Rating of wives by zodiac sign. Continuation.

10th place. Wife-showcase and exhibition of achievements of the national economy. If the national economy has not worked out a carat in each ear of the Lioness and a couple of carats in her ring finger - write wasted: a heavy clawed paw will hit this very economy. Very painful. And, what is even worse, irreversible. In the sense that it still won’t work to divorce the Lioness: theoretically, of course, it is possible, practically - all other women after marriage with the Lioness seem to be pale copies of living people. And for the other Lioness, someone is now too poor, ha ha. So in the list of the best wives according to the sign of the zodiac, Lioness is almost at the very end.


April 18, 2022

Dreams from Sunday to Monday

A dream on Monday will come true for people who were born on the first day of the week. If you were born on a different day of the week, the likelihood that the dream will be prophetic is much less. A dream from Sunday to Monday reflects your psychological and emotional state, since the moon is the patron of dreams on this day, and, as you know, it gives us rather ambiguous energy flows. Someone can plunge into themselves and even into depression, while someone, on the contrary, will radiate positive and creative energy, literally illuminating everyone and everything with warmth and care. If the dream was short and understandable, then you are going to the intended goal in the right way, you can handle the troubles that may get in your way, you will easily step over them and prevent you from being led astray. If the dream was long, confusing, incomprehensible, then most likely you will be attacked from all sorts of troubles. Your psycho-emotional state is most likely suppressed and perhaps a conflict with your inner self is brewing in your subconscious, and your close and dear people may also come under attack. Sleep from Sunday to Monday has a "bodily" meaning. It can be used to determine the workload of a person with domestic and work problems, memories, good and not very good, his psychological and emotional state. All these factors add up to a dream, it depends on them what and what emotional trace the dream will leave you. It is worth paying attention if a dream is repeated every day, such a dream carries a certain “symbol”, the solution of which is worth thinking about. Also, a dream on Monday will be prophetic if he had a dream on the eve of a church holiday.


April 18, 2022

Dreams from Saturday to Sunday

On Sunday, dreams related to rest, relaxation, travel will definitely come true, most likely this will happen next Wednesday. Dreams of a different nature will come true only partially. Dreams from Saturday to Sunday are under the influence of the Sun. Usually they are light, light, weightless, embodying your creative side. Sunday dreams are distinguished by their special realism, goodwill, warmth, they usually remain in memory and involuntarily we want to see the continuation of the dream, it can impress us so much. If a dream from Saturday to Sunday pleased you, turned out to be bright, hospitable, inspiring - expect to see a new interesting gifted unusual talent soon, maybe you will even meet your soul mate or a long-standing conflict or dispute will be resolved, you yourself will be able to discover new abilities and talents. The most memorable and incredible dreams will visit you at the dawn of the Sun, you may not remember the whole dream, but throughout the day you will remember important passages from the dream. Dreams that left an unpleasant aftertaste, heavy and dark, most likely indicate that you are very overstrained. Pay attention to such a dream, this is a kind of warning, take care of your health, try to relax, get enough rest, do not burden yourself with unnecessary work.


