Libra♎️ Be persistent - that's how you achieve what recently seemed almost impossible. It is possible that today you will have to correct other people's mistakes, work for two. But you will do this solely for your own benefit, and therefore you will not want to complain about life. Scorpio♏️ Be prepared for the unexpected: this day will surely surprise you. There may appear some completely new cases, tasks, over the solution of which you will have to rack your brains. The knowledge gained earlier will be useful. If you trust your own experience and common sense more than other people's advice, you will quickly achieve success. Sagittarius♐️ You will have to interfere in other people's affairs, to understand something completely new, to solve several issues at once. Difficult? Yes, but also very interesting. There will be no time to be bored, and you will like it. In addition, you will gain experience that will come in handy in the near future. Some Sagittarians will have a chance to make very useful contacts.


June 2, 2022


Cancer♋️ It is important to tune in to a peaceful way. People around you today can behave strangely, sometimes as if specifically trying to unbalance you. But if you do not succumb to provocations, communication will soon become much more pleasant. Do not rush to take on serious obligations and do not believe all the promises of new acquaintances. Leo♌️ The day won't go smoothly. It will surely bring unexpected events that you will be happy about and new opportunities. In everything related to work and business, you can rely on intuition. Thanks to her tips, you will quickly orient yourself in the situation, make the right decisions. Virgo♍️ Look at things realistically. Today, it is especially important not to build illusions related to work or business. Be wary if someone promises mountains of gold, do not think that serious tasks will quickly be solved by themselves simply because you would really like it. Success will be achieved, but for this you will have to work hard.


June 2, 2022


Aries♈️ Focus on work: today you can achieve noticeable professional success, win important victories. Whatever you have learned before will come in handy. It is possible that your knowledge will be useful to others. You will give excellent advice to those who have encountered difficulties, support many. Taurus♉️ Take on new things, do not delay the implementation of bold ideas. Today you will do a lot well if you don't waste your time. It is better to act on your own than to try to convince those who doubt the realism of your plans. Gemini♊️ It will not be easy to remain calm today, but still try not to worry about trifles, not to worry if something does not go according to plan. If you do not give in to fleeting emotions, you will quickly understand how to change the situation for the better. Relationships with people with whom you have not been getting along lately may change.


June 2, 2022

How to improve the sense of humor?

A good sense of humor helps us find a common language with society, makes us more attractive, slightly reduces stress levels and develops creative thinking. To work on it, follow these tips: Watch more comedies and performances. They allow you to become more effective when immersed in the subject. Try to make something funny and out of the ordinary. Surround yourself with people who you’ll have a lot to learn from. Analyze the audience, because for some people your joke will be appropriate, but for others it will be completely absurd.


June 1, 2022

Learn to choose what is important for yourself.

The main idea that should be learned is that opportunities are always around and always will be. Opportunities do not depend on the day of the week or the time of day. Another thing is that from an incredible number of all sorts of interesting and diverse activities, you need to choose what you really like. It may be that you refused to go to the party, and then began to blame yourself for it. At this point, it's worth listening to your heart. Try to understand why you feel guilty and how you can help yourself.


June 1, 2022

Where to find energy?

To begin with, let the idea that each one of us has inner energy source sink in. As soon as we allow this source to be inside us, it begins to signal and respond.⠀ How to catch its signals? Recognize even the slightest signs of lively interest in whatever. When your face lights up because of something, that's certainly what you need. It's all about that interest that connects everyone with her or his living, creative part. With the part that is capable of experiencing pure joy. By gathering these little things you can open up your mind and become a better you.


June 1, 2022

Exploding with anger.

What should we do to prevent an "explosion"? After all, a str.ng emotion, like any explosion, leads to devastation, and after that it takes a long time to restore what has been lost...⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣What can we do when emotions overwhelm us? Free inner space. Let it expand.⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣How?⁣⁣⠀ Deep breaths. When we start breathing through the mouth, we automatically engage the stomach. It is as if we manipulate the stomach with our consciousness.⁣⁣⠀ ⁣⁣Try it right now! There is more space in the stomach, it’s wider, softer and warmer... do you feel it? The words themselves seem to create a space for accommodation, reassurance.⁣⁣


June 1, 2022


Warm and calm nearby. Most of the moments together are neutral-positive. Not an emotional swing from anger to violent joy, but peacefully and lightly. Rest your soul in the presence of each other, fill up. Emotional intimacy. Freely share desires, dreams and experiences, you know that you will hear each other. The secret quality of happy couples is the ability to withstand other people's anger, sadness, fear - not to merge, not to reduce to a joke, devaluing. Respect and equality. There is no dominant party and submissive slave. Fairness in the distribution of finances and household duties. Team play. The common WE is slightly more important than the interests of each individual. Sex compatibility. One direction of desires and tastes.


June 1, 2022

The myth that without exercise you can quickly lose shape.

