Favorite female manipulation.

I think you guys can guess. Girls love to make us feel guilty. Some trifle women easily turned into a problem and inserted this idea into my head. And it doesn't matter what exactly triggered this problem. Even a glass broken by the girl herself, she can interpret as your fault. The purpose of this manipulation is background psychological pressure, in order to take control over a man. Everything is terribly simple. How to deal with it? Just do not allow to do this, nip in the bud. In a calm tone, let her know that you see this manipulation and perceive it as disrespect for yourself. Explain to her that if you try to repeat it, the conversation will be different.


June 18, 2022


No, I am not pushing you to cheat, because there will be no sense from it anyway. But light flirting and the opportunity to feel beautiful and desirable again will help to cheer up. Allow yourself to exchange a couple of remarks with a colleague or chat with an old friend on social networks. How else, if not through communication with another, shake up your feminine and remember that you are, why love? In 99% of 100%, you will get bored after a couple of hours, but the pleasant aftertaste will remain.


June 18, 2022


• Excessive flattery and praise of a man in the hope of getting something. • Manipulation with sex, sex bans, or grandiose promises. • Deliberate stupidity, although many men still find female "sweetness" in this. • Suspension when he doesn't do what you want. • Drawing on emotions through jealousy of other men. Forget those dirty tricks once and for all.


June 18, 2022

The world needs you!

A lively, emotional, strange and imperfect person… We're all trying to look like something, but no one needs a look. The world needs a soul. A point. Something alive. And the living is not something ideal, like a monument or a painting. The living is not a two—dimensional plane, where there is only one facade. The living is a river, changeable landscapes and currents. The world needs your mistakes, because mistakes say that you LIVE. The world needs your uniqueness. The world doesn't need your diploma and regalia — it needs your experience. Your hands. Head. Heart. The ability to delve into a subject and understand it. Don’t try to act like someone else, because the world needs you.


June 18, 2022


Are you already familiar with the formula for optimal brain performance? You won't believe it, but you already know. Moreover, you have already worked according to it. And this is the schedule according to which school education is built. It turns out that the duration of lessons and recess is very close to the formula of optimal brain productivity. Scientists from the University of Toronto, trying to find the best model of lunch breaks for office employees, found out that the brain's performance is able to reach its peak with short—term frequent breaks than on rare and long ones. Scientists explained this by the fact that the brain has a small reserve of energy, which requires replenishment every hour. The most OPTIMAL SCHEDULE is 52 minutes of active work and 17 minutes of active rest.


June 18, 2022

Sharpen your intuition.

Sometimes, in life we face a difficult situation and it is necessary to make a choice. We listen to ourselves, but our inner self is stubbornly silent. There is an effective technique for gaining insight. Here are the steps for the technique. Step 1. Formulate a task for your intuition (write it down, draw it, say it). Step 2. Shift your focus to things that are not related to your task. Step 3. Change your state of consciousness - sleep, meditate. Step 4. Go back to the original task, the inner voice will lead you in the right direction. In other words, you sort of load the task into the brain, but give your unconscious time to work with it. There may be a situation when a decision can come to you in a dream, because a DREAM is a projection of our unconscious, it is it that rules the ball. It is not surprising that many insights people see in a dream.


June 18, 2022

Which is good for mature skin.

Everyone's skin ages over time, no matter what they eat. Wrinkles happen and that's okay. Eating collagen-rich foods can slow this process down a bit. Collagen is a protein in our body, we start to lose it after 20 years. You can replenish your collagen stores with protein-rich foods. The most affordable: eggs, fish, dietary meat. Important! Vitamin C helps the body absorb collagen. But the use of salty foods is better to exclude, so as not to dehydrate the skin. When mature skin becomes dehydrated, wrinkles can become more pronounced.


June 18, 2022

The best and worst foods for dull skin.

Adding certain foods to your diet will help you look your best at any time of the year. Dull skin is often due to oxidative stress, such as exposure to pollutants and pesticides. One of the most effective ways to protect our bodies from oxidative stress is to consume antioxidants. Pay particular attention to the micronutrient lycopene. Lycopene is found in many red or pink fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, guava, papayas, and red peppers.


June 18, 2022

How to eat if the skin is prone to acne.

