!
April 7, 2022
Thursday is even better than Sunday: because Sunday is Monday tomorrow, Thursday is Friday tomorrow!
April 7, 2022
You can even argue with a girl!
Often guys are afraid of a possible, even minimal, confrontation with a girl. After all, he wants to “achieve”, “deserve” her to be in the same bed with her. This option will not work - you probably saw this once you were on this channel) An attempt to "cheer up" a girl is a very correct action. Our task is to evoke emotions and emotionally bind it to ourselves. Better such an ardent conversation on opposite sides of the barricades than your dull nodding to all arguments. But there is no need to arrange a debate - there is no need to go to extremes. Find a balance in communication in which you are BOTH individuals. And not you “achieving” and she “evaluating” - this model DOES NOT WORK.
April 7, 2022
Signs of a healthy relationship
Love and care The most important thing in a healthy relationship is sincere mutual love. Partners take care of each other both in words and in deeds, constantly demonstrating that they value and love each other. Mutual Respect Mutual respect means that partners consider each other's feelings and treat their partner the way they would like to be treated. Mutual openness A sense of security allows you to fully open up to a partner, which, in turn, makes the relationship of partners deeper.
April 7, 2022
Our intuition
Man has been given a unique opportunity to make his own choice. We are constantly in a state of making decisions - from the smallest to the most momentous. And, as a rule, we do it intuitively, and choose our path at random. Agree, each of us wants him to have an instruction that would suggest what profession to master, with whom to connect his fate, how to find a common language with parents and with other people. Such a guide to action exists, it only needs to be correctly deciphered. Listen to your heart and move on to a bright streak of happiness, luck and harmony.
April 7, 2022
Consequences of mild forms of coronavirus for the brain
According to scientists, the disease can provoke the appearance of a large number of foci of inflammation and small hemorrhages. The study was conducted on monkeys that did not experience severe symptoms of COVID-19 during the observation, so biologists did not expect to see a significant negative effect on the body. In some cases, these pathologies led to large-scale death of nerve cells, which formed hypoxia in certain areas of the brain. According to researchers, this phenomenon explains clouding of consciousness and other disorders that occur in the head during the acute stage of the disease.
April 7, 2022
Why is the female orgasm considered stronger than the male
Scientists have calculated that the average female clitoris has eight thousand nerve endings! For comparison - on the male penis (regardless of size) there are only about 4 thousand, and even scientists are not sure about this figure!
April 7, 2022
Side effects of Viagra
Viagra is a well-known drug. However, men who often use Viagra suffer from severe headaches. Quite often, dizziness and blurred vision or cyanopsia (a violation of the perception of color shades, in which a person begins to see everything in blue tones) can occur.
April 7, 2022
Erogenous zones
There are more erogenous zones on the soles of the feet than on other parts of the body. In fact, the fingers and feet are very sensitive, so touching them can give a lot of pleasurable sensations. In reflexology (an alternative medical practice based on exposure to specific areas of the feet, hands, and ears), certain points are identified that are responsible for sexual arousal. A soothing foot massage is a great way to find these points. Of course, it’s worth getting ready: get a pedicure, cook open high-heeled shoes.
April 7, 2022
New research from The Atlantic about the working day
After March 2020, due to remote work, people began to work not from 9 to 5, but from 9 to 22. If earlier workers had 2 peaks of activity, now there are 3 of them - another, small one appears. late evening. This is called "triple peak day". Why is the work day so long? The fact is that remote work is not monolithic: I worked for 20 minutes, flipped through the tape, made tea. Although one can argue about the monolithic activity in the office, the general logic is clear. And endless phone calls lengthen the day - now people have to spend 250% more time in all sorts of meetings.
April 7, 2022
Dolphins help to catch fish
In the town of Laguna in southern Brazil, dolphins often help local fishermen. A group of dolphins drives a school of fish to the shore, at this time the fishermen stand in shallow water. Then one of the dolphins turns over at the right moment, which serves as a sign for the fishermen to throw the nets into the water. The advantage of dolphins is that they feast on fish that have escaped the nets and swim towards them. No one specifically trained dolphins for this behavior, and the first mention of cooperation dates back to 1847.
April 7, 2022
♈10 Reasons why everyone should have an Aries friend
1. Aries are adventurous. 2. They radiate positivity. 3. Aries always remain optimistic. 4. They are loyal 5. They talk straight about everything 6. They are desperate for independence. 7. They can be trusted. 8. Aries are generous to others and stingy to themselves. 9. Aries are ambitious. 10. Now put it all together. If you review all the points again, it becomes obvious that you definitely need at least one Aries friend. With him you will be friends for life.
