Capricorn♑️ The day is perfect for communicating with new acquaintances, meeting people about whom you knew little before. You will make a good impression on many people. There will also be an opportunity to restore old ties, to make peace with those with whom you were in a quarrel. Trips will turn out well if you go on the road with your loved ones. Aquarius♒️ Today you will achieve a lot if you persevere. Not everything will turn out well right away, but you will not be tempted to quit what you started. Your determination will make a favorable impression on many. Surely there will be people who want to help you. Friendship or romantic relationships can begin with common affairs. Pisces♓️ It is better not to count on easy successes. Even if today you will only do familiar, well-known things, you will have to work hard to achieve the desired result. You can find assistants, but it is still better to solve the most important issues on your own.


June 27, 2022


Libra♎️ Try to solve all important issues on your own: no one can do it better than you. The day is suitable in order to complete some business to which you have recently given a lot of effort. The result may not be exactly what you expected, but still please. Unusual offers are possible. Scorpio♏️ You should not trust the first impression when it comes to money or property. Do not rush to make deals with new acquaintances or buy something from people you have met for the first time. Sagittarius♐️ Try not to be nervous about some minor events or things that do not directly concern you. If you keep your composure, the day will turn out well, will not bring serious problems. But Sagittarius, who briefly lose their balance, run the risk of encountering difficulties.


June 27, 2022


Cancer♋️ You will do a great job with many things, because you will take them seriously, you will not wait for everything to turn out well by itself. In the morning, some unexpected events may occur that will force you to change plans. A little later it will be possible to return to what was planned earlier. Leo♌️ It is better not to postpone anything for a long time. The beginning of the day will be interesting, bright and inspiring, perfect for bold experiments and new beginnings. This is a good time to finish things that have been started before, and to take on something new. Many Lions will be lucky in financial matters. Virgo♍️ The day is suitable for communicating with people who you would like to like. Making the right impression will not be difficult at all: just behave naturally, without false modesty, talk about your victories and achievements. Probably the beginning of friendships or romantic relationships that will give you a lot of vivid emotions.


June 27, 2022


Aries♈️ Try not to rush anywhere and take no risks. Decisions made on the go are unlikely to be successful. In a hurry, you can lose sight of something important or fall into a trap set by a longtime ill-wisher. You should not have long conversations with people who rarely understand you correctly and almost never support you. Taurus♉️ Focus on solving difficult issues. Today, many of your undertakings will be lucky, thanks to the support of the stars, you will be able to realize the most daring plans. However, it is important not to rush. Before you take any serious step, think it over carefully. This will avoid many difficulties. Gemini♊️ Take action. The day will be very favorable for you, and you will succeed in many ways if you do not waste time in vain. All serious decisions should be made on your own, the advice of friends and other people's experience will hardly be useful to you. Also, the day is good for creative activities.


June 27, 2022

Is there a risk of addiction?

Can the body get used to droppers so much that without them it will not be able to function normally and replenish vitamins? This is not to be feared, but there are other important points: 1. An overdose of vitamins and antioxidants, which can also cause health problems. 2. Reliance only on droppers with a complete disregard for the principles of proper nutrition and sleep patterns, the preservation of bad habits. After all, droppers bypass the intestines, and this body is in dire need of support through nutrition, sleep and exercise.


June 24, 2022

How often can IV therapy drips be given?

It is recommended to make droppers with an interval of 1-2 days, that is, 2-3 times a week. The components are stored in cells in high concentrations during the day. So that they work out completely and do not provoke an overdose, we do rest the next day. The general course is 7-10 droppers. We repeat depending on the situation for health and lifestyle. It is important to understand that droppers are just a start that will give you good health, but this does not negate the need for further health care, building proper nutrition and lifestyle.


June 24, 2022

What are the contraindications for IV-therapy?

1. Severe disorders of the kidneys and heart. 2. Severe cardiac arrhythmias. 3. Established allergy to dropper components 4. Exacerbation of psychiatric illness 5. Relative contraindications for individual drugs (kidney stones for vitamin C or low blood pressure for magnesium, for example).


June 24, 2022

Where do you need to start for those who want to do a course of droppers?

From analyzes! Since we will get the desired effect from droppers only when we understand the cause of the ailment (whether it is energy deficiency or hair loss) Find a doctor and a place. The higher medical education of a doctor is not a guarantee that the doctor has the skill of making droppers. It is necessary that the doctor has undergone in-depth training in this area. The clinic must hold a medical license.


June 24, 2022

What are the types of drips in IV therapy? Continuation.

5. Sports. Athletes experience colossal loads that are not covered by nutrition. Their supplements are also limited. Droppers help to replenish magnesium, potassium and avoid cramps, as well as increase the endurance threshold by increasing energy production. 6. Situational. Excellent help with headaches, high blood pressure, allergies, rashes on the face 7. Energy. With droppers we deliver all the cofactors to improve the work of "cellular power plants" - mitochondria. As a result - cheerfulness and increased mental performane. 8. Cosmetic. It has been proven that 1-2 drops before the procedure increase the effect of botulinum toxin and collagen production. In this case, droppers for collagen stimulation have been developed.


June 24, 2022

What are the types of drips in IV therapy?

