Aries♈️ It is worth seeing your friends: they will share good news and probably tell you something interesting. A favorable day will be for a romantic date; it will go even better than you expected. Unexpected gifts and tokens of attention will cheer you up. Taurus♉️ You should not count on easy successes, especially in the morning. If some serious things are planned for this time, it will certainly not be easy to deal with them. But you will not retreat in front of obstacles, you will not give up on your plans and achieve your goal. Close people will help in this - their support today will be especially important for you. Gemini♊️ Try to avoid controversy. You are right in many ways, but it is hardly worth wasting your strength and energy on trying to convince those who disagree and doubt. Do what you have in mind - it will soon become clear to everyone that you have chosen the only right path.


May 30, 2022

5 altruistic zodiac signs: who can help for free? Cancer and Pisces - rational-moral altruism.

Cancer and Pisces are similar in their idealistic aspirations that clash with a cruel world. They want others to appreciate their sacrifices, pay attention to beautiful deeds, but if they do not receive gratitude, they begin to close and move away. These representatives of the water element do not have enough moral altruism for a long time - Pisces can be limited to dreams of their nobility, and Cancer will begin to feel that they are being used. The altruism of Pisces and Cancer often borders on sacrifice, because for the people they love, they are ready to give up their goals and principles.


May 30, 2022

From different planets: 6 pairs of zodiac signs that don't match. CANCER - LIBRA.

Cancer is very attached to his loved ones, although the stars endowed his character with a certain amount of selfishness. If not everything goes the way he wants, a person born under this sign is sometimes able to show such traits as authoritarianism, rigidity, gloom. Cancers are often ruled by their emotions; First of all, they will listen to their intuition - and only then to the voice of reason. Compromises are not easy for them - even if it is necessary for the good of a loved one. Libra has a reputation for being romantic, but in fact, this sign is quite good at navigating the realities of everyday life. Libra will always prefer a beautiful thing, but at the same time they will not forget about its material value. The issue of finances or aesthetics can cause a conflict between partners - where everyone will strive to insist on their own, not fully understanding and taking responsibility for their words and deeds.


May 30, 2022

Small and big flaws in each zodiac sign. Sagittarius: awl at the fifth point.

Sagittarius is always busy with something important, like saving the world. Minor issues below his level. This flaw can even be interesting, because sometimes Sagittarians are very naive and don't realize that their actions don't lead to as good results as they hoped. They love to exaggerate and invent, otherwise life becomes boring. Friends should not take Sagittarians too seriously and, above all, they should save them from the chaos they fall into without wanting to.


May 30, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Do not worry if at the beginning of the day something does not go according to plan. This time is unlikely to be completely cloudless, easy and successful. But insoluble problems will not arise, and you will quickly cope with minor difficulties. Soon you will feel that the situation is changing for the better. Aquarius♒️ The beginning of the day will hardly do without disagreements and disputes. At this time, you can react sharply even to innocent remarks, get annoyed over trifles. But the situation will change for the better as soon as you pull yourself together and tune in a positive way. Pisces♓️ The first half of the day will bring great ideas. It is possible that you will want to put aside the things you planned before and do something completely new. Listen to your intuition: it will definitely tell you how best to proceed. But the advice of acquaintances may turn out to be useless, even if they are given out of the best of intentions.


May 30, 2022


Libra♎️ The day is well suited to take on some important business. Even if it is completely new to you, you will not make mistakes, you will quickly figure out how to act in order to achieve the desired result faster. Old friends will be happy to help you, but new acquaintances will not be left out. Scorpio♏️ Pay attention to family matters. Today, someone close to you may need your help, it is possible that you will need to focus on solving problems that have recently worried your relatives. Intuition will tell you how to act in order to quickly achieve the desired result. Sagittarius♐️ The day will bring amazing events, strange coincidences that will push you to interesting thoughts, help you look at many things in a new way. It is possible that you want to change your long-term plans. Remember that you should not rush: first, think it over well, and only then proceed to specific actions.


May 30, 2022


Cancer♋️ The right day has come to discuss some important issues, talk about what has been bothering you and your loved ones lately. It will be possible to find a solution that everyone will like, to decide on general plans for the future. It will be easy for you to understand others. Leo♌️ Today you will have a lot to do, so it's best not to waste your time. It's worth starting with the most important. The first half of the day will pass quite calmly, you will be able to concentrate and quickly cope even with complex tasks. Later, some events may occur, due to which it will be necessary to change plans, new things and worries will appear. Virgo♍️ Be prepared for surprises. The events of this day will surely surprise you, help you take a fresh look at some familiar things. Unexpected visits, meetings with friends or old acquaintances are likely. There are a lot of interesting topics for conversation, you will learn a lot of useful things.


May 30, 2022


Aries♈️ At the beginning of the day, it is hardly possible to avoid minor problems and annoying misunderstandings. Not everything will turn out the way we would like. Most likely you will have to change your plans, postpone the things that you expected to do. But you shouldn't worry. Taurus♉️ The beginning of the day is hardly suitable for serious conversations, discussions of important issues. Getting along with others will be somewhat more difficult than usual: you can be offended even by harmless remarks, angry over trifles. The second half of the day, on the contrary, will be favorable for communication. It will provide an opportunity to acquire new connections and restore old ones, to make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel. Gemini♊️ The day will be busy. There may be some unexpected events, meetings, because of which you want to change plans, do something completely new. People around you may interfere in your affairs more often than usual, but you will quickly understand how to benefit from this.


