Don't forget to say thank you.

From ancient times there is a cosmic law: if a person is not grateful for the given help or knowledge, the energy of gratitude will still be taken away from him in one way or another. The unthankful person disrupts the balance of energies, so it seeks restoration at the soonest opportunity. ⠀ Just as a lake, from which water has been taken for irrigation, takes water from other places to restore its level, and it does not matter whether such water comes in a downpour or from nearby wells. ⠀ So always be thankful.


July 6, 2022

Rhinos have reappeared in Mozambique after disappearing there 40 years ago.

Mozambique, after a civil war and rampant poaching, is restoring its wild fauna - the first white rhinos were brought into the country from South Africa. They disappeared in this East African state 40 years ago. The animals were taken to the Zinave National Park. More than 2.3 thousand re-imported animals already live there. In the next two years, 40 rhinos are planned to be resettled in Mozambique. In ten years, there will be a thriving population.


July 6, 2022

Global warming is driving methane emissions four times faster than previously thought.

An increase in temperature promotes the production of this gas, activating microbes in swamps. At the same time, natural reactions to neutralize gas in the atmosphere are slowed down due to more frequent forest fires.


July 6, 2022

China has quarantined almost two million people.

A new outbreak of coronavirus began in Anhui province, where almost 300 Chinese were infected in one day. The authorities decided that it was very dangerous and locked up 1.7 million residents for prevention.


July 6, 2022

Vinyl records are back.

In 2021, vinyl record turnover was $1 billion, up 61% from a year earlier. The jump is so big that the producers are physically unable to cope and declare that it is time to start building large vinyl plants.


July 6, 2022

The Eiffel Tower is rusty and in urgent need of repair.

Experts argue that the only way out is to almost completely disassemble it, repair it, repaint it and reassemble it. The renovation will be completed by the end of 2024. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, and initially its service life was not to exceed 20 years. Every year this attraction is visited by about 6 million tourists, it ranks fourth in attendance after Disneyland, the Louvre and the Palace of Versailles.


July 6, 2022

5 signs of the zodiac that hide Woland in their souls. Cancer.

Cancers never ask for anything, especially from those who are stronger. Why do you think? Yes, because this life motto was whispered to them by Woland. But the pets of the Moon hide their tenant from others - they have enough oddities even without the inner Devil.


July 6, 2022

The main sycophants according to the sign of the zodiac. Gemini.

Not to say that Gemini is afraid of conflicts. If Libra is hypocritical and fawning out of fear of conflict, then Gemini does not have a similar goal - the goal of protecting themselves. This sign is very versatile. He is famous for his ability to find a common language with everyone. Gemini tend to have many connections and be friends with everyone. Each time they turn their right side and at the same time look completely sincere. Geminis know how to talk to whom, when to talk, and about what. These are flatterers and opportunists by nature, who often do all this “on the machine”, without implying any evil at all.


July 6, 2022

Rating of adventurous signs of the Zodiac, taking the maximum from life. 9th place - Pisces.

For Pisces, there is nothing more important than family and caring for loved ones. They are always ready to help and never ask for anything in return. However, getting out of their own comfort zone is extremely difficult for Pisces. They are afraid to miss something important, not allowing themselves to enjoy life to the fullest. In their case, it is simply necessary to at least sometimes take time for themselves, to be curious, ambitious and free.


July 6, 2022


Capricorn♑️ Today, many will turn to you for support and advice. You will not lose your composure, even if absolutely everything does not go according to plan, do not succumb to provocations, and in any difficult situation you will make the right decision. Aquarius♒️ No need to rush. You will succeed if you act consistently, avoid unnecessary fuss. Decide for yourself what you focus on now and what you put off for later. The advice of acquaintances is unlikely to be useful, but, unfortunately, they can confuse you. Pisces♓️ Great day for business communication. Meetings with potential partners and employers will go well, negotiations will end exactly the way you wanted. Financial issues will also be successfully resolved. Some Pisces will be able to achieve a noticeable increase in income.


July 6, 2022


Libra♎️ At the beginning of the day, it will be difficult to avoid the hustle and bustle, to focus on one thing. This is a restless, but fruitful time: you will do a lot of good not only for yourself, but also for others. Good news regarding work is likely, unexpected offers promising quick profits. Scorpio♏️ Don't get excited. Today, it is especially important to maintain self-control and not succumb to provocations. The day will open up many new opportunities, but in order to take advantage of them, self-control and composure will be required. It is worth being legible in business contacts, do not share your secrets with everyone in a row. Sagittarius♐️ Focus on work: today you will have a chance to solve complex problems, strengthen your professional position. If you share your ideas with someone, they will surely get support. A long and fruitful collaboration can begin. Some Sagittarius will make friends with those with whom they have previously worked.


