How to prevent colon and rectal cancer
Among all human tumor diseases, rectal cancer is in third place. Most often, people who live in large industrial cities suffer from this oncological pathology. More than 60% of all rectal cancer patients are urban residents. In 80% of cases, colorectal cancer is preceded by benign adenomatous polyps, which means that if they are detected in time, the disease can be prevented. Smoking increases the likelihood of developing tumors of this localization by 2.5 times. If a person abuses alcohol and leans on red meat, the risks will also increase. Adults should do at least 150 to 300 minutes per week (2.5 to 5 hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, such as walking. Include more vegetables and fruits, whole grains and legumes in your diet. Also, as a regular check, a test for occult blood in the feces is used - it occurs due to polyps or directly to intestinal cancer.
April 28, 2022
Asian salad
Very fast, beautiful, and most importantly delicious Asian salad. Such a salad from your table will be eaten very first. Be sure to keep the recipe for yourself. Ingredients: * boiled beef 300 gr * bell pepper 200 gr * tomato 150 gr * green onion 3 p * cilantro * garlic, red pepper * vegetable oil * soy sauce. Peel the pepper and wash, dry, cut into a thin long strip. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces. Chop up the greens. Tear the boiled beef into fibers. Dress the salad with oil and soy sauce, add salt, pepper and garlic to taste. You can decorate the salad with sesame seeds.
April 28, 2022
One scientist from America conducted a study of sexuality. It ran from 1989 to 2014 and was published in 2017. In it, based on the answers of 26,000 respondents, scientists found that: On average, people have sex about 54 times a year; Married couples do it less frequently, about 51 times a year; A lot depends on age: couples in their 20s or so could make love up to 80 times a year (someone surprised? no one surprised), and couples over 60 about 60 times a year. On average, based on the data, people have sex about once a week.
April 27, 2022
Why women are attracted to scenes of lesbian "love"
Studies have shown that scenes of lesbian "love" equally excite both men and women. Moreover, they turn on the weaker sex in exactly the same way as traditional erotica. As you know, what excites us in erotic films directly or indirectly speaks of what we lack in real life. And the interest of ladies in lesbians is also generated by a number of natural reasons: 1. Rigid focus of the porn industry on men, 2. Lack of tenderness in the matrimonial bed, 3. Sexual constriction of men.
April 27, 2022
The most unusual action in honor of the condom
The beginning of 2011 for Buenos Aires was marked by an original event - the longest condom in the world was put on a 67-meter obelisk erected in memory of the city's history. Such an action was carried out during the World AIDS Day. The goal of the city authorities was to draw the attention of residents to the problem of condom use.
April 27, 2022
BDSM is not a fad but a special way to have and feel sex. Those who have not yet tried BDSM, but are going to do so, will find many amazing and exciting discoveries. In BDSM, pain is not the goal, but only allows you to exacerbate sensual pleasure and helps to achieve a high degree of trust between lovers. In principle, it is realistic to do without punishments and beatings, and limit ourselves to binding and psychological pressure. BDSM does not imply cruelty, violence and coercion - each step should be done only by mutual agreement.
April 27, 2022
Life and work
My principles: life and work. Ray Dalio. Be realistic, but don't lose the ability to dream. Be honest with yourself about your dreams. And don't give up because of your fears. Learn to allocate your time between daily tasks and moving towards a strategic goal. Do not confuse momentary desires and the main goal. Don't give up when faced with problems. Most problems are stages of development. Solving them, you go to the life of your dreams. If you don't change, you slowly die. Be open to new knowledge and views of the world and do not be afraid to strive for ambitious goals.
April 27, 2022
Don't ruin the day
It's not worth it because you got up on the wrong foot in the morning to spoil your whole day. Imagine how many plans you can ruin because of a bad mood. I advise you not to dwell on this and try to inspire and motivate yourself for the coming day. Whether it’s a delicious breakfast, a helpful podcast, singing in the shower, whatever gets you in the mood for a productive day.
April 27, 2022
Gemstones by zodiac signs. Aries.
According to astrologers, fiery Aries are suitable for stones with strong energy, such as diamonds and rubies. If you want to choose the perfect talisman for this sign, you need to consider that bright colors, such as red and yellow, enhance energy, while blue and green do not allow negative character traits to develop. A bloody ruby will help a person conquer any peaks in life. In addition, it helps to restore strength. A diamond strengthens character and gives confidence. Such a talisman is perfect for a girl.
April 27, 2022
What signs are the most sociable?
All zodiac signs are able to communicate. But for some it is a pleasure, and for others it is an inevitability that has to be put up with. What signs are the most sociable? Twins. For Gemini, communication is life. In astrology, this sign is considered the most sociable. Gemini are excellent interlocutors, they love to share information and learn something new - that's why they really appreciate talkative people with a broad outlook. Attractive features of Gemini are goodwill, objectivity and the ability to win over anyone. In a large company, typical representatives of this sign are able to communicate with several people at the same time on different topics - Gemini has a phenomenal ability to switch. When choosing a partner, these people first of all evaluate the communication skills of a person, it is important for them that the chosen one can keep up a conversation with them on absolutely any topic.
April 27, 2022
Pizza with marijuana
In America, they may be allowed to sell pizza with marijuana. New York State is considering a request from pizza owners to sell cannabis-infused pizza. The owners expect sky-high profits if they are allowed to add such pizza to the menu.
