How to make a girl burn with anticipation. When you leave in the morning, whisper passionately in her ear.

When saying goodbye, gently tell her about something suggestive. For example: "I can't wait to get back" or "I'll be thinking about you all day."


June 28, 2022

How to make a girl burn with anticipation. Leave her a note.

If you don't see each other for a few days, try leaving notes for her where she can find them. Tell them about your plans that you will implement upon your return. Leave one on the pillow or on the steering wheel of the car. On a shelf in the bathroom or in a drawer with linen. Anywhere she sees the notes.


June 28, 2022

How to make a girl burn with anticipation. Talk to her.

The next time you are in a crowded place or at a party, tell her what you would do with her if no one bothered you. For example: "If not for all these people, I would have already torn off your clothes."


June 28, 2022

How to make a girl burn with anticipation. Messages.

Try texting your girlfriend a couple of hours before the meeting. Hint what you plan to do with it when you see it. It could be anything. From kissing leading to bed to cooking dinner.


June 28, 2022

How to make a girl burn with anticipation.

Building anticipation is the cornerstone for increasing sexual tension. Anticipation is born naturally at the beginning of any relationship. When you don't know each other yet and have no idea what the next date will be like. And you wonder what the sex will be like. Let's figure it out.


June 28, 2022

Recommendations for self-education

1. Prepare a learning atmosphere. The environment is much more important than you think. What you surround yourself with can either encourage the desire to learn, or do the opposite. 2. Note helpful material. This skill is called active reading. After reading the book, reread all the selected information — doing so will help memorize and not forget the general plot or idea of the book. 3. Apply carious learning techniques Cross-training is extremely useful. Even if you're crazy about books, don't get hung up on them: • Read magazines; • Watch documentaries; • Read articles on the topic. 4. Don't believe everything you read. Even if you find the most convenient sources to study from, you should never think that all the information in them is 100% authentic. When you read different textbooks, some of them may contradict each other. Do an in-depth study to find the silver lining.


June 28, 2022

Mercantile check.

More precisely, a tricky move if you have serious suspicions about the intentions of the girl. Does she really want to talk or just plans to pump out some amount. This usually happens when a guy does not fully understand what the girl “thinks to herself there” in general. At the same time, there are hints of dinner at a restaurant and events of a similar magnitude. What to do in order not to lose the entire scholarship / salary? Invite her to a park or similar place where no big expense is expected. Especially summer - the weather gives a wide choice, and it can also justify such a decision at the meeting point. The behavior of a girl on a date will show you whether there is actually an interest or whether she just wants to "indulge in a man" and relax at his expense.


June 28, 2022

Intimate relationships at work - is it possible or better not to?

Quite a difficult question. Having an affair at work is perhaps one of the easiest ways to start a relationship. And on in fact, if corporate ethics has not imposed a serious taboo on this, I don’t see anything wrong with that. You just need to go for it after weighing all the pros / cons and evaluating WHAT the girl expects from the relationship. Is she ready to just sleep or does she want to "bite" into the possibility of cohabitation (or even worse). A colleague who is offended by you is a hefty thorn in your career in this place. So, be extremely careful. As for the rapprochement itself, everything is much simpler here (that's why many people get to know each other at work). The connection is established, a common language is found - you just need to make a few amenities like morning coffee, a funny postcard or a small vase with flowers on her table (so that colleagues do not understand anything). Then you can call for a date


June 28, 2022

Signs that your marriage is over.

Little things bother you. You understand that everything in a man makes you angry. The slightest oversight leads to a quarrel: you no longer agree to turn a blind eye to such trifles as an open tube of toothpaste or a poorly washed cup. You no longer discuss plans for the future. You talk about upcoming events with anyone, but not with him. There is not a single desire left that would motivate us to make joint plans. You avoid conflict. Whenever an argument starts, someone is sure to withdraw into themselves and cease to maintain a dialogue.


June 28, 2022

What to do if the husband does not want a child?

Don't push the man. There are ladies who are ready to start conception as soon as they have played the wedding. Let your loved one get used to the role of a husband first. Visit families with children. Sometimes men exaggerate too much the problems that arise after the birth of a toddler. Remember your priorities. Let the man know that motherhood will not become a stumbling block in your relationship with him. Pay attention to your beloved, arrange romantic evenings for him, say compliments, praise for any achievements. Plan your baby only together. And nothing else. Alas, some girls decide to get pregnant without informing their husbands. Girls, it doesn't work like that! A man must be ready both morally and financially.


June 28, 2022

If a man destroys your personal space.

