Cybersecurity researcher Martin Herfurth learned how to hijack a Tesla in 130 seconds.

It is in this period of time that you can start the car after opening the door with a key card. Herfurt noted that during this period, the electric car can accept new keys via Bluetooth. He created an application that intercepts the signal and allows you to create your own key, and then download it to the car - it is enough to be near the victim during that very 130-second window. The researcher has already transferred the information to Elon Musk's company.


June 14, 2022

A Google programmer noticed signs of intelligence in artificial intelligence.

Google has temporarily suspended software engineer Blake Lemoyne, who concluded that the artificial intelligence (AI) created by the company LaMDA has its own consciousness. According to journalists, the developer monitored whether the chatbot uses discriminatory language. However, in the course of this task, the specialist began to become more and more convinced of the idea that AI has its own consciousness and perceives itself as a person. “If I didn’t know for sure that I was dealing with a computer program that we recently wrote, then I would have thought that I was talking to a child of seven or eight years old, who for some reason turned out to be an expert in physics,” Lemoyne noted.


June 14, 2022

Angel Alvarado, 19, set the world record by solving three Rubik's Cubes in 4 minutes and 31 seconds while juggling them.

The previous record of 4 minutes and 51 seconds also belongs to Angel.


June 14, 2022

Frequent nightmares are a precursor to Parkinson's disease.

Scientists came to such conclusions during a long-term study involving almost four thousand men over 67 years old. None of the volunteers had Parkinson's disease at the start of the observation. Seven years later, 91 people were diagnosed with it. Most in the first five years. Those who had frequent nightmares were three times more likely to develop Parkinson's within five years than the rest.


June 14, 2022

Kombucha bacteria can survive on Mars.

An international team of scientists sent a kombucha into outer space - it was grown for a year and a half on the outside of the ISS. After that, they were returned to Earth, reactivated and cultivated for another 2.5 years. As a result of the experiment, the microbial ecology of kombucha cultures was disturbed. But the cellulose-producing bacteria Komagataeibacter survived. This means that bacterial cellulose is most likely responsible for the survival of microorganisms in extraterrestrial conditions. That is, it can serve as a biomarker for alien life. Also, on the basis of bacterial cellulose, it will be possible to make a protective layer on items needed by the future space colonizer.


June 14, 2022

British scientists have developed a gel that helps the heart recover from attacks.

Thanks to advances in medicine, every year more victims of heart attacks survive. But the heart has a very limited mechanism of regeneration. It is designed to accelerate the new gel, which could potentially make life easier for millions of people.


June 14, 2022

Hardcore porn excites women more than men.

The study anonymously involved 122 people from 28 countries. Half of them are women, half are men. Average age - 25 years. Each volunteer has watched porn at least once a month for the past six months. As a result, we found out that about 53% of respondents like at least small manifestations of aggression in porn. Among women, this figure is 66%, among men - 40%. Women also like to watch BDSM videos when a man is uncomfortable to watch.


June 14, 2022

Microplastics were first found in the fresh snow of Antarctica.

Prior to this, particles were found only in sea ice and surface water bodies of the continent. Microplastics were present in all 19 samples taken from the Ross Ice Shelf. On average - 29 particles per liter of melted snow. This is more than in the nearest sea and ice. Near the bases of polar explorers, the concentration of microplastics was even three times higher. Scientists have found 13 different types of plastic. The most common is PET. They make bottles and clothes from it. Microplastics could have entered Antarctica by air from other parts of the world, or they could have been brought to the continent by research teams.


June 14, 2022

Drinking milk increases the risk of developing prostate cancer by a quarter.

This can be explained by the fact that the product contains hormones - 75% of dairy cows are pregnant. There is a similar link between milk consumption and breast cancer in women. It turned out that men who consumed 430 grams of dairy products per day had a 25% higher risk of developing prostate cancer than those who ate 20 grams of such food per day (half a cup of milk per week). The risk increased compared to those who did not drink milk at all. As a result, the risk of prostate cancer in general begins to rise after the threshold of 150 grams of milk per day. There is no difference between the consumption of a regular and low-fat product.


June 14, 2022

In China, a man taught his husky Lucky how to cook while he is away

Through a remote home monitoring system, the owner asks the pet to turn on the slow cooker, in which he put rice before leaving.


June 14, 2022

How to keep a man of the Air Zodiac sign?

A girl with character. Weak women will suffer next to windy men: the more they allow the representatives of Air, the further they will go. It is important for them to know the limits of what is permitted. To do this, there must be honesty and friendly communication in the relationship. Friend, mentor and lover. Representatives of the Air are drawn to perfection and distant ideals: the beloved must combine honesty and cunning, strength and weakness, intelligence and a good sense of humor. At first, men are attracted by inaccessibility and the struggle for the chosen one, but in a permanent relationship, respect and devotion to his beloved are important to him.


June 14, 2022

How to keep a man of the Air Zodiac sign?

On the same wave. Young representatives of the Air are jokers and adventurers, they are full of ambitions and plans, romance and distant goals. Air signs need support and faith in their success, but they must not be allowed to ignore reality. It will help tact in statements and criticism, as well as assistance in the implementation of plans. The idea of ​​a man may be unrealizable, but on the way to it, he will still achieve great heights. Imaginary freedom. Men of the Air are sensitive to encroachments on their freedom. He himself should want a permanent relationship, marriage, children because he loves a woman, and not because it's time to start a family or the girl waited for him from the army.