April 18, 2022

Forecast for April 18th

♈︎ Aries: Good day, you will be very kind and affectionate with loved ones. Success rate: 68%. Mood: excellent. Lucky color: purple. Best/worst compatibility: Virgo/Capricorn. Happy birthday to those born on this beautiful day! ♉︎ Taurus: You hope for the best, because you no longer have the strength for something active. Success percentage: 100%. Mood: calm. Lucky color: blue. Best/Worst Compatibility: Gemini/Pisces. ♊︎ Gemini: Throwing a phrase without thinking. In vain you are so! Percentage of luck: 39%. Bad mood. Lucky color: light green. Best/worst compatibility: Taurus/- ♋︎ Cancer: You want to take control of the tastes of demons with your body. Success rate: 82%. Mood: excellent. Lucky flower: your favorite. Best/worst compatibility: Virgo/Sagittarius. ♌︎ Leo: Show you the display, you will giggle with it. Success percentage: 100%. Mood: wonderful. Lucky color: pink. Best/worst compatibility: Capricorn/Pisces. ♍︎ Virgo: Do ​​you want a magic wand to conjure something good for yourself, otherwise fatigue accumulates, and joy is not expected. Success percentage: 52%. Mood: normal. Lucky flower: your favorite. Best/worst compatibility: Cancer and Aries/-. ♎︎ Libra: For the second day in a row, everything is just super. Success rate: 83%. Mood: inspired. Lucky color: red. Best/Worst Compatibility: Scorpio/Capricorn. ♏︎ Scorpio: Putting all your passion into this day. Success awaits you! Success rate: 73%. Mood: dance. Lucky flower: your favorite. Best/worst rating: Libra/- . ♐︎ Sagittarius: You choose yourself today, because it is obvious that you will soon overheat and get tired. Success rate: 99% Mood: cool. Lucky Color: Gold. Best / worst compatibility: - / Cancer. ♑︎ Capricorn: You want to go to a cool party for the whole night, but the body says "feed and put to bed at 22:00." Success rate: 99%. Mood: anxious Lucky color: green. Best/Worst Compatibility: Leo/Libra and Aries. ♒︎ Aquarius: You feel like cheese sauce. All around adore you and worship ready. Success percentage: 62%. Mood: normal Happy color: blue. Best/worst rating: All marks/-. ♓︎ Pisces: I really want to kiss a lot. Luck percentage: 99% Mood: loving. Lucky color: pink. Best / worst compatibility: - / Leo and Taurus.


April 18, 2022

Bed linen is also important.

Do not ignore the bed linen. It is believed that sex on darker bedding feels brighter and more enjoyable. But this should not be an axiom. Someone excites bright colors: fiery red has always been a symbol of passion. Someone likes snow-white sheets, they will favorably emphasize a beautiful tan, they will create a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. All in your hands. Try, experiment!


April 15, 2022

Enjoy your life

We are often too hard on ourselves. We force ourselves to do things that we don't always like. Give yourself some indulgence, rest time and opportunities for entertainment. Enjoy life, go to concerts, hang out with friends, sit in a bar, take time out for hobbies, goof off in front of the TV, have fun until you drop and look for pleasant pleasures. Life is short, so enjoy it here and now.


April 15, 2022


Loneliness. Coming to terms with loneliness is difficult, especially when a woman fails in a relationship. Relationship with an alcoholic. A woman saves a man, supports the company and becomes an inveterate drunkard herself. environment, heredity. Genetic predisposition plays a role in the development of alcoholism, as does a dysfunctional environment. Tragedy in life, severe stress. After an injury, a woman can start drinking, trying to relieve nervous tension, to forget. Boredom, lack of fulfillment. A new day is similar to the previous one, a woman wants thrills. Life problems, hopelessness. Again, to forget for a while, the woman drinks, relaxes. Feeling of inferiority, complexes. Age also plays a big role. A mature lady will quickly begin to drown her complexes and fears in alcohol.


April 15, 2022

Stress and gray hair

Scientists from Columbia University have confirmed that there is indeed a connection between stress and the occurrence of gray hair. However, when the stress level dropped, the hair color of the subjects was restored. For example, one of the participants went gray on vacation. Researchers attribute these processes to chemical changes in hair cells during the growth stage.


April 15, 2022

Tricks from psychologists

Tricky tricks from psychologists to stop procrastinating and finally work. It turns out that all we need is a system to get things done. Productive Life System: 1. Motivate yourself to do every task. 2. Set deadlines for yourself at every stage. 3. Accountability to a friend or mentor. 4. Work / study with intervals. 5. Elimination of distractions. 6. Healthy eating. 7. 30-minute daily workouts. The most important thing is motivation. We will always have activities that we do not like, but their level of usefulness for our development is usually high. Therefore, before taking up the next lesson, ask yourself a simple question: “Why am I doing this?” The answer to it will be the best inspiration for you. Muhammad Ali once admitted that he hated the daily monotonous workouts, but the clear realization that this was what would make him a champion allowed him to overcome the desire to shirk.


