In South Sudan, a ram was imprisoned for murder.

The court sentenced the ram to three years in prison for the murder of 45-year-old Adye Chaping. The animal will serve time at the Aduel County military base. According to investigators, the ram hit the African woman several times with his head and broke her ribs. The woman died on the spot from her injuries. As compensation, the court also ordered the owner of the ram to give five cows to the family of the deceased. Once imprisoned, the guilty animal will most likely be handed over to the victims, as required by local law.


May 30, 2022

Scientists have proven the benefits of living with a dog

It turned out that if a child aged 5-15 lives in a family with a dog, then he is more likely to have good intestinal permeability, a healthy microbial balance and a strong immune response, which helps protect against Crohn's disease. In families with cats, no such association was found.


May 30, 2022

Scientists have grown cartilage tissue in the shoulder joint of the robot.

It imitated the natural movements of a person, and this allowed the cells to grow and develop rapidly. Artificial cartilage can be used in medicine to model joints and tendons. During growth, it must be constantly stretched and bent. Previously, automatic devices that stretched the tissue were made right in the bioreactor, but in the end, real cartilage was still not obtained - strong and elastic. Scientists approached the problem in a different way. Instead of conventional devices, they used a robotic arm. The growing cartilage tissue was placed in an artificial shoulder for two weeks. The robot imitated human movements for half an hour a day. Under such conditions, the cells began to grow faster.


May 30, 2022

The new heart-safe dose of alcohol is 70 grams per week

Observations showed that moderate or high alcohol consumption increased the risk of heart failure by 4.5 times. No protective association was found in the low alcohol consumption group.


May 30, 2022

The world's first blood test for the diagnosis of Parkinson's disease has appeared.

The test is based on the P450 enzyme reaction. Its expression changes when any health problems develop. This affects the number and properties of certain metabolites. Scientists have found out what changes are characteristic of Parkinson's disease, and they reveal them. The accuracy of the test is 85-88%. Rapid diagnosis may allow the development of new treatments.


May 30, 2022

Lost ancient cities with pyramids, canals and paved roads have been discovered in the Amazonian jungle.

The discovery was made from the air using lidars. Standing on the ground, it is almost impossible to see fragments of buildings under the dense vegetation of the jungle. In total, scientists have found about 15 unknown settlements and two new large cities. They were named Kotoka and Landivar. The discovery of lost cities will force anthropologists to take a fresh look at the culture and life of the peoples of pre-Columbian America.


May 30, 2022

Humans can hear underwater just as well as seals.

The study involved seven volunteers and several marine mammals. It turned out that the average threshold of hearing under water in humans is 71 dB. This corresponds to a frequency of 500 Hz. The 500 Hz threshold corresponds to how animals such as cormorants and seals hear underwater. At the same time, scientists note that marine animals, unlike humans, can also hear very loud sounds.


May 30, 2022

NASA has announced a 30-day manned mission to Mars.

So far, we are talking about a working concept, but there are already some details. There will be 2 people on the team, and their first priority will be to test the possibility of working on Mars, study the effect of the red planet on health and lay the foundation for the following missions.


May 30, 2022

Quantum Internet has become a little closer.

Up to this point, the record was quantum teleportation of data between two computers. However, one of the universities in the Netherlands announced that they had built a small local network capable of transmitting information to physical locations using quantum teleportation. This is very significant - after all, we are talking about a hypothetical Internet with zero delay and infinite speed.


May 30, 2022

In Illinois, they created the smallest robot in the world.

On all axes, the size of this crab is 0.5mm. It has neither electricity nor hydraulics - all control is due to the laser, which heats the robot. And then, because of the shape memory material, it starts to move. The potential of such robots is huge - in medicine alone they can work wonders.


May 30, 2022

Forecast for the week from May 30 to June 05.

The beginning of the week is the time when you can rely on your intuition for almost everything. Her tips will be extremely accurate, and thanks to them you will not make even small mistakes. There will be an opportunity to take on something completely new. It will be possible to quickly achieve the first successes, and they will not go unnoticed. You will see that people are reaching out to you - offering help, sharing information, trying to win your sympathy. Probably the start of a new relationship. They can be friendly or romantic - everything will depend on your desire. Later, rich, fruitful, but rather tiring days will come. Be ready to do several things at once, to think about many things at the same time. Most likely, you will have to act alone, and this will make you nervous. But you can handle the situation. The experience gained a long time ago will be useful. The last days of the week are suitable for solving financial issues, making deals. Unexpected cash flows are likely.


May 30, 2022

3 male zodiac signs that can get rich faster than others. A lion.

Astrological statistics confidently states: there are certain signs of the zodiac that can get rich quick. They know how to earn, invest wisely and not spend money on trifles. Let's talk about the three most enviable and promising suitors among men according to astrological characteristics. A lion. Having studied the list of rich personalities on the pages of Forbes, you can understand that Lions very often flash there. These men do not agree to be content with little, preferring to have whatever their heart desires. Leos are extremely ambitious, smart and vain. They are used to building their own lives. Lions know how to use opportunities, turn minuses into pluses, see advantages. They have a special flair for profitable projects.


