Why is Foreplay Important and How Can It Increase Pleasure?

It's all about the sexual response cycle—a series of physiological changes that occur during sexual arousal. The cycle consists of four phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Each stage follows the other, and the next one cannot begin until the previous one has finished. Foreplay makes subsequent sexual practices more enjoyable. Some types of stimulation will be painful if the person is not aroused. These include, for example, touching the nipples or the clitoral glans. Preliminary caresses also affect emotions. For instance, kissing triggers the release of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. They reduce the level of cortisol—the stress hormone—and enhance feelings of attachment and euphoria.


September 8, 2024

Achieving Maximum Sexual Pleasure

According to scientists, to achieve maximum pleasure, it is necessary to be aware of your presence in real life, not to hide your secret erotic fantasies, and to be honest with your partner. The authors also advise communicating more often with your partner, as this is the foundation for trustful relationships. Such an approach ensures a normal psychological state, which plays a key role in obtaining sexual pleasure.


September 8, 2024

Can Sex Be Fatal?

Have you ever thought that sex could be one of the causes of death?⁣⁣ I think not. But it's a fact. You can die during sex.⁣⁣ The first documented case of death from sex was recorded in 1899. The French President Félix Faure, as usual, went to his favorite prostitute Marguerite Steinheil after work. He wanted to try something new, and Mademoiselle Steinheil gave him a blowjob. The president died on the spot. Possibly from happiness.⁣⁣ Former US Vice President Nelson Rockefeller died at the age of 70 from a heart attack that occurred during intercourse with his mistress, as documented in his death certificate by an evidently impressed doctor.⁣⁣⠀


September 8, 2024

New Positions

Be bold and open to trying different sexual positions. Each one creates a unique penetration variation, which in turn affects the arousal of both partners. Different positions not only make lovemaking passionate and hot, but figuring out which position the partner particularly likes is also a pretty fascinating process.


September 8, 2024

Lenovo Unveils Laptop with Auto Twist AI

Lenovo has unveiled a laptop with Auto Twist AI - a screen that tracks the position of the person and rotates towards them. Additionally, the laptop responds to voice commands. For instance, it can switch to tablet mode and close via voice control. It even reads posture and automatically adjusts the screen tilt angle.


September 8, 2024

How to Recognize a Regular Meditator in a Crowd?

No, there is no halo! It happens that people who meditate make annoying mistakes in communication. We can get angry, offended, and behave unfairly despite regular meditation practice. And that's normal. We are all human. The only thing is, when you practice regularly, you start to perceive the world around you differently. That is, the world remains the same, and so do the people, but you have changed. Over time you notice that you become more forgiving, kinder, and more delicate, and you try not to offer unsolicited advice. Meditate and try practicing loving-kindness outside of meditation. Just because!


September 8, 2024

Partner neither holds on nor lets go – what to do?

Such behavior can cause feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and disappointment. It is important to understand the reasons for this behavior: 1. Understand the reasons for your partner's behavior. Have an open conversation about their feelings and motivations. Ask why they cannot make a final decision and what is bothering them. 2. Assess your own feelings and needs. Conduct a self-analysis and honestly answer the questions: 'What do I want from this relationship?' and 'Am I happy under these conditions?' 3. Set boundaries and priorities. Tell your partner: 'I need to understand where our relationship is going. I am not ready to remain in a state of uncertainty.' 4. Give yourself time and space. Say that you need time to understand your feelings. 5. Consider all possible scenarios. Write down possible scenarios and your actions in each of them. This will help you be prepared for any outcome.


September 8, 2024

Bob Marley on Life

Bob Marley: "I still don’t understand why people stay angry at each other for so long. Life is unforgivably short as it is. Have the courage to write, call, meet up before it's too late." Do you agree with him?


September 8, 2024

Don't Blame Yourself

Don't blame yourself. You would never have ended up in a pit if you had done nothing. Or you would have worked so slowly and uniformly that the likelihood of mistakes would have been minimized. You chose the path of growth, which means that pits are a mandatory option. A pit is the simplest and fastest, yet quite stressful way to correct you on the path to your goal. At the moment it is very hard to endure, but later you will realize that it was necessary.


September 8, 2024

Segway launches off-road electric scooter

Segway has released an off-road electric scooter - its suspension effectively absorbs all road bumps. The scooter is very powerful: it can accelerate up to 41 km/h and tackle 25-degree slopes. A single charge allows you to travel up to 70 km.


September 8, 2024

Horoscope for September 8

Capricorn: Try to at least take a break from work today and dedicate the day to rest. It's best to spend time in nature, walk in a nearby park, go to the forest or a lake. Investments made today will bring substantial profit. Aquarius: It's possible that close people, noticing you are struggling with a personal or household problem, may offer their help. Do not refuse it: their efforts will be timely. Pisces: Do not ignore the signs that fate may send you today. Most likely, it wants to warn you about something, and it doesn't necessarily have to be something bad – it has a good gift for you. Your hobby could become an additional source of income.


