Sexuality rating of zodiac signs. Virgo - 12th place.

No, to say that Virgo is an absolutely non-sexual sign is impossible. There is charm in it, and the appearance is always impeccable, and nature has not deprived of good manners, but the character of its representative is really complex. Virgos are alien to the ease of communication, they are quite picky about their partners, and a bad mood can even become a real test for you - not everyone can calmly respond to their nit-picking and taunts addressed to them.


May 31, 2022

3 male zodiac signs that can get rich faster than others. Virgo.

Practical Virgo men know how and love to work. This sign represents real intellectuals, careerists and rather stingy people. The Virgo man never scatters money, even if his financial condition has long outstripped the six-figure figures. He is one of the lucky ones who can easily wear old jeans. The Virgo man knows how to save money and use a minimum set of things. And a successful tandem of rich mental abilities and love for perfectionism opens up huge opportunities for him in the world of money.


May 31, 2022

Rating of the most faithful signs of the zodiac among women. 12th place - Gemini woman.

If we build the top of the most faithful signs of the zodiac, then Gemini takes the very last step. By its nature, this is a two-faced sign always and in everything. This also applies to relationships. For them, movement is life, they constantly need new experiences, acquaintances, ideas. Gemini also has the traits of a real player: they easily accept the rules, get in the know of what is happening and sometimes flirt. Again, this also applies to relationships, which often leads to treason. It is necessary to understand and accept the fact that this zodiac sign tends to be carried away by several gentlemen at the same time. If you have chosen such a girl for a relationship and plan to start a family with her, be on the same wavelength, get involved in the same activities, support ideas and initiatives for change.


May 31, 2022

Small and big flaws in each zodiac sign. Pisces: out of touch with reality.

Pisces are driven and indecisive. They are afraid of reality, so they hide in an imaginary world and are afraid to make decisions that would seriously affect their lives. Due to their indecision, they are especially sensitive and overreact to criticism. If you have a Pisces friend, you just need to cheer him up a little, and he will gladly leave his illusory reality.


May 31, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Look at things realistically. Today, many things will seem possible, but if you are not overly optimistic, you will quickly understand where you will succeed and where problems may arise. To cope with the most difficult cases will help people whom you know well. Be prepared to return favors to them. Aquarius♒️ Don't be in a hurry. Morning is hardly suitable for important matters and serious decisions. Most likely, you will need time to gather your thoughts, tune in the right way. Old friends will be happy to help you. With their support, you'll be able to do things you couldn't before. Pisces♓️ The day will be very favorable for communication. It will be easy for you to get along with others, to understand what is on the minds of old acquaintances and those whom you first met recently. Relations, which until recently developed tensely, will become warmer and more harmonious. Sympathy will replace hostility.


May 31, 2022


Libra♎️ You can talk frankly with those with whom you have not been getting along lately. It will be possible to agree on a lot of things, as well as to clarify the points, because of which it was not possible to find a common language before. Your opinion will be listened to by those who were not at all interested in it before. It is possible that you will have influential allies with whom you will soon make friends. Scorpio♏️ The day will hardly go without excitement, but you will not lose your head. The experience gained earlier will be very useful: thanks to it, you will not take risks where this can be avoided, make informed decisions. This will be especially noticeable in the business sphere. You will cope well with difficult work, you will not allow anyone to confuse you or confuse you. Sagittarius♐️ If you have big plans for the day, be prepared to take action on your own. Even proven allies today are unlikely to be able to help you, but they can unwittingly create problems. In addition, your ideas will not always be understood by others, and you will not want to waste time on long explanations.


May 31, 2022


Cancer♋️ The day will bring good news. They can relate to work, and personal relationships, and those of your plans that you have not yet told anyone about. There will be an opportunity to communicate with people who have helped you more than once and gave good advice; you will hear a lot of interesting things from them. You can start studying Leo♌️ Focus on work if professional success and career development are important to you. Today you will cope with many difficult tasks, and this will not go unnoticed. Soon you will receive interesting offers, it will be possible to focus on some particularly promising business. Virgo♍️ The day is suitable for business negotiations, meetings with people with whom you would like to cooperate. Your ideas will be of interest to many, for sure there will be those who want to help in their implementation. Cash receipts are likely, including from unexpected sources. There will be a chance to make profitable deals.


May 31, 2022


Aries♈️ Be prepared for surprises. Today you will hardly be able to act according to the plan. It is much more likely that you will have to improvise, make decisions quickly. You'll be fine with this, but you won't be able to completely avoid tense moments. Try to be serious about everything you undertake - this applies to familiar things, and completely new ones. Taurus♉️ You will be able to cope with difficult problems, find answers to questions over which many have puzzled before. You are attentive to details, notice everything that may be important. This turns out to be especially useful at work. The decisions made today will be the right ones. Gemini♊️ A great day to resolve any issues related to money. Rely on your intuition: thanks to its prompts, you will do the right thing, do not miss a single interesting opportunity. It will be easier to achieve success in your work if you prefer to act on your own, do not wait for someone else's help or tips.


May 31, 2022

An option for actions in a situation where there are suspicions about the girl's commercialism.

