Can you love?

You can’t love a person only when he is in a good mood, makes you happy and brings one continuous happiness. If you really love, then love his sadness, bad mood and even whining. Love when he is silent, when he is angry and rude - then love even more, because at such moments he especially needs it. True love softens even the hardest heart, calms any spiritual storms, and sincere tenderness generally works real miracles. There is an opinion that every hearty hug prolongs our life by one day. Hug your loved ones, kiss them several times a day, give them as much tenderness as you have in your soul - do not skimp on her, she is a real cure for all misfortunes. After all, no matter how tired and upset you may be, there is nothing better than hearing from a close and dear person: “Come to me. I love you so much".


June 14, 2022

How to attract good luck and love into your life?

Get a couple of simple affirmations. By repeating them every morning, you're sure to set yourself in the right mood. Luck. No pondering or doubting: "I wish luck would come to me...". Say like that: "I believe luck will surely smile on me today!" Happiness. Believe in a bright future and say, "I will do anything to be happy." The more you repeat this word, the closer you come to your goals. Love. Don't be afraid to say compliments, show attention to those you love, tell your life partner about your feelings as often as possible. If you are filled with strong, joyful emotions, don't hesitate to share them with friends. Praise people. See how the world around you will begin to reciprocate you.


June 14, 2022

Phrases that work wonders.

Affirmations are positive statements that are uttered to program the mind to accept new changes in life. Repeat the most needed affirmations every day. Remember: even a small positive change in your mind leads, probably, to the solution of your life's major problems. Ask the questions that concern you, and life itself will tell you the answers you seek!


June 14, 2022

There are no mistakes.

In fact, the more mistakes you make, the faster you grow. Being straight and doing what someone in the know said is about the fear of being a personality. The only thing strange about mistakes is repeating the same error several times.


June 14, 2022

Self-development — why and for what.

Self-development is when you choose the path you are going to follow spiritually. It is your desire to know what you came into this world for. What is your goal, how much you can achieve and how you can express yourself, finally, to make sure that this life has not passed in vain and meaningless. To determine what you are capable of, recognize your higher self and develop it, awaken its abilities, open up new possibilities, fill your life with something more meaningful to your inner being. Strive to know yourself, that is to find out what's inside you, to discover and realize your gift.


June 14, 2022

Freedom and discipline.

What to choose: do as you please or on schedule? The truth is one. Discipline is your conscious freedom. Some people like planning things and strive to be productive every day. But many others get lost due to the wrong approach because they never use time management and don't know what they ultimately want and where their path will bring them. Constant workloads and excessive self-demanding lead to worse results. Other people make the mistake of thinking that the decisions based on "want" and "can" they make at the particular moment will certainly cause something good. They are fooled by the illusion of their work, even though the work itself is done incorrectly and disorganized. Finding balance is about finding yourself and your purpose, which builds a unified harmony determining your own SELF.


June 14, 2022

Once again about sex in the shower: what men are afraid of. Continuation.

7. You can break something. And not even to yourself. The shower curtain on the bar will fall with great probability (and definitely on someone's foot). You leaned on the shower holder - and take it and fly out of the wall along with the tiles ... Solid extreme! 8. You can flood the neighbors. Especially if the curtain has already fallen (or the cabin door has opened) and water is splashing on the floor while you are trying to complete the process. 9. The collapse of the dream of this kind of sex. Most people who have tried sex in the shower threw up their hands and said, “What’s wrong with that?” — and never experimented again.


June 14, 2022

Once again about sex in the shower: what men are afraid of. Continuation.

5. Water pressure and temperature may change. If you have sex in the shower of an apartment building, then unsuspecting neighbors can turn your warm shower into an icy or scalding one, and both of you will not have time to do anything about it, even get an orgasm. 6. Pressure from the screen, which is cool. Sex in the shower looks beautiful only in films where one scene can be re-shot at least a hundred times before the expression of complete bliss on the faces of the actors. In real life, it's not worth it.


June 14, 2022

Once again about sex in the shower: what men are afraid of. Continuation.

3. Hypothermia from not being underwater. If your shower stall is not the size of a room, one of the participants in the process will slowly freeze without warm water jets. It's not conducive to sex. 4. Limited number of pos. Maybe two or three - and all standing up (at least for a man). If he does not like this option anyway, then the slippery floor and water from above will not add enthusiasm.


June 14, 2022

Once again about sex in the shower: what men are afraid of.

Do you think the risk of slipping on a wet floor scares only you? Not at all! They have no less "shower" phobias. If not more... 1. Slip and fall during an erection. Just think: people fall and die when they just go to wash. That is, you can use it for its intended purpose and get injured. Throw in a second person, sexual gymnastics, and everything looks even worse, because the surfaces are wet and slippery. 2. Soap in the eyes. There are two options for sex in the shower: thoughtful and spontaneous. In the first case, getting soap or shampoo in the face is unlikely, in the second, everything probably looks more erotic, but the foam will be everywhere. And it will be the collapse of all expectations.