1. Detox. These are droppers that contain all the cofactors that help the liver convert fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble ones and remove them from the body. Such droppers remove inflammation well (including post-COVID), eliminate the effects of negative factors on the body, and, importantly, prepare cells for the subsequent administration of vitamins and minerals. If the intercellular space is "clogged" with fragments of damaged cells, then there is simply no point in dripping vitamins. Fabrics need to be prepared. 2. Droppers for Replenishment of key deficiencies (Iron, amino acids, omega-3). 3. Antistress droppers. The work of the nervous system is very energy-consuming and requires elevated levels of magnesium, B vitamins. After 1-2 droppers, we see the restoration of sleep and a decrease in anxiety. 4. Antioxidant. This is about anti-aging and recovery after heavy loads.


June 24, 2022

How to behave correctly if a girl needs to be kept in good shape for some time?

I'm talking about situations when she is your “fallback option” and it seems that you don’t need to make close contact ... How to keep interest in it, but at the same time not go too far with your own? There is one great option for this task - funny pictures and videos. What should these pictures and videos be like? Yes, whatever you like - from cute kittens and memes on TV shows, ending with jokes on the actuality and funny (or interesting) pictures from life. Here you just need to feel out which of all this the girl likes more. However, one important point. You can’t pull with such a “keep in good shape” - more often in it, after a few weeks, she will begin to lose interest. It happens faster, sometimes they fall in love unrequitedly for six months. This is also a subtle point.


June 24, 2022

You need to leave the pathetic man.

A man is an object of strength and protection, a manifestation of care and love, not pity. • You will not be able to feel like a fragile woman next to him. • All the problems you will face will have to be solved by yourself. • Your relationship will only bring fatigue and disappointment. Usually such men try to be close to those women who have an innate sense of "motherhood". But a man is not a child.


June 24, 2022

6 ways to hurt his male ego (on purpose or not).

1. Point out his physical defects. Even if he is not perfect and does not seek to change, he does not want to hear about his shortcomings. 2. Doubt his salary. They are offended when a woman boasts that she earns more than him. If you earn less, then he may be offended that he earns little. 3. Fix it in front of other people. Most men want to believe that they know everything better than anyone. 4. Talk about other men. Any compliment or words of encouragement addressed to another man hurt his ego. 5. Talk positively about your ex. Any compliment to the former is a blow to the ego of the current. 6. Show dissatisfaction with him in bed. If a woman is not happy, this is a big blow for him.


June 24, 2022

Listening to yourself - why it's SO important.

People with low self-perception often find themselves in abusive situations. They can play the role of both the aggressor and the victim. It is difficult to say which is more horrible, though: to do it to someone else or to do it to yourself. Self-violence is also violence, isn't it? The best way to prevent it is to pay attention to your vulnerability and powerlessness as markers of own limits.


June 24, 2022

Do you believe in fairy tales?

There's one that most people believe in. It is that if you are bad and hence behave badly, you will either be punished or, what's worse, rejected. Fear of being rejected and punished is usually activated when you need to assert your limits, defend yourself, prioritize your needs, set your expectations and attitudes. Why is it so scary? Because at this point you are looking at the situation through the eyes of a frightened child, not as an adult. Who can punish the adult? Who can abandon him? Can anyone abandon a self-sufficient person who knows how to take care of her or himself and take responsibility for her/his own life? How is it possible to punish someone who knows how to set boundaries? That's right, no way.


June 24, 2022

Are you right- or left-handed?

Did you know that when people lie they involuntarily begin to move their hands, flip, touch something, etc?. Except that a left-handed person forgets to control the right hand and a right-handed person forgets to control the left hand. There are also ambidextrous, but there aren't many of them, to be honest.


June 24, 2022

The robot failed the tolerance test.

He was sexist and racist. American scientists pasted photographs of faces of people of different sexes and races on cubes, and then asked the robot to sort them and put them in a box. There were more than 60 tasks in total. For example, the robot needed to find a doctor, a criminal, a housewife, and so on. There were no clues in the photographs. It turned out that the robot is sexist and racist. For example, he considered black men to be criminals 10% more often than white men. The system also appointed Hispanics as cleaners 10% more often than Europeans. Doctors in the understanding of AI are men of any nationality, but not women. Experts fear that biased robots are already at work in factories and homes - it could be uncomfortable for people.


June 24, 2022

Electricity consumption is breaking records around the world.

Just last week, Texas reported an absolute record for electricity consumption. And today China announces a similar event. The country's premier even hinted at the reopening of coal-fired power plants to solve the problem.


June 24, 2022

Amazon offers those who wish to digitize the voice of deceased loved ones and embed it in an Alexa smart speaker.

According to the idea of the service, this is how you can remember your relatives and, for example, make sure that a grandmother reads a fairy tale to her grandson.


June 24, 2022

Caffeine makes you spend more money on shopping.

Drinking caffeinated drinks before and during shopping - coffee, tea, energy drinks, hot chocolate - makes people spend more money and buy products that bring pleasure: for example, home decor. American scientists came to such conclusions after five experiments involving almost 800 people. The researchers analyzed the receipts of customers who used caffeine before shopping and those who drank drinks without caffeine. This effect of caffeine is seen in those who drink less than two cups of coffee a day. In people who drink more, it weakens.


June 24, 2022