The most dangerous signs of the zodiac

12. Gemini is considered the safest sign of the zodiac. It's rare for Geminis to have blood on their hands, as they don't take others seriously enough to hurt or kill them. The greatest harm that they are capable of is to crush a person with their chatter. 11. Aquarius. This is the second least dangerous sign of the zodiac. According to experts, this is due to the fact that they are smart enough not to get caught, or they do not leave evidence after the crime. 10. Lions avoid any trouble. According to statistics, if a Leo commits a murder, he does it only to get attention. 9. Libra is a good sign of the zodiac. However, among them there were more cases of murders than among Aquarius and Lviv. If you try to abuse their good intentions, Libras get very violent! 8. Among Virgos, as a rule, there are psychopaths and very smart killers. But still, Virgos often resort to fraud and theft than to murder. 7. Fish. According to statistics, there are many Pisces among the most famous serial killers. Given their addiction proneness, Pisces often commit extraordinary murders. 6. Capricorns are the average serial killers who kill the most people. In rage, this zodiac sign shows the worst. 5. Aries. These people are out of control. They can get angry easily, but tend to cool down quickly. Stay away from Aries when they are angry. 4. Taurus is very often seen in anger. However, this zodiac sign is also more prone to fraud rather than murder. 3. Sagittarius takes the third place in the rating. They don't target petty crimes, but something bigger, like mass murder. Sagittarius often commit theft, but they are very difficult to catch. 2. Scorpio. These are real psychopaths. Scorpios can be sadistic and easily manipulate others. Scorpios often become professional spies. Statistically, most serial killers were born in November. 1. Cancerians top the list of the most dangerous signs. For the most part, people of this sign kill others out of jealousy and envy. They kill with a special passion, and leave decals on the body of the victim.


April 14, 2022

Dreams from Thursday to Friday

Friday's dream will definitely come true if it is connected with the romantic, love part of your life. It is worth paying attention to the time at which the dream occurred. A dream that occurred before midnight will come true, but you will have to wait a little, from midnight to 3 in the morning - the dream should come true in the next three months, the dream that came at dawn will not make you wait long for its fulfillment. The patroness of dreams from Thursday to Friday is Venus, she helps you better understand your own feelings, emotions, experiences, heart desires, especially in a love channel. Dreams seen from Thursday to Friday are directly related to the personal life of a person, his creativity and material and social situation. If you carefully analyze your dreams, then perhaps it is in a dream that you will find a hint that will help you fulfill your old dream.


April 14, 2022

Forecast for April 14th

♈︎ Aries: You are generating a lot of great ideas today. The only thing missing is a light bulb overhead. Success rate: 93% Mood: good. Lucky color: blue. Best/worst compatibility: Virgo/Pisces. Happy birthday to those born on this beautiful day! ♉︎ Taurus: Everything will be very cool, even if it doesn't seem so at first. Luck percentage: 100% Mood: calm. Lucky color: turquoise. Best/worst compatibility: Libra/Pisces ♊︎ Gemini: It's like you're speaking in a language unfamiliar to those around you. Luck percentage: 93% Mood: normal. Lucky color: blue. Best/worst compatibility: Cancer/Sagittarius ♋︎ Cancer: You criticize yourself, and because of this you have no desire to do anything. Luck percentage: 72% Mood: calm. Lucky Color: Bronze. Best/Worst Compatibility: Gemini/Scorpio ♌︎ Leo: Want to watch warm movies in cozy places. Luck percentage: 72% Mood: attentive. Lucky color: red. Best / worst compatibility: Virgo / Aquarius ♍︎ Virgo: Proud loneliness is unlikely to save you today, but at least help you relax. Luck percentage: 99.7% Mood: wonderful. Lucky color: pink. Best/worst compatibility: Leo and Aries/Capricorn ♎︎ Libra: You have a very tender day today. You want tactility and something cute. Luck percentage: 72% Mood: excellent. Lucky color: yellow. Best/worst compatibility: -/- ♏︎ Scorpio: You are very sharp and daring today. Luck percentage: 99% Mood: charismatic. Lucky Colour: Green Best/Worst Compatibility: Sagittarius/Cancer ♐︎ Sagittarius: You seem to be falling apart again. Luck percentage: 38% Mood: anxious. Lucky Colour: Black Best/Worst Compatibility: Scorpio/Gemini ♑︎ Capricorn: From your heels to the top of your head, today you're like one exposed nerve. Luck percentage: 42% Mood: neutral. Lucky color: orange. Best / worst compatibility: - / Virgo ♒︎ Aquarius: You think about love and spring, but you should think about business. Luck percentage: 72% Mood: good. Lucky Color: Black Best/Worst Compatibility: Pisces/Leo ♓︎ Pisces: Pity will wake up in you, and with it the desire to cry. Success percentage: 100%. Mood: tragic. Lucky Color: Brown. Best/Worst Compatibility: Aquarius/Taurus and Aries


