Children involved in basketball, football and other team sports are less likely than others to suffer from mental disorders.

These conclusions were made by American scientists in the course of a study involving 11.2 thousand schoolchildren aged 9-13 years. Participation in team sports is associated with fewer symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as fewer problems with attention and socialization. At the same time, children who do not play sports at all have fewer mental problems than those who prefer individual sports: tennis, gymnastics, golf.


June 3, 2022

The liver does not age with a person - it is always about three years old.

The liver is constantly damaged during the purification of blood from toxins. But the body is capable of regeneration - it goes on continuously, even in old age. It doesn't matter how old a person is: 20 or 80. His liver is always about three years old. German biologists came to such conclusions after radiocarbon analysis of the liver of 33 dead people aged 20-84. Despite the “young age” of the organ as a whole, not all of its cells are of the same age. Some - are restored annually, others - live for ten years.


June 3, 2022

Horoscope Mon June. Fish.

The beginning of June will be full of interesting and inspiring events. There will be interesting ideas, new plans. People around you may doubt that you will be able to realize your plan, but you will never lose confidence in success. Thanks to the prompts of intuition, you will find answers to many questions, cope with what others did not succeed. Lucky for those who in the first half of June will take up something new. Such Pisces will quickly understand how to act, and will easily find people to turn to for help and advice. This time will be favorable for the start of cooperation. New partners will soon become your friends. The second half of the month will be favorable for meetings and negotiations, communication with people whom you would like to see as your allies. You will be able to make a good impression on them. In addition, this period is well suited for completing old cases, resolving issues that you have been thinking a lot about lately. From several possible options, you will choose the best one.


June 3, 2022

Horoscope Mon June. Aquarius.

There will be many interesting things. June can bring big changes in all areas of life, and it's good if you take them with joy and enthusiasm, do not cling to the old and familiar. Some Aquarians have difficult decisions to make. They will do it on their own, without consulting anyone - and will not regret it. Business relationships are not always easy to develop. Sometimes it will be difficult for you to keep your emotions under control, to maintain composure. This is where experience comes in handy. Remember the difficulties that you have overcome before, about your victories - all this will help you not to succumb to provocations, to take control of the situation. Communicating with loved ones will be much easier and more enjoyable. You will get the support you need, you will see that you are really well understood. If there have been any disagreements lately, now they can be overcome. From a financial point of view, June will be quite favorable. It is unlikely that you will instantly get rich, but you may well conclude successful deals. But serious expenses are unlikely.


June 3, 2022

Horoscope Mon June. Capricorn.

Try to calmly and constructively approach any issues that arise in early June. This is not the easiest time, but there will be no insurmountable obstacles on the way. You will have to deal with several things at once, and here a serious approach and self-discipline will be important. It is important not to let anything take its course, especially in the field of work and business. Pay attention to even the smallest details, try to notice what others seemed insignificant. Communication with loved ones will be important. They will support you and give you great advice, and they will just listen when you need it. There will be an opportunity to go somewhere with friends or relatives, and even a short trip will give everyone a lot of positive emotions. The second half of June is a time of calm fruitful work, solving serious problems. It will be favorable for study and advanced training. You will receive useful information, learn a lot of interesting things. Some Capricorns will also acquire useful connections. This period will be favorable for purchases and transactions: business sense will not let you down, it will help you make the right decision.


June 3, 2022

Sexiest signs of the zodiac. Libra - 9th place.

This handsome man in a trendy shirt will never leave the house in unpolished shoes. He is distinguished by a high level of erudition and the ability to effectively present himself in society. In addition, he is very interesting in communication. So why only 9th place? It’s just that Libra is an extremely insecure person. Often, even despite the fact that people around him see him as a damn attractive person, he still does not fully believe in his strength. Hence the embarrassment and constraint in the manifestation of emotions and sympathy. It so happens that many cannot even see his signs of attention.


June 3, 2022

4 male zodiac signs that silently swallow grievances. Cancer

The Cancer man takes many things to heart, but tries not to show that he is offended. He believes that expressing grievances out loud is ugly, so he hopes that the guilty person will understand everything. But sometimes people show amazing blindness, deliberately ignoring the obvious, and Cancer has to stay alone with his feelings. Therefore, if Cancer is not in the spirit, it is worth considering whether he is offended by you.


June 3, 2022

Loyalty for life: the most loyal signs of the zodiac among women. 9th place - Pisces woman.

For Pisces, communication is above all. They need to be aware of everything that happens: how society functions, how other people live. They cannot concentrate their attention on one person, it is boring and abnormal for them. The problem is that, entering into a supposedly serious relationship, after a while they completely forget why they needed it. It is normal for Pisces to be a faithful wife at home, and to be active outside of it. For them, it is generally not clear how you can refuse communication, flirting, attention. And as a result - the novel on the side.


June 3, 2022


Capricorn♑️ The day will be favorable for work. You will perfectly cope with difficult tasks that have baffled many. Experience will help some Capricorns to quickly orient themselves in a new situation and understand how to act in order to achieve a better result. Aquarius♒️ Act decisively, and you will succeed in many things. The day is perfect for taking on something new. You will quickly figure out what needs to be done, find the shortest path to the goal. In business relationships, intuition will be very useful. Pisces♓️ The day is good for socializing. You can discuss difficult issues without fear that disagreements will arise that can lead to a quarrel. You will find a solution that will please everyone. People who have not previously felt sympathy for you will pay attention to your best qualities and will be pleasantly surprised.


