A win-win communication strategy.

You need to rephrase the message in such a way that you and the interlocutor have a common goal. For example, from “I don’t have time for this. I want to go home as soon as possible” do “I understand. We need to come to an agreement quickly to save each other time.” The pronoun “We” immediately changes the essence of the statement and creates the impression that you are acting primarily in the interests of the person.


May 23, 2022

What to do if you are tired of each other.

Give each other freedom. Stop reacting painfully if a husband or wife wants to spend time not with you, but with friends or even all alone. The more you restrict a person's freedom, the more he will try to get it. Not to mention the fact that if a man wants to change, he will in any case find how to do it. And no amount of supervision will help here. Take a break from your husband for a while, start talking more with your friends, find yourself some kind of hobby, try to renew your life impressions. Remember, when treating mutual fatigue, it is very important to take a break from each other.


May 23, 2022

How to manage first impressions.

As scientists have found out, the first impression is created within 5 seconds after meeting. During this time, it will not be possible to achieve much with words, but with non-verbal language you can easily position your opponent. So, approaching the object immediately use some kind of gesture. Even a banal hand salute. This will make you stand out from the crowd of other people.


May 23, 2022

3 things that poison your soul.

1. Waiting for opportunities that fate will create, instead of looking for those opportunities yourself. If you stop and think about your life, then each person will remember one or two cases when life literally created ideal conditions for promotion at work or for a new type of activity. 2. Desire to please everyone. In itself, this desire is stupid and impossible in principle. Each person is unique, with their own unique character, desires and goals. And all attempts to please absolutely everyone around will fail and disappoint. You need to stop wanting to please everyone. 3. Expecting justice from life. Each person understands that it is not worth waiting for justice from life, however, somewhere deep in the subconscious, everyone hopes for a fair attitude towards themselves. It is very difficult to put up with the injustice of life. We are waiting for everything to resolve itself. In this expectation, we lose precious time for action.


May 23, 2022

Be smart.

Know how to let go even those you love. This is the great law of detachment. When you hold onto a person for fear of losing your love, you lose more. Take a deep breath and let everyone be in charge of their own lives. Everyone belongs only to himself. Never try to change another person. Take it as it is, we are all different, but that's the beauty of it. What makes people close is not similarity, not false compromises, and not even a shared past. What makes people close is the sincere enjoyment of the difference. When you are not trying to remake someone, convince them or desperately stuff them with advice. When you just communicate with a person - like reading a book - you agree in some ways, in some ways you don’t, but it’s still so interesting, elegant and easy that you can’t tear yourself away. Unfortunately, in order to understand such elementary things, you have to pay a high price - to lose dear people. Therefore, be wiser.


May 23, 2022

Losing is the main teacher of life.

The whole history of mankind is full of philosophers, scientists, businessmen, politicians and just successful people who claim that the desire to make mistakes is fundamental to success. Society, unfortunately, does not approve of mistakes, and historians do not write about defeats. The exceptions are those defeats that became steps on the path to success. In this podcast, we'll talk about the benefits of making mistakes and discuss why they're useful.


May 23, 2022

There are fewer car accidents.

In the United States, data on accidents were published and it was revealed that over the year, the number of deaths increased by 10.5%. And this despite the fact that the number of accidents themselves decreased by 22%. In this regard, the government demands to speed up the process of introducing alcohol analyzers into the ignition systems of cars. For alcohol, as always, remains one of the main causes of deaths on the roads.


May 23, 2022

Startup Lonestar proposes to transfer all the knowledge of mankind to the moon.

The company proposes to launch a network of secure servers in lava tubes there and transfer the most important information about humanity there. In case of a global catastrophe on our planet.


May 23, 2022

Google's new AI helps prepare for interviews.

Google has launched Interview Warmup, a simulator to prepare for a successful job interview. Artificial intelligence uses various algorithms and scenarios, which helps to recreate the real situation when talking with an HR specialist and prepare the most expected questions in accordance with the field of activity where a person wants to get a job.


May 23, 2022

An Indiana Jones fan found a 1st century gold treasure in Britain using Google Earth

Not far from the English Ipswich, an amateur archaeologist and fan of Indiana Jones - 31-year-old George Ridgway - found a treasure of 748 gold and silver coins of the 1st century. They were minted during the reign of the Roman emperor Claudius and the Celtic leader Cunobelinus. The value of the find is estimated by the British Museum in London.


May 23, 2022

Samsung has patented a "roll" laptop with a rollable display.

It is equipped with a flexible screen, but does not fold, like smartphones, but rolls up, taking up a minimum of space in the “stowed” position.


