People choose friends by smell.

A team of scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel studied how smells affect friendships. It turned out that people are more willing to build friendships with those who smell the same as them. It was possible to prove this with the help of an experiment. First, the researchers analyzed the smells of the volunteers. They chose pairs of close friends of the same sex, whose friendship, they said, developed very quickly. The scientists also took odor samples from the control group, which included people who did not know each other. The analysis showed that there is a lot in common between the smells of friends.


June 27, 2022

Satellites measuring the magnetic field around the Earth began to fall due to strong solar radiation.

Since last fall, the Sun has been spewing more and more solar wind, flares and coronal mass ejections at an increasing rate. And the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere, as well as satellites, have already felt the consequences of this. The vehicles descend to the atmosphere at an unusually high speed - up to 10 times faster than before.


June 27, 2022

Tourism helps treat dementia

Scientists have come to the conclusion that new experiences that a person receives while traveling have a positive effect on brain function. This provides cognitive and sensory stimulation, and the need to adapt to new conditions while traveling makes the brain work harder. Tourism also involves a lot of movement, which is also useful for various diseases - physical activity is directly related to mental well-being. The authors of a new study propose to rethink the role of travel in medical practice and treat it not just as entertainment, but as therapy.


June 27, 2022

Forecast for the week from June 27 to July 03.

In the intentions and actions of people, there may be manifestations of immodesty, an overly harsh reaction in response to insufficient, in the subjective opinion of a person, attention and respect for his person. Sometimes this aspect encourages study, travel and attempts to popularize one's knowledge. But most often, an excessive need for fame and honor can lead to quarrels based on dissatisfaction. Improved interpersonal relationships in partnerships, in romantic relationships and just in relationships with others. A romantic acquaintance on this aspect promises the successful development of relationships. The financial situation may improve, well-being will strengthen. Financial success and lottery winnings are possible.


June 27, 2022

What lies behind the cheerfulness of these 6 zodiac signs? External openness Pisces.

Pisces become the soul of the company and have a subtle sense of humor and the ability to tell exciting funny stories. People around are often deceived by the lightness of the character of Pisces: in fact, the representatives of this sign are complex and multifaceted personalities who are not so easy to influence. A deep personal tragedy, experiences can be hidden behind the mask of Pisces' cheerfulness, but they are recognized in them only by close people.


June 27, 2022

Secret weaknesses of all signs of the zodiac. Libra.

Libra's biggest weakness is that they spray on the wrong people. Representatives of this sign love to be useful, they like to feel needed, help out, suggest, help, but the trouble is that they do not understand people at all. Sometimes it is very difficult for Libra to understand whether a person needs help, or whether he simply uses them, so kind and sympathetic, in his own selfish interests. To overcome this weakness, Libras must be very aware of when they give more than they receive, and learn to bypass dishonest people.


June 27, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Be patient: today you will need it. Not everything will turn out as we would like, and in order to achieve the desired result, many difficulties will have to be overcome. You will be willingly helped by old acquaintances, proven allies. Thanks to their support, you will cope with what has not worked for a long time. Aquarius♒️ Take on serious matters: today you will have a chance to do them well. Many Aquarians today will benefit from what they have learned before. Thanks to knowledge and experience, you will be able to defeat old rivals, disarm ill-wishers. People who previously doubted your abilities will realize that they were wrong. Pisces♓️ Act decisively. There will be no insurmountable obstacles on the way, you will definitely achieve your goals. Habitual work will be given easily, and you will cope with new tasks quickly. The experience gained earlier will allow you to quickly orient yourself in a new situation.


