An interesting tradition.

Birthdays are not celebrated in the Maldives. Moreover, this date does not even try to remember.


June 15, 2022

Japanese scientists have covered a robotic finger with self-healing skin made from living human cells.

When the finger is bent, the skin stretches and does not deform. When the skin was cut and then covered with a collagen dressing, the wound "healed". Scientists plan to add: nails, sweat glands, hair follicles and sensory neurons that provide touch.


June 15, 2022

The brain of a healthy person can heat up to 41 °C.

In other parts of the body this temperature is only in fever. The study involved 40 people 20-40 years old. The scientists measured the temperature using a new method of brain scanning. Each volunteer underwent three examinations: morning, afternoon and night. It turned out that the temperature of the brain changed in different areas and depending on the time of day, sex and age of the participants.


June 15, 2022

The source of new antibiotics has been found in ocean plastic.

Oceanologists and biologists have found five types of bacteria that produce antibiotics from plastic thrown into the sea. Natural antimicrobials have tackled widespread bacteria and two resistant strains. Among the new sources of antibiotics are Bacillus, Phaeobacter and Vibrio strains of bacteria.


June 15, 2022

The climate crisis has already threatened half of humanity.

People need to cut their emissions by 45% over the next decade and then reach net zero by 2050 to keep global warming below the 1.5°C threshold. This was stated by UN Secretary General António Guterres during the Austrian World Summit. “The window of opportunity to prevent the worst effects of the climate crisis is rapidly closing. Our planet has already warmed by 1.2°C. Let me be clear: national commitments are not enough. While the authorities of many countries are playing for time, inaction leads to dire consequences. Climate change is already being felt and about half of humanity is in the danger zone,” said Guterres


June 15, 2022

First orbital flight.

Elon Musk said that the first orbital flight of the prototype Starship spacecraft could take place in July this year. Also, the second stack - B8 and S25 - will be in flight readiness in August, and subsequent pairs of the ship and the booster - every month. However, experts suggest that the dates may change.


June 15, 2022

About the female orgasm.

For many women, regular penetrative sex is not enough, and they definitely need additional clitoral stimulation. For them, caressing with hands and tongue is not a cherry on the cake, but the only way to experience sexual release. And that's okay. If this is about you, feel free to tell your boyfriend.


June 15, 2022

Anal caresses. Delusions.

1: I want it like in porn. Don't take what you see on the screen into your bedroom. Since behind the scenes there is a long preparation of a woman for this kind of caresses. 2: Do not use lubricant. It is necessary to use two to three times more lubricant. 3: Not maintaining hygiene. If you want to switch from the anus to the vagina or oral sex, you need to change the condom or wash the penis.


June 15, 2022

Advice for girls.

Girls, do not hold your breath when an orgasm approaches, it is better to breathe more often, this makes you more excited and get a quality orgasm.


June 15, 2022

Worth thinking about.

Every person has a period when he has erotic dreams every day. In this case, you should think about increasing the amount of sex in your life.


June 15, 2022

Here is such a statistic!

75% of girls think about the size of a guy's penis the first time they have sex. And more than 50% do not agree to continue sexual relations if they are not satisfied with the size of the penis.


June 15, 2022

Blood type affects behavior in bed.

4. People with the fourth blood group are very controversial. They constantly suffer from mental disorders, constant doubts, indecision. A man has the talent to charm until he loses consciousness, without making any effort. But as soon as the “four-grouper” falls in love himself, he has a hard time. Passions boil, logic is discarded. Here there can no longer be any compromises, any strong feeling for such people is a means to get rid of contradictions and become whole, to find their true nature. The woman with the fourth blood group does the same. She rushes into love on a grand scale, obsessed with the idea of ​​​​rewarding with happiness.


June 15, 2022

Blood type affects behavior in bed.