September 8, 2024

Horoscope for September 8

Libra: You can recharge your energy for the upcoming work week by bringing positivity into your life. To do this, spend time with loved ones and small children, listen to pleasant news, read good books, and enjoy music. Scorpio: If you know you've hurt someone, today is the best time to make amends. The right words will unexpectedly come to you, and the stars will ensure a favorable environment. Sagittarius: Sometimes it's worth paying attention to the opinions of others. It’s quite possible that they will help you choose the right path. Do not forget about your health. Listen to your body. It may have been sending signals of distress for some time.


September 8, 2024

Horoscope for September 8

Cancer: For those members of the sign who have long felt the need to clarify their relationship with a close person by having a heartfelt conversation, now is the best time to do so. Take advantage of this favorable opportunity. Leo: The state of calm and tranquility that will visit you from the morning should be maintained until the evening. The easiest way to do this is to avoid people and processes that disrupt your inner peace. Virgo: It is not advisable to focus on the problem that exists in your life. By doing so, you are feeding it with your energy. However, if you 'let it go,' it will lose its strength and disappear on its own.


September 8, 2024

Horoscope for September 8

Aries: When making remarks to others – both close and less familiar people – it is necessary to avoid sharpness and categorization. Only in this way can you convey your message without offending and convince them of your point of view. Taurus: Friends and loved ones will forgive you for everything today, except for arrogance and the desire to lecture. Before teaching others about life, representatives of your sign would do well to consider whether they are a role model themselves. Gemini: Even though it is necessary to catch up on work matters, the day should – as appropriate for a day off – be completely and entirely dedicated to relaxation, especially if you have the opportunity to spend time with your family.


September 8, 2024

If a man doesn't text first...

Has the man's initiative decreased? Of course, it suddenly became clear that he doesn't want this relationship, right? Usually, a woman wants to know the truth. Why? That's how she is, every action follows a pattern, especially in relationships. Contemplated, weighed, decided, acted. And she naturally feels that the man acts according to the same logic. Yes, he acts according to this logic, but his priorities may be slightly different. This behavior does not mean at all that he is ignoring you, he just forgot a little. If a man thought like a woman – he wouldn't be a man. Don't be afraid to write first, maintaining the household is your duty, don't hesitate to take control in this matter.


September 7, 2024

Examine Your Surroundings Carefully

Examine your surroundings carefully. The ancient proverb "Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are" is still relevant today. If you are surrounded by people who prefer fast food and are not striving for personal growth, you are likely to find yourself in a similar situation. Your environment plays a significant role in influencing your worldview and social connections. Consider those with whom you spend the most time. Do they inspire you to achieve new accomplishments, or do they hinder your development?


September 7, 2024

The Futility of Jealousy

There is no sense in jealousy. Total control has never protected anyone from anything. You can read your partner's messages, call unexpectedly, conduct interrogations with intensity, and still be cheated on if they want to. During lunch breaks, business trips, or when the phone is supposedly dead. They will cheat, and there's nothing you can do about it. No one can be protected from anything in this life. No one can be controlled one hundred percent. So is it worth tyrannizing your loved ones with your jealousy and limiting their social circle? You need to give the person you love as much freedom as they need. And if they abuse your trust, there is only one way out - to leave them.


September 7, 2024

US Man Earns $10 Million from Generated Music, Faces Up to 60 Years in Prison

A young man from the USA earned $10 million from generated music and now faces up to 60 years in prison. Since at least 2017, he has been creating tracks of fictional bands using neural networks and uploading them to Apple Music, Spotify, and YouTube Music, manipulating the listens with bots. A local AI startup assisted him, and in particularly successful months, he earned over $100,000. However, at some point, the streaming services became suspicious and contacted the FBI.


September 7, 2024

Horoscope for September 7th

Capricorn: Today, you will have to listen to words, guess the hints and suggestions of those around you. Your intuition is at a high level, so it’s useful to use it when making an important decision. You can take up a new hobby or study an interesting subject. Aquarius: Treat yourself with a small gift, buy something unusual, or go to a restaurant with exotic cuisine. This will lift your spirits and give you new emotions. Pisces: Spend more time with your beloved person. Show care, talk about your feelings, or have an honest conversation about your differences, if any. Stay calm with possible changes in plans and look for the positives in any given circumstances.


September 7, 2024

Horoscope for September 7

Libra: There is a chance that you will need to change your plans. Circumstances or ill-wishers will hinder the fulfillment of your intentions. Pay attention to minor household matters and avoid taking on something complex or responsible. It's also beneficial to spend more time in solitude. Scorpio: Listen to your intuition to avoid mistakes or wrong decisions. Postpone important matters. Today, you need to relax and regain your strength after a tough week. An argument with friends might lead to a promising idea. Sagittarius: The day will be difficult and tense. Some situations will upset you. To avoid serious conflicts, adapt to your interlocutor and look for compromise solutions. Engage in activities you enjoy, which help you relax and find inner balance.


September 7, 2024