Discovery in neuroscience
The absence of a part of the brain involved in speech processing did not stop a person from learning two languages and getting a degree. Evelina Fedorenko, a cognitive neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, worked for several years with a patient without a part of the brain that is involved in speech processing. Despite the lack of a left temporal lobe, she speaks fluent English and Russian, has a degree, and has had an "impressive" career. Scientists did not know before that whether the frontal lobes could form in the absence of the temporal lobes, but the experience of the patient Fedorenko showed that they can. A series of experiments confirmed that her language abilities are in no way inferior to those of neurotypical people.
April 15, 2022
New startup
Startup Space Perspective showed the interior of balloons for space tourism. The ball will rise into the stratosphere to a height of 30-40 kilometers. It will not reach outer space, which begins above the mark of 100 kilometers. The flight duration will be six hours. Space Perspective expects to organize the first launches at the end of 2024. The ticket will cost $125,000.
April 15, 2022
The negative impact of electronic cigarettes on brain health
For the study, biologists exposed lab mice to JUUL e-cigarette vaporizers three times a day, using some of the most popular flavors: mint and mango. The researchers then looked at signs of inflammation throughout the body. It turned out that the strongest changes occurred in the brain: several markers responsible for inflammation were increased there. However, the expression of inflammatory factors was seen in the colon. In the heart, scientists tracked a decrease in the level of inflammatory markers. The state of immunosuppression of the heart can make heart tissue more vulnerable to infection. In the lungs, biologists found no signs of tissue inflammation, but numerous changes in gene expression were observed in the samples.
April 15, 2022
The 3 most unbearable signs of the zodiac in old age
Aries ♈ These stubborn people know in their youth what and how everyone should do, which they do not forget to tell in detail. With age, unquestioned authority is added to this, references to life experience, which is why it is better not to argue with them. However, they won't even let you open your mouth. Virgo ♍ Their perfectionism is gaining momentum every year, so those around you need to have a lot of patience to listen to endless admonitions on where socks should be, at what height a towel hook should be nailed and how much water to use per day. Libra ♎ Being young at a far from girlish age is just about Libra. They become especially sensitive to new wrinkles, so their conversations are more like moaning about former beauty. It is impossible to listen to this, but it will be necessary - everyone has their own fad.
April 15, 2022
Rating of wives by zodiac sign. Continuation.
11th place. Marrying Rybka is the same as getting a cat: a very beautiful creature will live in the house, which will look at you all your life as a regrettably fragrant result of a long digestion process. At the same time, Rybka costs much more than cats, but they bring the same benefit: sometimes, if Rybka deigns to be in a good mood, you can take it in your arms and squeeze it a little. Maybe she'll even purr. And they get addicted to this purring, like hard drugs: from the first time and forever. Because even if you get off the needle, life will still remain empty and meaningless. It's great, right? So it's not surprising that Pisces, as the best wife according to the sign of the zodiac, took the penultimate place in the ranking.
April 15, 2022
Dreams from Friday to Saturday
A dream on Saturday, not interrupted by an alarm clock, dreamed at dawn will be easier to remember and analyze, and it will come true more likely. Saturday is a day ruled by the most distant planet of our system - Saturn. It is Saturn that is considered to be the planet of trials of fate, luck and fortune. The yellow planet will tell you through a dream what you can refuse, so as not to harm yourself or your environment. The signs that are sent to us in a dream from Friday to Saturday, you can "see" the plans of life itself, which she has prepared for you and me, the prospects, plans and events that await us. It is worth noting that Saturday dreams are also a reflection of our actions in the real world. For example, if you often have nightmares on your first day off, you should pay attention to problems and unresolved cases during the week. It is possible that accumulated stress and fatigue prevent you from sleeping peacefully, learn how to get rid of them, relax and "let go" of problems before going to bed.
