
Metaphorically focuses on eight limbs. Fast, intense style with lunges, push-ups. Purpose: Helps to improve the spiritual self. Benefits: Relieves stress, improves coordination and helps with weight loss. Best for: People who want to maintain strength, stamina and spirituality.


June 7, 2022


Like hatha, this style includes basic postures and breath-synchronized movements. Focuses on the Sun Salutation, 12 postures where the movement corresponds to the breath. Purpose: Links breath with movement, builds muscle mass throughout the body. Benefits: Helps improve strength and flexibility, tones the abdominal muscles, and reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Good for: Beginners and advanced yogis looking to strengthen their bodies.


June 7, 2022

Summer is a season of increased risk of infectious diseases, “diseases of dirty hands”

But, fortunately, there are wet wipes in the world. However, you need to be careful with antibacterial wipes. • Antiseptics based on triclosan and benzalkonium chloride tend to accumulate in the skin and, accordingly, become addictive to bacteria. • Antiseptics based on oil and alcohol do not absorb into the skin and do not accumulate in it, but evaporate quickly and have a short-term effect. In addition, alcohol dries out the skin. • Gel-based wipes last longer than alcohol wipes, retain a long-lasting effect, but are sticky. • Chlorhexidine can be considered a good antibacterial substance in wipes, although its antibacterial effect against fungi and mycobacteria is much weaker than alcohol. Read the ingredients on the packages and be healthy!


June 7, 2022

What fats can be taken every day?

Fats are an essential part of our diet. They help us to be energetic, nourish the brain, which in principle is the most “fat” organ in the body, speed up the metabolism, and so on! It is advisable to consume as many fats as possible with food (avocados, oily fish, vegetable oils, ghee oil, MCTs, etc.). But additional vitamins also do not interfere: - Omega 3. Skin/hair/nails will thank you. - Black cumin oil. It contains many fatty acids. It has a huge range of useful properties. Including antibacterial. This oil is very helpful in the season of viruses and colds. - Oil mst. It is a source of fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. Otherwise, the product is called MCTs (medium chain triglycerides) and this is the most useful type of fatty acids. You can take it for weight loss, increase the endurance of the body, improve brain function, and the cardiovascular system.


June 7, 2022

So, how to burn more calories at home?

1. Vacuum while dancing to your favorite music. 2. In general, dance more often, you can just do it. 3. Load the dishwasher one item at a time while crouching down. 4. Also hang clothes, collect toys (inviting children to play and be active, of course). 5. Clear out your wardrobe more often. 6. Increase your range of motion when changing sheets and making your bed. 7. Take out the garbage in street containers on foot up the stairs back and forth. 8. At work, always take a walk at lunchtime. The list can be supplemented ad infinitum.


June 7, 2022

Good news for those who do not have enough time for sports.

Housework is also a sport! And even there is such a term - NEAT (indicator of non-training activity). It includes everything that we do during the day (except training) - we move around the house, wash dishes, go to work, communicate, gesticulate, warm our body, and so on. This indicator is difficult to measure, but for sure you have met people who have an "awl" in some place. They are constantly moving, making a bunch of “extra” movements, walking back and forth, actively gesticulating, violently experiencing any event, constantly finding work around the house, and so on. These are the people with high NEAT.


June 7, 2022

Seduction rules.

Seduction is a process that requires certain knowledge and practical skills. Basic Rules: Communicate with your partner so that he understands that he is your only one. Be yourself. Do not get used to someone else's image. Show interest. If your partner is constantly making eye contact, don't get lost!


June 7, 2022

There is no emancipation, there are problems in sex.

Often girls lack sensuality and emancipation! At the same time, the majority with a beautiful figure, well-groomed, beautiful and attractive. But what's the point when a girl can't open up completely! The easiest way to fix the situation: ▪️Give a subscription to a sexologist. ▪️Compliment every day. ▪️Take dancing, preferably hotter.


June 7, 2022

"Love Messages"

One partner draws or writes something nice on the other's body. The “canvas” is a bare back or a more intimate place. The instrument can be a finger or even a tongue. The task of the second participant is to guess what is drawn by feeling.


June 7, 2022

Caution — forbidden topics!

It is nice when you can talk to your partner about EVERYTHING. But there are some taboo topics you should not discuss. Former partners. Neither about their quantity, nor about their quality. Even if you get answers to deliberately stupid questions. Does that make sense? Oh yes, you can now torment yourself by various distorted fantasies, like "maybe he was feeling better with her," or vice versa. Parents. It's a very sensitive subject. No discussion. Other people's appearance. Especially if you like someone who has something that your partner lacks. Such talk will awaken the person's complexes or even provoke jealousy.


