Cancer♋️ The day will not be easy, but still quite successful. It is important not to quit what you started, even if something goes wrong at first. Perseverance and purposefulness will be very useful to you today. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid small disagreements and disputes, especially if you decide to take on a new business with people you do not know well. Leo♌️ Refrain from unplanned purchases and transactions, think twice before spending money on something. The likelihood of wasted spending will be quite high. Otherwise, the day is not so bad: you will cope with the planned affairs, serious problems can be avoided. Virgo♍️ A good day to talk about important things. It does not matter whether you will discuss work issues with someone or share your experiences. In any case, you will be listened to very carefully, understood and supported. It will be possible to resolve issues that previously caused a lot of disagreement. There will be a compromise, and everyone will be satisfied.


June 7, 2022


Aries♈️ At the beginning of the day it will be difficult to focus on business, but you still try. Do not be distracted by trifles, waste time on useless and unimportant conversations. Integrity in business dealings is important. You should be on your guard if someone is too aggressive in offering you tempting but risky projects. Taurus♉️ A serious attitude to all matters will be quite enough to avoid problems at the beginning of the day. There will be a chance to solve work problems that you have been thinking about a lot lately. Old friends will help with this. Gemini♊️ Be prepared to change plans. The day will surely bring some unexpected events, because of them you will have to postpone some things and focus on others. It is unlikely that this will please you, but serious difficulties will not arise, you will quickly orient yourself in the situation and cope with everything. There will be time for pleasant activities and for communicating with those you like.


June 7, 2022

Who is Yoga 23 suitable for?

What are the pros and cons of this direction? The undoubted advantage is that the emphasis is on an individual approach in the selection of exercises, you can start exercising with any level of training, there are therapeutic programs for recovering from illness, injuries and operations. And also there are very difficult levels for lovers of advanced practices. The downside, perhaps, is that if you are looking for a deep religious and philosophical content set forth in the ancient treatises on yoga, then, alas, this is not here. It has its own philosophical concept, consisting of various theories of physics, linguistic genetics, knowledge about the energy-information space and torsion fields.


June 6, 2022

Wraps with kelp leaves give excellent cosmetic and therapeutic effects.

This unique seaweed, containing a huge amount of useful elements, perfectly copes with excess fluid, so the reduction in body volume is noticeable after the first procedure. Also, kelp removes toxins, restores skin tone, relieves fatigue and stress, reduces the likelihood of stretch marks and varicose veins, and activates blood flow. In combination with manual massage, physical activity and proper nutrition, you will get a great result!


June 6, 2022

Body peeling with natural scrubs.

Body peeling with natural scrubs significantly improves the quality of the skin, cleanses of dead cells, improves cell respiration and prepares the skin for further procedures, making them even more effective. We recommend supplementing such a spa program with an oil massage. Natural oils will moisturize your skin, giving it a special smoothness and elasticity.


June 6, 2022

Sound of the sea.

Unlike other natural sounds, the sound of the sea is rhythmic, there are no sudden changes in timbre and frequencies. The sound of the waves is relaxing, hypnotizing and is the perfect remedy for insomnia. It is often used in psychotherapy as well. The sounds of the sea and waves evoke pleasant associations with summer, warm sun and relaxation, which creates a positive, peaceful mood.


June 6, 2022

Lemon contains more sugar than strawberries.

The sugar content in lemon fruits is up to three and a half percent, while the sugar content in strawberries is six to nine and a half percent: it is obvious that strawberries have two to three times more sugar than lemon fruits. However, if calculated by weight, it turns out that one lemon is sweeter than 1 strawberry. The weight of one lemon is 100 grams, which means it has 3 grams of sugar, and the weight of one strawberry is 20 grams, which means it has only 1.2 grams of sugar.


June 6, 2022

The number of stars in the Universe exceeds the total number of grains of sand of all the deserts and beaches of the Earth.

This is evidenced by the calculations made by the Australian astronomer Simon Driver. The number of stars visible today with the most modern telescopes alone is 70 billion trillion, represented by a seven followed by 22 zeros.


June 6, 2022

Is it effective to treat a wound with peroxide?

In short: NO. Only a 30% peroxide solution will have a real disinfecting effect, and not the 3% that is sold in a pharmacy. However, a chemical burn does not last long from a 30% peroxide solution. Which we absolutely do not need. Peroxide is useful only for the mechanical treatment of wounds from dirt and dust, but with the same success it can be treated with ordinary running water. And if the wound is deep, then it can be harmful: oxygen, which is released by peroxide, can enter the vessels and close the bloodstream.


June 6, 2022

To walk a fine line.

Intimacy vs. codependence. Here's what can help you see the difference. — The desire to share your emotions is intimacy. Trying to impose your moods - codependency. — Talking openly about what you're not happy with in a relationship is intimacy. Imposing blame on the other for relationship problems - codependency. — Having your OWN social circle and letting the other have theirs is intimacy. NOT having any connections outside your relationship - codependency. — Having your priorities and interests and sharing them with your partner is intimacy. CHANGING your values to suit your partner or trying to change his/hers to suit you - codependence. The main thing is to strike a balance.


