Men love to watch.

A man likes to look at his partner during sex. And a woman giving a blowjob is triple exciting. Therefore, ask him to kneel, and you yourself settle under him. If you do this in front of a mirror, it will further sharpen his sensations.


June 17, 2022


This habit is laid down in childhood. First, parents compare children, put someone as an example to them. Then the child himself sees that someone's toys are better and more expensive than his. Further more: the classmate's hair is longer, the dress is prettier. And so all my life! If you compare yourself all the time not in your favor, then envy, resentment, anger will never let you enjoy life. It is better to compare yourself only with yourself yesterday. But there is also a useful comparison. If you compare yourself with someone and get motivated to move forward, this is a resource. You just see your potential in another person, not considering that something is worse than him.


June 17, 2022


On the one hand, the question is strange, the answer suggests itself. It would be necessary to run away from such happiness without looking back. On the other hand, things are not so simple. If you have already connected your life with a man who drinks heavily, then you definitely got into a co-dependent relationship. Marriage with a drinking man is a complete disappointment and bitterness. In fact, the wives of drunkards adapt and somehow live, or rather exist. Codependent relationships can last for years.


June 17, 2022

Phrases with connotations and what to do about it?

Think about what they really mean: ▫️ CALM DOWN. "Stop feeling the way you're feeling right now." This phrase expresses an unwillingness to talk to you about your pain or anxiety, devaluing your emotions. ▫️ YOU UPSET ME. "You don't live up to my expectations." The phrase suggests that your particular action/reaction goes against what he or she imagines and expects from you. ▫️ WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? "Accept the situation as I (or someone else) accepts it." In this case, you are being asked to take responsibility for the other person's choice of how they perceive the situation. So what to do when you hear one of these phrases addressed to you? Recognize that this way people try to impose their vision on you thus forcing you to give up personal responsibility and personal choice for what happens to you.


June 17, 2022

Do you like to draw in the margins?

Have you ever noticed? Listening to a boring speaker on the phone or sitting in a useless meeting, sometimes, we almost unconsciously begin to draw some patterns, flowers or geometric shapes on paper. These drawings can tell a lot about a person, his state of mind and actual needs. For example, the thicker the lines, the more a person is focused on a particular thought. Multiple shading tells about fixation on a certain moment. And the desire to draw geometric shapes says about the desire to systematize thoughts. Do you draw spikes, teeth and other sharp objects? So, you are definitely irritated or even angry. Do you draw a bee honeycomb? You are in dire need of peace and harmony. Drawing intertwining circles signs that you are in search of understanding and friendship...


June 17, 2022

Like attracts like

Low energy attracts low energy, high energy attracts high energy. Low energy feelings include anger, hatred, envy, shame, guilt, and related thoughts. They not only make you weak, but also attract similar feelings! By replacing low energy thoughts with uplifting ones, that is: of love, harmony, peace, and joy, you will begin to attract higher energies and vibrations to yourself, which you can then share with others. These higher energies will empower you and help you stop low-potential thoughts, just as light dispels darkness. If you can love yourself, you can attract higher energies, which will help you change internally.


June 17, 2022

Happiness and how to realize that you are happy?

There is no universal recipe for happiness. People look for other people's strategies, trying to apply them to their lives, but other people's lives are not ours, and we are different to the person smiling in the picture. Therefore! The recipe for happiness is unique for everyone. Otherwise, absolutely everyone would already be meditating, writing gratitude journals and being happy... What to do: try different strategies for achieving happiness in practice (I will share them here), explore yourself, understand yourself.


June 17, 2022

Artificial intelligence has proven that people cooked food on fire as early as 800,000 years ago.

Israeli scientists have developed artificial intelligence to search for invisible traces of fire. He analyzed the ancient tools and proved that the first people learned to fry meat for another 800 thousand years. This is the earliest evidence of the use of fire. The rest belong to the period of 200 thousand years ago.


June 17, 2022

Under the ice of Antarctica at a depth of 500 meters found a whole swarm of living creatures.

These are distant relatives of lobsters and crabs - amphipods about five millimeters in size. They live in a network of hidden freshwater lakes and rivers. Scientists have known about their existence for a long time, but they managed to lower the probe and look inside for the first time. It is unlikely that any of the discovered creatures are yet unknown to science, the researchers say, but they are interested in learning more about how amphipods survive in such harsh conditions.


June 17, 2022

Plastic-eating 'superworms' could solve global waste problem.

"Superworms" (Zophobas morio) eat polystyrene (disposable tableware, packaging, etc.), working as mini-processing plants. Plastic is broken down in their intestines by unique enzymes. If scientists can grow an intestinal enzyme in the lab, it will be possible to dissolve plastic on a large scale.


June 17, 2022

One tea bag can contain DNA from up to 400 species of insects.

Scientists analyzed 40 samples of tea and dried herbs that people most often buy in supermarkets. The researchers note that they found exactly traces of “environmental” DNA there, which can be caught even from the air. In order for the DNA of an insect to remain on a tea leaf, he only needs to nibble it. The trace remains for a long time, until the moment the tea enters the cup. The author of a new study admitted that he prefers coffee precisely because coffee beans are roasted, during which any DNA breaks down.


June 17, 2022

Tesla is suing Chinese beer maker Tesila Beer for trademark theft.

