Horse polo is considered the oldest team game in the world.

The game appeared more than two thousand years ago and was widespread in Persia and India. It was in India that the officers of the English army got acquainted with this game, thanks to whom polo spread throughout Europe.


June 4, 2022

Israeli scientists have grown sperm in the laboratory.

To do this, they cultivated testicular cells in a medium that mimics the natural one. Experiments on mice were successful - during the tests, sperm appeared in immature males after a month and a half. The technology may in the future become part of a therapeutic strategy to combat male infertility and preserve reproductive function in boys who undergo aggressive chemotherapy or radiation therapy during puberty. These are not the first scientists to grow sperm in the lab. Similar work is underway in different countries. It is important whose technology will be the most efficient, simplest and cheapest.


June 4, 2022

Tesla will unveil a prototype humanoid robot, Optimus, on September 30th.

Elon Musk promised to create the first programmable robot whose AI would allow him to perform a wide range of tasks. For example, help in the production of Tesla.


June 4, 2022

Amazon monitors warehouse workers minute by minute and fires them if they "did nothing" for more than two hours a day.

The company tracks and records every minute of “off-hours” using RF scanners that warehouse employees use to track customer packages. If an employee has accumulated from 30 to 59 minutes of "non-working" time for the first time in a year, he is first issued a written warning. If from 60 to 120 minutes a day has accumulated, or after a warning, an employee has accumulated another 30 to 59 minutes, he can be fired.


June 4, 2022

Sexiest signs of the zodiac. Cancer - 8th place.

Yes, Raku is far from the snake tempter. What prevents him from expressing sexuality? It's all about his natural modesty. This is the kindest and most caring of all the signs, who is ready to surround the chosen one with attention, but it is difficult for him to express his sexuality. Although, probably, Cancer does not need it. Surprisingly, the excessive attention of the opposite sex often irritates the representatives of this zodiac sign.


June 4, 2022

4 male zodiac signs that silently swallow grievances. Capricorn.

Capricorn is sure that real men never complain. If a Capricorn man admits that he is offended, then he admits that he was nevertheless hurt to the quick. But over the years he has created a reputation for himself as an unflappable and indifferent person. That is why Capricorn will be silent and will not admit to anyone that he also reacts to stimuli. True, in the tone of his communication, a slight chill will slip through.


June 4, 2022

Loyalty for life: the most loyal signs of the zodiac among women. 8th place - Aries woman.

An Aries woman can be categorized as the most faithful sign of the zodiac in marriage, but only as long as there is love for her husband. If love has passed - hello treason. She will report this fact after it has been committed, adding that there is no love. It would seem honest, but also cynical.


June 4, 2022


Capricorn♑️ The start of the day will be very successful. This time is suitable for business meetings, discussion of plans and ideas. It is possible that new goals will appear, and you will focus on achieving them. You can resolve issues related to paperwork that require contacting government organizations. Aquarius♒️ The day is well suited for important matters, responsible negotiations, solving complex issues. You will cope with what did not work before, you will understand how to act in order to succeed. Suddenly, the people you once supported will remind you of yourself. Now their help will be very helpful. Pisces♓️ A calm day, well suited to complete what was started earlier, to find answers to questions that everyone has been thinking a lot about lately. You are attentive to details, you do not lose sight of anything. This allows you to avoid annoying mistakes, quickly navigate even in a completely new situation.


June 4, 2022


Libra♎️ Unexpectedly, a lot of things will appear, you will have to do something completely different from what you planned. But the mood because of this will not deteriorate, because it will be interesting. The first half of the day will delight you with successful coincidences and unexpected discoveries. Good news is likely regarding a person who is especially dear to you. Scorpio♏️ Be persistent: it is thanks to her that you will succeed today in many matters that previously seemed difficult. Experience will help you solve professional problems, and the ability to get along with people will help you avoid delays and stressful moments. You will find a common language with those with whom conflicts have arisen before. Sagittarius♐️ Try to be serious about everything you undertake. Even the usual, well-known things today can be more difficult than usual. Disagreements with long-standing allies, heated arguments are possible. You will find a way to smooth things over and keep good relations with everyone, but it will take effort.


June 4, 2022


Cancer♋️ The start of the day will bring great ideas. To some, they may seem far from reality, but you will surely find a way to bring your plans to life. You will be able to look at many familiar things in a new way, which will help you find answers to questions that you have been thinking about a lot lately. Leo♌️ The beginning of the day is hardly suitable for important conversations. At this time, it can be difficult to find a common language even with those with whom you previously got along well. Disagreements over trifles, unfounded suspicions, misunderstandings can overshadow the relationship of lovers. But if you keep calm, do not go on about emotions, everything will soon work out. Virgo♍️ The day will be rich and memorable. You have to deal with several things at once, but this is unlikely to make you nervous or worried. Intuition will tell you that you will quickly cope with everything, and will not be mistaken. A creative approach and a serious attitude to all matters will help to achieve excellent results where others have failed.


June 4, 2022


Aries♈️ It is worth starting the day with things that could not be dealt with before. An unexpected decision will be successful, you will quickly achieve the desired result. People from whom you did not expect support can help. Relationships that were previously tense will begin to change for the better if you take the initiative. Taurus♉️ Great day to start something useful. It can be large and complex, and the desired result is unlikely to be achieved quickly. But you do not quit what you started, and everything will work out, albeit not immediately. Pleasant meetings, useful acquaintances are likely. Some Taurus will make new friends. Gemini♊️ A good day for communication, meetings with people you have been missing lately. It will be easy to get along with those whom you did not understand before, reconciliation after a quarrel is possible. Minor disagreements with loved ones will remain in the past, you can agree on joint actions, common plans.