3. As for people with the third blood group, they calmly endure loneliness and fit into an unfamiliar society without any problems. It is curious that almost 40% of American millionaires are the owners of the third blood type. A man - a "third-grader" does not conquer anyone, he just likes to make dates, chat at ease. Sex for him is a kind of pleasant leisure, not binding to anything. He also handles rejection easily. Women with the third blood type are those who are called "dynamo". Flirting for the sake of flirting is her main pastime.


June 15, 2022

Blood type affects behavior in bed.

2. The second blood group makes people patient, calm. In a situation where they remain face to face with "great love", they are shy. Their feelings - whether it be adoration or hatred - ripen for a very long time. A man with a second blood type will endlessly drive his chosen one to the cinema, and blush when accidentally touched. Girls with "second-class blood" are shy and always behave "decently". For such women, sex is strongly associated with "serious relationships" and is sometimes perceived with a submissive feeling of "well, if it's necessary, then it's necessary." Short-term intrigues are not for them, but the wives turn out to be good - devoted to the grave and trouble-free.


June 15, 2022

Blood type affects behavior in bed.

Blood plays a much more significant role in people's lives than is commonly believed. It not only nourishes the body, but also affects our feelings, character and manners. If you believe the joint research of psychologists and hematologists, how a person behaves in sex depends on the blood type. 1. For example, men with the first blood group behave like males. They are used to getting everything in sex at once. He is excited by the game of cat and mouse, but a timid "yes", on the contrary, can greatly cool the ardor. Women with the first blood type are jealous, sensual, passionate, love experiments in sex. But you will not envy the men chosen by these ladies - they are kept on a steel leash. However, as soon as the “prey” stops being indignant at lack of freedom, ladies with the first blood group immediately lose interest in it.


June 15, 2022

How to show him in sex what he likes the most?

• Loud moans When he does something right, it is worth breathing louder and moaning. If something is unpleasant, you can step back a little. Everyone will understand this language. • Correct position If you want him to caress you with his hands, choose a position where the intimate zones will be next to his palms. For example, do a blowjob so that he sees your ass, can easily reach the genitals. He himself will want to touch the body at such a moment. • Praise the man Speak when you really like something. Let him know that this rhythm, this posture or his movements cause delight.


June 15, 2022


Many women are unhappy that their husband does not pay enough attention to them, is too busy with himself, his work, ideas and projects. The normal priorities of a psychologically healthy person are in order: himself, then his partner, then their children, then parents, and then there are friends, buddies and everything else. If your husband is in the first place you and your needs - most likely, he is not in the best psychological state. If you really want to be in the first place with a man, ask yourself - why is this so important to you? Maybe because your own priority system has failed? And you yourself are not in the first place, but in the second, third or twentieth?


June 15, 2022


In the modern world, one can often find a situation where a woman earns money, and a man takes on the functions of an exemplary householder. Here the question is natural: should this be allowed? It all depends on the situation in a particular family. It's impossible to give a definitive answer based on the question itself. This may be a temporary stage in life when such a reassignment of roles is beneficial and will benefit both parties.


June 15, 2022


• you constantly criticize him • do not let go to friends without scandals • jealous from scratch • you require reports: where you were, what you did, where you spent your personal money, etc. • often use blackmail and threats The chosen one will naturally oppose guardianship and supervision in every possible way. So, problems in relationships, constant quarrels, misunderstandings are inevitable. And what happens is what you fear most - betrayal, irresponsible actions on his part, parting as a sad outcome. That's why you can't control a man! Any control over a man suffocates him, devalues ​​him as a person and all the good that he does for you.


June 15, 2022

An obvious sign of a girl's sympathy that you are missing out on!

She often sends you her photos. It doesn't really matter which ones. Selfies, photos of legs/arms or manicures, even photos in line at the bank. If she wants to share her photos with you, then she is trying to once again show how good she is and, as it were, says "it's time to get closer already" Yes, of course, there are girls who a priori live with the camera turned on and share information with everyone like that. But the majority still will not rush to "share themselves" in the form of a photograph, with people who are unsympathetic to themselves)


June 15, 2022