April 7, 2022
Forecast for April 7th
Forecast for April 7th ♈︎ Aries: Your friends will save the day and help you out a lot Luck percentage: 100% Mood: good Lucky color: pink Best/worst compatibility: Virgo/Scorpio Happy birthday to those born on this beautiful day! ♉︎ Taurus: Today you are as capable as usual, but lazy Luck percentage: 100% Mood: tired Lucky color: green Best/worst compatibility: Pisces / Sagittarius ♊︎ Gemini: High chances of embarrassing yourself in public Luck percentage: 82% Mood: normal Lucky color : orange Best/worst compatibility: Capricorn/Libra ♋︎ Cancer: Goodness and romance are in the air, and you are like a gas mask Luck percentage: 54% Mood: bad Lucky color: white Best/worst compatibility: Aquarius/Virgo ♌︎ Leo: Anxiety like a little motor will keep you doing something all day Luck percentage: 100% Mood: good Lucky color: red Best/worst compatibility: Scorpio/Aquarius ♍︎ Virgo: Oh, how you want to yell at someone! Luck Percentage: 99% Mood: Aggressive Lucky Colour: Blue Best/Worst Compatibility: Aries/Cancer ♎︎ Libra: Things will fall out of hand, and mood will deteriorate every hour Luck Percentage: 73% Mood: Harmful Lucky Colour: - Best/ worst compatibility: Pisces/Capricorn ♏︎ Scorpio: You will practice your diplomacy skills Luck percentage: 99% Mood: good Lucky color: blue Best/worst compatibility: Leo/Aries ♐︎ Sagittarius: Stick your nosy nose in other people's business Luck percentage: 100 % Mood: Excellent Lucky Colour: Yellow Best/Worst Compatibility: -/Taurus ♑︎ Capricorn: So why make such a fuss out of the blue? You answer yourself, not him Luck percentage: 72% Mood: normal Lucky color: your favorite Best / worst compatibility: Gemini / Libra ♒︎ Aquarius: You have a very difficult conversation with the person in the mirror Luck percentage: 82.5% Mood: neutral Lucky Colour: Blue Best/Worst Compatibility: Cancer/Leo ♓︎ Pisces: Don't go to a fortuneteller here, it looks like you're about to burst into tears Luck Percentage: 100% Mood: Normal Lucky Color: your favorite Best/Worst Compatibility: Libra and Taurus /.
April 7, 2022
Found a scent that most people like. Scientists from Oxford have found fragrances that all people like, regardless of where they were born. Among these was the aroma of vanilla and ethyl butyrate, which smells like peaches. They also identified the most unpleasant odors, such as isovaleric acid (found in cheese, soy milk, apple juice, and foot sweat).
April 6, 2022
When is our brain most productive?
When is our brain most productive? I created productivity hours for you 👇🏻 ⏰ From 3-00 to 6-00 in the morning - your brain is activated. There is a lot of energy and strength. ⏰ From 6-00 to 9-00 in the morning - the time when information is absorbed very well, data is processed quickly. ⏰ From 9-00 to 12-00 in the afternoon - you can plan very complex tasks, brain activity has peak activity. ⏰ From 12-00 to 14-00 in the afternoon - rest and have lunch. ⏰ From 14-00 to 18-00 of the day - solve simple tasks. This is the time for physical activity.
April 6, 2022
✔️If a loved one admits his mistakes, does not deny the fact of a lie and wants to understand how to change the situation, then the lie can be forgiven. ✖️But if he continues to behave as if he is not guilty of anything, and accuses you of being too picky and suspicious, then you should think: are you on the way with this man? The reverse situation: what to do if you are caught in a lie? First of all, answer the question for yourself: "Why am I lying to my beloved"? What drives you every time you try to hide the truth and come up with an excuse? Fear of breaking up a relationship? But will the consequences of lying be worse than what happens if the fact of lies is revealed?
April 6, 2022
IS IT POSSIBLE TO FORGIVE A LIE TO A LOVED PERSON? ✔️If a loved one admits his mistakes, does not deny the fact of a lie and wants to understand how to change the situation, then the lie can be forgiven. ✖️But if he continues to behave as if he is not guilty of anything, and accuses you of being too picky and suspicious, then you should think: are you on the way with this man? The reverse situation: what to do if you are caught in a lie? First of all, answer the question for yourself: "Why am I lying to my beloved"? What drives you every time you try to hide the truth and come up with an excuse? Fear of breaking up a relationship? But will the consequences of lying be worse than what happens if the fact of lies is revealed?
April 6, 2022
What difference does it make who sleeps with whom, the main thing is that everyone gets enough sleep.
April 6, 2022
One out of four women at least once dreamed of becoming a man for 1 day and sleeping with one of her girlfriends, or even with herself
April 6, 2022
The benefits of coffee
The benefits of coffee for people over 50 are revealed. Scientists from the Australian Institute of Heart and Diabetes named after Baker have found that such an everyday drink as coffee is good for people over 50 years old. Researchers have revealed that drinking several cups of the drink daily can improve the functioning of the heart muscle. In addition, the experts concluded that coffee has a positive effect on people who already have heart disease. It turned out that in this case, the drink helps to reduce the risk of early death, the scientists noted. They urged not to avoid drinking it, but, on the contrary, to drink coffee even for those who have heart problems.
April 6, 2022