June 3, 2022


Libra♎️ There will be unexpectedly many worries, but this is unlikely to make you worry. Intuition will tell you that you will be in time for everything, and will not make a mistake. But the interference of others in your affairs can be annoying. Try to react calmly, not to give vent to negative emotions. It is important to maintain good relations with people who are dear to you, not to quarrel over a trifle. Scorpio♏️ Tune in a peaceful way and try not to quarrel with others over trifles. Not everyone will be ready to immediately appreciate your ideas or the depth of thought you share. Give people a little time, they will soon understand everything themselves. It is better to postpone discussion of serious issues related to work, business and finance until the afternoon. Sagittarius♐️ Don't fantasize. Today it is very important to look at things realistically, not build illusions, rely only on facts. For some Sagittarians, this will not be easy: there will be too many questions, the answers to which you just want to come up with. But it is worth understanding the situation, and much will become clear.


June 3, 2022


Cancer♋️ There will be an opportunity to help those who find themselves in a difficult situation, to do something useful for people who have supported you more than once before. You will like the ideas that new acquaintances will share; would like to help implement them. Unexpected, but very tempting job offers are likely. Leo♌️ Unusual decisions will turn out to be true, bold ideas will be successful. Do not be afraid to break established traditions and generally accepted rules, to do as your intuition tells you. Unusual acquaintances are likely. It is possible that today you will meet people about whom you have heard a lot of good things before. Virgo♍️ There will be a lot to do, so try not to waste time in vain. This is especially important in the morning, when completely new tasks can be added to already planned tasks. Remember that you don't have to go it alone. It will be possible to find assistants quickly, you will soon make friends with some of them.


June 3, 2022


Aries♈️ Be patient with those around you. Today, not everyone will immediately be able to understand you correctly, evaluate your ideas and suggestions. Do not be angry with those who doubt you; it won't be long before these people change their minds. The discussion of financial matters should be postponed until the afternoon. Taurus♉️ It is worth taking the initiative in the business sphere. You will achieve noticeable success in your work if you do not waste time in vain. The day is good for sharing ideas. You will be able to interest people on whom much depends, to find useful allies. Relationships that start out as purely professional today may eventually take on an informal character. Gemini♊️ A great day for communication, especially business. You can discuss plans and current tasks with colleagues and management, meet with potential partners and employers, and participate in professional events. You will be in the spotlight more often than usual, and this will help you make useful contacts.


June 3, 2022

Time for sex: when is the best time?

The difference in the sexual rhythms of a man and a woman is different by almost a day. ▪️ Girls. The most comfortable time to have sex is between 21:15 and 23:50 ▪️Men. This time cycle is how men feel most aroused on average from 7:10 to 9:20


June 2, 2022

Squats with vaginal balls.

Take two balls at once if your muscles are in good shape. Take one easy if you have never done intimate gymnastics before. Enter inside so that it is above the contraction of the muscles of the entrance to the vagina. We retract MTD - the muscles of the pelvic floor. There are 2 options for squats - choose any: • full retraction of muscles without relaxation all approaches; • squat with relaxed muscles, at the bottom point, retract the MTD and get up to the starting position.


June 2, 2022

Interesting Facts.

Do you think sex toys have appeared only in our time? No matter how! The age of the oldest phallus is 26 thousand years.


June 2, 2022

Sex in the pool.

In the pool you can practice a lot of sexual positions! If your pool has steps, then this position is for you. Remember that sex in someone else's pool, especially in a sauna, will bring a lot of "surprises" in the future, so it's better to leave this place for warming up, and go directly to the denouement of all events on land.


June 2, 2022

How to prolong sex?

The first and most important rule is girls first. First she had an orgasm, and then you. Unfortunately, women cannot experience orgasms from penetration alone, so it is necessary to warm up the woman sufficiently. Try to find your "point of no return". This is the case when an orgasm comes immediately, even if you have stopped all attempts to get it. To do this, you need to practice a little: master and control this moment, then continue so that when you approach the point of no return, stop and continue on.


June 2, 2022

Spontaneous sex.

Warm weather opens up many opportunities for spontaneous sex. In a dark park, on a cozy bench, on the beach or even on a sports ground, on a bench by the river, or on the hood of a car in the forest. Spontaneous sex in the "wrong" place is just a fountain of emotions. Strongly recommended!


June 2, 2022

Revenue from pornographic channels.

The annual income from pornographic TV channels, which are available for a fee in hotels around the world, is more than $ 500 million.


June 2, 2022

I'm going to give you a piece of advice.

Sound advice is sometimes worth its weight in gold. But this can violate personal boundaries and even take the form of psychological violence. So even if you really want to give advice, refrain. Give advice only when you are asked for it. And try not to be arrogant or opinionated in order not to oppress her/him. If you still can't help giving you advice, say something like: "I had a similar experience recently and I'd be happy to share my experience if you don't mind." Let your opponent choose to listen to you or not.


June 2, 2022