June 6, 2022

Codependent Relationships. Where is the way out?

To begin with, you need to answer the question honestly: do you really want to quit this relationship? If so, why haven't you done it yet? People want a magic pill, that is to make everything happen in one fell swoop, without pain, without working on one's self, without thinking, just WHOOSH and everything is easy and good, as if this relationship never happened. So, it never was and never will be. This is infantile, childish thinking. You have to pay for everything. And sometimes you have to pay VERY dearly. The first step to resolve this problem is to understand the reasons WHY you got into it. If you don't find out the reasons and work them out, you have all the chances to be trapped into the similar painful relationship again!


June 6, 2022

I don't judge, I accept and support.

That's because there is no single model of happiness for everyone. I feel really perplexed when Nancy, a happy mother of many children, insistently advises Mary, a career woman, to have children, and Mary, in response, rolling her eyes and clicking her tongue, advises Nancy to drop everything and go to Japan, to the Hanami holiday. Why do people think that there is only one happiness model - THEIR OWN? After all, the world is so beautiful in its diversity of shapes and colors. And there is nothing more foolish than trying to fit everything and everyone into one single theory.


June 6, 2022

Three things you shouldn't expect from other people.

Don't expect people to respect you if you don't respect yourself. It is important to be kind to others, but it is equally important to be kind to yourself. Don't expect a person to suddenly change. A common misconception is that if you care deeply about someone, they will eventually stop disappointing you and change. No, it won't change. Don't expect everyone to like you. It doesn't matter how well you treat other people, there will always be at least one negative person who will criticize you. Smile, ignore and move on.


June 6, 2022

Help others.

Helping other people may not always be safe for your psychological state. We are talking about those situations when you do not want to do something, but it is inconvenient for you to refuse. Some people tend to help to the detriment of their own interests, do it on an ongoing basis. Reliability, setting the interests of others higher than their own - a vivid example of how those who were not loved in childhood deserve this love. It seems to them that without acting solely in the interests of others, nothing will work. And it works in their lives. People often use them because of their kindness and openness.


June 6, 2022

The meaning of the word "freelancer".

The word "freelancer" was originally used in the 1800s to refer to a medieval mercenary fighting for whichever country or person would pay him the most.


June 6, 2022

Scientists are close to creating a plant with schizophrenia and Alzheimer's disease.

They are going to develop a kind of catalog with all the genetic similarities between plants and animals, which in the future will allow turning plants into a model organism for studying diseases. The fact is that dysfunctions of mitochondria can cause diseases both in plants and in animals and humans. In humans, such dysfunctions lead, among other things, to various neurological and mental disorders, the researchers explain. Therefore, in the future, it may be possible to breed plants with Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia, which will allow them to be better studied.


June 6, 2022

The Buick Wildcat EV concept helps the driver relieve stress

The company claims that the Wildcat EV concept will be a platform for testing technologies that can be used in future models of the brand. For example, artificial intelligence, aromatherapy and biometrics. These systems are able to detect the passenger's heart rate spike and activate Zen mode, dimming the cabin lights, releasing aromatic scents and activating the massage seats to normalize physiological parameters. The first mass-produced electric car from Buick will appear no earlier than 2024.


June 6, 2022

Bloomberg has calculated that electric transport reduces the consumption of oil by about 1.5 million barrels per day.

The figure is serious - it is more than a percent. True, there is a classic manipulation of facts. The headline wants everyone to think that it's about Tesla and other cars. However, the Bloomberg chart clearly shows that 2/3 of this figure falls on two and three-wheeled electric vehicles. That is, for all kinds of scooters and mopeds. Buses follow, and we are almost sure that for the sake of beauty, the pictures also included trolleybuses riding on centuries-old technologies. Well, directly four-wheeled electric vehicles are just a speck of savings. And Bloomberg also forgot to calculate how much oil is spent on creating electric vehicles and charging them.


June 6, 2022

Scientists have calculated how many aggressive alien civilizations can exist within our galaxy.

Calculations have shown that 15,785 alien civilizations may exist in the Milky Way. Further, the formulas of aggression were taken into account, showing that the chance of an advanced civilization being aggressive towards another is 0.0014%. That is, in the Milky Way, according to the equation 0.22, there are aggressive planets with aliens. However, if we take into account not only advanced civilizations but also incapable of interstellar travel like ours, the figure jumps to 4.42. The calculations were based on the Drake equation.


June 6, 2022

Forecast for the week from June 06 to June 12.

This week, many will feel an increase in intellectual activity and gaining special insight into understanding the essence of things. A great time for speaking in public in front of large masses of people - the power of the impact of the words of the speaker these days is greatly increased. Studies are going well, especially in the exact sciences and in the study of foreign languages. Intuitive knowledge of psychology helps in contacts with people. In business, trade and procurement activities and transport services may become more active. Possible love at first sight. However, the powerful energy of feelings is like a flash of lightning and cannot last long. Therefore, a bright flash of love can fade very quickly. The aspect can also be related to financial matters, inducing a strong desire in people to spend money on buying fashionable clothes and jewelry. There may be lottery wins.


June 6, 2022