11 Things Worse Than Cheating.

Cheating is a quick and 100% way to ruin a relationship, but there are lots of other things that are just as, if not more, dangerous when it comes to risks to marital happiness. ▪️ Lying and hiding things from your partner. ▪️ Not being completely attached to the person. ▪️ Quiet disagreement. ▪️ Lack of communication. ▪️ Stubbornness, not compromising. ▪️ Arguing over trivial things and everyday issues. ▪️ Condescension. ▪️ Staying in a relationship of convenience. ▪️ Manipulating. ▪️ Jealousy. ▪️ Pretending.


June 8, 2022

How to get excited about life.

▫️ Create a "haven of solitude" at home That is, your own space where everything is exactly the way you want it. Choose the most comfortable place — bedroom, balcony, bathroom, and furnish it with those items that make you feel relaxed. Candles, fragrance oil sticks, a rug with a fluffy nap, a bouquet of dried flowers, a painting, etc. ▫️ Start a "grounding" ritual. That is, a healthy habit to become a daily ritual that fills you with energy. It can be just reading a few book pages before going to bed, walking in a park, doing yoga, drinking a cup of tea every night in a quiet cafe. Choose your own, and such an "anchor" will become a regular emotional nourishment for you. ▫️ Observe Keep in mind that each of us needs to talk and get through our emotions, and that we can support ourselves better than anyone else. You can try to imagine a glass wall between you and the person you're talking to.


June 8, 2022

Books that will tickle your nerves.

1. "Gerald's Game," Stephen King The author's name speaks for itself. The guru of horror and suspense offers a tale that will give you goosebumps: the heroine, handcuffed to bed in a country house. There's not a soul around, the door is open, and the first guest to come is a stray dog... 2."Recursion," Blake Crouch A detective investigates a strange suicide: a woman killed herself because she was longing for her husband and son. Which she never had. And this case is not the last: it seems that the world is dotted with an epidemic of madness. The investigation leads to the secret laboratories of neurobiologists. Who is responsible for the mind games of thousands of people, and how to stop it? 3."The Perfect Nanny," Leila Slimani The bestselling psychological thriller written by a French writer. Based on a true story.


June 8, 2022

I'm offended!

Few girls, at least once in their lives, have not used this phrase as a tool to manipulate their partner. But frankly speaking, TOUCHINESS is often a sign of low emotional intelligence. That is, too sensitive people don't know how to control their emotions. A person with a high EQ subtly feels the mood of others. She or he pays attention to their intonation, is able to adjust their behavior, keeps emotions under control and never come into conflict where it can be avoided. How to deal with resentment? Increase your EQ. There are many ways to do this. Give it a try


June 8, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Do not miss the opportunity to unbiasedly assess your personal life. The mood will be positive, unless there is a persistently pessimistic outlook. Circumstances will adjust to expectations and will push you on the right path. Aquarius♒️ Aquarius today is better to focus on household chores and take your time, if possible. Don't worry if there's a lot of clutter around. Do one thing today, but a significant one, and handle the little things in the coming days. Pisces♓️ Stop! for all adventures. Will you have to pay for old sins, will secrets come up that you would not want to give out, will there be a conflict with your loved one because of “boiled” - but this day can bring not only pleasure. Take care of what you value and don't tempt fate.


June 8, 2022


Libra♎️ Do not do anything that cannot be "rewinded", abandoned, returned to the old positions. You should not go to the authorities with suggestions and requests today. The result may be unexpected and definitely not what you expected. Scorpio♏️ Scorpios today can quarrel with a partner, moreover, the reason will be insignificant, and the consequences are unpredictable. Be able to stop in time, do not give in to the heat. Sagittarius♐️ Sagittarians today will be lucky in everything they undertake. Sexual vibes will emanate from you, which will provide you with subconscious sympathies and advantages in contacts.


June 8, 2022


Cancer♋️ Today you will be stubborn and intractable where it would be necessary to resolve the issue amicably. Reaction in a dangerous situation can also fail. Keep this in mind and keep your attention, especially in crisis situations. Leo♌️ Go down to the basement, go into the garage - put things in order there. Today it is best to work on your own. Review the items of expenditure and cross out the extra ones. Carelessness or stubbornness today can lead to financial losses. Virgo♍️ Virgos are close to something important right now. All threads converge in your hands. You can safely raise the bar and actively move plans for the current year. You are determined and at the same time not inclined to rush if you do not have all the information. You want to play it safe to get the best possible.


