A wife texts her husband: "Darling, you are the best!" The husband writes back: "Do you drink or compare?"
April 12, 2022
Love for alcohol
The love of alcohol could have come to man from monkeys. Primatologists in California have found that spider monkeys in Panama are purposefully looking for fruits that contain ethanol. Moreover, a urine test showed that monkeys process alcohol almost like human organisms. And perhaps our passion for drinking stretches from the most distant ancestors
April 12, 2022
The most powerful antibiotic
Created the most powerful antibiotic in history. One of the main problems of modern medicine is superbugs that are resistant to antibiotics. But British scientists have finally synthesized teixobactin, a substance that has been tested to kill even Staphylococcus aureus, which is no longer affected by most modern antibiotics.
April 12, 2022
Lucky Magnet
Remember the state when you felt lucky, confident, and try to keep it as long as possible. And at the same time imagine yourself as a magnet that attracts this feeling to you from everywhere. After all, the outside world is a continuation of your inner self, while you attract favorable circumstances to yourself, as a guarantee of the successful implementation of your plans. A positive mindset is very effective. I am sure you have noticed that there are times when luck follows luck, or vice versa, even the saying is “trouble does not come alone.” This is just due to our internal mood. After all, if we notice every small favorable moment, even in the form of a ruble found on the floor or the last bread bought in the store, we will subconsciously consider ourselves a winner. And if, at the same time, we assign ourselves the proud title of a lucky person, then luck is guaranteed.
April 12, 2022
This is what all men pay attention to. Since childhood, a maternal image has been formed in his head. In psychology, it is he who forms the idea of a woman, her care, affection and warmth. Therefore, I recommend to all women to stroke their men for no reason, simply because you love them.
April 12, 2022
The smartphone myth
Smartphones do not increase the risk of brain tumors. Oxford published the results of a study of 776,000 participants who used phones for 14 years. No abnormal jumps in tumors and cancers of the brain in comparison with the average were found. The smartphone myth
April 12, 2022
Morning sex is good
Everyone knows about the benefits of morning exercises, but few are able to force themselves to run, jump, etc. immediately after morning awakening. A good substitute for traditional exercises can be "morning" sex. Additional benefits of such a replacement: a positive attitude for the whole day and just having fun.
April 12, 2022
Don't be afraid to show your feelings in public
No, I do not call for ripping off clothes from a partner in a movie theater or making love in a park in broad daylight, surrounded by shocked grandmothers, mothers and children. Sex in public is illegal, can injure someone's psyche, and is simply unaesthetic. Always respect the rights of other people and do not cross the line of what is permitted. But flirting with your loved one, holding his hand, whispering something playful in your ear or unexpectedly something more than acceptable and even useful. So you prepare each other for the moment when you find yourself in the bedroom.
April 12, 2022
When to introduce the child to the new "daddy"? What if you break up and the child gets injured again? A child will be traumatized only if you declare: "This is your new dad" (he has a dad, wherever he is); "You must obey him, respect him, love him" (shouldn't, this is given to the worthy in exchange for love and care). Or get rid of your child because he interferes with the new husband. Let the new person, without fanfare, simply enter your life as a friend and entertainment partner in the park, at the movies and on vacation. Without pressure and serious faces will find a common language. The more you inflate around this importance, the more difficult it is for everyone to communicate and accept each other.
April 12, 2022
Emotional swings in relationships
Imagine a situation: a guy and a girl met, started talking. After some time, they began to have romantic feelings for each other: the guy confessed to the girl in sympathy, she reciprocated. And then, as in the best romantic film: flowers, dates. But suddenly an unexpected thing happens: the young man disappears, does not answer phone calls, or his “I love you!” changes to "I hate you!" What does a girl do in such a situation? She begins to look for the reason in herself, to feel guilty and remember with admiration how good he was. Her feelings become even stronger, and then the following happens: the young man returns, again confesses his love and says that he missed her very much. Guess what happens after a while? That's right, he disappears again. A similar pattern of behavior in relationships between a man and a woman, when intimacy alternates with alienation, is also called an emotional swing.
