That's the memory!

Horses have great memories. They can remember the offender for life, but they also do not forget their friends.


June 13, 2022

Importance of coffee in Yemen and Arabia.

Initially, coffee was considered in Yemen and Arabia as a miraculous medicine and was consumed only on the advice of a doctor. Many viewed it as a brain tonic or as a way to stimulate religious visions.


June 13, 2022

About tigers.

The skin of tigers is actually striped, just like their fur. In addition, no two fur colors are the same.


June 13, 2022

Zipline taught drones to hear planes and avoid collisions with them.

The company has developed an acoustic system for detecting other aircraft for drones. It uses microphones and allows you to detect other devices within a radius of two kilometers, as well as automatically rebuild the flight path to avoid a collision.


June 13, 2022

The Stargazer plane will take passengers from Japan to the United States in just an hour.

Aerospace startup Venus Aerospace presented a visualization of its future Stargazer hypersonic aircraft. Its advertised speed is about Mach 9, which allows the crew and a small number of passengers to get from Tokyo to Los Angeles in just one hour. Stargazer will take off using engines, but when it reaches the edge of space at an altitude of 52 kilometers, it will switch to "rocket mode". The plane is designed to carry 12 passengers, and its speed exceeds 11,025 km/h, which is almost 9 times the speed of sound.


June 13, 2022

Forecast for the week from June 13 to June 19.

Good for planning. There will be a tendency for people to moderate their desires, to self-restraint and self-discipline. Business activity is going well. Issues are resolved without haste, thoroughly and with high quality. Jealousy may increase in interpersonal relationships. This aspect can lead to quarrels and separations against the background of cooling feelings. People may feel that no one loves them - and this is a rather difficult aspect in terms of self-esteem of the individual. In business, this aspect can manifest itself in the form of losses, unprofitable offers and deals. Complications may arise in the course of a business partnership. By the end of the week in partnership, manifestations of love, tenderness and mutual care may intensify. Relations become softer, there may be manifestations of disinterestedness and mercy towards those in need of help. Aesthetic flair and the need for beauty will increase. There will be an interest in the arts, especially painting and music.


June 13, 2022

Heavenly dominant: why these zodiac signs will always humiliate you in friendship and love.

The signs of the zodiac are different - someone is the leader, someone is the follower. And there is a separate race of the chosen ones - the heavenly dominants, who believe that the world revolves around them. Under what constellations were these guys born? Dominants-Aries We are to them with all our hearts, and they burned our bright feelings. But Aries is impossible not to love, and the fiery guys use this. Aries think they are the center of the universe. Still, because they were born under the auspices of Mars and cannot think differently. It is especially hard to be in the retinue of Aries for those who are born under the constellations of Cancer and Capricorn.


June 13, 2022


Capricorn♑️ The day will be quite exhausting. Most likely, you will have to deal with several things at once, and there will be no opportunity to postpone something for later. It will not be easy, but you can do it: the experience gained earlier will help. Possible unexpected trips Aquarius♒️ It is worth starting the day with simple and familiar things, solving well-known tasks. You will quickly cope with them, there will be no difficulties, and a little later it will be possible to focus on something more interesting. Your imagination will come in handy, as well as the ability to notice what others have not seen. Try to be creative in everything you do. This is how you can achieve great success. Pisces♓️ The start of the day can be stressful. This is a difficult time in terms of communication: it will be difficult to correctly understand others, some of their words may seem offensive. It is important to avoid conflict. Harmony in relationships will soon be restored if you behave calmly and friendly.


June 13, 2022


Libra♎️ You will have time to do a lot of good, and not only for yourself. There will be an opportunity to help a person who finds himself in a difficult situation, to support someone close to him. Issues that have been worrying everyone lately will be successfully resolved. Changes for the better in personal relationships are likely Scorpio♏️ A restless day awaits you. Most likely, you will have to do several things at once, correct other people's mistakes, complete what was once started by others. You'll have to worry, but you'll do great. Good ideas will appear, you will find a new way to solve those problems that before many baffled. Sagittarius♐️ Try not to worry about small misunderstandings, troubles that can happen at the beginning of the day. Even if things do not go according to plan, you will find a way to avoid serious problems and make a difference. New acquaintances will willingly come to the rescue, and common affairs will bring you very close.


June 13, 2022


Cancer♋️ If on this day you take up some serious business, be prepared for the fact that it will not be possible to achieve success quickly and easily. Something may turn out unsuccessfully, a violation of old agreements is likely, and unfortunate incidents are not ruled out, due to which plans will need to be adjusted. Leo♌️ The start of the day will be interesting and inspiring. Some unusual and pleasant events, successful coincidences, as well as meetings that will cheer you up are likely. This time is well suited to take on some complex and large-scale business; you will succeed in them. Virgo♍️ A good day to discuss serious issues and plans for the future, communicate with people who share your business interests and professional goals. Talk about work can be conducted in an informal setting; it is possible that you will be offered something interesting or given excellent advice.