April 15, 2022

Big green labyrinth in Tentegorra

This is the largest maze in Spain. It has twelve entrances, symbolizing the signs of the zodiac. The height of the walls is 2.5 m. There are two routes through the labyrinth: easy and difficult. In the center there is a tower with an observation deck, from where you can admire the labyrinth from above.


April 15, 2022

Beautiful, erotic lingerie - what you need for a passionate night!

Never skimp on underwear. Yes, high-quality, beautiful underwear is not cheap, but believe me, these are justified expenses. Firstly, a woman's self-esteem increases, which in itself is a big plus. Secondly, trying on and buying underwear sets you on the right wave. You can do it together. Another option is to arrange a surprise with a light striptease and a presentation of new clothes. Believe me, your man will appreciate it!


April 15, 2022

Romantic atmosphere

Romantic atmosphere exacerbates feelings. Regular healthy sex between dinner and bedtime quickly becomes a routine. At least sometimes create a feeling of celebration around the “physiological need”. A romantic dinner, candles, flowers, a slow dance - all this still works, albeit as old as the world.


April 15, 2022

Discovery in neuroscience

The absence of a part of the brain involved in speech processing did not stop a person from learning two languages ​​and getting a degree. Evelina Fedorenko, a cognitive neuroscientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, worked for several years with a patient without a part of the brain that is involved in speech processing. Despite the lack of a left temporal lobe, she speaks fluent English and Russian, has a degree, and has had an "impressive" career. Scientists did not know before that whether the frontal lobes could form in the absence of the temporal lobes, but the experience of the patient Fedorenko showed that they can. A series of experiments confirmed that her language abilities are in no way inferior to those of neurotypical people.


April 15, 2022

New startup

Startup Space Perspective showed the interior of balloons for space tourism. The ball will rise into the stratosphere to a height of 30-40 kilometers. It will not reach outer space, which begins above the mark of 100 kilometers. The flight duration will be six hours. Space Perspective expects to organize the first launches at the end of 2024. The ticket will cost $125,000.


April 15, 2022

The negative impact of electronic cigarettes on brain health

For the study, biologists exposed lab mice to JUUL e-cigarette vaporizers three times a day, using some of the most popular flavors: mint and mango. The researchers then looked at signs of inflammation throughout the body. It turned out that the strongest changes occurred in the brain: several markers responsible for inflammation were increased there. However, the expression of inflammatory factors was seen in the colon. In the heart, scientists tracked a decrease in the level of inflammatory markers. The state of immunosuppression of the heart can make heart tissue more vulnerable to infection. In the lungs, biologists found no signs of tissue inflammation, but numerous changes in gene expression were observed in the samples.


April 15, 2022

The 3 most unbearable signs of the zodiac in old age

Aries ♈ These stubborn people know in their youth what and how everyone should do, which they do not forget to tell in detail. With age, unquestioned authority is added to this, references to life experience, which is why it is better not to argue with them. However, they won't even let you open your mouth. Virgo ♍ Their perfectionism is gaining momentum every year, so those around you need to have a lot of patience to listen to endless admonitions on where socks should be, at what height a towel hook should be nailed and how much water to use per day. Libra ♎ Being young at a far from girlish age is just about Libra. They become especially sensitive to new wrinkles, so their conversations are more like moaning about former beauty. It is impossible to listen to this, but it will be necessary - everyone has their own fad.


April 15, 2022

Rating of wives by zodiac sign. Continuation.

11th place. Marrying Rybka is the same as getting a cat: a very beautiful creature will live in the house, which will look at you all your life as a regrettably fragrant result of a long digestion process. At the same time, Rybka costs much more than cats, but they bring the same benefit: sometimes, if Rybka deigns to be in a good mood, you can take it in your arms and squeeze it a little. Maybe she'll even purr. And they get addicted to this purring, like hard drugs: from the first time and forever. Because even if you get off the needle, life will still remain empty and meaningless. It's great, right? So it's not surprising that Pisces, as the best wife according to the sign of the zodiac, took the penultimate place in the ranking.


