The microflora of the oral cavity.

Why is it so important? Because a huge number of microorganisms live in the mouth, and the oral cavity is considered one of the dirtiest places on the human body. “Pathogenic microorganisms in the mouth can lead to immune system diseases, diabetes and even dementia,” says British biologist Andrew Steele. In traditional Chinese medicine, the tongue can determine the state of the body as a whole.


May 30, 2022

Morning tips.

Set your internal clock. If you "tweak" your sleep settings to your natural needs, you will have more energy and improve cognitive abilities. Maybe you should not watch the series at one in the morning? Is it better to put away all gadgets at 22.00 and go to bed at 23.00? It is very helpful to wake up at the same time, as our biological mechanisms strive for this. Drink water immediately after waking up. Make it a habit to drink 1.2 glasses of warm water after waking up - this way you "start" all body systems. Move. After a night without movement, the body must be turned on with the help of various kinds of activities. Yoga, stretching, running - as you wish. Skip breakfast. Intermittent fasting 16/8 very effectively helps us to accumulate strength and energy, makes us more resilient and active.


May 30, 2022

Which of the stars is fond of crystals.

1. Miranda Kerr considers stones to be an effective way to fight wrinkles. She produces Kora Organics cosmetics using a unique technology: all beauty products are filtered with rose quartz. 2. Kate Hudson. Her favorite is the La Mer face cream, which is adored by many. But Hudson figured out how to make it even better. The actress keeps a jar of cream on the table, next to the rose quartz. “So I charge it for a rejuvenating effect,” she explained. 3. Victoria Beckham used crystals long before they were a trend! Back in 2014, the wife of a football player mentioned some “rituals” that she performs behind the scenes of her own brand shows. At first, Beckham admitted that she always carries crystals with her on the day of the fashion show. And then she made a collection of clothes with secret pockets - for girls who also believe in magic. 4. Katy Perry, on the advice of Madonna, keeps stones in bed to keep the passion in the relationship!


May 30, 2022


Recently, a variety of quartz rollers, jade combs and other stone products borrowed from ancient Chinese medicine have entered the modern beauty industry. Stones can not only massage the face, but also lay them out in a certain order. points or chakras. It is most effective to spread the stones on a fabric mask. There are whole sets of such stones with instructions on how to properly lay out the stones depending on the desired result: detox or radiance. Lie down, put pebbles on your face and rest for 15 minutes until your chakras are cleansed, and your internal energy begins to circulate more actively. As a result, you'll have an honest excuse for a little rest and beautiful, glowing skin.


May 30, 2022

Essential oils instead of perfume: patchouli and ylang-ylang.

I mix a few drops on my wrist and get some incredible subtle, sensual and delicate fragrance that lasts until the evening. But at the same time it does not interfere at all and does not irritate. And even, on the contrary, the other day I was stopped several times on the street and asked what kind of perfume I had? Well, to everything else, essential oils also have many health bonuses. For example, the aroma of ylang-ylang removes anxiety and depressive states, but patchouli is generally a natural aphrodisiac.


May 30, 2022

What are considered harmful products?

White rice and soy sauce are on the list of unhealthy foods, they are almost next to each other and are often combined together. You should not expect any health bonuses from these products. Approximately at the same level - ice cream. Macaroni and cheeseburgers are also nearby and recognized as unhealthy. Desserts, sugary drinks and various snacks became completely unsuitable for nutritional value, meat pizza, puddings, instant noodles and soups, processed meats and convenience foods were in the "red zone".


May 30, 2022

Interesting findings.

Interestingly, raw fruits outperformed vegetables with a score of 100. Legumes, seeds, and nuts were also rated above 70 - according to American scientists, this is the most useful food. Among protein products, seafood is in the lead (an average of 67 points), poultry is acceptable for food (43 points), but Americans attributed beef to junk food - an average of 24.9 points. Although it is important to consider the origin of the meat, the nutrition of the livestock and the presence of chemicals in the meat.


May 30, 2022

What foods are the most nutritious?

