How to receive gifts?

Remember how mistresses behave who are given apartments / cars: - flirt - Give intimacy - a passionate night of love - Released to freedom - Receive gifts! What do most wives do? Correctly! They do not trust and constantly control. Instead of “I’m waiting for you, my love,” they shout into the phone: “Hello, where are you?” They forget about flirting, about the female condition, they do not know how to enjoy life and give this joy to their man. Men are naturally unemotional! They need recharging with positive emotions from women. They are charged and delighted, looking at our satisfied eyes, get high on how we enjoy. They are attracted to women who know how to have fun! From themselves, from their man, they motivate him to succeed, "blow his wings." They want to be close to such a woman and throw everything at her feet!


July 5, 2022

Habit tracker

Celebrate your desired habits daily to bring them to automaticity. In a month, you will be able to track the progress of working with the habit, understand how comfortable the mode you have chosen and understand whether this habit suits you or not.


July 5, 2022

Our internal resources.

People have huge internal resources, but rarely use them. With the help of meditation, you can calm down without pills. If you listen to your own intuition, you can avoid danger and even death. If a person does not know what hidden talents he has, you need to remember what he admires most in other people. Similar skills can be developed in yourself.


July 5, 2022

In Britain, an antique vampire hunter set was sold for 13 thousand pounds.

It belonged to a high-ranking 19th-century official, Lord William Haley. The set includes standard tools for fighting evil spirits: a Bible, crucifixes, a bottle of holy water, a rosary, two pistols and a wooden stake. The buyer of the antique set wished to remain anonymous.


July 5, 2022

The British have found the largest water lily on the planet.

Its diameter is three meters. Scientists have discovered a third species of giant water lilies from the genus Victoria. Its seeds were misidentified and brought to Britain from Bolivia 177 years ago. For almost two centuries, the water lily Victoria boliviana grew in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and no one knew about its uniqueness. Before that, it was believed that only two species of giant water lilies of this genus grow on the planet - Victoria amazonica and Victoria cruziana.


July 5, 2022

Artificial intelligence will test the Chinese for loyalty to the party.

The Hefei Research Institute in China has developed an AI that is able to test members of the Chinese Communist Party for party allegiance. Due to the loud discontent of the citizens of China, the institute removed the research from the public domain. According to scientists, the AI ​​was supposed to read the reaction of politicians to the news and draw conclusions about their loyalty - "do they feel gratitude to the party, do they listen to the words of the party and follow the party." Thus, the researchers planned to apply new technologies to strengthen the Chinese Communist Party. 43 party members participated in the AI ​​test.


July 5, 2022

Fountain with beer.

The Austrian "Beer Party" has set up a fountain with beer on the central square of Vienna - anyone can pour themselves a glass of foam. The beer fountain was promised 2 years ago, when the party won a seat in the local parliament, then the election promise could not be fulfilled due to the coronavirus. But the pandemic ended and the promise was kept.


July 5, 2022

In Las Vegas, robot couriers have started delivering VR porn.

The company VR Bangers has launched courier robots that deliver porn around the city - a VR headset with a video selected by the client. Its rent for a day and delivery services cost $50. According to him, customers are guaranteed anonymity and sterility of the equipment. If the service becomes popular, the fleet of courier robots will expand - now there are five of them.


July 5, 2022

Essential oils are also high vibrations.

Clinical studies have proven that essential oils have the highest frequency of any substance known to man. What is frequency? This is the number of vibrations per second. According to Royal Raymond Rife, MD, each disease has its own frequency. And a substance with a higher frequency can cure a disease with a lower frequency. For example, a healthy human body usually has a frequency of electrical oscillations in the range of 62 - 78 MHz, and diseases begin when this frequency drops to 58 MHz. And now attention: the frequency of essential oils can reach 320 MHz!! That is, oils, having high vibrations, create an environment in which neither bacteria, nor viruses, nor fungi a priori can survive. Therefore, the chemistry and frequencies of essential oils can help a person maintain an optimal state of health.


July 5, 2022

About essential oils.

Essential oils are not just cool-smelling liquids that we pour into a diffuser. Although this too. First of all, you need to understand that essential oils are not oils and have nothing to do with the class of fats! They consist of aromatic hydrocarbons and evaporate after 30-180 minutes from a sheet of paper, leaving no greasy stain. Each drop of fragrance contains several groups of chemical compounds: from aldehydes and ketones to alcohols and ethers. And from several tens to several hundreds of chemicals, each group of which has its own effect on the human body.