April 14, 2022

The most romantic signs of the zodiac

Cancer. It's safe to say that Cancer lives for love. It gives him pleasure to take care of others, to show his love and tenderness. And although often his heart is broken, he does not lose his sincerity and is ready to share it with someone else. Fish. These are the same lovers with a happy smile on their faces, who often look like eccentrics. They are ready to follow their love to the end: even when Pisces is rejected, they are ready to take the object of their passion back at any moment. Love for Pisces is always joy, albeit with an admixture of slight sadness. Virgo. She has an open heart, she is not alien to compassion and care for loved ones. And although Virgo strives for her own comfort, she cannot be called selfish: in her eternal search for the ideal, she will never forget who is nearby. Scales. The actions of Libra rarely provide them with a pass to the hit parade of romantics. But it pays off headlong with their inner experiences, which are similar to Mexican passions. But they will never show this storm of emotions: Libra is not used to public expression of feelings. They can love one person all their lives and not even admit it to him! Both funny and sad. Taurus. Solid and stubborn, Taurus is badly associated with a fool in love. But that is exactly what he becomes when he is captured by a genuine feeling. At this moment, Taurus is completely unstoppable: he wants to devote himself to a person, forget about his own desires and generally crawl after his soul mate over hot coals. Well, all lovers are crazy in their own way!


April 13, 2022

Change the scenery

You do not even have to go anywhere or spend money on hotel apartments. You are surrounded by places for sex. In such quantity that it is easier to list the locations where it is dangerous or prohibited by law. Variety begins already beyond the threshold of the bedroom - on the kitchen table, in the shower or even on the wide windowsill. Only in a fit of passion, try not to forget about safety so that your experiment does not end in a fall.


April 13, 2022

How to diversify sex?

Get into sexting. Sexting, or frank correspondence with the exchange of erotic photos, serves as an excellent prelude, slowly warming up mutual sexual interest. They can be practiced even while sitting in neighboring rooms or lying next to you on the couch. Have you ever done this? All the better. Its time to begin.


April 13, 2022


Taking responsibility Both partners should do this. If you absolve yourself of responsibility in every quarrel, then you blame the man. Don't Avoid Problems Avoiding a problem will only make matters worse. Do not criticize When an argument turns into attacks on a partner or criticism of his behavior, this portends trouble. Communicate with each other Don't wait for your partner to read your thoughts, share them.


April 13, 2022

Erectile dysfunction

The main difficulty with which men come to sexologists is erectile dysfunction. As a rule, it is temporary and is determined by circumstances. Very often, just getting enough sleep and rest is enough to feel like a strong man again. But only a specialist can give such advice. Often a man himself, faced with a difficulty, begins to worry, blame himself or his partner, which exacerbates the problem and provokes neurotic states. Tip: if there was an embarrassment, the most important thing is not to panic, try to identify the cause. It is better to exclude risk factors - smoking, unhealthy food, alcohol consumption, long-term abstinence, lack of sleep, stressful situations. Enlist the support of a partner and calmly try again. Once again. If it still doesn't work, see a doctor. It’s also calm, because everything will be decided safely in any case.