Most often, such suspicions appear, of course, when ordering something in a cafe. Usually it happens like this: the waiter came up, she ordered first, after which she "kindly" offers to place an order for you. So the girls bypass the issue of paying the bill, because if here you start expressing a desire to share it ... Well, the prospects for productive communication will decrease. I have nothing against paying the bill for a girl and this behavior can often be without malicious intent. But sometimes it still happens to him. Therefore, I give you a universal phrase for verification: "well, then next time you treat you." Naturally, this should not be said on a serious face, but with a touch of irony and a smile - this should not look like an ultimatum. By the reaction of the girl, you will understand her mood for communication. In addition, you set boundaries with this.


May 30, 2022

A little focus in communication.

And it works especially well in correspondence - in it we pay more attention to words. Use the word "we" more often. So you subconsciously attach to the girl the idea that you are together - this is not such a "strange" idea. That is, you need to say not "you definitely should meet with me," but "we definitely should meet." Or for example: "I think that we both like the deep house - it's a signal from above." Use "we" almost from the very beginning of communication, as soon as you create the proper degree of comfort.


May 30, 2022

Phrase for dating on the bus.

Or other public transport. "Hi! I already need to rush to the exit, but I couldn't just walk past you" - and hand over your phone, where you need to enter the note number or her account in the Instagram search. This greatly simplifies the task, since you need to say less “terrible” words about dating. Write - then you're done, no - well, no luck.


May 30, 2022

"I don't meet on the street"

Should I ask you how often you heard this answer. So, I wanted to tell you about an extremely simple and quite effective answer to this "argument" of the girl. "Me too! Let's go to a coffee/shisha/pastry shop and get to know each other there." I won’t say that it will work 100%, but the probability of at least a smile is high. Yes, a girl will not run to a coffee shop, but this is not an end in itself. The main thing is to continue the dialogue and make contacts.


May 30, 2022

Important advice.

I understand that NOT talking about your ex is too difficult and almost impossible. How many times would you not hear that "this is not possible" - the conversation about it comes up. And if you have violated this rule - be guided by another. Don't talk negatively about your ex. This will in no way help you in seduction, but will only provoke the girl into negative thoughts. The logical chain is clear - the former "all this is not like that", perhaps something is wrong with him. Yes, and in themselves such "gossip" is not worthy of you voicing them.


May 30, 2022

"Look, I realized that I just don't need a relationship right now..."

Oh, this zakos under the "loss". Naive guys in hopeless attempts fight against this reef of "principledness", wasting their energy in vain. Such a phrase is just one of many ways to covertly send you to hell - a fact. Well, a girl who is interested in communicating with a guy will not say such things to him. Well, except that he turned out to be too "smart" by offering her to marry him after several episodes of intercourse. So, guys, when you hear this, answer like this: "super, I just decided yesterday that you are not suitable for me for a relationship." No more words are needed here.


May 30, 2022

Emily Nagoski "As a Woman Wants"

If you want to understand the psychology of sex, to understand what your sexuality depends on, be sure to read this book! The book introduces two great ideas that you really need to consider for yourself, and even better with a partner. 1 idea: gas and brake. We all have sexy throttle and sexy brake. The book very similarly describes how this dual system works. Why do some of us take longer to ignite (slow gas), while others fire in a minute (fast gas). Why will every little thing distract someone (sensitive brake), while someone does not care what is happening around (tight brake). 2. idea: context. Sexuality always depends on the context. The same touches of a loved one will be felt differently in the bedroom, at the desk, at a romantic dinner. The context is very underestimated. And Emily takes this topic very deeply and in detail.


May 30, 2022

Shared viewing.

Watching adult movies together will help the girl tune in to sex if there are problems with it due to constraint, excitement, or if she lacks caresses during foreplay (although in this case it is better, of course, to work on the quality of these very foreplay ).


May 30, 2022


Some girls claim that thanks to hot and high-quality sex, you can fall in love with a man. Sex, of course, takes about 50% of success, but if that's all you can give a man, then you shouldn't count on more.


May 30, 2022

Subdue your rider.

An effective way to test a girl for subordination is to fix her hands in the “rider” position. 1. First, diversify the “rider” pose: put the girl with her back to you. 2. Then grab her by the wrists and pull slightly towards you. If she doesn't object right away, it's a sign that she likes being in control.


May 30, 2022

The pinnacle of temptation.

Women's ass is liked by many men, enjoy the spectacle while having sex in this position: 1. The man stands behind the girl straight, spreading his legs wide. 2. The girl stands half-bent, her head down, and puts her hands behind her back to maintain balance, the man holds her wrist.


May 30, 2022

Point G

The presence of the G-spot and its ability to bring a woman to orgasm has long been an indisputable fact. To stimulate it, a penis is not needed, a finger is enough, because the treasured point is located about 2-4 centimeters from the entrance to the vagina on its front wall. It contains many nerve pathways. The G-spot will begin to "act" only if the woman is already aroused. For sex, you need to choose positions in which the anterior wall of the vagina is actively stimulated, for example, the "Viennese oyster".


May 30, 2022