June 7, 2022

The best teacher is personal experience, but it's expensive.

However, some of us just never learn from errors they have made. I mean, many people, having once made a mistake in choosing a partner, seek the same personality type over and over again. Why? Where does this masochism come from? For example, a young man in his late teens fell in love with a femme fatale. The relationship didn't work out, and the guy was badly burned. But, after that, he tried to create a serious relationship with the woman similar to his ex. Obviously, all these attempts failed. We are attracted to the familiar type, since something already discovered seems to us the most pleasant, sympathetic, almost native. And often, this is not the case.


June 7, 2022

Marriage cannot be pardoned!

A man who DOESN'T WANT to get married will remain unmarried psychologically, even if he marries. You see? He will try to avoid his family in any way he can, from drinking alcohol and playing computer games to becoming a workaholic, cheating, and hanging out with friends. Psychologically single man, even when married, is kind of not here, that is not with you or the kids, while you're staying together. He is absent. Many women live with such a husband and feel discomfort all the time. You can't change that - it was just a wrong choice. So, unless you want to live with a man who will almost always be psychologically absent - never force a man to marry. You will lose.


June 7, 2022

Afraid of relationships.

Frequently, unsuccessful relationships cause FEAR of getting into a new one. So, life goes on and you meet interesting people, but you don't dare... The most important thing to understand is that NO ONE can EVER guarantee that a new relationship will be perfect. Moreover, any relationship, even the most wonderful and dreamy, may end one day. None of us is safe from the pain and disappointments of breakups. Realizing and accepting this, is the FOUNDATION of maturity! We are not in control of other people. So the OTHER always poses a threat to our psyche. However, the joy of a relationship is worth taking risk AGAIN!


June 7, 2022

Wording matters.

Sometimes we program our minds with our own words. How? Very simple! Here's a comparison of two phrases: "I am oppressed" and "I feel oppressed." Is there a difference? At first glance, it seems like there isn't. However, these sentences have different meanings. When someone says, "I feel oppressed," he's referring to some kind of feeling. And any feeling can be changed, that is, it is possible to stop feeling oppressed. The phrase "I am oppressed" indicates that the person has put circumstances before her/himself and is unable to change anything. Use the power of words to your advantage and always be aware of the wording you use. Remember: you control your emotions and not vice versa.


June 7, 2022

Your Own Path

If you know exactly where you're going and why, you shouldn't care what OTHERS think of you. This is hard to achieve because you've been taught from childhood to conform to someone else's concept of norm . But it is possible - if you have enough courage to break the rules, to distinguish your goals from the imposed ones, and not just go YOUR OWN way, but continue to follow them despite difficulties, setbacks and outside pressure. To go your own way without looking back at the opinions of others means to have a strong spirit.


June 7, 2022

Interesting research.

The US National Bureau of Economic Research found that regular sex gives a person the same pleasure as the news of receiving an additional $ 100,000 a year.


June 7, 2022

German scientists have found that sexual desire in women who have a strong relationship gradually decreases.

After 4 years of marriage, only half of the respondents feel the desire to have sex as often as their partners.


June 7, 2022

Subtleties of massage.

The inner surface of the thighs and shoulders, the sacrum, neck, suprapubic area, the area around the navel, on the bend under the knees and elbows. All these parts of the body are the least touched by clothes, therefore they are the most tender and sensitive. The list is completed by the back and buttocks, which, although they rub against clothes, are also very fond of being stroked and caressed.


June 7, 2022

How to start a massage.

The massage begins with the fact that she lies on her stomach and you rub oil on all accessible areas of her body: back, shoulders, neck, legs, arms and buttocks, leaving not a single island of dry skin. The oil will be absorbed into the skin, so occasionally you need to moisten your palms in it. When she rolls over on her back, anoint her belly, legs, shoulders and chest in the same way. If immediately after the massage, without going into the shower, you decide to have sex, then in order for your bodies to slide over each other, you will have to oil yourself. Otherwise, you will slip.


June 7, 2022

Massage oil.

Even not very high-quality oil movements will be more pleasant for her than a perfectly done massage on dry skin. In addition, sliding strokes, which are the basic movements in erotic massage, cannot be done “dry”, the sensations will not be the same at all. Don't be discouraged, but butter, sunflower, and even the best motor oils are not suitable for these purposes. Go to a beauty salon or a chain perfume shop and buy a cold-pressed massage oil. Once again: direct cold-pressed massage oil.


June 7, 2022