May 30, 2022

Mutual assistance.

If a goose gets sick or injured while flying and falls out of action, the other two goose follow to protect and help. They stay with the wounded goose until it can continue flying or dies.


May 27, 2022

Accuracy in everything!

Snow leopards wear their tail in their mouths so as not to get wet or dirty.


May 27, 2022

Folding house from Ten Fold Engineering.

Ten Fold Engineering has created a house that can fit in a container and unfold in 8 minutes. It is enough to find a fairly large area (the area of individual models can reach 200 sq.m.) and press the button. The house itself will be established to the final state. The design of the company's buildings takes into account all the necessary accessories, including bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens.


May 27, 2022

More than 40% of the world's billionaires are Jews, but how did they achieve this?

Believe in yourself! Mark Zuckerberg says, "A person may be a genius or possess all the necessary skills, but if he does not believe in himself, he will not give his best." Your team and environment. People you respect and who respect you and help you develop. Quote from Zuckerberg: “I would rather be around people who underestimate me. It encourages you to go out and do something big.” Be different. Do what others don't! “I have always felt like a minority,” I quote Sergey Brin, founder of Google with a fortune of 61 billion dollars, “this is partly a consequence of the fact that I am Jewish. However, it was this feeling that gave me the realization that you don’t need to be part of the crowd, you need to constantly maintain your independence, strive for rebellion. Making mistakes is okay. It's not normal not to draw conclusions from your mistakes! This is taught to Jewish children at an early age and this principle helps them throughout their lives. The ability to admit and understand one's mistakes, draw conclusions and move forward is what has always distinguished Jewish business leaders.


May 27, 2022

Due to global warming, people are sleeping less

Experts studied 7 million sleep records from the bracelets of 47,000 adults from 68 countries. Global nighttime temperatures are rising faster than daytime temperatures. People all over the world cannot quickly adapt to this and begin to sleep less. The climate crisis is robbing us of 44 hours of sleep per year - that is, for 11 nights we sleep less than the required seven hours.


May 27, 2022

Fossils of two pterosaurs Thanatosdrakon amaru have been found in Argentina.

They died simultaneously 86-87 million years ago. The wingspan of one of them is seven meters, the second - nine. This makes it the largest flying pangolin ever discovered in South America. The discovered pterosaurs could be a parent and a calf - at the time of death they were nearby, while one of them was not yet an adult. But paleontologists have no proof of the degree of relationship.


May 27, 2022

In Hawaii, they began to make cocktail tubes from seaweed.

Loliware launched the production of seaweed cocktail straws. They replace plastic ones, keeping the coastline clean. The tubes are made like this: they dry, grind and mix the algae with a solution of natural dyes, and then give the resulting mass a shape. The technology is simple, cheap and competitive. Algae tubes are better than paper tubes: they do not get wet, they retain their shape and texture.


May 27, 2022

Money and power affect the amount of gray matter in the brain.

Socioeconomic status is associated with gray matter volume in the brain. Depending on the level of education and income, the prestige of work and place of residence, it varies within 1.6%. Low status in general negatively affects the brain. These conclusions were made by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania during the analysis of data from the British Biobank - it contains information about about 500 thousand people.


May 27, 2022

Turmeric strengthens memory and improves mood.

These conclusions were made by scientists from the Center for Longevity at the University of California. They conducted a study involving 40 people aged 51-84 years. All volunteers had slight memory problems. Study participants took 90 milligrams of curcumin twice a day for 18 months. After therapy, they performed 28% better on various types of cognitive tests. This may be due to the fact that thanks to curcumin, fewer plaques and tangles appear in the brain regions responsible for mood and memory - they are found in Alzheimer's disease.


May 27, 2022

An eco-activist from Los Angeles put on his trash for a month to save the planet.

Rob Greenfield put the trash in the see-through pockets of his custom-tailored suit. At the end of the experiment, bags with disposable cups, napkins, cotton swabs, bottles and packages weighed about 28 kilograms. Rob, hung with garbage, walked around the city and its environs, demonstrating how much waste one person produces in just a month.


May 27, 2022

The first transgender Barbie appeared - in honor of actress Laverne Cox.

Mattel has released the first transgender Barbie inspired by LGBT activist and actress Laverne Cox. The release of the doll is timed to coincide with the anniversary of the star - at the end of May she turns 50 years old. Cox is best known for her role as prisoner Sophia Burset in Orange Is the New Black. After the release of the premiere season, Laverne became the first trans woman to be nominated for an Emmy and appear on the cover of Time magazine.


May 27, 2022

The bacterium Salmonella, potentially harmful to humans, has been shown to be useful in the treatment of cancer.

Scientists have found that it is able to form colonies around tumors and signal a threat to the immune system and used it to use it as a means of delivering signaling antigens to the tumor. Among mice that received bacterial therapy, 83% survived, while only 25% survived in the placebo control group. The scientists are now planning human trials.


May 27, 2022