June 27, 2022


Libra♎️ Try not to lose your temper, even if you feel that someone is deliberately provoking you, trying to unbalance you. The ability to smooth sharp corners, behave diplomatically, quickly find an approach to different people will be very useful to you. It is better not to rush to solve financial issues: unsuccessful transactions and losses are possible. Scorpio♏️ Tell about yourself: others are really interested in learning more about you. Unusual meetings, acquaintances, which you will be very happy about, are possible. Proposals for cooperation are not excluded. If they are made by longtime allies, proven business partners, you can agree without much thought. Sagittarius♐️ It is worth tuning in a positive way from the very morning. The day awaits you restless, but auspicious. It is suitable for solving difficult tasks. It will be possible to find answers to questions that have baffled many. Some Sagittarians will figure out how to get the better of longtime enemies and find new allies.


June 27, 2022


Cancer♋️ The day will bring good news and interesting offers. Be prepared for unexpected events. Perhaps because of them it will be necessary to change plans. There will be more worries at home than usual. It is possible that someone close to you will need your help, for example, financial. Leo♌️ Today, more than usual, you will be in the spotlight. Your words and deeds will not go unnoticed. It will be useful: everyone will see what you are capable of. People who previously doubted your knowledge and professional qualities will understand how much they were mistaken. Virgo♍️ It is worth taking the initiative in business relations. Remind yourself to those with whom you once collaborated, think about how you can interest new assistants. Offers that will open up new professional horizons for you are not excluded. You can take on something completely new: you will quickly learn everything you need.


June 27, 2022


Aries♈️ Do not rush to start new important things. The first half of the day is much better suited to deal with current tasks or complete something that you have already devoted a lot of energy to. Business negotiations will go well if you take them seriously, think through everything you are going to say in advance, and do not rely on your ability to improvise and quickly find the right words. Taurus♉️ Don't waste time at the start of the day. This is a very favorable period, which gives a chance to achieve noticeable success in work, to cope with difficult cases. But the victories will hardly be easy: you will have to make an effort. Be prepared to make important decisions on your own. Gemini♊️ Be persistent, today without it it will hardly be possible to succeed. The day will be favorable for negotiations, discussion of issues related to work and business. You will get great advice, you will be able to enlist the support of influential people. Some Gemini will make friends with those with whom they were previously only connected by business relations.


June 27, 2022

5 warning signs your guardian angel wants to tell you something. 3. Suction under the spoon.

The solar plexus is the most sensitive area of ​​your body. This energy center is most attuned to the mental world, and it is there that signs of warning appear. It can look like nausea, nagging pain, butterflies, and even discomfort. Don't ignore these feelings. Pay attention to what happens as soon as it happens. For example, if you feel nauseous every time you are around a certain person, then it means that you better stay away from him. The sensation can range from a nauseous feeling in the stomach to goosebumps. If you are doing anything at this moment, stop. And ask your angel to help you understand this feeling so that you can do something about it.


June 27, 2022

What lies behind the cheerfulness of these 6 zodiac signs? Curiosity Gemini.

From the outside, it seems that the Gemini are free and frivolous individuals, for them life is a holiday full of bright events and impressions. They create a relaxed atmosphere around themselves and easily find contact with unfamiliar and difficult people. Hidden behind their cheerfulness is a desire to get to know this world and people in it, as well as a craving for a rich life and communication with interesting people.


June 27, 2022

Secret weaknesses of all signs of the zodiac. Virgo.

Virgo's biggest weakness is that she's too hard on herself. She blames herself for everything, criticizes herself a lot and never gives herself peace when something goes wrong. To overcome this weakness, Virgo must remember that problems are not always her fault. She needs to understand that mistakes are experiences and they don't mean she's a failure.


June 27, 2022


Capricorn♑️ The start of the day can be quite stressful. It is possible that you will have to deal with several things at once, to solve problems that have arisen through no fault of your own. However, the influence of positive trends will rapidly increase, and with each hour the support of the stars will become more noticeable. Aquarius♒️ Try not to dwell on the little things. The day will bring a lot of good, will open up a lot of interesting opportunities, but you risk not noticing this if you think only about what did not work out for you or turned out unsuccessfully. Try to spend more time with those who understand and support you. Pisces♓️ You will surely want to devote the day to some useful business. The circumstances for this will be the most favorable. You will achieve a lot if you don't waste your time. Be ready to improvise, come up with something new. Proven methods are unlikely to be effective.