May 30, 2022

From different planets: 6 pairs of zodiac signs that don't match. SCORPIO - SAGITTARIUS.

Scorpio is under the influence of the element of Water, and therefore quite easily adapts to new situations. This sign is endowed with charm and sexuality; often in a love relationship, such a person has many partners who replace each other throughout their lives. In people, he is especially attracted by character and intelligence, although the first - and very important for him - judgment he often makes by looking at appearance. Charismatic, insightful and a little mysterious, Scorpio will easily win the hearts of those who are interested in him. Sagittarius is the opposite, a fire sign. He is open and sociable; even in a large company it is difficult not to notice him, but he rarely strives to be in the center of everyone's attention - it just does not give him much pleasure. Like Scorpio, Sagittarius has a bright, strong character, and therefore the main problem in such a pair can be a constant struggle of vanities.


May 30, 2022

Small and big flaws in each zodiac sign. Aquarius: abnormal.

Aquarius just can't stand the "normal" and traditional. He is full of new ideas aimed at changing society. At the same time, Aquarius is too scattered and attracts chaos like a magnet. Many of their ideas remain unrealized. Often their friends have to bring Aquarius down to earth - then maybe they will bring one of their brilliant ideas to life!


May 30, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Many issues today will be resolved faster and easier than expected. And all because you will take a fresh look at what previously seemed familiar and completely natural. You will not only see unexpectedly opened opportunities, but also point them out to others. It is possible that this will help to find new allies and even true friends. Aquarius♒️ There will be more to do than you expected. It is worth starting the day with the most important; this approach will avoid many experiences and worries. You will do an excellent job of solving organizational issues. There will be an opportunity to show leadership qualities, to show that you are able to lead others. Pisces♓️ Differences can hardly be avoided; they are especially likely at the beginning of the day. Even old acquaintances can sometimes misunderstand you, you will have to explain again and again what seems obvious to you. At the same time, you will be able to maintain a peaceful attitude, not get angry with anyone, not offend even the most sensitive and vulnerable people.


May 30, 2022


Libra♎️ Do not put off important meetings: the morning is perfect for them. It will be easy to make a good impression on new acquaintances, to convince those who critically evaluate your ideas. Proposals for cooperation, joint actions are likely. Exciting professional prospects will open up for some Libras. Scorpio♏️ Don't rush anywhere. This day is well suited for putting things in order, solving issues that have long required attention, doing things that have not been reached for a long time. You should also be careful in everything related to money. Try not to risk either your own or other people's funds, refrain from dubious transactions. Sagittarius♐️ Be persistent and you will achieve great things. When choosing what to focus on today, rely on your intuition; Do something that arouses genuine interest. Helpers, if needed, are easy to find. Many people will like your ideas, they will be appreciated even by people who are usually critical of any other people's ideas.


May 30, 2022


Cancer♋️ It pays to act quickly. Today, many things will turn out well for you, bold undertakings will be successful. Thanks to the support of the stars, you will succeed even where no one expected it. This will not go unnoticed. Many will pay attention to your victories, and soon you will receive some interesting offers. Leo♌️ Try not to argue with those who disagree with you: there will be no sense from this, and a lot of energy will have to be spent. It is better to focus on useful things, the outcome of which depends only on you. The less you depend on others, the higher your chances of success. Virgo♍️ The day will be quite hectic, but still successful. The first half of it may bring some minor difficulties and unexpected problems, but the influence of positive trends will increase quickly, so everything will get better soon. In addition, there will be people next to you who are ready to help at any time, support you and give good advice.


May 30, 2022


Aries♈️ It is worth focusing on work: today you will have a chance to achieve noticeable professional success. Colleagues and management will see what you are capable of. It is possible that soon you will receive some interesting offers. Travel related to work or business will be successful. Taurus♉️ Whatever the beginning of the day, try not to lose balance. This time will hardly do without surprises, some strange events, incidents that can confuse. You will quickly figure out how best to act, if you do not start to get nervous and worried about every little thing. Gemini♊️ Do not start the day with serious conversations. It will be difficult to collect your thoughts and find the right words, not all comments will be able to respond correctly. But this time is well suited for completing the work that was started earlier. There will be no difficulties, you will quickly cope with everything.


May 30, 2022

Who can take advantage of altruists.

Altruism is often considered a weakness - it is used by prudent Taurus, taken for granted by conceited Lions, but, if you believe the laws of the Universe, then the given good returns, albeit through another person. And as practice shows, altruists and patrons are successful, happy and wealthy people.


May 30, 2022

From different planets: 6 pairs of zodiac signs that don't match. VIRGO - AQUARIUS.

Virgo is a sign endowed with a great sense of realism and perfect organization. For business life, these qualities are perfect, but in personal relationships, they must be balanced by friendly communication and warmth. A career for Virgo is very important, although people born under this sign know how to combine it with a well-established family life. Aquarius by nature is a dreamer. Of course, if help is needed, loved ones can count on him, but most of the time he tends to be in the clouds. He has a rich imagination, creative abilities and quite big professional ambitions. In general, it is quite difficult for such partners to understand each other - they literally live in different areas.


May 30, 2022