July 5, 2022

The main products to increase hemoglobin.

▪Carrot juice. The greatest effect if you drink 3-4 times a week in a glass. One glass of juice accounts for about 500 grams of carrots. ▪Strawberries and wild strawberries. Naturally, fresh fruits without cooking will give the greatest result. ▪Beets. It can be either grated or made into beetroot juice. ▪ Drinking rose hips with honey is not only beneficial for immunity and general vitality, but also for increasing hemoglobin. ✔ Foods that should make up our diet: buckwheat, apples, raspberries, pomegranates.


July 5, 2022

What mistakes can increase the risk of kidney stones?

1. Lack of fluid intake. Water helps the kidneys to cleanse the body of metabolic products, which turn into stones. 2. Drinking a lot of carbonated drinks. They contain phosphoric acid, which contributes to the formation of stones. 3. Eating red meat in large quantities. Red meat is high in purines, which stimulate the production of uric acid and cause stones to form. 4. A large amount of sugar in the diet. Foods high in sugar and fructose create a favorable environment for stone formation. 5. Lack of calcium. A decrease in calcium in the menu leads to an increase in the amount of oxalates in the body, which gradually causes urolithiasis. 6. Use of protein diets. They increase the level of uric acid in the blood, increasing the risk of urate stones.


July 5, 2022

Me and my shadow...

All the things we don't want to be, don't want to have, don't want to live with and don't want to allow into our own lives form our SHADOW. Denial can't make your shadow go away, it just puts it out of sight. ⠀ The word "no/rejection" pushes the unwanted away from us but it cannot eliminate it. From then on, the rejected lives in the shadow of our minds. ⠀ Remember: Little children firmly believe that if you close your eyes, you can become invisible. In the same way, we believe that it is possible to free ourselves from half of our "kind of not my qualities" without noticing them in ourselves.


July 5, 2022

Practice to develop your uniqueness.

Each of us is unique, the main thing is to discern your own characteristics. Take a pen and a piece of paper and write down what you think makes you different from others. What is it about you that interests people? Write about your personality and appearance. What do you like to do, what are your interests, what can you do better than others. Our experiences are also unique. Describe your most memorable experiences. What books or movies inspire you? How have your views on life, on politics, on people, on society, on business, on money, on yourself been formed? Who and what influenced them? This exercise makes you feel real.


July 5, 2022

What causes emotional burnout.

This is a long process caused by an imbalance between the expenditure of energy and its normal recovery. To regain your former energy, you need to figure out what exactly is consuming your strength in vain. The list can be long, but it's worth highlighting a few: ▫️any chronic overload; ▫️working for the sake of work; ▫️worries about the past, worries about the future; ▫️toxic environment; ▫️empty chatter, meaningless get-togethers; ▫️lack of communication with nature and yourself; ▫️routine life, lack of any significant events What should you do? Minimize the impact of all of the above on your life as much as possible.


July 5, 2022

The Volkswagen auto concern is engaged, among other things, in the production of sausages.

The German carmaker has been making its own currywurst at its Wolfsburg plant since 1973. The company produces more than 18 thousand sausages per day and they even have their own number in the spare parts catalog, and each package is labeled VW Original Part, which translates as “Volkswagen Genuine Part”.


July 5, 2022

Which country has the least sex?

The Japanese are the least likely to have sex on the planet. By 2060, the population of Japan will be reduced by a third, unless a miracle happens, due to which the birth rate in the country will increase. One of the reasons for the decline in population growth is that among the Japanese there is a new kind of male - otaku. Manga pictures, anime and computers they like much more than sex. Tokyo is the largest metropolitan area in the world with over 35 million people. Looking at this city, it's hard to believe that there are some kind of fertility problems in Japan.


July 5, 2022

Erection during sleep.

During sleep, a man has about 9 erections, no matter what he dreamed about.


July 5, 2022

The history of the handshake.

Handshakes were originally meant to make sure the person you meet wasn't hiding a weapon. By squeezing the hand, they determined that there was nothing in it, and by shaking it a little, they were convinced that nothing was hidden inside the sleeve.


July 5, 2022

5 signs of the zodiac that hide Woland in their souls. Gemini.

Cheerful, funny, cheerful Gemini hide Woland in themselves? - exclaim the friends of the air guys and faint. Haven't you noticed that sometimes the wards of Mercury behave strangely and look aloof? At these moments, Gemini and communicate with the inner Devil. Step aside, otherwise it will jump out and gore.


July 5, 2022