Acne is a combination of oiliness, inflammation and bacteria. We advise people with acne to lean on foods rich in vitamins and minerals, especially zinc. Take vitamin C from a variety of berries and fruits. Sources of zinc are plant foods, such as fortified cereals and pumpkin seeds. You also need to minimize or reduce your intake of dairy, as well as sugary or fatty foods. These foods inflame the skin and cause a surge of hormones that regulate sebum production. An increase in the amount of sebum produced can be associated with blockage of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of acne.


June 18, 2022

What to eat if you have oily skin of mixed type.

Since combination skin is a mixture of dry and oily skin, it's a good place to start by combining diets for both skin types. Combination skin types don't need to completely cut out carbs (but not simple ones). It is important to pay attention to what types of grains and wheat you eat. Carbohydrates can cause inflammation and upset the delicate balance of combination skin. Choose carbohydrates that are high in protein and low on the glycemic index, such as brown rice or quinoa.


June 18, 2022

What to eat if you have oily skin

Which products - yes, and which - no. People automatically assume that butter adds fat. Anti-inflammatory oils…on the contrary, can reduce it. Here are some foods containing anti-inflammatory oils: avocados, olives, fish, flaxseed. Limit your intake of fatty, over-processed foods like French fries and keep your sugar intake to a minimum.


June 18, 2022

What to eat if you have dry skin.

People with dry skin tend to be more thirsty. You need to hydrate yourself from the inside. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. And also moisturize the skin with the help of fatty acids contained in avocados, olive oil, salmon fish. And it is necessary to minimize the consumption of dehydrating foods and drinks. Excess caffeine and alcohol can dry out the skin. Dry skin is not just the result of dehydration. Lack of vitamins A and C can contribute to dry skin. Eat more spinach, broccoli, sweet potatoes.


June 18, 2022

Let's talk about how nutrition affects our skin.

Each skin type has its own diet. Just like with cosmetics, which are selected individually. Before compiling a menu for skin, determine your type Do not draw conclusions immediately after washing, wait a few hours and see how the skin behaves. In general, there are four main skin types: dry, normal, oily, combination. Each type can suffer from different problems: peeling, dullness, rashes, oily sheen. ✔️ If your skin is shiny and glossy, you most likely have an oily skin type; ✔️ Peel off, irritated - dry skin; ✔️Glossy and shiny in some areas, flaky and irritated in others - mixed; ✔️Normal skin can be dull with improper care and nutrition.


June 18, 2022

Beer can improve the composition of the intestinal microflora and reduce the risk of developing diseases in this organ.

This was confirmed by a small study by Portuguese scientists from the University of Lisbon. At the end of the four-week period, the researchers found that the volunteers had a more diverse gut microflora and increased levels of alkaline phosphatase, indicating improved gut health.


June 18, 2022

Spanish company Voicemod has developed Al Voices AI technology that changes the voice in real time without distortion.

The voices of actor Morgan Freeman, aircraft pilot, astronaut and AI assistant HAL-9000 from Arthur C. Clarke's A Space Odyssey are still available. The list will be updated, and access to the utility will appear in a few weeks.


June 18, 2022

Apple has topped the list of most valuable brands for the first time since 2015.

Last year's leader - Amazon - immediately moved to third place, also losing to Google. The rest of the top ten: • Microsoft - $611 billion; • Tencent - $214 billion; • McDonald's - $196 billion; • VISA - $191 billion; • Meta - $186 billion; • Alibaba - $169 billion; • Louis Vuitton - $124 billion


June 18, 2022

In Greenland, polar bears have learned to live without sea ice.

In the southeast of Greenland, scientists have discovered a special population of polar bears. They have adapted to climate change and have learned to survive without sea ice. This is unusual, because it serves as a platform for hunting. The discovery gives hope that the species can survive the climate crisis.


June 18, 2022

About 10% of adults in the world cannot read and write.

More than 770 million adults and 126 million young people in the world cannot read or write basic phrases. Two thirds of them are women. This was announced by the Director General of UNESCO.


June 18, 2022

Elon Musk will still build underground tunnels for cars.

The Boring Company idea was slightly changed and restarted. And for the first time received official permission to build. Las Vegas will be equipped with 50 kilometers of underground tunnels with 55 stations. Construction will begin in 2023, and users will be charged $12.


June 18, 2022

In the US, they are developing a pill that will replace fitness.

American scientists have identified a molecule that effectively reduces food intake and obesity. This molecule has been found in the blood. In a study, obese mice reduced their food intake by about 50% after taking a pill containing the molecule. Human trials are ongoing. The opening will help those who are physically unable to play sports - the elderly and the disabled.


June 18, 2022