June 14, 2022

How to keep a man of the Air Zodiac sign?

Air is a recalcitrant and changeable element, like its representatives. Aquarius, Libra and Gemini are united by a cheerful nature and a need for understanding. They cannot be held by passion or a joint child - they carry love through long years together or go in search of a new lover. How to keep the air prince? Read the next post!


June 14, 2022

The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 2nd place - Sagittarius.

Self-confident and purposeful Sagittarians more often than others make important discoveries and become “engines of progress”. They are attentive to details and are happy to share a truly encyclopedic knowledge of what they are seriously passionate about. And it can be anything: from cooking and travel to serious scientific research. It is for them that we publish lists like Newsweek's 100 Best Books in the History of World Literature and talk about the novels of Booker Prize winners. And people of this sign easily fall in love with literary characters and even try to find someone similar in reality, because they believe: if something can be invented, then it will not be difficult to bring it to life.


June 14, 2022

Heavenly dominant: why these zodiac signs will always humiliate you in friendship and love.

Dominant Lions Lions are the first in everything, like the Sun, which patronizes them. But if companionship can still be endured, then those who entered into a love affair with the Lions cannot be envied. You will always be in second (or even third) roles. Lions are selfish and humiliate others without even noticing it - kings, what to take from them. If you are Taurus and Pisces, then accept sincere words of sympathy.


June 14, 2022

What your man is afraid of in bed: 4 intimate fears of the zodiac signs.

Fertility is the weak point of Cancer, Capricorn and Aquarius. The opportunity to leave behind a legacy in the form of their children is paramount for representatives of these signs. They will not be upset because of the rare intimacy, sighing heavily, they will drink the necessary pills for impotence and will not be particularly upset if the partner was not as good as he was. Cancers are more unpredictable in their fears: they are afraid of almost everything. In youth, they can sort out all the phobias, but by adulthood they will still think about children. Capricorn is busy with work and home, he needs to provide for children, and for this, he must first conceive them. Aquarius has little interest in physical intimacy - he is more attracted to the spiritual side, he considers it his duty to pass on secret knowledge to children. Fears are not always obvious, sometimes they are the result of failures in adolescence or arise as a result of the drama experienced in childhood. Regardless of the man's horoscope, show patience and perseverance, fighting along with his phobias. After all, the victory will be beneficial to both!


June 14, 2022


Capricorn♑️ You need to be careful in business. Today you can build castles in the air and wishful thinking. It is possible that someone will try to take advantage of this. It is worth listening to the advice of loved ones: these people will try to protect you from mistakes and rash acts. Aquarius♒️ Don't take risks where you can avoid them. By acting carefully, you will achieve the desired results much faster, especially at work. Experience will also come in handy here: thanks to it, you will orient yourself in an ambiguous situation earlier than others, show what you are capable of. It is possible that soon you will receive offers of cooperation. Pisces♓️ In the morning it will be difficult to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. Disagreements can arise over trifles, you will have to make an effort to settle everything. People with whom they could previously quickly agree on everything will be especially stubborn, hardly even making small concessions. But all this will not spoil your mood.


June 14, 2022


Libra♎️ Do not trust the first impression of new acquaintances: they can mislead you. Think twice before you make any promises, bind yourself with serious obligations. It will be useful for you to refer to the experience gained in the past: this will avoid repeating old mistakes. Scorpio♏️ The day is suitable for solving complex problems, finding answers to important questions. You will come up with something that no one has thought of before. It will be possible to achieve success in a case that until recently seemed almost hopeless. However, don't expect everything to be easy for you. You have to work hard; be ready for it. Sagittarius♐️ You should not believe everything that others say, and go on about fleeting desires. You will achieve a lot today if you are serious, attentive and careful. You don't have to do everything alone, but you need to choose your assistants carefully. Rely on those you know well.


June 14, 2022


Cancer♋️ Try to approach any business seriously and do not expect that you will be lucky in everything. It is possible that in the morning you will have to face some minor difficulties. Some new tasks may appear, and it will not immediately become clear how they can be solved. Leo♌️ We must act. Today you will cope with many things well if you focus on important things, do not become distracted by trifles. Unexpected discoveries are likely, news that will affect your plans. There will be an opportunity to do something that has always seemed especially interesting to you. Virgo♍️ It won't be easy to stay calm today. You can react sharply to some minor events, take to heart what you would not pay attention to at another time. Unusual acquaintances are possible, meetings with people about whom you have heard a lot of good things before. It is not excluded the beginning of friendships or romantic relationships.


June 14, 2022


Aries♈️ Do not rush to trust new acquaintances. Today you have to communicate with very different people, and they will not always be honest and open. Someone may try to win your sympathy, guided by by no means noble motives. But old allies will support again, will quickly come to the rescue, if necessary. Taurus♉️ Be careful at the start of the day. This is an important time, especially from a business point of view. If meetings or negotiations are planned, prepare for them seriously, do not rely on your ability to improvise and quickly find the right words. Getting along with new acquaintances will be almost easier than with old ones - they will immediately make the right impression. Gemini♊️ The day promises successful transactions, cash receipts, and a favorable solution for complex financial issues. You will succeed in your work. You will correct the mistakes made earlier, you will cope well with a difficult matter. There will be an opportunity to restore old business ties and find new allies.


June 14, 2022