"Zone of trust" and how to get there?

How not to grasp the immensity and get to where you are not expected? So, it starts out simple. I'm not just teaching you how to trick someone, but also how to contact with people easier. First, we make body contact. Remember, never approach head-on. It's better to do it from the shoulder and preferably the right shoulder. This way you will create a more comfortable situation, and if it is your acquaintance, you can even touch the shoulder with your hand. Done! The path to the "zone of trust" opens gradually.


June 23, 2022

Any resistance can be manipulated.

I think you've met people who put their remarks everywhere and rebut everything they see. - I bought a car! - Congratulations, but white is impractical. But you can make them resist their own resistance. - I have a case for you, but you're probably not interested in it. - Why? Tell me! And do you think this person will take the information? Of course she or he will just devour it.


June 23, 2022

Learn to speak beautifully.

This is the way to convince others. Well, do you agree that if a politician doesn't stammer or mix up words, gives examples, uses turns and epithets, he inspires much more trust than a person who reads from a paper and has problems with putting two words together. In case you don't want to believe me, then believe Aristotle! By the way, this is also a kind of manipulation called "appealing to authority," but I just want to show you that manipulation originated with mankind and it is a natural part of life. It is important to change your intonation while speaking according to the subject you discuss, and this must be done discreetly, pretending that it is not artificial but natural, because natural is capable of keeping attention and persuading, while artificial is the opposite. People are suspicious of a fake speaker, as if he were plotting something against them, just as they are suspicious of poisoned wine.


June 23, 2022

Rammstein shakes the earth at his concerts.

The seismograph, which works at the DESY research center in Hamburg, recorded abnormally high noise from the Volksparkstadion stadium, where the band's concert took place. And it was not just a sound, but transverse ground vibrations, similar to an earthquake. This was probably caused by the stomping and jumping of the audience and the explosions of the pyrotechnics that Rammstein use during concerts.


June 23, 2022

Scientists predict the world a new wave of COVID.

New mutations of the omicron strain infect 50,000 to 70,000 people a day in Portugal, and some scientists say we may soon face an uncontrolled spread of the virus.


June 23, 2022

Now that's age!

Scientists conducted a study of 28 Greenland sharks and found among them the longest-lived vertebrate animal in the world. This is a 393-year-old Greenland shark that lived in the Arctic Ocean. She has been roaming the ocean since 1627.


June 23, 2022

Ubisoft has released a Save Notre Dame VR game inspired by the 2019 Notre Dame fire.

According to the story, players will get into the fire team on the night when the cathedral caught fire. The game was developed by French filmmaker Jean-Jacques Annaud, who recently released the documentary Notre Dame on Fire.


June 23, 2022

Scientists have shown a biorobot that runs on electricity.

Such technology could be applied in the human body in the future. For example, to replace the work of some organs or create implants that allow, for example, to equip a person with gills for underwater breathing.


June 23, 2022

Scientists from London have developed a device for levitation.

With the help of 256 ultrasonic speakers, they successfully lifted small balloons into the air and even controlled their formation. And as an increase in complexity, we worked with a plastic rabbit.


June 23, 2022

The parade of the five planets will be seen for the first time in 18 years.

Approximately one hour before sunrise on June 24, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible to the naked eye, all lined up. In this case, they will be located as they move away from the Sun. As noted, the last time such a parade of planets was observed 18 years ago, and the next one is expected in 2040.


June 23, 2022

Whether you believe or not in a guardian angel, he helps you.

He sends you signs to let you know you are on the right path. All those subtle hints, clues and messages remind you that he is there. If you don't notice them right away, they recur as anomalous or unexpected occurrences. With impending danger, he sends a warning that you need to pay more attention to what is happening around you. When you come across a warning sign, don't worry. Stop doing what you were doing, or pay attention to the warning. How exactly warnings are sent to us, we will learn in the following posts.


June 23, 2022

"He's lying - he doesn't remember himself": 6 signs of the zodiac that are more likely than others to deceive. Scales.

For Venusian Libra, it is important that there are no "sharp corners". This sign will prefer to distort the truth if it greatly upsets the balance. But outright lies are also unlikely to lead to balance. Therefore, the weight lie is more often a smoothing out of unpleasant details. Which, in general, is not always bad - Libra is considered an excellent diplomat. Although lovers of specifics, the Libra tendency to blur the bitter truth, which is more often attributed to Libra Men, may not work. Libra women are often hypocritical - for the sake of harmony in relations with others, these ladies may not say what they think, as long as everyone is comfortable.


June 23, 2022

The most intelligent and well-read signs of the zodiac. 11th place - Pisces.