April 27, 2022
DNA in a meteorite
The Japanese found elements of DNA in a meteorite. Hokkaido University said that in the Murchison meteorite that fell in the last century, detailed analysis found three elements that are the building blocks for DNA. Therefore, it is possible that meteorites played a key role in the emergence of life on Earth.
April 27, 2022
When the body suffers from a lack of nutrients, you constantly want to eat. ⠀⠀ Too many calories, vitamin deficiency, the picture is so-so. Therefore, this aspect is perhaps the most important in the nutrition program for those who want to lose weight. After 2-3 weeks, changes occur not only in weight, but also in well-being. After all, up to 95% of serotonin is produced in the intestines. Processed carbohydrates, sandwiches, sugar, fast food - inhibit beneficial bacteria and provoke gastrointestinal disorders. PRODUCTS FOR MICROFLORA 1. Sour milk enriched with probiotics + natural yogurt + Greek yogurt (almost no lactose - milk sugar) + kefir (fresh, good quality) + acidophilus + curdled milk + fermented baked milk. 2. Pickled vegetables and fruits. Cabbage, beets, pickled apples are prepared using the lacto-fermentation process. As a result, a substance is produced that not only gives a specific taste, but also creates an optimal habitat in the intestines for probiotic bacteria.
April 27, 2022
Starch against wrinkles
Starch against wrinkles - the effect is no worse than from injections! You will always have time to resort to Botox injections. Instead of this remedy, try a mask based on ordinary starch. Experts say that the effect from it is no worse than from injections. The mask is intended for mature skin with signs of fatigue. It remarkably eliminates fine wrinkles and folds and moisturizes the skin. The mask is being prepared: Take 1 tbsp. potato starch, dissolve it in half a glass of water and pour into the pan. Then add 500 ml of boiling water and cook until thickened. Add 5 tablespoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. Mix thoroughly, cool and apply a thin layer on the face for 20-25 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and apply cream on the skin of the face. Store the remaining mass in the refrigerator and use within three days. This mask remarkably eliminates small wrinkles and folds, moisturizes the skin and generally acts almost like the notorious Botox. For a more effective result, the mask should be done 3 days in a row.
April 27, 2022
3 reasons to drink mineral water
Do you know why mineral water is useful and why you should add it to your daily diet? Several facts can be highlighted. 1. Regulates the water-salt balance. The correct ratio of fluid and electrolytes in the body prevents the formation of edema and contributes to the proper functioning of all body systems. 2. Supports the metabolism. Active ions and elements in the composition speed up metabolic processes, help control a healthy weight and remove toxins more easily. 3. Replenishes minerals. For cheerfulness and well-being, it is important to replenish internal resources in time. Some mineral waters contain more than 30 essential substances, such as calcium, sodium-potassium, magnesium, boron and others.
April 27, 2022
The oldest system of self-knowledge
Perhaps there is not a single person who did not know or did not hear about yoga - the oldest system of self-knowledge that can lead not only to the achievement of psychological balance, but also to the improvement of the whole organism. But if thousands of articles and hundreds of treatises have been written about the spiritual component, not so much is known about the “physical” side. So, the main principle can be considered the principle of the correct posture: all asanas must be performed in strict accordance with the rules, otherwise you can not only not get the desired effect, but also harm the body. No less important is the principle of correct movement: entering and exiting the asana should be smooth (even in fast-paced Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga): sudden movements, jerks can nullify all efforts, and in the worst case, lead to muscle strain.
April 27, 2022
Did you know?
When is the best time to brush your teeth - before breakfast or after? Drum roll... The correct answer is before! Before teeth and gums are exposed to the often quite aggressive effects of various foods and drinks (especially orange juice, which many people like to drink in the morning), they must be “fully armed”. The bottom line is that cleaning not only cleans the teeth from bacterial plaque, but also covers the enamel with an additional protective layer. In addition, brushing your teeth stimulates the production of saliva, which plays a key role in the process of digesting food and maintaining a healthy oral environment. And after eating, rinse your mouth with water.
April 27, 2022
Benefits of lowering cholesterol
Did you know that a simple walk can lower the level of bad cholesterol! Just a walk! If you're not used to exercise and don't like going to the gym, just go for a walk. It's easy, useful, and all you need is a good pair of shoes. Activities such as walking reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease, help you lose weight and strengthen your bones. Therefore, if you decide to go for walks, start with 10 minutes a day, gradually increasing the duration.
April 27, 2022
Why can't you go to bed with makeup on?
Night is the time when your skin is repaired and cells regenerate. Decorative cosmetics interfere with this process, as it literally clogs free radicals and harmful substances in the skin that have fallen on it during the day. And they, in turn, destroy collagen. This can lead to enlargement and inflammation of the pores. When rubbed against a pillow, cosmetics can get into the hair follicles, which is one of the main causes of acne.
April 27, 2022
Recipes to stabilize the hormonal background
Recipes to stabilize the hormonal background. Consult your doctor. Recipe 1. Tea from raspberry leaves, which regulate the female reproductive system. They strengthen the uterus, thanks to which menstruation, childbirth and menopause are easier. This tea gives extraordinary vigor and can replace coffee. Drink it three cups a day, and the hormonal background will be in order. The recipe for cooking is also simple: pour one tablespoon of raspberry leaves (can be dry) with 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. Do not drink before going to bed, it is better to take in the morning and during the day. Recipe 2. Turmeric milk is one of the most famous Ayurvedic recipes. It is also called "golden milk". This drink balances all hormones, strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, and cures colds. Recipe: for 200 ml of hot milk ½ tablespoon of turmeric, you can add honey to taste. This drink is just better to drink at night
April 27, 2022