June 8, 2022


Aries♈️ Today things will be going well, but communication will be difficult and slow. You can talk a lot and not be heard, unless the benefit is obvious. Do not plan important events and new things for this day. Take it easy on your current work. Don't try to re-educate your environment. Taurus♉️ The best hours fall at the beginning and end of the day. If you sleep late at night or shop online, you can use this time. During the day, things will be done sluggishly and slowly, and communication will be marked by tension and stubbornness. Gemini♊️ You cannot control the behavior of others, even if it becomes completely unreasonable. And even more so, do not take it to heart if it does not affect your interests. Today you can get more clarity on a case that interests you.


June 8, 2022

Did you know?

The teeth of mice are so strong that they can even gnaw through concrete.


June 8, 2022

The longest name of the area, consists of 85 English letters and is called:

"Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu" This is a hill in New Zealand. The locals simply call it Taumata.


June 8, 2022

White water lilies.

Water lilies are one of the most ancient flowering plants on our planet. The leaves and flowers of white water lilies are covered with a substance that repels any dirt, so they never get dirty. Based on them, paints with similar properties were developed.


June 8, 2022

Sad statistic.

There are currently 160 million orphans in the world. This is the highest figure in history.


June 8, 2022

Benefits of chocolate.

Chocolate contains plant flavonoids that stimulate blood flow, nourish the brain, and saturate neurons with oxygen; antioxidants that can scavenge free radicals, prevent neuronal damage and slow down the aging process. Natural chocolate also prevents tooth decay, as natural chemicals in cocoa beans fight harmful bacteria in the mouth.


June 8, 2022

Height and depth.

Everest is the highest point on Earth (8848 m), but it does not compare with the deepest point on Earth, the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean, which is about 10994 m deep.


June 8, 2022

Killer mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal in the world: because of the diseases they carry, they kill more people than any other creature.


June 8, 2022

Chickens lived in trees in the jungle until people tempted them with rice.

British scientists have refuted the theory that people raised chickens for food as early as 10,000 years ago. The researchers conducted a radiocarbon analysis of bird bones found in 600 locations in 89 countries and told their version of domestication. According to them, the chickens lived high in the trees and came into contact with humans only after they began to grow rice.


June 8, 2022

China has overdone its attempts to save the planet.

So many solar panels and wind farms have been introduced in the country that the power system has ceased to cope with them. According to the plan, everything was logical: the more clean energy, the better for everyone. But the idea of saving the planet from the effects of climate change has failed. Now the country does not have time to spend the "green energy" it produces. And unlike coal, it cannot be put off for a rainy day.


June 8, 2022

There is as much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today as there was 4 million years ago.

Prior to the industrial revolution, CO₂ concentration was 280 parts per million. Since that time, humans have emitted 1.5 trillion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. In May 2020, its level reached 417 parts per million, in May 2021 - 419, in May 2022 - 421. The current amount of CO₂ is comparable to what was on Earth 4.1-4.5 million years ago. Then forests grew on the site of the Arctic tundra, and the sea level was 5-25 meters higher than it is now. This would be enough to flood most modern coastal cities.


June 8, 2022

Social phobia is visible by biomarkers in the blood, Japanese scientists say.

They found changes in blood counts that are characteristic of hikikomori - people who have abandoned social life and live in isolation for many months or years. The researchers compared the blood tests of 42 hikikomori and 41 regular people. It turned out that sociophobes have a different protein profile. Each of them had increased levels of long-chain acylcarnitine. Hikikomori males also had higher levels of ornithine and arginase, and lower levels of bilirubin and arginine. According to a blood test, scientists were even able to predict the severity of the disease.


June 8, 2022


Covers all eight aspects of ashtanga yoga and focuses on focusing the body, its concentration. The poses are performed for long periods of time. Purpose: strengthening and bringing the body into shape. Benefits: Helps improve balance, speeds up injury recovery, increases strength Best for: Beginners who want to learn the correct position in each pose, as well as those with injuries, balance problems, and chronic conditions such as arthritis.


June 7, 2022