Interesting statistics.

According to social surveys, 78% of secretaries sleep with their bosses. 50% of them make love to their boss for financial gain, 30% want to get married successfully and only 20% of girls do it for love.


June 30, 2022

"Not so fast!"

You undress and lie naked on the bed. Your posture should be as erotic as possible. The partner stands at the entrance to the bedroom. Now let's see how well he knows you. You ask him questions about yourself, ranging from sexual ("What's my favorite sex position?") to personal ("Name my dream vacation spot"). After the correct answer, he approaches you one step; takes a step back after a wrong one.


June 30, 2022

The language of love is time.

When you spend time with your partner, you are giving them your attention. Therefore, you give away part of your energy and life. But feel the difference. Being close and being together are two different things. Some couples can spend hours in the same apartment, but exist, as if at different poles. Advice: Put away all gadgets, forget about urgent calls. Pay attention to each other. Someone will want to arrange a romantic candlelit dinner. Some choose to ride bikes. Still others will prefer to go on climbing courses. Choose what unites you! Love language is when you do something together. This is how pleasant memories are accumulated, which later help to strengthen the union.


June 30, 2022

Set up your own life.

Personal life is not a husband and three children. This is what you are without them. The thoughts that your brain produces. The books you read. The food you eat and cook. The people you communicate with. Do you understand how many? That's why he loves you. And they love you as long as you love yourself: you take care of your body, pump your brain, communicate with the world.


June 30, 2022

What does a person prone to codependency look like?

Actually, a person like that is not difficult to recognize at all. A codependent person in a relationship will inevitably try to: ▫️make their partner happy even if it goes against their principles. ▫️ignore their own desires, wants and needs for the sake of the other. ▫️adapt to their partner's mood. ▫️avoid conflicts at all costs. ▫️if you ask them: "What do you want to do today?", their answer would sound something like: "I don't care, what do you want to do?" Do you recognize yourself? No? Well, then I'm happy for you. However, if you see yourself in some of these, then you should think about working on it.


June 30, 2022

How to WANT things?

Why does the question about how to clearly express wishes arise, and why isn't it always enough just to want something? It's simpler than it seems, and I'm afraid I'll disappoint you by saying that there's no magic in it. Well, almost no. It's not about meticulously describing your desires as an experienced lawyer. The point is that when we think about our wish in detail and reflect on how clear and comprehensible it is, when we imagine it, write it down on paper, etc., we actually fix our attention on it. Our mind begins to RECOGNIZE our desires, to focus on them, so that we linger on it and it doesn't just get lost in the endless stream of our thoughts. It's time! Things are going to be different now! Just put your mind to your desire.


June 30, 2022

The best emotion of manipulators.

And that is anger. After all, it's much easier to respond to aggression with aggression than to hold it in check. Well, agree with me, isn't that right? However, it's easier to manipulate you that way. Firstly, that's how a person subjugates you, and secondly, makes a fool out of you. This is the main goal of an aggressor, and usually he or she repeats this trick again and again. The easiest thing you can do is to leave or not respond to the aggression at all and try to have a constructive dialogue.


June 30, 2022

If you want to psych someone out, look at her or him fixedly.

If you are trying to find out some important information from the conversation but feel that one is evading the truth, then keep a straight eye contact until she or he reveals all the cards. Eye gazing is a subtle psychological trick that is a veiled form of attack. Staring into one's eyes during the conversation, you challenge him/her in some way. So, the victim subconsciously experiences fear and understands that in order to overcome it, she or he needs to tell the truth.


June 30, 2022

That's the speed!

The only one who could compete in punching speed with Bruce Lee was Muhammad Ali. He was able to strike at a speed of 0.04 seconds, which is comparable to blinking. But this boxer was a heavyweight.


June 30, 2022

Did you know?

Human saliva contains opiorphin, a peptide that has three times the pain-relieving power of morphine.


June 30, 2022

The smell of fear.

Many people love the smell of freshly cut grass. But few people know that this is exactly what fear smells like. The fact is that plants regard this as an attack, and therefore produce chemical compounds that we feel.


