Scientists have suddenly found out that chimpanzees communicate with each other through speech.

In total, about 400 speech combinations were found in the arsenal of monkeys, constantly repeating in a certain order. For example, hooting or barking, screaming and roaring. It has not yet been possible to decipher the "language", but in the near future they will definitely do it.


May 25, 2022

All-vegetable scrambled eggs will soon appear on US restaurant menus.

Israeli startup Yo Egg has developed ready meals: poached eggs and fried eggs made from soy, sunflower oil, water and flour. After testing in Israel, the company decided to offer its products in the US. The presentation should take place at the end of the month at the US National Restaurant Association show. Yo Egg is very hopeful that their plant-based eggs will appear in many restaurants in Los Angeles in the near future. Although in dietary scrambled eggs, a gram of protein is significantly inferior in nutritional value to natural, but cholesterol is completely absent in it.


May 25, 2022

Scientists have come up with foam to cool buildings - it will replace air conditioners and save electricity.

Chinese and German scientists have created wood-based foam to cool buildings. It reflects sunlight, has thermal insulation properties and releases the absorbed radiation back into the atmosphere. The use of foam can reduce the electricity consumption of air conditioners by a third.


May 25, 2022

What should be avoided by each sign of the zodiac. Capricorn.

The impregnability, isolation and restraint of Capricorns causes secret grievances and hostility among others. Be more open to others, because it absolutely does not oblige you to anything. Secrets and secrets of the past are often used against representatives of this sign.


May 25, 2022

From different planets: 6 pairs of zodiac signs that don't match.

It is generally accepted that signs of the same element are best compatible - Fire, Earth, Air or Water. But the zodiac character can become the cause of conflicts: a good example of this is the six most non-obvious pairs. ARIES - CAPRICORN Aries is the fire sign of active people who attach great importance to the physical side of life. Aries are endowed with great courage, although sometimes they show imprudence, and in difficult relationships - resentment or even a desire to take revenge. Those born under this sign love change and quickly adapt to it. On the contrary, stability runs the risk of appearing boring, restrictive, and monotonous to them. Capricorn is a real child of the Earth, the embodiment of practical meaning. He always seeks to achieve the intended goals and diligently prepares the means for this. Thus, this sign is usually considered one of the most stubborn and enterprising. Those born under the sign of Capricorn are also endowed with a competitive spirit - perhaps even more so than Aries, and such rivalry can be a serious obstacle to harmony in a couple. Unlike Aries, Capricorn has big ambitions that constantly lead him forward and up the corporate ladder. Another possible source of conflict is the adventurous nature of Aries, which is unlikely to appeal to slightly conservative Capricorns.


May 25, 2022

5 altruistic zodiac signs: who can help for free? Sagittarius.

Altruism can be moral when a person helps, because he considers it right. But there is also a rational one, when the helper expects to benefit from his noble deed in the future. Altruism is the basis of mutual assistance, but not everyone is able to spend their time and money on help that they may not even appreciate. Sagittarius - rational altruism. An enthusiastic Sagittarius will give money and give an idea for free. If he is not interested in a person, then he will silently pass by other people's problems. There are usually influential people in his environment, so Sagittarius quickly realizes that doing good is profitable. He does not require gratitude, but he always receives much more than he gave.


May 25, 2022

Small and big flaws in each zodiac sign. Virgo: perfectionism.

The Virgin has a seizure if anyone dares to violate her sacred command. She likes to interfere in other people's lives, give directions, instill her opinion, and then be surprised that people are so ungrateful and ask to "just fuck off with your advice." Representatives of this sign scrupulously record everything, remembering such moments. Virgos are clean, tidy, and disciplined, but lack imagination. If you have a Virgo friend, praise him more often and say kind words to him. This will melt his severity.


May 25, 2022

These zodiac signs do not know how to manage finances. Twins.