Any cold, even in a mild form, activates cortisol, which means it suppresses anabolism - stops the growth of muscle tissue. In the process of training, catabolism (muscle breakdown) is triggered, and recovery after training in this state will not occur. You will work on the muscles in the minus. What to do ? ◽️ do not exercise until all symptoms of a cold are completely gone ◽️ if you have suffered a severe illness (temperature above 37.5, prolonged cough and runny nose) - give the body 3-4 additional days to recover ◽️ Vitamin C 1000-2000 mg per day, from the first day of symptoms ◽️Zinc 10 mg per day ◽️ Phytoncides (raw onions, garlic for food) ◽️Keeping the usual calorie intake, divide it into 4-5 meals at intervals of 3-4 hours. Focus on long carbs ◽️Plentiful warm drink


June 1, 2022

The myth that exercise speeds up recovery.

In a study by Dr. Thomas G. Weidner, the Indiana University of Medicine USA compared students who were injected with contaminated serum. Some of them continued to go in for sports intensively (running, exercise machines), the other part was calmly ill, not doing physical exercises. As a result, recovery rates were equivalent for all.


June 1, 2022

Colds and sports.

The common cold is the common name for an acute infectious inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It is almost impossible to distinguish between SARS, influenza and, now, covid on your own. This is the main risk: the influenza virus can penetrate into the heart muscle - the myocardium, and cause inflammation - myocarditis. 15% of all complications after influenza are precisely myocarditis, pericarditis and heart failure. What are you at risk of getting later? Interruptions in heart rate, shortness of breath with little physical exertion, swelling, sweating, etc. Decide for yourself whether you need it. If you find such symptoms after the illness, immediately consult a cardiologist.


June 1, 2022

Hair care during training and after:

Apply dry shampoo to your scalp before exercising to help absorb sweat. Avoid contact of hair with the skin of the face and neck. Use headbands made from natural fabrics that won't pull or break your hair. An excellent example is silk or thin cotton. The bandage will also help absorb sweat and protect the skin. Exposed hair should be treated with protective hair sprays with SPF factors. Do not touch your hair during training (do not comb, do not change your hairstyle). Wash your hair twice (not a week, not a day, but twice in a row during one wash) immediately after training. Once every 1-2 weeks, use a scalp peel to cleanse the stratum corneum of the scalp; add physiotherapy methods - rinsing with cold water (contrast shower, darsonval for the scalp).


June 1, 2022

Mushroom coffee is a growing health food trend.

Of course, pieces of mushrooms do not float in it, just mushroom powder is mixed with ground coffee, and a drink with a mild earthy taste is obtained, which, according to nutritionists, is very useful, since mushrooms have been used in medicine since ancient times as a healing agent and adaptogen. “There are thousands of mushroom species, and their purported benefits range from supporting liver and heart health to boosting energy and more,” explains allergist and immunologist MD Heather Modey. The most striking properties of medicinal mushrooms: - normalize blood sugar levels; - support for liver function and the balance of "good" cholesterol; - mushrooms are prebiotics, "food" for beneficial microflora; - antiparasitic properties (for example, in maitake mushrooms); - support for cognitive functions, including memory and concentration; Mushroom coffee is also great as a transition drink if you're looking to cut back on caffeine.


June 1, 2022

In London, booths have been set up on the streets to communicate with a psychologist.

People can pick up the phone and listen to the advice of psychologists, and relieve stress due to climate change. This is the level of social responsibility: to catch anxiety because you are worried about the climate on the planet.


June 1, 2022

The pygmy marmoset is the smallest monkey on the planet, weighing only 150 grams.

They spend most of their lives in trees. They feed on tree sap, insects and fruits.


June 1, 2022

Giant bulb

Pete Glazebrook from Northern England looks lovingly at the nearly 9 kg bulb he has grown. She entered the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest bulb.


June 1, 2022

Desman, starfish, and other mammals that spend a lot of time underwater and forage there can smell underwater.

They blow air bubbles out of their nostrils. From the water, odorous substances get there, which reach the cells of the olfactory epithelium when the animal draws the bubble into the respiratory tract. In fish, the nostrils are filled with water, in which receptors catch dissolved substances.


June 1, 2022

German scientists have created a spiked robot that can move through the intestines.

It is capable of carrying three times its own volume and up to 20 times its own weight. This means it can carry drugs, wireless electronic sensors, or even microneedles. He is also able to release microscopic drug particles through his microspikes. The robot's microspikes are coated with a thin layer of chitosan (a substance found in the shells of shrimp), which creates enough friction and stickiness on the "legs" to cling to the layer of mucus in the pigs' lungs, esophagus, stomach and intestines. The wireless device is 3.7 mm long and 1.5 mm wide.


June 1, 2022

In China, they made a neural network CogVideo, which creates short videos based on a text description

In fact, the output is gifs. CogVideo can generate video at a relatively high frame rate of 32 frames in four seconds. The developers noted that the actual text input for video generation is in Chinese. CogVideo works on a principle similar to the neural networks DALL-E 2 and Imagine, which generate images from a text description.


June 1, 2022

Tamagotchi children can solve the problem of overpopulation.

Catriona Campbell, one of Britain's top AI officials, said that by 2070 Tamagotchi babies could be the norm. Parents will simply be given a virtual child so as not to use the extra resources of the planet and not overpopulate it.


June 1, 2022