June 30, 2022

Benefits of bats.

Bats eat so many insects that they save the US over $1 billion a year (less crop damage, less pesticide required).


June 30, 2022

Interesting facts about chocolate.

M&M chocolate stands for the initials of the inventors Mars and Murry. Switzerland eats the most chocolate in the world, at 10 kg per person per year.


June 30, 2022

Drones for Africa.

Wingcopter is preparing 12,000 cargo drones for the world's largest deployment across Africa over the next five years. Wingcopter 198 is a device with a wingspan of 198 cm and the ability to carry up to 6 kilograms of cargo. It can move at speeds up to 144 km/h for a distance of up to 110 km. The Wingcopter is designed to operate completely autonomously, but the operator can also use the station software to control and control up to 10 drones at the same time. Such operations make a lot of sense in Africa, where insufficient infrastructure is an obstacle not only to economic development, but also to issues such as health care. This fleet of drones will enable the rapid delivery of goods, medicines, laboratory samples and vaccines to remote areas.


June 30, 2022

New Gucci collection for pets.

Gucci has released a collection of clothing and accessories for pets, from jackets, carriers and collars to porcelain bowls with brand logos. The latter attracted the attention of netizens the most - because of their cost of $4250. Bowl lids sold separately.


June 30, 2022

Forecast for July 2022.

July is the perfect time to rethink your plans. There are big changes ahead, so you need to prepare for them: get rid of bad habits and negative thoughts. By the way, it is better to keep emotions to yourself, otherwise you will get bogged down in conflicts with relatives. It is better to find yourself a new hobby - it will help relieve stress. Just try to choose something not extreme. Now it is worth making a choice in favor of relaxing activities: reading, drawing, yoga or meditation. At the beginning of the month, pay special attention to relationships with friends and colleagues. Now it is important to create a good psychological atmosphere. Especially at work. Otherwise, you may face difficulties in your career. In mid-July, events can develop unpredictably. You don't have to try to control everything. Observe everything from the outside and adapt flexibly to changes. The end of the month will give you the opportunity to relax. The stars advise you to put aside all your affairs and devote all your free time to family and loved ones. Especially if you have children or elderly relatives - now they may need your support and help. Treatment at the end of July will be most effective.


June 30, 2022

Rating of adventurous signs of the Zodiac, taking the maximum from life. 3rd place - Scorpio.

Scorpios love to challenge themselves. They firmly believe in the value of knowledge and always try to learn something new. Being under the influence of this desire, it is difficult for them to sit too long in one place. Scorpios are characterized by ambition, energy and a desire to constantly get acquainted with the unknown.


June 30, 2022

Show more What lies behind the cheerfulness of these 6 signs of the zodiac? Rest "with chic" and Leo.

Lions have a great sense of humor and the ability to respond to the sharp jokes of others. They quickly become the center of attention and fun in any company. For Leos, fun is another way to build relationships with others, strengthen their authority and have a good time with friends.


June 30, 2022

Secret weaknesses of all signs of the zodiac. Capricorn.

The biggest weakness of Capricorn is that he is too negative. He always sees the glass as half empty. Even when things aren't going too badly, there will always be something that upsets a Capricorn. To overcome this weakness, Capricorn must learn to see the positive side of things. As soon as the representatives of this sign learn to focus more on the positive than on the negative, he will learn to truly appreciate life.


June 30, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Try not to waste your time. The first half of the day will be very favorable, well suited for solving many issues. It will be useful to take the initiative in both business and personal relationships. There will be an opportunity to correct some mistakes made earlier, to catch up. Aquarius♒️ Act decisively. This is not the easiest day, but very promising. There will be a chance to successfully complete a difficult task to which you have already given a lot of effort, to solve an important working issue. Negotiations will go well, your opinion will be listened to even by those who were not at all interested in it before. Pisces♓️ Any ideas you come up with today deserve attention. Perhaps they will seem strange or too bold to others, but you should trust not someone else's opinion, but your own intuition. Decisions made today will be important for the development of your career, will allow you to take the first step towards a long-established goal.


June 30, 2022