May 23, 2022

Solar panels will be installed on all EU buildings.

In the countries of the European Union, solar panels will become mandatory on all new buildings. This initiative aims to end the EU's dependence on Russian fossil fuels by 2027 and accelerate the transition to green energy.


May 23, 2022

In Germany, it was forbidden to let cats outside until the end of summer.

The city of Waldorf banned cats from leaving the house until the end of August to protect the crested lark during breeding season. These birds nest on the ground and are therefore easy prey for cats. Owners will be fined €500 if their cat is found on the street. And if she injures or kills a crested lark - €50,000.


May 23, 2022

Researchers at Wunderman Thompson surveyed 3,000 people about their awareness of the metaverse, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs.

It turned out that only 15% of all respondents can explain what the metaverse is to another person. At the same time, 74% of respondents believe that the future belongs to them. People cited privacy, data protection, and cyberbullying as top concerns in the metaverse.


May 23, 2022

Small and big flaws in each zodiac sign. Leo: poser.

Expensive car, branded clothes and all this in order to please your ego. Leo needs a lot of luxury and to see admiration in the eyes of others. If he feels that you adore and idolize him, Leo can become the happiest person in the world. But he ignores those who do not quench his thirst for recognition. Even if you are his friend, over time, the desire to win the favor of Leo can tire you out.


May 23, 2022

These signs of the zodiac do not know how to manage finances. Aquarius.

Representatives of this sign are sociable and charismatic, often have many acquaintances and can profitably get themselves the necessary things or services. A typical Aquarius is still a lover of freebies. It is difficult for him to save up for large purchases - having at least some amount, Aquarius can easily be tempted to the next sale. It is noticed that representatives of the sign are not indifferent to technical innovations, they like to update and change gadgets. They are really happy when they manage to snatch an interesting thing at a discount unscheduled, but frequent bargain purchases in total still turn into big expenses. With all this, Aquarians are far from stingy, they can show great generosity to relatives and friends.


May 23, 2022

Top 10 pairs of zodiac signs with perfect compatibility.

Top 10. Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility: 90% Passionate Capricorn and Taurus find ideal lovers in each other, so they build relationships and life around the family bed, but for them this is a guarantee of well-being. This pair is rightfully considered one of the most reliable and stable in the horoscope. Partners understand each other's world and look in the same direction.


May 23, 2022


Capricorn♑️ The day awaits you, though not easy, but full of interesting things and fruitful. It will not immediately become clear what to focus on, it will take some time to think about the current situation. Good advice from old friends. Listen to these recommendations, and you will noticeably simplify your life. Aquarius♒️ It is worth hurrying: today you will do a lot of useful things if you do not waste time in vain. Good news from afar, interesting job offers are possible. Business negotiations should be planned for the middle of the day; at this time, others will listen to you especially carefully. Pisces♓️ The day will be interesting, full of inspiring events. It is well suited to take on something new. Old acquaintances will be happy to help you cope with matters. There will be an opportunity to strengthen old business ties and acquire new ones. Dating that will receive a romantic continuation is not excluded.


May 23, 2022


Libra♎️ Tune in a peaceful way and show indulgence to others. In the morning, it will not be easy to find a common language with everyone, but if you do not get offended and worry about trifles, everything will work out soon. The most serious issues are best dealt with on your own; someone's advice here is unlikely to be useful. Scorpio♏️ All new cases should be taken in the morning. So you will figure out what needs to be done much faster and achieve the first successes. Old friends are willing to help. You can rely on them, but with those with whom you first met recently, you should be on your guard. Such people can unwittingly mislead you, confuse, confuse you. Sagittarius♐️ You should not plan any especially serious things at the beginning of the day, because it will be difficult for you to concentrate. There is a risk of forgetting or losing sight of something, and it will not be possible to quickly deal with new tasks. But this period is well suited in order to complete what was started earlier.


May 23, 2022


Cancer♋️ It is better not to put off difficult things for a long time: the sooner you take them on, the easier it will be to succeed. In addition, in the morning there will be great ideas that can be quickly implemented. It will be easy to get along with those with whom you did not find a common language before. It is possible that you will be offered a new job or cooperation on favorable terms. Leo♌️ Today it is hardly possible to avoid unrest, but useful and interesting things will help you cope with emotions. It is better not to rush into decisions regarding personal relationships: it is easy to wishful thinking. But in everything related to work and business, you can rely on intuition - it will not let you down. Virgo♍️ At the beginning of the day, something may not go according to plan, but you should not worry too much about it. The influence of positive trends will soon increase, you will see a lot of new opportunities and try not to miss any of them. In business negotiations, you need to be more careful.


May 23, 2022