I don't care what you think.

"Don't care" doesn't mean you have to behave like a cad who tells everyone and everything off. DO NOT confuse "don't care" with disrespect, stupidity, badassery, and marginality. "Don't care" doesn't mean that only your opinion matters. It means being in tune with yourself and acting according to your principles, even if everyone around you claims you are wrong. "Don't care" is the power of the spirit to be yourself without demeaning those around you.


June 2, 2022

Human Needs.

It is a type of functional or psychological need, or lack of some thing, person or social group. In simple terms, something we need for a happy life. As a rule, there are 7 types of needs: Physiological needs - these include regular food intake, that is essential conditions for survival. The need for safety - to be secure and healthy. The need for belonging (social) - to feel important. The need for respect - to feel loved, needed, respected. The need to create - to create and learn new things. Aesthetic needs - beauty and harmony. Spiritual needs - self-expression, development. All of these factors impact our psychological state.


June 2, 2022

Three sure signs that you have found true love.

▫️ You're not ashamed of looking silly to each other. No matter what: your hair disheveled after a nap, bags under your eyes, and a pillow print on your cheek, you're not afraid to be rejected for not conforming to the perfect image. Because there is no perfect image - there is you, a real living person, who, by definition, cannot look one hundred percent good all day and night. ▫️ You are honest with each other, even if it threatens to quarrel. Sometimes you're not happy with something, you steel yourselves to talk about it and work together to find the right solution to the problem. This process can be painful and uncomfortable, but that's completely okay - it's better to deal with mutual complaints as soon as possible. ▫️ You are not afraid of each other's successes. Your partner is not a crutch for your self-esteem who is only supposed to keep you confident in your personal awesomeness.


June 2, 2022

Breathing technique to increase energy.

This is a powerful exercise that helps reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) that destroys our youth and health so often. Method: ▫️ Sit in a comfortable position keeping your back straight. ▫️ With the thumb of your right hand, clasp your right nostril and take a deep breath through your left nostril. ▫️ At the peak of the inhalation, close the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale through the right nostril. ▫️Try to fill and empty your lungs to the limit. Perform this exercise for five times, then switch nostrils. That is, inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left one. After that, make five inhalations and exhalations through both nostrils. Don't rush or strain, just relax and breathe.


June 2, 2022

What is the key to happiness?

▪ Silence. Refrain from oversharing. Neither about the past, nor about the present, nor about your plans for later. As little information about yourself as possible. ▪️A private person is a calm person. Such a person does not worry about anything that is said or done behind her or his back. Such a person doesn’t care. He or she moves and lives the whole life in silence. ▪ Be confident and persistent. Do not live in a fool’s paradise, nobody owes you anything. You can make it on your own! ▪ Do not ask for help. Help yourself first. And live in silence. Quietly. At peace with yourself. In tranquility. ▪️Always treat yourself! Forget dreaming about the new iPad for $1,000, start earning money and buy it! Live freely and beautifully to the maximum! ▪ Always be Human, no matter what happens. Silent and kind. Honest. Know your worth. Live your life. Do not say too much. Never say you have a bad life.


June 2, 2022

Golden machine.

There are vending machines in Dubai that sell gold bars in the same way that they usually sell drinks and chocolates.


June 2, 2022

Grapefruits are 92% water.

This makes them one of the most hydrated fruits on the planet. If we remember that a person receives up to 20% of the daily need for water from food, then the inclusion of just one grapefruit in your diet can significantly reduce body dehydration.


June 2, 2022

How to love linseed oil?

Special taste, demanding on storage, but so useful! Why do nutritionists and nutritionists recommend it to those who want to lose weight? How does it work on our beauty and youth? And why, despite the difficult nature, is it really worth falling in love with flaxseed oil? Let's figure it out. Flaxseed oil is a source of an ideal combination of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, thanks to which it helps in effective lipid metabolism in the body, improves metabolism, which means it accelerates weight loss; In terms of omega-3 content, it is comparable to fatty fish (for best results, you can regularly consume both); Contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels; It enhances the anti-age (rejuvenating) effect, insofar as it removes toxins (thanks to alpha-linolenic acid), nourishes the skin and hair, and supports the cardiovascular system; Strengthens the immune system, has an anti-inflammatory effect.


June 2, 2022

Fats for us are not only energy!

It's plastic too! Thanks to fats, the cells of our body are restored, and high-quality fats in your diet should not be cut too much. After all, for the construction of new cells, not only amino acids are needed, but also fats. Since fats are part of the shells of cell membranes - the brain, liver, muscle cells, that is why we need them so much. After all, cell regeneration is ongoing! Of course, an overweight person has fats "in reserve" in the form of deposits on the body. But at the same time, we must remember that fats are different and that they consist of a different set of fatty acids. Therefore, the fat accumulated in our body cannot provide all the needs of our body. Remember! With a pronounced deficiency of fats (35 g per day or less), a person may experience health problems. Therefore, it is very important to maintain a balance in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates when losing weight.


June 2, 2022

Did you know that yoga not only helps us feel better, but also gets rid of cellulite?!

Even though yoga is not the main way to get rid of the “orange peel”, regular practice can really tighten the body. So what asanas can help? Adho Mukha Svanasana ("Downward Facing Dog") This is one of the most effective poses in yoga, which, in addition to a good stretch of the spine, allows you to work out the back of the thigh and gluteal muscles - those places where you can most often encounter cellulite. The correct performance of this asana is easy to control: while in this position, try to stretch the yoga mat with your hands and at the same time lower your heels on it, while trying to pull the coccyx up to the ceiling.


June 2, 2022

What should be leggings for sports during menstruation?