April 15, 2022

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

A dream on Saturday, not interrupted by an alarm clock, dreamed at dawn will be easier to remember and analyze, and it will come true more likely. Saturday is a day ruled by the most distant planet of our system - Saturn. It is Saturn that is considered to be the planet of trials of fate, luck and fortune. The yellow planet will tell you through a dream what you can refuse, so as not to harm yourself or your environment. The signs that are sent to us in a dream from Friday to Saturday, you can "see" the plans of life itself, which she has prepared for you and me, the prospects, plans and events that await us. It is worth noting that Saturday dreams are also a reflection of our actions in the real world. For example, if you often have nightmares on your first day off, you should pay attention to problems and unresolved cases during the week. It is possible that accumulated stress and fatigue prevent you from sleeping peacefully, learn how to get rid of them, relax and "let go" of problems before going to bed.


April 15, 2022

Forecast for April 15th

♈︎ Aries: Staying neutral because you don't have the strength to understand normally. Success percentage: 52%. Mood: excellent. Lucky color: green. Best/Worst Compatibility: Aries and Pisces/Gemini. Happy birthday to those born on this beautiful day! ♉︎ Taurus: I want to give someone the joystick to control your life. Success rate: 82%. Mood: calm. Lucky color: green. Best/worst compatibility: Scorpio/Aquarius. ♊︎ Gemini: You need to remember your promises. Success rate: 73%. Mood: anxious. Lucky Colour: - Best/worst compatibility: Capricorn/Aries. ♋︎ Cancer: Deal with problems one or two. Success rate: 99%. Mood: excellent. Lucky color: red. Best/Worst Compatibility: Cancer/Leo. ♌︎ Leo: Were you bitten by an electric broom? You are full of energy and desire to do something! Success rate: 47%. Mood: excellent. Lucky color: purple. Best / worst compatibility: - / Cancer. ♍︎ Virgo: I don't know anything. This day is for relaxing and taking care of yourself. Success percentage: 33%. Good mood. Lucky color: blue. Best/Worst Compatibility: Gemini/Libra. ♎︎ Libra: The motto of this day is cry and see. Success percentage: 100%. Mood: creative. Lucky color: mint. Best/worst compatibility: Sagittarius/Virgo. ♏︎ Scorpio: Delight in what you do. Not without reason - today you are smart! Success percentage: 35%. Mood: excellent. Lucky color: yellow. Best/worst compatibility: Taurus/-. ♐︎ Sagittarius: Nothing is clear. Yes, again. Luck percentage: 85.6% Mood: bad. Lucky color: pink. Best/worst rating: Libra/- .♑︎ Capricorn: Today you are too independent to accept help. Success rate: 37%. Mood: lazy. Lucky color: the color of wet asphalt. Best/worst compatibility: Gemini/- . ♒︎ Aquarius: You feel sorry for yourself, because there is complete confusion in your soul. Success percentage: 100%. Mood: statutory. Lucky flower: your favorite. Best/worst compatibility: -/Taurus. ♓︎ Pisces: I want to climb high, high, to scream loudly loudly. Success rate: 27%. Good mood. Lucky color: off-white. Best/worst compatibility: Aries/-.


April 15, 2022

Brain during orgasm

At the moment of orgasm, there is a colossal flow of blood to the brain. All nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the brain. Researchers have found that there is little to no difference between the brain activity of men and women during sex. In both sexes, during orgasm, the area of ​​the brain located opposite the left eye was switched off: the lateral orbitofrontal cortex, responsible for controlling behavior. Researchers suggest that it may be the basis for controlling sexual behavior. Perhaps only by loosening control, you can achieve orgasm. Deactivation of the lateral orbitofrontal cortex occurs only during orgasm. So far, no other activity has been found that causes a similar effect.


April 14, 2022