It is not enough to learn how to speak correctly, one must also learn how to be silent correctly

Forever FORGET phrases that begin with the words: "Actually..." "You again..." "What is this..." "If you are now..." "I told you..." "Here you are again..." Criticism must be stopped. She kills a man. What you are extinguishing him for, he has already done. And that won't change. One thing will change - his attitude towards you. You will achieve that from your voice alone he will be covered with hatred and irritation. Of course you can't be silent. So get yourself a diary. Write everything that has accumulated there. If it’s more important for you to speak out than to get help, support or results from your husband, then don’t be surprised when something or someone turns out to be more important to him than you.


May 30, 2022

Why does the mother-in-law destroy the family and frankly survive you?

There are several reasons. Maternal overprotection. Her son has been by her side all her life, she is used to taking care of him, and she cannot entrust this work to another woman. Lack of attention. Previously, the son ran to her on the first call, but now he has his own family, and the mother-in-law does not have enough attention, even if she does not admit it. Female jealousy. If the mother raised your husband alone, her son to some extent compensated for her lack of male attention. You are perceived as a competitor. War of generations. Perhaps you and your mother-in-law have completely different ideas about the female role. Willingness to help. Sometimes the mother-in-law gets out of a sincere desire to convey the secrets of a happy marriage and does not understand that you do not need unsolicited advice.


May 30, 2022

The most dangerous relationship myths.

It is these myths that will lead you to separation and disappointment in relationships if you believe in them. “The main thing is to have love, and then everything will be fine” There are a huge number of examples when at the beginning of a relationship there was love and mutual understanding, but then the couple broke up. “Somewhere there is my perfect soul mate” Those who believe in this find a partner, and he turns out to be not perfect. Ideal does not exist, there are real people with their pluses and minuses.


May 30, 2022

How your money destroys relationships.

A financially independent wife can either save or destroy her marriage, depending on the scenario chosen: • She can turn her money into an object of manipulation, all the time poking her husband with her nose that he has no power over her. But soon she will hear: pay for everything yourself, since she is so smart. And out of pride, she will plow, pay, and will never see any help and care. • She puts her money at the service of keeping a man. No money for a restaurant? I'll pay myself. Keep an expensive gift, I took out a loan. Need to borrow? Take it! It is not necessary to return or I will not dare to ask. The result: a slacker and gigolo who always pulls money out of her. Understand, it is important for a woman to have her own income! This deprives a man of the temptation to press and threaten. And it gives confidence that you have a choice: leave or stay.


May 30, 2022

Regression. Have you heard about this?

Do you know the feeling when everything is not right and everything is wrong? And you understand this, but you cannot find answers to your questions. You know that you have a huge potential, but the money is not coming for some unknown reason. So regression solves many problems! Regression is working with deep memory, traveling to past lives. Our soul remembers everything! And most often from there we drag all our blocks and beliefs. Are you afraid of water? Perhaps you drowned in a past life? Through regression you can: - meet with those who are no longer alive, say goodbye or say something important; - find the causes of your illnesses and heal them; - discover your talents and resources, find out your purpose. - gain strength and feed on resources.


May 30, 2022


Looking for the norm in sexual interests, fantasies and games is a meaningless exercise. There is a small list of taboos, that is, inclinations that are not welcomed by society, and everything else is permissible. So feel free to experiment and get new sensations!


May 30, 2022

Improving statistics.

As you know, women get an orgasm less often than men, and although many are already used to this, you can always try to improve the statistics. For example, do not focus on orgasm as such, diversify your sex life (and not act according to the same scenario), do not end sex after another partner's orgasm.


May 30, 2022

Men don't be afraid to make sounds of pleasure in bed.

Men don't moan a lot in sex and make almost no sounds when it's so sexy. Girls are turned on by the sound of a man moaning or growling with pleasure.


May 30, 2022

Men who act simultaneously with penis, lips and hands are the best lovers.

Caress the girl continuously during sex. This will allow you and her to enjoy more.


May 30, 2022

Sex is a journey, not a destination.

Foreplay and caresses, before the process itself, are very important. Kissing, nipple licking, breast play and other parts of the business. If you can't last 15 minutes in sex, then do foreplay in 13 minutes.


May 30, 2022

Start sex with a variety of positions and caresses, and end with monotonous movements.

Do not change positions, and everything else, when the girl is already close to orgasm. If a girl says “yes-yes-yes”, this does not mean that you need to work harder. This means not changing tactics and doing what you did before.


May 30, 2022

Decided to add thrills while shopping?

Welcome to the world of spontaneous sex in the store! Little is required of you - courage and silence. The last point is especially important if you do not want to embarrass other customers and store staff with your passion. By the way, an obvious bonus is the mirrors, which are so numerous in the dressing room.