Representatives of this sign in their lives often rely not on intellect, but on emotions and developed intuition. These people will never dive into what they are not interested in, and their commitment to knowing the secrets of human nature often makes them fans of esoteric and psychological literature. Also among Pisces there are many believers who read the sacred texts of their religion, including in order to better understand themselves. When it comes to fiction, Pisces often choose something unpredictable and emotional. It can be a sentimental novel or a light fantasy. The main thing is that the characters of the book should be alive and sensitive, and the author's descriptions should open up space for the imagination.


June 23, 2022

Secret weaknesses of all signs of the zodiac. Gemini.

The weakness of the Gemini lies in the fact that they put off everything until the last moment, whether it be important matters or a decision on which, if not everything, then a lot depends. These guys will do everything possible to start the planned as late as possible, just to avoid the duties assigned to them. To cope with this weakness, astrologers recommend Gemini to work on the organization of their time. And if this does not help, and big tasks still cause awe and horror in Gemini, they should divide them into smaller parts. So it’s easier to deal with them, and there will be more free time (which can be spent on relaxation and pleasant utilities).


June 23, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Keeping calm will be harder than you expected. First, there may be complex tasks that require immediate solutions. Secondly, there will be much more disputes and disagreements with others than usual. You will have to smooth out sharp corners. Thirdly, unexpected events will force you to change plans, and this will hardly please you. Aquarius♒️ Think about what you would like to change in your life. It is possible that today you will be able to take the first steps towards a new goal or achieve what you have been striving for a long time. It will be useful to take the initiative both in the business sphere and in personal relationships. If you haven't been getting along with someone lately, today is your chance to find common ground. Pisces♓️ It is important to tune in to a positive mood in the morning. In the morning, you may be overcome by unpleasant memories and disturbing thoughts; they will make you restless and irritable. Try to see not difficulties, but new opportunities. Lots of them open today.


June 23, 2022


Libra♎️ Will have to make an effort. You will be able to achieve noticeable success in your work, but it will hardly be easy to win victories. You will most likely have to put in the effort. However, your labors will not be in vain; in the middle of the day it will become clear that you are on the right track. Business relations will noticeably change for the better. Scorpio♏️ Don't get excited and keep your composure. This day can be quite stressful especially for Scorpios, who are used to acting on their own without consulting anyone. People around you may interfere in your affairs more often than usual, and this will cause irritation. Sagittarius♐️ Do not succumb to provocations in the morning. This is a difficult time in terms of communication. Not all of you will be able to find a common language. Even people who were easy to get along with before can misunderstand you. But heated disputes and sharp conflicts can be avoided.


June 23, 2022


Cancer♋️ A favorable, albeit rather hectic day awaits you. Unexpected offers are possible. Some Cancers will have the opportunity to do exactly the business that recently seemed to them especially interesting and promising. It will not be difficult to find allies. Among them will be people with whom it is very easy and pleasant to deal with. Leo♌️ Don't look for easy solutions. Answers to important questions today will not lie on the surface, and good ideas are unlikely to come to mind first. You will need time to understand the current situation and understand how best to act. It is worth listening to the advice of old acquaintances; thanks to them you will not make mistakes. Virgo♍️ Be proactive at work early in the day. You will have a chance to achieve great success, to cope well with what has not worked out for a long time. Good deals are likely. If you behave correctly, you can significantly increase your income. The day is suitable for contacting government organizations, paperwork.


June 23, 2022


Aries♈️ It is better not to make important decisions in the morning. At this time, you may succumb to bad influences or trust a person who does not deserve it at all. Wait a bit. Soon the impact of positive trends will increase. Things that previously could only be guessed will become completely clear. You will understand how to act. Taurus♉️ In everything related to work and business, you can rely on intuition today. It is she who will help you quickly navigate in a difficult situation, make the right decision, make good money. The day is suitable for negotiations, discussion of issues, because of which there were many disagreements before. Gemini♊️ Important business meetings can be scheduled on this day. You will make a good impression on new acquaintances, many will be interested in your ideas. The successes you achieve today will surely not go unnoticed. People around you will understand: you are capable of much.


June 23, 2022


Take a scarf, tie or sleep mask. Blindfold your beloved, start seducing him - slowly, inventively, without sudden movements. This game is also a good option for foreplay. In the absence of visual stimuli, tactile sensations are exacerbated.


June 22, 2022

Don't cheat on your partner.

It's about faking an orgasm. Few people know that 80% of women sometimes fake an orgasm. Of course, there is a momentary benefit from deception, but only constant deception can mislead a man.


June 22, 2022