How stress affects your skin
Cortisol, a stress hormone, affects the sebaceous glands and causes the body to produce more sebum. An increased amount of sebum provokes blockage of pores, which leads to the development of acne. When the body is in a state of prolonged stress, the skin begins to actively react: the ability of the skin to regenerate is impaired; the amount of collagen produced decreases; wrinkles begin to appear actively; the skin loses its natural color, becomes dull and gray. How not to aggravate acne: do not use alcohol-containing, drying agents, as this disrupts the microflora of the skin, as a result, harmful bacteria cause inflammation. It is also worth refusing to use a scrub, as a scrub with a large abrasive injures the skin, dries it out, which leads to acne.
May 5, 2022
More about lentils
Lentils are a useful legume. Compared to other legumes, it contains more protein, more than 40%. This protein contains essential amino acids, so lentils can replace meat. But there is very little fat, you won’t get fat from lentils. Lentils are useful for metabolic disorders, colitis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the genitourinary and nervous systems. Lentils increase immunity and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. From lentils, you can cook not only tasty and healthy stew, but also healing decoctions for the treatment of constipation, erysipelas, rheumatism, kidney stone disease.
May 5, 2022
The birthplace of figure skating.
Holland is considered the birthplace of figure skating. It was there, in the 13th-14th centuries, that the first iron skates appeared. The appearance of a new type of skates gave a powerful impetus to the development of figure skating, which at that time consisted in the ability to draw intricate figures on the ice and maintain a beautiful pose at the same time.
May 5, 2022
The most extreme market in the world
Not far from the city of Samut in Thailand, right on the railway track, commuter train No. 4382 from Mai Klong to Ban Laem passes eight times during the day. Stubborn merchants and extreme buyers are not at all embarrassed by such a neighborhood.
May 5, 2022
New about smartphones
The smartphone adjusted the interface to the position of the finger by its reflection in the eyes. Japanese developers have taught smartphones to adjust the interface to the location of the finger, even if it does not touch the screen. It turned out that the resolution of cameras in modern smartphones is enough to recognize the finger, the screen and their relative position by reflection in the eyes.
May 5, 2022
Bees can recognize numbers
In Australia, scientists have found that honey bees can distinguish between even and odd numbers. As part of the study, the experts divided the bees into several groups. One group was taught to associate even numbers with sweet water with sugar, and odd numbers with water with quinine, which made the liquid bitter. At the same time, another group was taught the opposite associations with water. Subsequently, the scientists showed the bees cards with even and odd numbers. In 80 percent of the cases, the insects correctly determined the number. When they were shown cards they had not previously used, their accuracy rates dropped but remained at 70 percent.
May 5, 2022
Smart bed
Xiaomi launches 8H Feel Leather Smart Electric Bed X Pro smart electric bed. The bed evaluates sleep quality by monitoring the sleeper's heart rate, breathing rate, and the number of movements of the sleeper. It also helps fight snoring. When snoring is detected, the device automatically raises the backrest by 15 degrees without disturbing the user's sleep. When the snoring stops, the bed returns to its original state. The Miracle Bed is part of the Xiaomi ecosystem, so you can program different smart home scenarios. For example, to turn off the light when falling asleep, and open the curtains when waking up. The price of new items is about $1.120.
May 5, 2022
"Greed is not a vice": 4 main greedy zodiac circle. Taurus.
Who can you not beg for snow in winter, who languishes over gold and constantly shouts “it won’t be enough”? Of course, they are greedy from the zodiac circle. We will find out under what constellations these mean people were born. Taurus. Earthly guys are very practical and will find a use for any thing - whether it be a floor lamp donated or a bedside table found near the house. But try to ask them for the wallpaper left over from the repair, or for a service that they have not used for decades. Taurus will immediately name the reasons for refusal. And in general - go and earn. And the pets of Venus are not greedy, but economical.
May 5, 2022
Rating of husbands by zodiac sign: who is the best?
9th place. The best zodiac husband for a woman is anyone but Scorpio. This is a tyrant husband. There are two opinions: his and the wrong one. A wife with the wrong opinion will instantly give a ticket to the Hell, well-maintained with the latest technology. A wife with the right opinion equips a personal lifetime paradise - with blackjack and buns. Life hack: it is absolutely not necessary to have the right opinion. The main thing is to speak with inspiration enough. Everything else must also be done with inspiration, including the fulfillment of marital duty, cooking borscht, as well as restoring and maintaining order in the house, in life and in the quivering soul of Scorpio. By the way, he has a door to the Pig Farm.
May 5, 2022
Gemstones according to the signs of the zodiac. Scales.
Careless people born under the sign of Libra are recommended by astrologers to wear jewelry with opal or lapis lazuli. Opals guarantee their owner success in any endeavor, but only if the person is noble. People with an unstable character should be wary of this stone. Opal is able to reveal the gift of prophecy in a person. Lapis lazuli helps Libra to get rid of the weaknesses inherent in people born under this sign.