They squander until they set a clear goal to save up for something important. Typical representatives of this sign are mobile and inquisitive, they do not like stagnation in life and are looking for vivid impressions. The sign of Gemini is associated with travel, study, and the exchange of information. At a minimum, typical Gemini can spend a lot of time moving around the city, and at the maximum, they can break into a trip, moreover, on their own. Captured by the change of events, and even more so in the company of an interesting interlocutor, Gemini may not notice how they spend money. In addition, they often have many interests and hobbies, for which they also spread money. The down-to-earth environment and routine can make the representative of the sign finally think and even regret the money spent - until a new adventure turns his head.


May 25, 2022

What should be avoided by each sign of the zodiac. Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are plagued by injuries caused by fire and explosions, especially when traveling. Be careful and follow safety precautions. Even if it seems stupid and unnecessary to you. After all, sometimes some little thing can cost us our lives!


May 25, 2022


Capricorn♑️ The day will turn out well. Thanks to the support of the stars, you will achieve a lot, you will perfectly cope with what seemed difficult before, you will understand ambiguous situations. People around you can especially often interfere in your affairs. You will quickly understand how to benefit from it. Aquarius♒️ Do not put off important meetings and serious conversations. Both for business communication and for discussing some personal issues, the first half of the day is perfect. You will be able to negotiate even with those with whom you did not get along before: there will be the right words, there will be no reasons for disagreement. Pisces♓️ Don't get excited. It is especially important to maintain self-control at the beginning of the day. At this time, not everything will turn out the way you would like, there will be reasons for worries and worries. But if you manage your emotions, you will quickly understand how best to act.


May 25, 2022


Libra♎️ It is worth showing perseverance: it is thanks to her that you will succeed today. Not everything will be easy, delays in business are likely, violations of long-standing agreements, some unpleasant surprises. But there will be no insurmountable obstacles on the way, as well as problems that could confuse you. Scorpio♏️ Take action on your own at the start of the day. Hardly anyone at this time will come to your aid or support your bold undertakings. Many complex issues will need to be solved alone. You will cope with this with the help of accumulated experience and intuition. Unusual offers are likely. It is worth considering everything carefully before giving any definite answer. Sagittarius♐️ A fruitful day awaits you, equally well suited for already familiar things, and for completely new ones. You will find answers to some difficult and important questions, you will understand how to cope with problems that seemed insoluble. Financial issues will be successfully resolved, many Sagittarians will conclude profitable deals. Some representatives of the sign will have a source of additional income.


May 25, 2022


Cancer♋️ Don't be discouraged by small misunderstandings: they will not have serious consequences and will not affect your plans in any way. In the first half of the day it will be difficult to avoid mistakes: too many things will appear, you will have to solve several issues at once. But you will notice your mistakes in time and quickly fix everything. Leo♌️ Start the day by solving organizational issues. You will quickly cope with everything, put things in order. Your leadership qualities will be especially pronounced and will impress many. It will become clear to everyone: you are able not only to act independently, but also to lead others. Virgo♍️ There is a lot to do today, but there is no need to rush. Before you get down to business, prioritize, try to figure out what is really important and urgent, and what can be postponed. This approach will allow you to avoid unnecessary fuss and maintain peace of mind.


May 25, 2022


Aries♈️ It is important not to be led by emotions at the beginning of the day. If you keep your composure, you will not say or do something that you would later regret, do not make embarrassing mistakes. At this time, it is better to complete things that were started earlier than to take on something completely new. It is worth being more careful in solving financial issues, here any manifestations of frivolity are inappropriate. Taurus♉️ A busy and rather tiring day awaits you. You have to do several things at once. It will be difficult not to forget or confuse anything, but you can do it: experience will help. It is better not to rush into important decisions, especially if they relate to work or business. Here the first impression will not always be correct, so it is worth gathering more information. Gemini♊️ The day will hardly be particularly easy, but there will be no insurmountable obstacles in your way. It will be useful to take the initiative in business: it will certainly be supported even by those from whom you did not expect anything like this. The discussion of working issues will be successful. It won't take long for everyone to be convinced that you're right.