April 15, 2022
Forecast for April 15th
♈︎ Aries: Staying neutral because you don't have the strength to understand normally. Success percentage: 52%. Mood: excellent. Lucky color: green. Best/Worst Compatibility: Aries and Pisces/Gemini. Happy birthday to those born on this beautiful day! ♉︎ Taurus: I want to give someone the joystick to control your life. Success rate: 82%. Mood: calm. Lucky color: green. Best/worst compatibility: Scorpio/Aquarius. ♊︎ Gemini: You need to remember your promises. Success rate: 73%. Mood: anxious. Lucky Colour: - Best/worst compatibility: Capricorn/Aries. ♋︎ Cancer: Deal with problems one or two. Success rate: 99%. Mood: excellent. Lucky color: red. Best/Worst Compatibility: Cancer/Leo. ♌︎ Leo: Were you bitten by an electric broom? You are full of energy and desire to do something! Success rate: 47%. Mood: excellent. Lucky color: purple. Best / worst compatibility: - / Cancer. ♍︎ Virgo: I don't know anything. This day is for relaxing and taking care of yourself. Success percentage: 33%. Good mood. Lucky color: blue. Best/Worst Compatibility: Gemini/Libra. ♎︎ Libra: The motto of this day is cry and see. Success percentage: 100%. Mood: creative. Lucky color: mint. Best/worst compatibility: Sagittarius/Virgo. ♏︎ Scorpio: Delight in what you do. Not without reason - today you are smart! Success percentage: 35%. Mood: excellent. Lucky color: yellow. Best/worst compatibility: Taurus/-. ♐︎ Sagittarius: Nothing is clear. Yes, again. Luck percentage: 85.6% Mood: bad. Lucky color: pink. Best/worst rating: Libra/- .♑︎ Capricorn: Today you are too independent to accept help. Success rate: 37%. Mood: lazy. Lucky color: the color of wet asphalt. Best/worst compatibility: Gemini/- . ♒︎ Aquarius: You feel sorry for yourself, because there is complete confusion in your soul. Success percentage: 100%. Mood: statutory. Lucky flower: your favorite. Best/worst compatibility: -/Taurus. ♓︎ Pisces: I want to climb high, high, to scream loudly loudly. Success rate: 27%. Good mood. Lucky color: off-white. Best/worst compatibility: Aries/-.
April 15, 2022
Brain during orgasm
At the moment of orgasm, there is a colossal flow of blood to the brain. All nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the brain. Researchers have found that there is little to no difference between the brain activity of men and women during sex. In both sexes, during orgasm, the area of the brain located opposite the left eye was switched off: the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, responsible for controlling behavior. Researchers suggest that it may be the basis for controlling sexual behavior. Perhaps only by loosening control, you can achieve orgasm. Deactivation of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex occurs only during orgasm. So far, no other activity has been found that causes a similar effect.
April 14, 2022
Role-playing games
Role-playing games allow you to realize obsessive sexual fantasies without cheating and subsequent divorce with the division of property. However, not always and not everyone manages to convincingly enter the image. Therefore, treat what is happening with a sense of humor. If it doesn't work out, then at least have some fun. For example, imagine that you don't know each other. Flirt and seduce each other like you met for the first time. And you don't know if you'll see me again after a night of passion. This version of the role-playing game does not even require dressing up. Enough to turn on the imagination.
April 14, 2022
One way to diversify sex is to add adrenaline
Many are annoyed by movie scenes in which heroes have sex at the moment of danger instead of running as fast as they can. Neither the volcanic eruption, nor the invasion of zombies, nor the shootout of drug dealers can prevent the lovers from merging in ecstasy. And this is not just an invention of crazy screenwriters! The risk is really exciting. We are by no means encouraging you to chase an orgasm in a car that is speeding at a speed of 100 km per hour. It is easy to raise the level of adrenaline even at home, if there is a danger that you may be caught by guests or relatives.
April 14, 2022
1. Get married. The step is as illogical as possible, but very common. A wedding in our culture is often perceived as a way to nullify all the negative things that happened before marriage. including claims. 2. Have a baby. The appearance of a baby can be a test for strong harmonious couples. 3. Change. If betrayal strengthens marriage, then in some parallel universe. Do not flatter yourself and make hasty decisions. You need to take a break and try to figure out the problems that have arisen.