April 13, 2022


Scientists have found that orangutans, like people, can use slang. The experiment was carried out on the islands of Sumatra (Indonesia) and Kalimantan. The essence of the experiment was as follows: people made new sounds that were easily and quickly identified by orangutans, and those, in turn, shouted out “slang words” in a chain reaction, trying to “be in the know” and seem “brutal”.


April 13, 2022


Don't shut yourself off from your emotions, admit them to yourself. Yes, you are hurt, hurt, you feel betrayed, angry. Then proceed according to the following scheme: ▫️Choose a convenient time for a conversation. Ask what your husband's love correspondence means, how you should react to it. Most men begin to make excuses, to confess their boundless love. Make sure your partner is not lying to you. ▫️ Speak out your feelings. Say that you are offended, you are hurt and feel bad. But do not shout, do not scandal: oddly enough, men are frightened by such behavior, they “close”. ▫️Ask your husband how he sees the future life of your family. After that, say that you need time to think and make a decision. It is advisable to spend this time separately: ask him to temporarily move out or change the situation yourself. Take this time to figure out what you want from the relationship. Are you ready to forgive betrayal?


April 13, 2022


In normal relationships, partners do not become one. They still have their own goals and interests. You see these very boundaries well and do not invade each other's personal space. In addition, you react calmly if your lover inadvertently touches your freedom. For example, you explain that at the moment it is important for you to be alone. And he understands you. This is the emotional connection.


April 13, 2022

Japanese restaurant

A Japanese restaurant for naked people will weigh in. Visitors whose weight exceeds the average by more than 15 kg will not be able to enter the institution. Such people are not recommended to book seats in advance, since the restaurant is not going to return the money paid for entry. Guests will be provided with paper underwear. Restaurant staff will also be partially covered. Visitors are promised that the waiters will be "men with the most beautiful bodies in the world." The restaurant will open on July 29th.


April 13, 2022


1. You enjoy being alone Do you remember how you used to look forward to your husband's return from work? And now you catch yourself thinking that it would be better if he went on a business trip or came home when you are already sleeping. 2. You want to receive, not give. A loving woman does everything with joy for her man: cooks, cares, compliments. And the one who has fallen out of love is waiting for something in return, constantly “bargaining”, trying to manipulate. 3. You no longer want intimacy with him. You don’t get goosebumps, you don’t get excited by the touch of your spouse. 4. You constantly criticize your husband Have you noticed that you began to make such claims more and more often? Moreover, you also get a discharge, throwing reproaches at your husband. Worth thinking about.


April 13, 2022

Air pollution

Air pollution has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths. An international team of scientists has found that air pollution has caused more than 100,000 deaths in tropical cities. The researchers analyzed air quality data for 46 metropolitan areas across Africa, Asia and the Middle East using instruments aboard NASA and European Space Agency satellites from 2005 to 2018. In all cities, experts have found a significant annual increase in the content of pollutants that are directly hazardous to health. For example, nitrogen dioxide increased by 14 percent, fine particles by eight percent, ammonia by 12 percent, and volatile organic compounds by 11 percent.


April 13, 2022

Some Helpful Tips

I have collected some tips for you that will help you not to burn out and stay motivated. Give up overworking. It is impossible to work more efficiently than everyone else in the world. Fully work all 8 hours, not being distracted by trifles, but not overworking either. Stop thinking about missed opportunities. Do not shorten your sleep time. Find a balance between work and leisure. If you work five days a week, use two days for good rest.


April 13, 2022

The most erogenous zone

The most erogenous zone in humans is the brain. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken! It is in him that sexual desire is born, so stimulate it in all possible ways. Create a romantic atmosphere around, try to maintain eye contact and use your partner's favorite perfume. Don't forget to communicate (gentle whispers and dirty talk work equally well). It is best to do this before the meeting by sending a playful message to the crush. Remember, each body is different, so erogenous zones may vary. Take some time to explore each other's sexual landscape and find them. This activity will surely bring pleasure and, perhaps, a few discoveries.