June 13, 2022


Aries♈️ The day is good for socializing. You will understand well those with whom you did not get along before. Relations that were previously tense will become warmer and more pleasant, comfortable for everyone. You want to spend more time with loved ones, and you will have such an opportunity. Taurus♉️ Today you have to deal with very different people, and you will need to find an approach to everyone. This is not to say that it will be easy, but you can certainly do it. Experience will help here. Trips are likely, and some Taurus will have to get ready for the road very quickly. Everything will turn out well, you will not regret that you set off on your journey. Gemini♊️ Don't get excited. Today, the ability to maintain composure and make informed decisions will be very useful to you, no matter what happens around you. Others will not always understand why you act the way you do. It is hardly possible to do without lengthy explanations.


June 13, 2022

What your man is afraid of in bed: 4 intimate fears of the zodiac signs.

Physical handicap is a horror for Gemini, Leo and Virgo For these signs of the zodiac, all physical handicaps cause low sexual activity. They are so worried about the imperfection of any part of the body that they bring themselves with their doubts to impotence and psychological disorders. Leo has high demands on himself: he sincerely suffers from excess weight or lack of muscles, while his partner may like his forms, but this will not bring peace to Leo. Gemini men create tragedy because of their muscles and constantly discuss it with their beloved, spoiling the romantic mood. Virgo guys do not recognize imperfections: if any part of their body is even a few centimeters smaller than that of the average person, then they will take all measures, even surgical ones, to correct the mistake of nature.


June 13, 2022

The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 1st place -Aquarius.

Aquarians are real champions in the number of books in the home library. And, rest assured, they have already read most of them. These people can read anywhere and anytime: on vacation, in transport, during lunch, and even on the go. They are especially attracted to science fiction, as well as literature devoted to key discoveries of the past and present. But they will not refuse the good old classics either. After all, books for Aquarius are primarily a source of new ideas and knowledge about this world. Endowed with an extraordinary mind, representatives of this sign are able to think outside the box and skillfully use emotional intelligence to control other people. But, successfully solving complex problems, they often forget about simple things. Therefore, they need a friend and helper, who from time to time will return the "thinkers" from heaven to earth.


June 13, 2022

Simple hacks:

-10 minutes walk after eating. This will normalize sugar levels and help calm people with increased feelings of anxiety. - Try to meditate while walking. There are special types of meditation for this. - after sitting for a long time in one place, stretch, pull the muscles that are numb. - turn on the music and start dancing. This will give not only a surge of strength to your body, but also cheer up. -start cleaning: it doesn't matter if you're at work or at home. This activity will help raise your energy levels. -buy a tracker that will monitor how much you sit and remind you that it's time to move. -every time you feel like sitting down, don't do it. You can print on the computer while standing.


June 12, 2022

Did you know that sitting is just as bad as smoking!

We all know about the benefits of movement and sports. But it is interesting that a sedentary lifestyle harms not only our physical health, but also MENTAL. Let's sit less and move more!


June 12, 2022

"Sex Timer"

Take your smartphone and set a timer for 5 minutes. During this time, you and your loved one should caress each other, refraining from penetration. As soon as the signal sounds, you can not limit yourself.


June 12, 2022

Start first.

A full-fledged sexual intercourse for each of the participants, regardless of gender, must certainly include a stage of seduction. So why not seduce him to you? Feel free to take the initiative in your own hands - the man will be extremely grateful to you.


June 12, 2022

"Undress Guess"

▪️ Ask your partner questions about yourself. For example, "Who is my favorite writer?" or “Which dessert do I prefer?” - anything. ▪️ The correct answer gives the guesser the right to remove one thing from you. ▪️ And after three incorrect ones, change roles. This will not only warm you up before sex, but also allow you to get to know each other better.


June 12, 2022

Psychosomatics — how IT works

Our feelings and emotions are expressed through facial mimicry, gestures, tension or relaxation of body muscles, as well as biochemical reactions. Various elements affect the body, which, in turn, have its resources. Each organ has its level of resources (it tears where it is thin). Usually "Functional impairment" of the organ happens first. This means that there is a symptom without an obvious physical cause (lesions or diseases identified by tests). Such symptoms are a signal that the emotional response to the situation is overwhelming. Then the functional disorders turn into organic diseases that leads to chronic diseases.


June 12, 2022

Getting rid of negativity.

If your thoughts return again and again to an unpleasant event, find something to do and distract yourself. The most effective way to stop yourself from getting worked up is to exercise or simple monotonous physical work. Jogging would be ideal for such an occasion. If that's not possible for whatever reason, you can do house cleaning, organize things in your closet, wash the dishes. Physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins, which push away negative emotions and causes fatigue that can distract you from bad experiences.


June 12, 2022