April 12, 2022
Elbows and knees
These areas of the body are probably the most underestimated. And in vain. The inner sides of the elbows and knees have a lot of nerve endings just waiting to be taken care of. Some touches can be ticklish. But if you kiss, gently massage or even bite these areas, you will definitely please your partner.
April 12, 2022
Astrological forecast for the week until April 17th
There will be a lot to think about. It is possible that the events of this week will help to take a fresh look at familiar things, to see what previously went unnoticed. It is better not to rush to conclusions: the thoughts that first come to mind are not always correct. Give yourself time to observe what is happening around you, to understand everything. It will be useful to consult with people whose experience and knowledge you trust. It is unlikely that significant progress will be made in business by those who do not persevere. This primarily concerns work: the solution of any professional tasks today will require more effort than usual. But even if problems arise, you should not give up on your plans. There is a good chance that everything will work out, although not immediately. The first half of the week will be quite tense, there will be a lot of worries at this time. Later there will be more time for rest, entertainment, pleasant communication. There will be an opportunity to return to activities that previously gave a lot of positive emotions. It is possible that thanks to an old hobby, new acquaintances will be made, one of which will play an important role in life.
April 12, 2022
Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday
A dream on Wednesday that was dreamed before midnight will be fulfilled, but if the dream was dreamed after, most likely it will be fulfilled only in part or not at all prophetic. Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is under the influence of the planet Mercury. The dream sent by this planet is usually light, unobtrusive and fleeting, and most likely you will forget it. If the dream, on the contrary, was bright and distinct, as if in reality, try to remember it in all details, perhaps it will give you a hint in solving problems with your close circle or help you find the "keys" in communicating with those with whom the relationship did not work out, but for They are important to you. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday can portend cardinal changes in life, especially if it was bright and memorable, long-term and long-distance business trips, moving, job changes are possible. If the dream was ordinary and unremarkable, most likely you will soon need support or advice from friends or a close relative.
April 12, 2022
Forecast for April 12th
♈︎ Aries: Rudeness is not your choice today, because you have become very vulnerable. Luck percentage: 99% Mood: normal. Lucky color: green. Best/Worst Compatibility: Scorpio/Cancer. Happy birthday to those born on this beautiful day! ♉︎ Taurus: You want something, but you don't know what it is, and you suffer all day because of it. Luck percentage: 52% Mood: anxious. Lucky color: purple. Best/Worst Compatibility: Virgo/Cancer ♊︎ Gemini: You miss those times today when everything was good, quiet and calm. Success rate: 99% Mood: excellent. Lucky Color: Brown. Best/Worst Compatibility: Aquarius/Sagittarius ♋︎ Cancer: You feel like the local superhero because everyone needs your help. Luck percentage: 52% Mood: good. Lucky Color: Beige. Best/Worst Compatibility: Cancer/Taurus and Aries ♌︎ Leo: Talking nonstop because you're tired of hearing about other people's problems. Luck percentage: 52% Mood: normal. Lucky color: green. Best / worst compatibility: Capricorn / Pisces ♍︎ Virgo: Today there are only two opinions - yours and the wrong one. Luck percentage: 100% Mood: creative. Lucky Color: Silver. Best/worst compatibility: Taurus/- ♎︎ Libra: You don't have the courage, so the day will go very well. Luck percentage: 100% Mood: excellent. Lucky color: red. Best/worst compatibility: Sagittarius/Pisces ♏︎ Scorpio: Don't believe the rumors about Scorpio. Today it is much worse. Luck percentage: 100% Mood: mischievous. Lucky color: pink. Best / worst compatibility: Aries / - ♐︎ Sagittarius: Even a liter of coffee will not add a drop of vigor to you. Luck percentage: 92% Mood: normal. Lucky color: white. Best/Worst Compatibility: Libra/Gemini ♑︎ Capricorn: Feeling your personal crisis and don't know what to do about it. Success rate: 82% Mood: excellent. Lucky Colour: Gold Best/Worst Compatibility: Leo/- ♒︎ Aquarius: Time flies faster when you sit down to reflect on life, the universe, and in general… Luck percentage: 42% Mood: good. Lucky Color: Bronze. Best/Worst Compatibility: Gemini/Pisces ♓︎ Pisces: Seething with anger today. Success rate: 92% Mood: anxious. Lucky Colour: Blue Best/Worst Compatibility: -/Aquarius and Libra