June 27, 2022


Libra♎️ Whatever you do, try to take it seriously. Difficulties may arise where you did not expect them at all. But you can handle everything and achieve the desired result if you do not count on quick wins and easy success. Many Libras today will benefit from the knowledge gained a long time ago. Scorpio♏️ The day will pass calmly and pleasantly. It will be favorable in order to complete the work begun earlier; there will be no difficulty here. There will also be time for some interesting activities. Some Scorpios will remember a long-standing hobby, and it will again give a lot of vivid impressions. Sagittarius♐️ Feel free to take on new things, even if they seem difficult. You will be able to achieve success in what until recently you almost did not understand. Interesting acquaintances are likely, the beginning of friendships or romantic relationships is not excluded. Today it will be easy for you to find a common language with different people. Many you will understand perfectly.


June 27, 2022


Cancer♋️ The start of the day will be light and inspiring. This is a good time to take on something new. You will quickly achieve the first successes and understand where to move on. Friends will be willing to help, and you will become very close to them, doing common things. Relationships that were previously cool or tense will become more relaxed, trusting and harmonious. Leo♌️ Do not be afraid to be in the spotlight, today it will do you good. The day is well suited to share ideas with like-minded people, talk about what you are going to do in the near future. It is possible that they will offer you help, give excellent advice. Pleasant acquaintances are likely. Virgo♍️ A great day to meet a person with whom it was not possible to find a common language for a long time. You will quickly understand each other, agree on joint actions. Relationships that were uneven before, often upset you, will become much more harmonious. It may turn out that the cause of many problems lay in a simple misunderstanding


June 27, 2022


Aries♈️ It is better not to start this day with important things. You will need some time to gather your thoughts, decide what to take on first. And it will become much easier to agree on something with others in the afternoon. The morning should be devoted to those activities that are interesting to you, although they seem completely useless to others. Taurus♉️ Talk about important things, discuss issues that haunt many. Today, even those who are usually only interested in their own opinion will pay attention to your words. And relatives will heed your advice and will not make mistakes that could cause serious problems. Gemini♊️ Not the best day to talk about work or discuss some important issues related to money. Think about an activity that would make you happy and try to find time for it. The emotional background can be quite tense. But if you keep a positive attitude, then the day will pass pleasantly and fruitfully.


June 27, 2022

5 warning signs your guardian angel wants to tell you something. 2. Dreams or premonitions.

One of the easiest ways for your angel to communicate with you is through your dreams. We are usually more open to messages from the spirit when the human ego is asleep. A dream may occur long before the event itself - it may be a car or plane accident. This will not necessarily happen again in life, but this is a warning. A strong premonition that something bad is about to happen can be worrisome, but it can also save your life. Many plane crash survivors report having nightmares in the weeks leading up to their flight. Every time you have an emotionally charged dream, you need to pay attention to it. This is an early warning sign from your angel. Dreams and premonitions are designed to help you sort out your thoughts and feelings, and then decide what actions to take and what not to take.


June 27, 2022

What lies behind the cheerfulness of these 6 signs of the zodiac. Boundless optimism Sagittarius.

Sagittarius maintains good spirits, even when others are desperate. Representatives of this sign know how to calm, give hope and find the right words. Behind the fun of Sagittarius lies a rich life experience and faith in the decency of people, so he is ready to endlessly support loved ones.


June 27, 2022

Secret weaknesses of all signs of the zodiac. Leo.

The weakness of Leo is that he sometimes does not think about other people. He puts his own needs above others, doesn't want to compromise, and can be selfish. To overcome this weakness, Leo needs to learn how to communicate with other people and develop empathy. Leo must consider the needs of other people and learn to compromise effectively.


June 27, 2022