How to act if you understand that your partner is simply “choking” you? Often we do not notice the line where care ends and total control begins. In fact, the neglect of personal space in a relationship is the psychology of an abuser. Numerous calls with questions: “When did you have lunch?”, “What time will you be back?”, “Don't forget to write when you get to the office” - this is not a concern, this is violence! If you feel like you're in a vice, don't take it! First of all, make your position clear. Let your husband know that you are a grown woman and do not need such overprotection. Alas, in most cases the abuser ignores such requests. In reality, he is not interested in anyone's boundaries. If all attempts to rectify the situation have failed, the only way out is separation. And in order to no longer fall for the hook of a toxic partner, create a strong alliance according to your own rules.


June 28, 2022

How to gain the upper hand in an argument?

Very easy. Start accusing your opponent of something. "You just don't respect me!" "Why are you raising your voice?!" "You don't understand me!" The main thing I advise is to say phrases of this kind as calmly as possible. And the cherry on the cake is your beautiful French exit, that is, suddenly turn around and leave without saying goodbye after one of the phrases. And no, you will not look like a fool.


June 28, 2022


Who of us hasn't fallen for such scams just to prove that he or she can? Everyone has been bait in this way, even me. However, even this manipulation can be carried out differently, including so that it is followed without even blinking an eye. "Look, I don't think you're up to this job, why don't you ask someone else?" In this case, it would be just a challenge. And how about proving yourself to others⁉️ So you can start practicing at home, and then you can catch bigger fish.


June 28, 2022

Watch the head position carefully!

If a person tilts or turns their head when asked a direct question, it most likely indicates that she or he is lying. I say "most likely" because it is not always a reliable indicator. However, more often than not, the head tilts back or turns to the side just before the question. But also don't forget to watch the facial expressions.


June 28, 2022

Leaning to expose the liar.

- Did you take my computer yesterday? - No, I didn't. And now let's ask the same question again, while leaning toward the opponent. And if you're sitting, it's more effective to stand up and ask the question while leaning over the interlocutor. Why does it work? Because it's psychological pressure and breaking social boundaries. This is how the brain under pressure begins to produce truth. So I advise you to try this method, you can start with children if you feel they are lying.


June 28, 2022

Guys, don't you forget to tease girls?

This is one of the most important elements of flirting! Of course, teasing and joking should not be rude and not malicious, but as it were ... Playing like with a cat. How? Noticing the awkwardness that the girl allows or pinning up some bright features. Just do it with love! And here it makes no sense to give specific examples. In addition, that banter should be individual (I explained why above). Templates still won't give you the most important "ingredient" for banter - a sense of humor! And I have already given you more than one recipe for nurturing this feeling, but in the context of banter there is one ideal option.


June 28, 2022

Note to the guys: find YOUR place!

Whether it's a coffee shop, a chocolate shop, a bar, a restaurant, a hookah bar... No matter! The main property is that you can come to this institution with a girl. What for? To create high significance in relation to you, and you, in turn, feel maximum confidence. After all, a nice hostess greets you at the entrance, the bartender asks how you are doing, and the waiters know what you prefer. This is an ideal situation for you to "grow up" in the eyes of a girl - that is, become more attractive. How to achieve this? Go to this place on your own or with a company for a few weeks. Of course, the more time spent there, the better the result. But even this period is enough not to shake over the menu and not be afraid to call the waiter.


June 28, 2022

If you are underestimated.

It means that: ⠀• They assert themselves at your expense. ⠀• Your value is difficult to endure and digest for someone's weak consciousness. ⠀• Someone doesn't want to change when they meet you.


June 28, 2022

4 types of men with whom there will be problems.

1. Infantile man with low self-esteem He will not take responsibility, does not seek to help, protect. He needs to be helped, looked after. 2. Counter-addicted (fearful of intimacy) emotionally distant, successful and attractive He is afraid to fall into the "love network", but that is why he wants to win. Relations with such a man are filled with constant fear: “Something is wrong again?”, “Am I really not trying hard for him?”. 3. Narcissistic and charismatic, overly self-loving He exaggerates his abilities and achievements, he is convinced that everyone around him is envious. The narcissist has poor control over his emotions, is impulsive, touchy. 4. Cynic, aggressor, sadist and psychopath At the beginning of the relationship, he is "white and fluffy". But there are "bells": ironic remarks, swing "I love - indifferent." Lies, uses the "gaslighting" technique.


June 28, 2022

Keeping personal boundaries breeds trust.

Even the happiest and most exemplary spouses need to move away from each other in time. Men want to go to football, women want to go shopping with their girlfriends. This makes it possible to refresh emotions, “reset”, so as not to finally get stuck in a routine. But it happens that women practice active intrusion into the personal space of their man. And this is a sign of emotional dependence! Freedom is equally important for both partners. When you do not leave your spouse alone, control his every step, he thinks that you do not trust him. Hence conflicts and forced separation


June 28, 2022