May 30, 2022

Breathing exercises. Continuation.

5. Determine the respiratory rate. The main idea is that you breathe in and out at the same amount of time. For example, they spent 5 seconds to enter, 5 to hold their breath, and 5 to exit. I would recommend a 4-7-8 ratio. It is the best for most of us. However, if this scheme does not suit you, you can find your own. The main thing is that it should be repeated during each subsequent practice. 6. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper breathing is the key to good health. But not the only one. Before practice, do not abuse fatty foods, drink more water, do not forget about sports and healthy sleep. All this will help you feel good every day.


May 30, 2022

Breathing exercises. Continuation.

3. Breathe deeply. As you inhale, your diaphragm should contract, your stomach should expand, and your lungs should fill with air. Feel how your whole body is charged with oxygen and energy. Literally 20-30 minutes of this practice every day will help you increase productivity and reduce stress. 4. Watch your posture. And not just while breathing. Don't slouch, keep your back straight and straighten your shoulders. But watch your feelings - the body should not become numb.


May 30, 2022

Breathing exercises.

We don't think about how we breathe. But proper breathing is very important. Here are the basic principles. 1. Take your time. Do breathing exercises when you are relaxed. Give yourself time to tune into the right wave and calm down. No need to strain or try hard to focus: just relax and breathe. 2. Breathe through your nose. When the organism and the body are relaxed, it is possible that there will be a desire to breathe through the mouth. But correctly - through the nose: deep and measured. In such a case, air consumption is limited, which forces us to slow down. In yoga, it is nasal breathing that is considered the key to longevity and a happy life.


May 30, 2022

Caring for useful "inhabitants" of the mouth is now in trend.

For example, Kendall Jenner created her own oral care brand, MOON. All MOON products are natural, contain oils, they not only gently cleanse, but also “create” the right environment in the mouth. Or, for example, the English brand Their dental floss is made from recycled plastic, their toothbrushes are made from bamboo, and their toothpaste is nothing like regular tube toothpaste, it comes as vegan pills in a glass jar, as one of the brand's messages is: no plastic and care for the environment.


May 30, 2022

The microflora of the oral cavity.

Why is it so important? Because a huge number of microorganisms live in the mouth, and the oral cavity is considered one of the dirtiest places on the human body. “Pathogenic microorganisms in the mouth can lead to immune system diseases, diabetes and even dementia,” says British biologist Andrew Steele. In traditional Chinese medicine, the tongue can determine the state of the body as a whole.


May 30, 2022

Morning tips.

Set your internal clock. If you "tweak" your sleep settings to your natural needs, you will have more energy and improve cognitive abilities. Maybe you should not watch the series at one in the morning? Is it better to put away all gadgets at 22.00 and go to bed at 23.00? It is very helpful to wake up at the same time, as our biological mechanisms strive for this. Drink water immediately after waking up. Make it a habit to drink 1.2 glasses of warm water after waking up - this way you "start" all body systems. Move. After a night without movement, the body must be turned on with the help of various kinds of activities. Yoga, stretching, running - as you wish. Skip breakfast. Intermittent fasting 16/8 very effectively helps us to accumulate strength and energy, makes us more resilient and active.


May 30, 2022

Which of the stars is fond of crystals.

1. Miranda Kerr considers stones to be an effective way to fight wrinkles. She produces Kora Organics cosmetics using a unique technology: all beauty products are filtered with rose quartz. 2. Kate Hudson. Her favorite is the La Mer face cream, which is adored by many. But Hudson figured out how to make it even better. The actress keeps a jar of cream on the table, next to the rose quartz. “So I charge it for a rejuvenating effect,” she explained. 3. Victoria Beckham used crystals long before they were a trend! Back in 2014, the wife of a football player mentioned some “rituals” that she performs behind the scenes of her own brand shows. At first, Beckham admitted that she always carries crystals with her on the day of the fashion show. And then she made a collection of clothes with secret pockets - for girls who also believe in magic. 4. Katy Perry, on the advice of Madonna, keeps stones in bed to keep the passion in the relationship!


May 30, 2022


Recently, a variety of quartz rollers, jade combs and other stone products borrowed from ancient Chinese medicine have entered the modern beauty industry. Stones can not only massage the face, but also lay them out in a certain order. points or chakras. It is most effective to spread the stones on a fabric mask. There are whole sets of such stones with instructions on how to properly lay out the stones depending on the desired result: detox or radiance. Lie down, put pebbles on your face and rest for 15 minutes until your chakras are cleansed, and your internal energy begins to circulate more actively. As a result, you'll have an honest excuse for a little rest and beautiful, glowing skin.


May 30, 2022