May 25, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Not always the right answers to questions will lie on the surface. But you will understand everything, pay attention to small details, notice everything that may be important in time. You will take your time with decisions regarding work and business today, and later praise yourself for it more than once. Aquarius♒️ Take on new things. Today you will do a lot of things well. It will be possible to solve difficult work issues. Your successes will not go unnoticed: people on whom a lot depends on will pay attention to them, and soon you will receive interesting offers. Pisces♓️ Don't put off important things. The start of the day will be very auspicious. It is worth taking advantage of this to solve difficult issues, as well as meet people whom you would like to have as your allies. You can engage in the preparation of some official documents, apply to government organizations.


May 24, 2022


Libra♎️ The beginning of the day is suitable for business negotiations and discussion of important issues. Many will listen to your opinion: you will convince even those who were skeptical just recently. Interesting job offers are not excluded. Some Libras will have a chance to make good deals. Scorpio♏️ Solve important issues. Today you will have a chance to do something that did not work before, to succeed in some difficult business. Completely new challenges may appear, and you will enthusiastically take on their solution. Try to look at things realistically, do not soar in the clouds. This will avoid many disappointments. Sagittarius♐️ Hurry up: today you have a lot to do. It is possible that you will have to correct other people's mistakes, putting aside your own affairs for the sake of this. Despite the difficulties that sometimes arise, you will maintain a good mood and optimism. This is what will help you succeed.


May 24, 2022


Cancer♋️ It pays to be careful at the start of the day. At this time, you will be able to solve many complex issues, if you do not rush, you will not be content with the information that lies on the surface. Attention to small details will allow you to avoid mistakes, to cope with what has not worked out for a long time. Leo♌️ The day can be quite exhausting. Much more needs to be done than you expected. It is possible that completely new tasks will appear, and you will have to change your plans in order to focus on solving them. Virgo♍️ Stock up on patience. Not everything can be dealt with as quickly as you would like; unexpected difficulties can arise even in the usual affairs. Perseverance will bear fruit: you will achieve excellent results, although not immediately.


May 24, 2022


Aries♈️ The start of the day will not be easy. Difficulties can arise where you least expect them. However, you should not worry too much: you will cope with everything if you keep your composure and will make all the serious decisions on your own. The advice of acquaintances is unlikely to be useful, and you should not count on help. Taurus♉️ Listen to your intuition: its tips will be especially useful to you today. It is thanks to them that you will quickly find answers to difficult working questions, cope with tasks that were beyond the power of others. Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources, and profitable deals. Gemini♊️ Start the day with difficult things: this way you will cope with them faster. It is possible that there will be more worries than you might think, but there will be no obstacles that you could not overcome. Business negotiations will be successful, even people who were previously only interested in their own point of view will listen to you.


May 24, 2022


Silhouette. Men like proportional female figures that resemble an hourglass. Legs. Men love to watch slender female legs. Butt. A round ass is a chic compromise if the breasts are modest in size. Pubis. A slightly protruding pubis, emphasized by tight underwear, is able to catch the eye of any man. Stomach. The female tummy is in the TOP of the sexiest parts of the body. Back. A gracefully arched back is able to attract the attention of men no worse than the neckline. Breast. A deep neckline on a girl's dress will make a man forget about all his affairs. Lips. Plump natural lips beckon men like bee flowers. Smile. A woman's smile has a bewitching effect on men. Eyes. A pool of eyes, a languid look - will carry away any man. Hair. Most men adore the long soft hair of girls and inhale the fragrance emanating from them.


May 23, 2022

Subtleties of orgasm.

Vaginal orgasm is mostly muscle contractions, but clitoral orgasm depends on 8000 nerve endings penetrating the labia and “legs” of the clitoris.


May 23, 2022

Valuable experience.

Sex with a girl older than 5 years is always a valuable experience for a guy, since sexual intercourse with a more experienced partner will always bring a lot of pleasure and new sensations.


May 23, 2022