June 14, 2022

Man in the back: no gymnast skills needed! What you might not like.

1. Not enough eye contact. Yes, positions with a man behind are not the most romantic. There are exceptions, but they are very few. 2. Control over the process is assigned to a man. This is both a plus for men and a minus for women. Therefore, if the partner does not take the situation into her own hands in time, everything can end earlier than she would like. 3. A member, as a rule, does not reach the clitoris, does not stimulate it, and for many women this is necessary for an orgasm. However, as mentioned above, the partner can compensate for the disadvantage with his hands.


June 14, 2022

Man in the back: no gymnast skills needed! What good is it when a man is in the back.

1. Men like to look at women. Especially during sex: it turns on. A chic rear view and complete control over the partner just drive men crazy. 2. For such positions, a bed is not required. In most cases, you don't even have to strip naked. So these positions are ideal for spontaneous sex. 3. In almost all positions, a man, being behind, can caress his partner's breasts, hips and clitoris without being distracted from the process. 4. Deep penetration and stimulation of both the posterior and anterior walls of the vagina, where, as many believe, the cherished G-spot is located. 5. Many positions are also suitable for anal sex.


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women. Continuation.

5. The main thing is your convenience. Do not be shy! Choose the position in which the body is sure to receive the highest pleasure, and confidently, if necessary, firmly move into it, regardless of the initial reaction of the man. Over time, he will get used to this, and at the same time learn to caress you in the most pleasant and useful way: after all, you will tell him about it and even show it.


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women. Continuation.

4. A woman decides everything. For almost a million years, the initiative in sex belonged to the lady - this is what distinguished human society from the animal herd. And only the last, already past three thousand years, this initiative was seized by force of arms by the peasants (and even then not everywhere), who began to fill the female head with all sorts of absurd male ideas. Weaklings!!! A normal man, if he does not understand, then feels the need for instructions from his beloved, because his self-esteem depends on the opportunity to make her as happy as possible. Here you are and let's. What exactly? - Those that are useful to you!


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women. Continuation.

3. Ladies - go ahead. Coming to the finish line together is great. But to put such a task is stupid. Do not let ridiculous accidents leave you unsatisfied!? Almost any man after an orgasm is filled with such apathy that it is impossible to stir him up and "catch up" with delight. But after the peak of pleasure, it is easy for you to satisfy your loved one.


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women. Continuation.

2. Sex must be of high quality. Sexual intercourse without deep satisfaction is nonsense. Of course, you can and even must pretend to be delighted if the handsome prince wants you more often than it is useful to you personally. But in her own rhythm, the lady should receive orgasms. Not "moral satisfaction", I emphasize, but a powerful catharsis of passion!


June 14, 2022

5 rules of perfect sex for women.

Moral satisfaction, physical relaxation and just a great mood, perhaps, each person receives after sexual intercourse. But is it possible to comprehend the basics of perfect sex? How to do it for women? 1. Sex should be The idea that a modern, busy woman has no time to engage in such stupidity as panting and sweating in unprintable poses is extremely harmful. It's like not taking care of yourself, but only applying war paint. As long as you're 18, it'll do. But in 10 years you will be 25, and in 30 - as much as 40 ... And without a healthy body, your successes in work and defense will wither, like a water lily taken out of water. Not to mention self esteem...


June 14, 2022

Scientists managed to print a piece of a real heart on a 3D printer.

A team at Harvard's Wyss Institute has developed a method to 3D print cardiac macrofilaments, muscle filaments that can, in perspective, mimic the complex alignment of the contracting elements of the human heart. According to scientists, the technology has every chance to gain a foothold in regenerative cardiology. So far, only a small piece of heart tissue has turned out, but the technology has proven its promise. And while it's still too early to talk about creating a full-fledged organic heart, the development can already be used to replace scars after heart attacks or even to correct the hearts of newborns affected by congenital malformation.


June 14, 2022

A routine eye test will soon be able to detect heart problems.

Based on 500,000 human health data collected by the UK Biobank, scientists have found a pattern in retinal scans and heart disease risk. Now, they plan to put it on stream and the optometrist will also be able to see heart problems.


June 14, 2022

In Siberia, cats and dogs were cured of cancer for the first time in the world at a neutron accelerator.

Russian scientists for the first time in the world cured cancer by boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) of large mammals - cats and dogs. They were irradiated at the accelerator neutron source. 15 animals participated in the tests. Initially, the animals received a targeted delivery of boron. Then they were put into a medical sleep and irradiated for two hours. During the procedure, scientists monitored the physiological parameters of the animals. After irradiation, the tumors in cats and dogs decreased, and their general condition improved.


June 14, 2022