June 4, 2022

What to do if your head hurts?

We are used to taking the pill right away. But you can do without it. Anything can be the cause of a headache: from accumulated negative emotions to poor blood supply to the vessels of the head. In the second case, the neurologist suggests doing without drugs and solving the problem with ear massage. “You can massage your ears with your palm. Close the auricle completely with it, press lightly and slowly make movements. This will create increased pressure, which is very useful for relieving headaches, improving cerebral circulation and getting rid of tinnitus. The main thing is that there should be no pain during this massage. Another method recommended by a neurologist is camphor oil. It is dripped into the auricle 2-3 drops and the ear is covered with cotton - this method also activates cerebral circulation.


June 3, 2022

Worrying about making the right decision?

Try the following technique: ▫️ Imagine you've chosen the first option (of the two you can't decide between), take a piece of paper and try to describe how your life might turn out after making this decision. ▫️ Imagine you've chosen the second option. Similarly, describe how your life might turn out in this case. Anticipate questions: "But how can I know?", "What if I croak disaster?" and so on. You can't know, but your inner being can! It has all the information about the different scenarios of your life, based on different choices. So turn off your mind, your brain, and just give power to your hand. Reread both your "essays" and find your actual path.


June 3, 2022

If you want to be happy, stop controlling EVERYTHING.

No, I'm not calling you for chaos. Just stop demanding anything from your loved ones and persuading them that things should be the way you want them to be. You've been asking your husband to fix a leaking faucet for three months, but it led to nothing - so you get annoyed. Or, for example, you ask your son to turn off the computer, but he doesn't quit the game all day long - you panic. The key is that as long as you push someone, nothing will change. In the first case it is important to focus attention on yourself, in the second - on the relationship with the child, but in a different scenario. Stop CONTROLLING everything. It takes up a ton of resources and your nerves if something goes wrong. Trust the universe, your family, your kids. Let them learn how to live their own life and try to do the same to make yourself feel needed by other means.


June 3, 2022

Unreliable partner.

The unreliable partners shift responsibility for their lives to others. So the OTHER has to take care of them, meet their needs, think of them, and share some resources. Even better if he or she gives ALL the personal resources. The unreliable people tend to blame others, make claims, accuse, insult and force the victim to act in a way contrary to their own interests, demand, as well as appeal to the other's sense of duty, covering up their own plans that way. Such a person will never discuss his or her goals, since to achieve something, one should give something away. And the unreliable partner is not going to lose anything he or she owns. That's why manipulating others is hidden by the words "you have to", "everyone lives this way", "it's hard for everyone", "you shall"


June 3, 2022

Mood Swing

Every other client now comes to me with this problem. The regression therapy method works very well in this case. A mood swing is a sudden or intense change in emotional state that is really difficult to control. When does this become a problem? At the moment when our usual ways of self-recovery stop working. How to deal with it? Check your health, specifically your hormone levels.


June 3, 2022

Hit, run, freeze!

Actually, these are the default settings of our psyche when reacting to stress. Our brain can be divided into three basic units: the reptilian brain, the emotional limbic brain, and the neocortex. The reptile brain is composed of the brainstem that develops in utero and manages the life support functions. It's responsible for our "freeze" response. This is when fear makes our legs go weak. The emotional limbic brain is the mammalian brain that develops in the first 5-6 years after birth. It is responsible, in particular, for the "hit and run" reaction. In general, it includes any active reaction to danger. The prefrontal cortex (frontal lobes) is responsible for planning and predicting, perceiving the time and context and controlling things. So during a crisis that is perceived as dangerous, this important part of the brain shuts down. And the body switches to the "hit and run" or "freeze" mode. Does this behavior sound familiar to you?


June 3, 2022

Hellish planet

Astronomers have discovered a "hellish planet" - it is constantly burning. The unusual planet 55 Cancri E was discovered 50 light years from Earth. The celestial body is too close to its star, the surface temperature of the planet is much higher than the melting point of rock-forming minerals, so its day side is covered with oceans of lava.


June 3, 2022

The most powerful supercomputer in the world.

The American supercomputer Frontier achieved a performance of 1.1 exaflops and took first place in the ranking of the most powerful in the world. In terms of speed, it outperforms the next seven supercomputers combined. Frontier has 9.4 thousand 64-core AMD EPYC 7A53 processors and 37.6 thousand AMD Instinct MI250X accelerators. The storage volume is about 700 petabytes. Frontier occupies a space of 372 square meters. Components are installed in 74 modules, each of which weighs almost 3.6 tons. It took 145 kilometers of cables to connect everything.


June 3, 2022

In China, a robot cloned pigs for the first time in history.

Scientists from Nankai University have come up with a method of cloning pigs, in which only a robot is involved. After the first automated insemination of the female, seven piglets were born. Full robotization of cloning ensures its success. The machine is less likely to damage cells during the operation, as it works more accurately than a person. The developers of the robot believe that the new technology will reduce China's dependence on pork imports. The country is the world's largest consumer of this product.


June 3, 2022