The most useful products are considered to be products that scored from 70 points. Products from 31 to 69 points are suitable for nutrition, and everything below 31 is better to be removed from the diet, as they are of no value and do more harm to health than good. It is interesting (and a little strange for me) that the most nutritious foods that are rich in trace elements necessary for a person were recognized: Raspberries Light mayonnaise Vegetable curry Tuna salad Salted almonds Coffee and cappuccino


May 30, 2022

Products are ranked in the food compass according to 9 main factors:Product utility factors.

Vitamins Minerals Nutrient Ratio Food ingredients Additives Degree of processing Presence of fiber/protein Lipids Photochemicals


May 30, 2022

What is a food compass according to American scientists?

As a rule, the characteristics of the product on the label are not enough to determine the extent of its effect on the body and health benefits. American scientists at Tufts University analyzed more than 8,000 foods, drinks and ready meals and made a kind of rating of their usefulness. The researchers tested the products for 54 characteristics and effects on the development of diseases: diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. This information will help you write more detailed descriptions for labels, determine the nutritional value of a product, and make more informed food choices.


May 30, 2022

At the Rotterdam Zoo, visitors are given 'look at the ceiling' glasses.

After a gorilla broke out of its enclosure and attacked a woman at the Rotterdam Zoo, Holland, visitors were given glasses with eyes depicted on them, looking into the upper left corner. Glasses in the style of "look at the ceiling" are needed in order to avoid eye contact with primates, for which a direct look is a manifestation of aggression. And they see in these glasses through small holes located in the middle of the "lenses".


May 30, 2022

Most members of the cat family have retractable claws.

This allows you to maintain sharpness without grinding them when walking, and at the same time walk silently.


May 30, 2022

Asian giant hornet.

Asian giant hornets are the largest of the hornets, reaching four centimeters in length. Their stinger is so large that it can pierce through two layers of clothing, including a protective bee suit.


May 30, 2022

American scientists have created a wireless pacemaker that dissolves in the body after the expiration of its service life.

The device is 0.25 millimeters thick and weighs less than half a gram. It works without a battery. Power is supplied from an external antenna via near field coupling. Sensors on the skin monitor body temperature, oxygen levels, respiration, muscle tone, physical activity, and the electrical activity of the heart. Based on these data, the stimulation mode is calculated. Information can be sent to the application and forwarded to the attending physician.


May 30, 2022

Robots in New York have begun to help the elderly fight loneliness.

ElliQ, a robot that looks like a small tablet, is the ideal companion and psychologist for the elderly. On average, participants in the pilot interacted with the robot at least 20 times a day, according to a press release. And all the elderly people noted that he helps them a lot.


May 30, 2022

Satellite Internet Elon Musk is rapidly gaining a subscriber base

SpaceX, in a report, announced that the Starlink satellite internet service already has over 400,000 subscribers worldwide (both individuals and legal entities). Interestingly, just two months ago there were 250,000 of them, and at the beginning of the year - 145,000. SpaceX has launched 2,405 satellites so far, of which 2,374 are operational.


May 30, 2022

In the United States, three centuries later, the last "Salem witch" was pardoned.

The state of Massachusetts has officially pardoned the last Witch of Salem, Elizabeth Johnson, 329 years after she was sentenced to death. In the 17th century, it was never executed, but the American woman still remained the only unrehabilitated victim of the trial. Perhaps because she has no offspring. During the Salem witch hunt from February 1692 to May 1693, English Puritan settlers killed 20 people, about 200 were sent to prison, where some died. They fell victim to superstition, fear of disease, and settling scores. Elizabeth was 22 at the time of the trial.


May 30, 2022

A Japanese man with dreams of becoming a dog spent $15,000 on a realistic costume for his favorite breed, the Border Collie.

Film maker Zeppet designed a costume for a dog fanatic in 40 days. Now he publishes videos of how he gives his paw, falls on his back and plays tennis.


May 30, 2022

In the USA, they created edible electrical tape.

Chemical and biomolecular engineering students have created edible Tastee Tape to keep burritos (or shawarma) from falling apart.


May 30, 2022

China is preparing to destroy Starlink?

A group of Chinese scientists published a study in which they described the theoretical methods and plans for the hypothetical destruction of Elon Musk's satellite constellation. Let's hope that the destruction will indeed be hypothetical.


May 30, 2022