It is necessary not to think, but to give the man what he wants.

Overwhelm him with caresses, fulfill whims, but not be intrusive in personal relationships (for example, “torment” him with calls, demanding attention to yourself). The strongest networks are invisible. It is with them that the skillful seductress braids the body, soul and brain of a man.


June 20, 2022

Sex must be of high quality.

It is known that over time, the former passion fades away, and in order for intimate life not to stop, partners should have sex often - at least 4 times a week. Frequent sex has a good effect on the psyche and overall satisfaction with life.


June 20, 2022

"Light as a feather"

Buy a large, beautiful feather from an adult store. Lie on your back, close your eyes and ask your man to stroke your entire body with a feather. At first it will be ticklish, but your task is to make this feeling go away. This will happen when you can completely relax. An excellent way of erotic meditation, which will allow you to focus on feelings here and now.


June 20, 2022

"Card deck"

Take a deck of cards and agree on the meaning of each suit. For example, let worms mean kissing, spades mean petting, clubs mean massage, diamonds mean oral sex. The number on the map is the number of seconds to implement this type of caress. Just draw cards randomly from the deck one by one and enjoy the game.


June 20, 2022

Hardening: benefit or harm?

Hardening is a procedure that improves health, positively affects the immune system and increases life expectancy. Scientists have found that the benefits of cold are precisely in those unpleasant sensations that it causes in humans. Ice water is a short-term stress for both the body and the psyche. Receiving information about this stress from the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland secretes certain hormones that activate the immune system, heal the heart and blood vessels. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, health status and age. You can not start hardening with extreme dousing with ice water or swimming in an ice hole, you need to prepare the body for this gradually, gradually lowering the temperature of the water or air and increasing the duration of the procedures.


June 19, 2022

The gut is the second brain.

The gut is sometimes called the “second brain,” and for good reason. Scientists have already proven that its microflora can affect the mood and memory of a person. The beauty and health of the whole organism depends on the proper functioning of the intestines. The good news is that the gut microbiota is not inherited – it can be “grown”, including with the help of probiotics, live microorganisms. But first you need to figure out what the microbiota is - experts talk about this.


June 19, 2022

Hormonal balance and green tea.

Green tea stimulates metabolism. Antioxidants increase the release of the neurochemical norepinephrine in the blood and promote its circulation better than any other caffeinated drink. More active (about three times) circulation of norepinephrine means effective fat burning. Tea contains antioxidants that boost the immune system. The antioxidants found in green tea travel throughout the body in search of free radicals. Not only do they eliminate them, but they can undo some of the damage they've already done. It has a relaxing effect on the body and at the same time improves brain function. Stimulates the production of alpha waves, which are usually activated during meditation. This effect neutralizes the jitters that many feel when consuming caffeinated beverages. Feel free to drink green tea to get rid of stressful tension.


June 19, 2022

When planning a trip to nature, use these tips and relax without annoying ticks!

1. Eucalyptus oil can be used alone or in combination with lemongrass oil to repel any insects. 2. Lemon This oil is said to be particularly effective in controlling ticks, fleas and even lice. 3. Mint This essential oil is toxic to insects and is an effective natural repellant. 4. Lavender The most amazing thing is that people love the scent of lavender, but ticks can't stand it. Moreover, this also applies to midges and mosquitoes. 5. Schisandra chinensis oil It has a bright citrus scent and is a natural flea and tick repellent.


June 19, 2022


Minor troubles and illnesses can catch on vacation. Therefore, in the summer first-aid kit should certainly be: Means for the treatment and treatment of wounds: antiseptics, bandages, plasters and healing ointments. Preparations for the treatment of sunburn. Sprays, foams and creams with panthenol heal and soothe the skin. Painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol) and antispasmodic (drotaverine) drugs. For pain, spasms and fever. Antihistamines. It is used for all types of allergies, including after insect bites. Gastrointestinal agents: sorbents (poisoning), antacids (from heartburn), enzymes (from heaviness in the stomach).


June 19, 2022

Be inaccessible.