April 12, 2022
Sleep from Monday to Tuesday
A dream on Tuesday comes true in the first ten days after having a dream, the likelihood that it will come true later is extremely small, one can even say that the dream will no longer come true. Tuesday is the day which is ruled by martial Mars. It is Mars that directs and sets you up to move only "up" and only forward. If you have great deeds and accomplishments in your plans, then a dream from Monday to Tuesday can symbolize your desire to achieve a goal, it can also personify your path to self-realization and self-development. If on a day ruled by Mars, you had an unpleasant, heavy and dark dream, perhaps this is a sign and warning of impending conflicts, quarrels and even a conspiracy against you. If the dream, on the contrary, was bright, light and laid-back, this can be considered a sign that big troubles will bypass you, and minor troubles will be solved by themselves, or you will have enough experience and strength to solve them at the snap of your fingers.
April 11, 2022
Underestimated Erogenous Zones
Buttocks, this is the place where you can give free rein to your hands. Someone likes flip flops and a fairly strong grip, someone prefers lighter touches. It remains only to choose the right way, which will be pleasant to both partners.
April 11, 2022
"I love you". Remind yourself of this more often and do not be afraid to overdo it with this phrase. A man must know that he is loved. "Thank you" And this is not just a demonstration of their politeness. In healthy relationships, people accept actions with special love and value. "Forgive me" Relationships are not a field for pride. Sometimes it is easier to show maturity and wisdom to take the first step towards reconciliation than to pout over some little thing. "I'm lucky to have you" A couple in a happy and strong relationship realizes the value of their union. They are ready to admit it to everyone in the world, but the most important thing is that they tell their partners about it. "How was your day?" Healthy relationships involve a sincere interest in each other's life of their soul mate.
April 11, 2022
Method 20%
I want nothing and nothing works? Motivation does not work well, and you completely gave up? When your dreams, goals and objectives are huge, everything seems unrealistic. Start small. Do only 20% of what you expect to get. Do you want to lose 10 kilos? Decide that 2 kg will be enough for you. When you drop them, you will want more, because it was not difficult. Push-ups 100 times is difficult, but if you try 20, then it is quite possible to learn. Writing a novel is hard, but the first 10 pages are easy. Set yourself a goal bar 20% less than you dream. But upon reaching, raise it again and again. It is always difficult to take the very first step, and then things will go. It is important not to give up along the way. Now act, but do not give up after the difficulties encountered, but fight and look for other loopholes. Forward!
April 11, 2022
In a woman, as in a man, energy, liveliness, a twinkle in her eyes are very important. This is what attracts people to each other, gives them a charge. A man comes to a woman in the first place for him. In order not to lose the spark in your eyes, you need to develop and learn new things, enjoy yourself, your life, be responsible for changes, love yourself and the world that you surround yourself with.
April 11, 2022
Ghost village
In southern Italy, in the Basilicata region, there is the ghost village of Krako. On one terrible day in 1963, an earthquake of unprecedented strength shook the rocks, causing many victims and destruction. It became really unsafe to stay in the houses further, and it was after this event that people preferred to move to the neighboring settlement of Craco Peschiera, and nature completely took over their former houses.
April 11, 2022