April 14, 2022
Start loving yourself. You deserve everything you dream of. You have talents. Perhaps they are still hidden from you. Because instead of looking inside yourself, you look at others. • Keep a success diary. Write down all your achievements there, even small ones. • Try to be inspired by someone else's example. Set goals and learn how to reach them. • Catch negative thoughts and switch. • Work with your destructive attitudes. Everything starts from the head.
April 14, 2022
When I hear: "Why praise him, kiss him in the ass, why should I? They don't thank me." I understand that there is no team in this pair and love has hung somewhere in question. Otherwise, why is it so hard for a loving woman to say “Thank you” to her own man? There is competition for scarce resources of warmth, kindness, and good relationships. As if the word “thank you” is the same for everyone, and if you give it to him, then nothing will remain for you. When the family turns into rivalry and revenge and stubbornness begin, everything ends! It's up to us to save her. After all, a woman is an inexhaustible source of kindness, warmth and affection.
April 14, 2022
Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone
When you feel comfortable and happy, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel good. But in the long run, comfort doesn't do him any good. Strive for new experiences, develop new skills, and be open to new ideas. Without mental work, the dendrites, the processes of neurons that conduct nerve impulses to the body of the neuron, shrink. An active life increases dendritic networks and the brain's regenerative capacity, known as plasticity. When you step out of your comfort zone, you "stretch" your brain, and the dendrites grow like trees with many branches.
April 14, 2022
The best wives according to the zodiac sign - who are they?
Let's figure out with whom family life turns into a paradise, and who will turn it into an eternal adventure! The best wives by zodiac sign - a rating that starts with Scorpios. True, if you look at it from the end. And all why? The fact is that an incredibly attractive, enchantingly smart and breathtakingly beautiful Scorpio young lady is the worst wife in the world. Because marrying a Scorpio means selling yourself into slavery. Of course, serving such a beautiful mistress is even honorable in some ways, but there is one problem: while you get used to her complex character and learn to dodge sudden slaps in the face, you will have time to earn a bald head, erectile dysfunction and an old-age pension. And this is where she will change you for a sultry thirty-year-old macho with such a mustache.
April 14, 2022
A way to store solar energy for 18 years has been created
The technology is based on a molecule of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, which changes shape upon contact with sunlight. This isomer can then be stored in the liquid state for an extended period of time. The ultra-thin chip designed by scientists releases energy. According to experts, the technology they described will replace classic batteries and solar cells. They emphasized that the created closed system works without carbon dioxide emissions.
April 14, 2022
Czech startup
The Czech startup EquiLibre Technologies, founded by engineers from DeepMind, is working on the creation of AI - the "ideal investor". Using the technique of deep reinforcement learning, the startup plans to create an investor who will independently analyze the stock market, buy stocks and digital currencies and always win. At the first stage, EquiLibre is going to create and test the algorithm, after which it will be launched to support a hedge fund or sold to a large bank or other investor.
April 14, 2022
New watch from Apple
Apple will release a watch with a satellite function. According to columnist Mark Gurman, the Apple Watch 8, which is scheduled for release in the fall, is not expected to have a blood pressure measurement function. Also in this regard, the Apple Watch will not yet have a built-in glucometer. However, one of the features may be the satellite connection function, which will allow you to call emergency services without using a cellular connection. Also coming to Apple Watch 8 are advanced sleep tracking features, a medication management option, and new ways to track women's health.
April 14, 2022
Research by Japanese scientists
Japanese scientists have grown spermatozoa from embryonic rat cells. So far, such experiments have been carried out only on mice; it has not been possible to do this for other species. The resulting spermatozoa turned out to be functional - they can be used to conceive viable offspring. True, they cannot yet fertilize an egg on their own, and they do not develop without donor supporting cells. Research by Japanese scientists
April 14, 2022
Why is singing good for health? ⠀
Singing helps to get rid of stress. Scientists have discovered that when singing, endorphins are produced in the brain, a substance due to which a person feels joy, peace, good mood and increased vitality. Thus, with the help of singing, one or another feeling can be evoked and expressed.
April 14, 2022