July 6, 2022


Cancer♋️ The beginning of the day is unlikely to be without unrest, but serious problems will not arise at this time. Do not worry if something goes wrong: the situation will soon be under control if you keep your composure. The middle of the day will be especially favorable for work. You will solve complex problems, cope with what others did not succeed. Leo♌️ The beginning of the day will be favorable for communication. This time is well suited for discussing plans, talking about the future. Suddenly you will be supported by people who previously doubted the correctness of your ideas. Interesting proposals regarding work, long-term cooperation are not ruled out. Virgo♍️ A good day for important conversations. There are a lot of interesting and serious topics for them. Do not rush into business if you do not yet know exactly how to succeed in them. Wait, collect more information, consult with those you trust. All this will avoid many unpleasant moments.


July 6, 2022


Aries♈️ The day will be quite busy. It is important to prioritize correctly, not to waste too much time on trifles. There may be unfortunate coincidences, some unfortunate incidents, minor problems that you will need to deal with on your own. Do not lose confidence in success, no matter how the circumstances develop Taurus♉️ At the beginning of the day, it can be difficult to keep your composure. You will be especially impressionable, you will begin to take to heart what you simply would not have paid attention to at another time. Try not to worry about minor annoyances. The situation will soon change for the better. Gemini♊️ Great day for new beginnings. They will be lucky, you will quickly achieve the first successes. Old acquaintances, people to whom you once rendered important services, will be willing to help you. It will be easy to study. You will quickly remember everything you need, learn a lot of useful things.


July 6, 2022

How to apply essential oils to hair to achieve the desired effect?

Natural essential oils are highly concentrated substances. They cannot be used in their pure form. For hair care, oils need to be slightly diluted: - when washing your hair with shampoo: put 1-2 drops of your favorite oil on your palm with shampoo and rub it into your head for about 2-3 minutes; - do the same with hair balm; - when rinsing, add a couple of drops of oil to water or herbal infusion (if you wash your hair separately in a basin or bath); Aroma Combing: Place a drop on a wide-toothed comb and run it through damp hair. It is important not to overdo it and use only 1-2 drops of oil per hair wash. Hair after using essential oils is shiny and soft.


July 5, 2022

Experiment with poses.

Finally, you can turn to a variety of positions where you can delay the "sweet" moment by withdrawing the penis for a little pause or control over the partner's body. In conclusion, we can say that the feeling of being a sex leader does not come from the duration of sexual intercourse and not even from the size of manhood. The box always opens simply, and if you are in harmony with yourself and your partner, then you can always take the impregnable fortress of her orgasm, if not by quality, then by the number of assault attempts.


July 5, 2022

Masturbation: pros and cons.

Masturbation, which is known to be practiced by teenagers and can be one of the causes of premature ejaculation in adulthood, can also serve well. Firstly, you can try to learn how to control the sensations of the penis, delaying ejaculation as long as possible, and, secondly, in the most banal way, resort to masturbation a few hours before sexual intercourse. According to the laws of the same nature: the lack of male seed will inevitably lead to a lengthening of the time of sexual intercourse.


July 5, 2022

The first and most effective way.

The first and most effective way to not come quickly is to use special condoms (with the so-called freezing / cooling effect) and anesthetic lubricant. Sex can become really long and the problem will be on the other side: how not to rub your partner, turning languor into sadism.


July 5, 2022

What do you need to quickly not finish? We understand the reasons.

Instilled by Hollywood masterpieces of an erotic-adventure nature, the incentive to believe that sexual intercourse is LONG, no matter how sorry, is just a myth. The fact is that a person must constantly improve himself by overcoming natural instincts. People constantly should not do something, and they are ready to look for ways to solve the problem, overcoming what was once laid down in the subconscious by nature. For example, not to sleep after dinner, so as not to be fired from work (natural instinct says: eat - sleep). Or not eating too much so as not to get better (natural instinct says: eat as much as possible to be ready for starvation). And finally, do not finish during sex for as long as possible to please your partner (natural instinct says: have sexual intercourse as soon as possible, until something prevents you from conceiving an heir).


July 5, 2022

What do you need to quickly not finish?

Many men who are sexually active are concerned about premature ejaculation. This problem worries not only teenagers, and therefore it can be considered quite relevant at any age. The causes of premature ejaculation can be various factors, ranging from overexcitation to the consequences of youthful onanism. And yet, premature ejaculation worries a much larger number of males than it might seem.


July 5, 2022

How to save a marriage?

1. Start with yourself. Don't try to change your partner. It's impossible. Honestly and calmly analyze: what are you doing wrong? For example: you control every step of your husband, you criticize him. 2. Learn constructive dialogue. Replace reproaches with "I-statements". Not “You didn’t throw out the trash again, how many times should I remind you!”, But “I get upset when house cleaning agreements are violated.” 3. Take an interest in his affairs. Let's be honest: do you know how your spouse lives? What does he dream about, what career plans does he make, how does he imagine the perfect day off? Talk to each other, share experiences and spiritual secrets. It builds intimacy and builds trust.


July 5, 2022