April 13, 2022

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

A dream on Thursday will be prophetic with a high probability, if you had a dream in the morning, most likely it will come true on Sunday. Thursday's dreams are ruled by Jupiter, so everything you dream about will be directly related to your work. If you are in search, then it is a dream from Wednesday to Thursday that can tell you which field of activity or profession to choose so that work brings not only money, but also pleasure. If people were present in a dream on Thursday, know that they care and worry about you, most likely they will help you find options for solving unpleasant life situations. If in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday you were in high spirits, participated in some kind of holiday or fun event, you should know that among colleagues and superiors you can count on help, which is likely to lead to career growth and success in work affairs.


April 13, 2022

Forecast for April 13th.

♈︎ Aries: The specificity of your perception of reality can confuse others. Luck percentage: 14% Mood: anxious. Lucky color: pink. Best / Worst Compatibility: Gemini / Capero.g Happy birthday to those born on this beautiful day! ♉︎ Taurus: A calm day, because you are all in worries and deeds. Success rate: 82% Mood: excellent. Lucky color: red. Best/worst compatibility: Capricorn/- ♊︎ Gemini: You hurry and make people laugh. Does life teach you anything at all? Luck percentage: 42% Mood: not very good. Lucky color: beige. Best/worst compatibility: Aries/Pisces ♋︎ Cancer: Committed to spreading knowledge? For some reason you educate everyone around. Luck percentage: 93% Mood: normal. Lucky Color: Gold. Best/Worst Compatibility: Leo/Sagittarius ♌︎ Leo: Thinking about how you could use an extra day off because you've been so tired the last few days. Success rate: 99% Mood: anxious. Lucky color: purple. Best/worst compatibility: Cancer/Virgo ♍︎ Virgo: Trying to understand what you want from life, but you only understand that you want sweets again. Luck percentage: 42% Mood: normal. Lucky color: blue. Best/worst compatibility: -/Leo ♎︎ Libra: You give up on everything and decide to just relax and enjoy life. Luck percentage: 100% Mood: great. Lucky color: ocher. Best / worst compatibility: Libra / - ♏︎ Scorpio: Events in your life are gaining a very interesting turn. Luck percentage: 82% Mood: normal. Lucky color: beige. Best/worst compatibility: Scorpio/- ♐︎ Sagittarius: All day you will think about injustice. Luck percentage: 100% Mood: bad. Lucky color: - Best/worst compatibility: -/Cancer ♑︎ Capricorn: Private - not public, or Capricorn's top excuse for those who are climbing into his life today. Luck percentage: 72% Mood: calm. Lucky color: white. Best/Worst Compatibility: Taurus/Aries ♒︎ Aquarius: With each passing hour, your level of anger will increase. Luck percentage: 99% Mood: normal. Lucky color: red. Best/worst compatibility: Aquarius/- ♓︎ Pisces: Your strength ended yesterday, so you will spend this day like a slow turtle. Luck percentage: 73% Mood: neutral. Lucky Color: Gold. Best/worst compatibility: Pisces/Gemini.


April 13, 2022

The biggest Hummer

The world's largest Hummer has joined the collection of a sheikh from the UAE. The monstrous detailed copy of the Hummer H1 is 14 meters long, 6 meters wide and 7 meters high. It runs on 4 diesel engines and has a toilet with a sink on the ground floor and a guest lounge on the second floor. This monster can move at a maximum speed of up to 32 km / h. By the way, the Arab Sheikh Hamada bin Hamdan Al Nahyan is obsessed with SUVs: he has 718 of them, thanks to which he got into the Guinness Book of Records.


April 13, 2022

Snoring danger

Doctors have warned of the deadly danger of snoring. An otolaryngologist, a doctor of the highest category, warned that this ailment could cause respiratory arrest, which, in turn, could lead to a heart attack and stroke. The doctor also named the possible causes of snoring. It can appear due to a congenital or traumatic deviated septum of the nose, the growth of the inferior turbinates, and even due to excess weight. The ENT urged people suffering from snoring to immediately contact a doctor who will conduct an examination, identify its cause and tell you how to get rid of it.


April 13, 2022