Comfortable and waterproof, just the way adidas designed them for active women. Before creating leggings, adidas conducted research, during which it turned out that at least 65% of residents of different countries of the world refuse to do fitness classes if they are on their period. Emotional and social factors significantly reduce the effectiveness of training for those girls who still continue to attend them. That's why adidas introduced the TechFit Period Proof, a legging made with Flow Shield technology. They consist of three absorbent layers and a sealed membrane that prevents leakage. Leggings should be worn with a pad, menstrual cup, or tampon.


June 2, 2022

More people believe in ghosts than they trust the government.

Every second Briton (50%) believes in ghosts, and only every fifth (20%) trusts the government. This was shown by a survey of a thousand people commissioned by SpiritShack. In addition, there are twice as many people who believe in the existence of ghosts than those who trust the media. Also, the belief in ghosts is more popular than the theory of total surveillance in the spirit of "Big Brother" - 50% versus 38% of respondents.


June 2, 2022

In Britain, a sperm donor deliberately concealed a genetic disease.

In Derby, 37-year-old James McDougall offered sperm donor services to homosexual women on social media while hiding the fact that he had an incurable genetic disease. Martin-Bell syndrome, diagnosed in a Briton, leads to developmental delay and decreased intelligence. McDougall fathered 15 children. The peculiarities of the man and his deceit became known during the court session of the commission on family affairs. McDougall asked to be allowed to communicate with four of the 15 children, despite the fact that he had previously signed a no-contact agreement. The affected women were against it. The court deprived McDougall of paternity and forbade him from being a sperm donor for other women.


June 2, 2022

In Iceland, they came up with a unique service for tourists

OutHorse Your Email - answers work letters during the holidays, but the main feature is that not people, but horses answer letters. How? Everything is very simple. Horses walk and run on a huge pad-like keyboard and send all sorts of gag from a person’s work e-mail. "Enjoy a distraction-free trip to Iceland and remember if you suddenly get emails from work while on vacation, the Icelandic horses have your back." - Visit Iceland staff.


June 2, 2022

American startup Astroforge plans to become the first company to master the extraction of minerals from asteroids and their delivery to Earth.

The startup has already received $13 million in seed investment to develop its project. The founders of the startup, former SpaceX, NASA and Virgin Orbit engineers are Matt Gialich and Jose Acain. They have developed a fundamentally new technology for processing materials in outer space, but specific details have not yet been disclosed. What is currently known is that this technology requires a high vacuum and only works in zero gravity. Astroforge promises to demonstrate it in low-Earth orbit as early as 2023 and to arrange the supply of minerals from space before the end of this decade.


June 2, 2022

British schoolchildren will be fed insects.

School canteens in the UK will begin serving dishes with crushed insects. The pilot project starts this week. It involves children aged 4-11 from four schools in Wales. They are expected to understand the benefits of alternative proteins. Researchers claim that insects are rich in proteins and vitamins. At the same time, their breeding farms are more environmentally friendly than poultry farms - they emit 75% less carbon. Worldwide, insects are eaten by approximately two billion people. They mainly live in regions with corresponding culinary traditions.


June 2, 2022

Coffee drinkers are less likely to die in the next seven years.

Adults who drink 2.5-4.5 cups of coffee daily are less likely to die in the next seven years than those who don't. Coffee drinkers have a 29% lower risk of death. It doesn't matter if they add sugar. This is evidenced by a study by the Southern Medical University in Guangzhou. The results are based on the analysis of data from 171 thousand people from the British Biobank database. Chinese scientists have been tracking the fate of volunteers for seven years since 2009.


June 2, 2022

The largest plant in the world was found off the coast of Australia.

The vast kelp meadows in Shark Bay on the west coast of Australia are actually the shoots of a single plant. This was shown by his genetic analysis. For 4.5 thousand years, the Posidonia australis algae has captured an area of ​​​​200 square kilometers and has become home to many fish, crabs, turtles and other animals. Posidonia australis grew at a rate of 35 centimeters per year. In some places, the length of her ribbons is only 10 centimeters, in others - a whole meter. The algae was able to survive in difficult conditions - at 15-30 ° C in the saltiest parts of Shark Bay. Posidonia australis has become the largest plant on Earth. It is several hundred times the size of a Pando Poplar colony in Utah with a common root system.


June 2, 2022

Horoscope for June. Sagittarius.

At the beginning of June, you will be able to achieve noticeable success in business thanks to your charm and ability to get along with people. This time will be very favorable for communication and new acquaintances. You will find new allies and soon make friends with them. The beginning of a romantic relationship is also possible. They will develop rapidly, and you will be pleased. You can return to some old ideas and projects: it is possible that now you will be able to realize your plans before. Problems that you have been thinking about a lot lately will be solved. It will become clear that now you can take on something completely new. And intuition will tell you exactly what to focus on. Later, some unexpected events may occur, due to which you will need to change plans. Delays in business, work problems are not ruled out. This will make you worry, but it will soon become clear that all the difficulties that have arisen are not so serious, they can be quickly dealt with. The last days of June will please. At this time, some lucky coincidences and good news are possible, proposals to which you will agree without much thought.


June 2, 2022

Horoscope for June. Scorpio.

In early June, you should especially carefully monitor your emotional state, do not overwork and avoid stressful situations. The problems and difficulties that arise may seem significant to you, although at other times you could easily cope with them. There will be people nearby who can both cheer you up and provide real help. Feel free to seek support from those you trust. From the point of view of work, this period will not be the easiest: delays in business are likely, old agreements may be violated. But you will not sit idly by, take the right steps and achieve all your goals in time. The second half of June will be both more fruitful and simpler. The support of the stars will be noticeable in all areas of life, you will feel that the circumstances are developing exceptionally well. This is a good time to take the initiative, to take on something new, to experiment. Don't be afraid to do things your own way: many things will come easy to you.


June 2, 2022