Agree, you always want more what you can’t take at any moment. Do not sleep with him when he wants, do not be afraid to refuse, sex should be ONLY by mutual desire If you have important things for you, do not cancel them for the sake of a man NEVER! Or he will understand that you are completely in his power (and this is very bad) Do not allow everything in sex at once, then he will "hunt" for what he wants. Whether it's anal sex or blowjob, it doesn't matter.


June 19, 2022


The area between the anus and the scrotum is one of the most sensitive areas on the male body. Alas, women often deprive this place of attention, but it can and should be stimulated during oral sex.


June 19, 2022


It's such a peaceful pause in the middle of your bed frenzy. You can take a break from any weird positions in this cute position, so try it at your leisure. The partners lie on their sides facing each other (if possible, move to this position without interrupting the penetration), the woman throws her leg behind the man's back and presses against him. Sometimes it's even cooler than any incredible jumps on each other.


June 19, 2022

Simultaneous orgasm.

A man needs to learn to slow down, and a woman, on the contrary, to accelerate! How to "speed up" a woman? Tell him all your secrets. Accept masturbation as one of the ways to achieve simultaneous orgasm. How to "slow down" a man? Train your pelvic floor muscles. It is important to learn how to relax the muscles of the body during intercourse. Don't forget to breathe in your belly.


June 19, 2022

Important erogenous zone.

Remember one important erogenous zone in girls: the inner thighs! gentle stroking for a couple of minutes will make her wet.


June 19, 2022


Excessive requirements. It is necessary to look not for an ideal, but for a person who is close in spirit. It doesn't have to be rich or handsome. Mutual understanding, closeness of interests and aspirations is important. Loss of femininity. Not all representatives of the fair sex devote enough time to their appearance, figure, and behavior. Uncertainty, low self-esteem. When a person does not love himself, it is felt at the subconscious level and causes reciprocal emotions. Career focus. These ladies have a lot of fans, but the relationship does not last too long. They are married to work. Negative experience. If a girl gets burned once, she is careful and subconsciously pushes the guys away from her.


June 19, 2022


Holiday girl. She loves to party and is always on the lookout for someone who can pay her bill at the club and receive her in a "gift" package in return. "Blind" lover. Such women often become victims of deception, unwittingly becoming one of the sides of the love triangle. The man hid the fact that he already has a wife. Grey mouse She has low self-esteem and does not believe that someone will ever meet who will love her. On the offer of a married man to become a mistress, she responds willingly, wanting at least sometimes to be needed by someone. Born lover She knows that he is married, but this suits her, so she does not seek to insist on breaking up the marriage and moving into the status of a wife. Huntress. The hunter aims at the wife's place. She starts a relationship exclusively with a promising man.


June 19, 2022

Don't stop.

Immediately after voicing something important or the information that you want to instill in the interlocutor, move on to another topic. This is necessary in order to prevent him from trying to comprehend the information he has just received and thus confront it. Oftentimes I use a phrase like: "Let's continue..." and move on to another topic.


June 19, 2022

Changing circumstances.

This is a very common manipulation in sales and business. I won't beat around the bush, you'll see the example right now. During a presentation, you are suddenly told that your competitors have a better offer, but if you change your mind now, the deal will happen. They can also offer you a bonus, or reduce the price a little, but tell you that you have to make a decision here and now. The remedy is very clear: don't make hasty decisions or conclusions, and always remember that you are probably being manipulated.


June 19, 2022

If you are betrayed, it means you are taken to a higher energy level.

That is, the person becomes free to move on. When a person quits the old life program, the new opportunities open up at the same time. When a person passes the pain threshold, the new possibilities open up to her or him. Going through physical pain - the astral guide opens, going through emotional pain - the mental guide opens. Mental disappointment opens the spiritual door, so spiritual disappointment leads to deeper worlds and so on. That is why TRANSFORMATION is a challenge to your higher self. Being betrayed means being put into the hands of the Universe.


June 19, 2022

Microsoft decided to save the main music of the planet in case of an apocalypse.

A similar project already exists - this is the "Doomsday Vault", where the seeds of plants lie. Now, using exotic glass media, Microsoft will create a vault where the planet's top songs can survive any cataclysm for 10,000 years.


June 19, 2022