Last year at the Giga Fest in Berlin, Elon Musk announced his own beer "Giga Beer". However, Tesla has not yet started selling, but Sino Drinks Food Company created "Tesila Beer" and "Tesla Soda". Now Musk's company is demanding about $743,000 from the Chinese company.


June 17, 2022

7 charismatic signs of the zodiac that conquer others with one smile. Aries.

Aries are bold and enthusiastic, which makes them extremely charismatic. Everyone wants to hear their stories of adventure and adventure. Aries do things that you would never dare to do on your own, but you definitely want to hear about it and skip their story through yourself.


June 17, 2022

4 zodiac signs with the strongest guardian angels. Sagittarius.

Fiery creatures generally lack the instinct of self-preservation - Sagittarius are eternal seekers of adrenaline and are not able to live in peace. But it is unlikely that the wards of Jupiter would be so carefree if it were not for their guardian angel - next to the invisible assistant to Sagittarius, the sea is knee-deep, and the mountains are on the shoulder.


June 17, 2022

The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. Taurus.

Taurus try not only to read books, but also to apply the knowledge gained in practice. They are not used to focusing everyone's attention on their abilities and successes, and therefore often seem naive and lazy. But once you get to know them better, you will immediately find out that this is not the case at all. Taurus read thoughtfully and slowly, preferring applied literature: publications on cooking, needlework, interior design and detailed business development guides. If they picked up a work of art, they will definitely benefit from it. It is important for them that the book looks good on the shelf and is easy to read, so they always pay attention to the quality of the paper, font and cover design.


June 17, 2022

4 zodiac signs that radiate negativity more often than others. Capricorn.

Someone else's negativity makes you think about the situation, see the shortcomings and find the strength to develop. A person cannot always be in a good mood, but the editors of will talk about 4 signs of the zodiac, which are more difficult than others to hide their real feelings and hide behind a mask. Capricorn is a realist Capricorns are restrained, behave with dignity, but when faced with meanness, injustice and violation of personal boundaries, they become a powerful source of negativity. Capricorns always see the negative in people and situations, but often keep their opinions to themselves, taught by the bitter experience that straightforwardness creates conflict situations. Capricorn is more likely than other signs to face trouble, but does not lose optimism for a long time. When the negativity overflows and breaks out, it will seem to others that they themselves have lived through the difficult situation of Capricorn.


June 17, 2022


Capricorn♑️ You can do a lot if you don't try to do everything on your own. Contact trusted allies: they will be happy to support you again. Common affairs will bring them closer, relations that were previously purely business in nature will become less formal. Aquarius♒️ A day of great ideas and unexpected discoveries. There will be a chance to learn something important before others. You will find the application of the information received, try to get the most out of it. Successful coincidences are possible that will help solve complex work issues. Some Aquarians will have a chance to rise through the ranks. Pisces♓️ Great day to work. Today you will cope with it so well that it will not go unnoticed. There are also interesting proposals for cooperation, and rapid career growth. Many will want to know you better; it is possible that among the new acquaintances there will be very influential people.


June 17, 2022


Libra♎️ Pay attention to the ideas that come to you in the morning. Most likely, the opportunity to implement the plan will present itself in the near future. It is important not to get confused, to act quickly and decisively. Rely on your intuition: it will definitely tell you how best to proceed. Scorpio♏️ The beginning of the day is unlikely to be calm. Only a few representatives of the sign will be able to avoid the fuss and confusion. It is easy to commit rash acts, there is a risk of saying something hastily, making a promise without thinking about how you will fulfill it. If at this time you are careful, do not rush into decisions, then later on more than once praise yourself for this. Sagittarius♐️ It is hardly possible today to focus on one thing. Most likely, you will have to deal with several things at once, and not only your own. You will not make serious mistakes, but some minor mistakes are possible. It is important to notice them in time and correct everything. Friends and just good acquaintances will help you with this.


June 17, 2022


Cancer♋️ Great day to work. It is worth focusing on especially difficult cases: today you will have a chance to easily handle them. It is useful to take the initiative, to share ideas. There will be a chance to find allies, thanks to whose support you will achieve a lot in the near future. Leo♌️ Try to avoid disagreements and arguments at the beginning of the day. Finding a common language with others at this time will be more difficult than usual. It is better to postpone difficult conversations, discussion of general plans. The right moment for this will come later. In the afternoon, it is important to take financial matters seriously. Virgo♍️ You have to be careful in financial matters. Think twice before making unplanned purchases, making deals, making any serious commitments. The rest of the day will be favorable. You will cope well with both familiar and new things.


June 17, 2022


Aries♈️ This is not to say that the day will be completely without difficulties and problems. But there is no doubt that you will overcome all obstacles and achieve your goal. Particularly noticeable success will be achieved in cases that require both creativity and perseverance. You don’t want to quit what you started, abandon what you have planned, even if not everything will turn out well right away. Taurus♉️ Look at things realistically. This approach will allow you to avoid mistakes, successfully complete the cases to which you have given a lot of effort. The day is suitable for talking about work, discussing professional plans and things that you are going to do in the near future. Bude chance to find reliable allies. Gemini♊️ The start of the day will inspire and delight. This is a great time to meet like-minded people and discuss common plans. You will easily agree on how to act, and soon you will achieve the first successes. Successful trips are possible. Negotiations will go well with people who have arrived from afar.


June 17, 2022