May 5, 2022
Capricorn Today you will achieve a lot if you give a little more vent to your emotions and rely on your inner instinct. It will tell you what additional chances you can use to your advantage, in addition to the official opportunities already available. Aquarius Today you are able to do only what you are internally not indifferent to. It is possible that you will take the next peak under the influence of emotional or sexual obsession. The motive for your accomplishments can also be a secret need for money. Fish This day promises you good luck. Thanks to your intuition and insight, today you will be able to keep several areas of interest to you at once. New achievements are possible in foreign business, in love affairs, in the field of creativity. Confrontation with other people - for example, with competitors - at this time tends to soften or take on a more original and productive form.
May 5, 2022
Scales The day is suitable for the energetic manipulation of the material means at your disposal. Today is a good moment for money and trade transactions (transactions, bank transfers, paying taxes, repaying debts). It is possible that you will once again have to resort to the help of a partner or relative: for example, borrow the required amount from him or use him as a secret intermediary. Scorpion Today you are driven not so much by rational business considerations as by instinctive needs. Rich imagination and heightened sensuality can make your dreams very sophisticated and varied. Fortunately, the circumstances on this day are going to meet you. Sagittarius Sincerity and directness may not be relevant today. Strong and obsessive secret desires - such as dreams of wealth or erotic fantasies - can become the main driving force behind your endeavors, dictating your strategy and tactics. You may be forced to hide your feelings. It is possible that you have to act as a scout of the situation or an executor of a secret mission.
May 5, 2022
Cancer The day is favorable for activities that bear the imprint of your personality and require a flexible creative approach. It can be business, raising children, organizing holidays, musical or stage activities. Today, you can also prove yourself excellently as a psychologist. a lion Today it will be difficult for you to devote yourself entirely to your career. A significant amount of time and energy will have to be devoted to private life. Success in business will directly depend on the ability to manage emotions. Your reaction to events in the family, in intimate relationships or in the financial sphere may become aggravated. Virgo Today is a good time for individual initiatives. The combination of efficiency, activity, psychological flexibility and increased insight will ensure you success in any endeavor. Mutual understanding with other people (for example, with a partner) will be more complete if there is a positive emotional resonance between you.
May 5, 2022
Aries Today you tend to put your whole soul into what you do. Emotional involvement will be no less important factor influencing the effectiveness of your efforts than material interest or a desire to make a career. At this time, your eroticism and sensuality may be activated. Taurus Today you have a good chance to establish understanding with partners and competitors. The easiest way to agreement (or to a peaceful division of spheres of influence) is voluntary cooperation and conscientious keeping of the secrets entrusted to you. Marital contacts will be ideal if you show indulgence to the habits of your second half and take for granted her favorite relationship scenario. Twins Both moderate physical activity and full-fledged, deep, extraordinary emotional experiences are useful for your health today. Even the most mundane chores and the usual routine today can be made interesting thanks to the play of the imagination. External failures will be compensated by secret successes.
May 5, 2022
The most sociable signs of the zodiac. Sagittarius.
Sagittarius. In astrology, Sagittarius, or rather, one of his highest hypostases, is a teacher. Communication with Sagittarius is directly spelled out by the cosmos. Unlike Gemini, who are always collecting information, Sagittarius has already collected everything for a long time and is ready to share it with people, to instruct them. At worst, he becomes a moralizer, from whom biting remarks come from time to time. But besides all this, Sagittarius is also a joker and a hedonist, a philosopher prone to idleness. Which, it is worth noting, most often knows how to pull himself together when necessary. He does not need either rivals or admirers - he just wants it to be fun and interesting. Travel, holidays, parties - this is where you can often meet Sagittarius, if you take into account his "fun" side.
May 4, 2022
The most popular food during sex
Strawberries are the most popular food during and after sex. Strawberries are also combined with whipped cream. In turn, whipped cream is often used in oral sex.
May 4, 2022
Use massage in foreplay
Many are accustomed to consider only kisses and hugs before sex as foreplay. It's time to add some variety to this concept. As an option, relax your partner before sex: give her a massage of the base of the big toes and the entire foot. You will not only impress her as a person who knows a lot about sophisticated pleasures, but also provide an additional rush of blood to the genitals.
May 4, 2022
Browsing PornHub
In 2020, the PornHub web portal alone had 15 billion views, which means that 1.68 million visitors visited the site every hour throughout the year.
May 4, 2022
Unusual museum
The Vagina Museum is the world's first museum dedicated to the vagina, vulva and female anatomy in general. The project started in 2017 with a series of various exhibitions across the UK, but in 2019 the donkey museum in Camden Market in northwest London is in a very picturesque location.
May 4, 2022
How to choose an erection ring?
If this is your first experience, then I recommend using a silicone ring without any pimples. Be sure to measure the girth of your erect member and divide by 3.14 (PI number). The size of the ring should be 5-10 mm smaller. But it is best to buy with an adjustable clasp or lasso. The maximum wearing time in the instructions is 30 minutes. I recommend reducing it to 10 so that you understand what's what. The most important! Contraindications: 1. Varicocele (male infertility). 2. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs. 3. Inguinal hernia, testicular cyst or epididymis. 4. Too narrow foreskin.
May 4, 2022