All the world's leading nutritionists recommend using avocados, despite the high calorie content of the fruit. You need to eat it in limited quantities, but on the table of a losing weight person this fruit will not be superfluous.
It contains healthy fatty acids that help the body fight excess weight. Avocado is a tasty and healthy alternative to butter.
Avocados are high in potassium, fiber and unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, adding the product to the diet helps to normalize weight, lower cholesterol levels and provide the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals.
In a small amount, avocados contain pyridoxine, which, first of all, is responsible for the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, participates in the construction of proteins. It also protects a person from the negative effects of stress, regulates the activity of the nervous system.
The fruit surpasses most of its counterparts in the content of vitamin E, which protects cells from aging, helps to saturate them with oxygen.